Erasing Southern Pride: U.S. Army War College Removing Confederate Generals Portraits

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Lee was an empty suit (remember Gettysburg), Jackson was a bigot, and Grant was nothing but a politician. The most brilliant stratigist and morally superior general was an Irish immigrant who came up through the ranks based on his results rather than rely on a West Point diploma. If the South had listened to him, they'd have won the war.


Those are such stupid lies you are obviously trolling, which is about all that libtards are good for these days anyway.

American hero.

Hardly. All he did was burn Atlanta and proclaim that "War is hell". Duh!

Cleburne was a true American (unsung) hero.

Why do we still rever these TRAITORS who fought to maintain SLAVERY?

Both sides in the Civil War were wrong. The North fought to prevent secession and suppress state's rights, an issue that was only decided by might, not right. The South fought to preserve their states' rights to slavery.

Cleburne proved the issue for the Confederacy was slavery when he proposed that the only way to win the war was to free and arm the slaves. Jeff Davis et al shut him up--to their eventual defeat. Ironically, Lee and Davis eventually agreed with Cleburne's idea, but only when the end became inevitable and the opportunity for action was way to late, as Cleburne predicted.
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Why do we still rever these TRAITORS who fought to maintain SLAVERY?

Both sides in the Civil War were wrong. The North fought to prevent secession and suppress state's rights which an issue that was only decided by might, not right. The South fought to preserve their states' rights to slavery.

Cleburne proved the issue for the Confederacy was slavery when he proposed that the only way to win the war was to free and arm the slaves. Jeff Davis et al shut him up--to their eventual defeat. Ironically, Lee and Davis eventually agreed with Cleburne's idea, but only when the end became inevitable and the opportunity for action was way to late, as Cleburne predicted.

Guy, somehow I don't think that after decades of whippings, of watching their sisters and daughters being raped by the master, of watching their children being sold off for a tidy profit, that the Confederates were just going to hand the slaves some guns and that would have turned out really well for them.

"See, you're totally free now. Now go and kill those guys who spent the last four years fighting to free you!"

Yeah, that'd have worked out well.

No, "both sides" weren't wrong. The South was wrong. It tried to destroy the greatest country on earth so a few rich white assholes could keep owning other people.

What we really need to do is stop letting the South feel better about itself. We need to underline- Slavery was wrong. the Civil War was wrong. Jim Crow was wrong. The Klan was wrong.

When you get the Redneck on Duck Dynasty saying "he never saw blacks mistreated" growing up in the South, you know you have people who are in pretty serious denial.
Those are such stupid lies you are obviously trolling, which is about all that libtards are good for these days anyway.

Look him up and get back to me. And I'm hardly a liberal. I learned all this stuff by studying my gr-grandfather who was in the Texas cavalry, and his brother who was killed in the Battle of Atlanta under Cleburne (how I came to learn about him).
You can't talk about Irish feelings towards slavery and leave out their hatred of blacks and the 1863 new york riots.

I gave you two reasons for the wide-spread support for the Union from within the Confederate states, neither of which had to do with 'love' of blacks or a lack of racism. And the riots in New York were draft riots, you LARPer idiot.

You're trying too hard.
I gave you two reasons for the wide-spread support for the Union from within the Confederate states
This is laughable, their wasn't any wide spread support for the union in the south.

Guess that depends on your definition of 'widespread'. Here is a map of the vote for secession by county in the South.

Mainly areas of the South not dependent on slave plantations economically were generally pro-union. One county I think in Mississippi fought a guerilla war against the Confederacy for a good part of the war. Jones County, Mississippi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the American Civil War, Jones County and neighboring counties, especially Covington County to its west, became a haven for Confederate deserters. A group of deserters, led by a self-appointed "Captain" Newton Knight and calling themselves Knight's Company, engaged in sporadic battles with State and Confederate units sent to arrest them for desertion.[4] The notoriety of Knight's rebellion led to the growth of elaborate stories alleging Jones County's "secession" from the Confederacy and the establishment of an entity called "The Free State of Jones". The event was heavily fictionalized in the 1948 movie Tap Roots.

In fact, Jones County never seceded from the Confederacy and in fact supplied a goodly number of men to the Confederate cause.

Nevertheless, when the call initially went out to send representatives to debate on the issue of secession the inhabitants of Jones County voted overwhelmingly for the anti-secessionist John Hathorne Powell, Jr. In comparison to the pro-secessionist J.M. Bayliss, who received 24 votes, Powell received 374. Before the war at least, Jones County was firmly pro-Union

Just draft riots? No blacks were beaten by Irish? Just posting the federal government? Is that what you are claiming?

I think he is just thinking of the big draft riot New York is famous for, and it was about more than *just* fear of black freemen, it also had a lot to do with the rich being able to buy their way out of the draft and the general sense it was a federal attempt to force Irish immigrants to fight that had refused to volunteer in the previous heavily recruited Irish areas.

The link I will post debunks your wide spread argument and shows the riots were more than just draft riots.

The New York City Draft Riots of 1863

Good info, but you two seem to be speaking past each other, and I think yo are more in agreement than disagreement on the Civil War.
You people of the South don't know what you are doing. This country will be drenched in blood, and God only knows how it will end. It is all folly, madness, a crime against civilization! You people speak so lightly of war; you don't know what you're talking about.

War is a terrible thing! You mistake, too, the people of the North. They are a peaceable people but an earnest people, and they will fight, too. They are not going to let this country be destroyed without a mighty effort to save it… Besides, where are your men and appliances of war to contend against them? The North can make a steam engine, locomotive, or railway car; hardly a yard of cloth or pair of shoes can you make.

You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical, and determined people on Earth — right at your doors.
You are bound to fail. Only in your spirit and determination are you prepared for war.

In all else you are totally unprepared, with a bad cause to start with.
At first you will make headway, but as your limited resources begin to fail, shut out from the markets of Europe as you will be, your cause will begin to wane. If your people will but stop and think, they must see in the end that you will surely fail.

-William T. Sherman, at the outset of the war.

Turns out he was right.
Ok Ok I finally made it up to town. VICTORY You start to mail off Christmas presents with that little pirvr of stuff I gave up.I got duct tape in a christmas festive pattern.

Why do we still rever these TRAITORS who fought to maintain SLAVERY?

Both sides in the Civil War were wrong. The North fought to prevent secession and suppress state's rights which an issue that was only decided by might, not right. The South fought to preserve their states' rights to slavery.

Cleburne proved the issue for the Confederacy was slavery when he proposed that the only way to win the war was to free and arm the slaves. Jeff Davis et al shut him up--to their eventual defeat. Ironically, Lee and Davis eventually agreed with Cleburne's idea, but only when the end became inevitable and the opportunity for action was way to late, as Cleburne predicted.

Guy, somehow I don't think that after decades of whippings, of watching their sisters and daughters being raped by the master, of watching their children being sold off for a tidy profit, that the Confederates were just going to hand the slaves some guns and that would have turned out really well for them.

"See, you're totally free now. Now go and kill those guys who spent the last four years fighting to free you!"

Yeah, that'd have worked out well.

No, "both sides" weren't wrong. The South was wrong. It tried to destroy the greatest country on earth so a few rich white assholes could keep owning other people.

What we really need to do is stop letting the South feel better about itself. We need to underline- Slavery was wrong. the Civil War was wrong. Jim Crow was wrong. The Klan was wrong.

When you get the Redneck on Duck Dynasty saying "he never saw blacks mistreated" growing up in the South, you know you have people who are in pretty serious denial.

OH dear god you got your reference from uncle towns cabin didn't you?
The woman who wrote that propaganda never had been to the south.
Those are such stupid lies you are obviously trolling, which is about all that libtards are good for these days anyway.

Look him up and get back to me.

I don't care about what you claim for the 'one good' Southern commander you cite.

You said, "Lee was an empty suit (remember Gettysburg), Jackson was a bigot, and Grant was nothing but a politician." These are three of the most ridiculous, stupid lies I have ever seen uttered about the civil war. It is simply astonishing.

Lees actions at Fredericksburg, Wilderness, Second Bull Run and the Seven Days battles are still studied for their brilliance. you say Jackson was a bigot but by todays ridiculous standards everyone back then was a bigot if not a racist, even Lincoln himself. Jackson taught some black children how to read and thought slavery an inferior institution that would one day crumble.

Black History Month: Review of ?Stonewall Jackson?s Black Sunday School? by Rickey E. Pittman; Illustrated by Lynn Hosegood | Rhapsody in Books Weblog

Grant was a genius, the only general to be able to defeat Lee and then only by using superior forces which had not worked for any of his predecesors. Grant was one our best generals and a genuine hero as was Sherman and Sheridan.

And I'm hardly a liberal. I learned all this stuff by studying my gr-grandfather who was in the Texas cavalry, and his brother who was killed in the Battle of Atlanta under Cleburne (how I came to learn about him).

lol, bullshit, how on Earth do you learn falsehoods by reading real history? if what you just said was even true.
My Grand mother spoke of her hatred for Sherman many times when she was a live.

I'm sure there are Germans who said horrible things about Patton after the war, too.

I'm sure you worship Hitler, but I would not be bragging about it.

The heroes of ones enemies in war are often reviled for their successes, but that is small minded thinking.

Sherman did what he did to bring the war to a quicker end and to seal the union with the South by force.

He is a hero to the Republic if not humanitarian book clubs and old Southern Confederates.
Those are such stupid lies you are obviously trolling, which is about all that libtards are good for these days anyway.

Look him up and get back to me.

I don't care about what you claim for the 'one good' Southern commander you cite.

You said, "Lee was an empty suit (remember Gettysburg), Jackson was a bigot, and Grant was nothing but a politician." These are three of the most ridiculous, stupid lies I have ever seen uttered about the civil war. It is simply astonishing.

Lees actions at Fredericksburg, Wilderness, Second Bull Run and the Seven Days battles are still studied for their brilliance. you say Jackson was a bigot but by todays ridiculous standards everyone back then was a bigot if not a racist, even Lincoln himself. Jackson taught some black children how to read and thought slavery an inferior institution that would one day crumble.

Black History Month: Review of ?Stonewall Jackson?s Black Sunday School? by Rickey E. Pittman; Illustrated by Lynn Hosegood | Rhapsody in Books Weblog

Grant was a genius, the only general to be able to defeat Lee and then only by using superior forces which had not worked for any of his predecesors. Grant was one our best generals and a genuine hero as was Sherman and Sheridan.

And I'm hardly a liberal. I learned all this stuff by studying my gr-grandfather who was in the Texas cavalry, and his brother who was killed in the Battle of Atlanta under Cleburne (how I came to learn about him).

lol, bullshit, how on Earth do you learn falsehoods by reading real history? if what you just said was even true.
Cleburne was a good General but for someone to say he was better than Lee or Jakson is a little far fetched.

Johnson Hagood from South Carolina was another good General
Both Cleburne and Hagood worked and used what they had access to and made it work

American hero.

My Grand mother spoke of her hatred for Sherman many times when she was a live.

As she had every right to do.

Personally, from the perspective of a US citizen of our times, I see that Sherman did what he had to do to bind the South to the union for the foreseeable future. He visited the same forms of kindness to the Plains Amerindians later.
Another attack on White History as well as American history. Fox News is reporting the US Army War College is considering removing portraits of Confederate Generals. An unidentified administrator is wondering why we honor these Americans.

Please, call or write to the US Army War College to voice why these portraits are a part of American History and should be preserved (be kind and considerate and just voice your concern).

US Army War College considers removing prints depicting Robert E. Lee, Confederate generals | Fox News

This is merely another example of political correctness to the extreme.

There are many black Americans who have honorably and and are still serving in the US Army. Colin Powell comes to mind. Perhaps some of them have been offended by seeing the protraits of Confederate Generals.

We must not offend an Army Officer who is being trained to wage war on our enemies.
Look him up and get back to me.

I don't care about what you claim for the 'one good' Southern commander you cite.

You said, "Lee was an empty suit (remember Gettysburg), Jackson was a bigot, and Grant was nothing but a politician." These are three of the most ridiculous, stupid lies I have ever seen uttered about the civil war. It is simply astonishing.

Lees actions at Fredericksburg, Wilderness, Second Bull Run and the Seven Days battles are still studied for their brilliance. you say Jackson was a bigot but by todays ridiculous standards everyone back then was a bigot if not a racist, even Lincoln himself. Jackson taught some black children how to read and thought slavery an inferior institution that would one day crumble.

Black History Month: Review of ?Stonewall Jackson?s Black Sunday School? by Rickey E. Pittman; Illustrated by Lynn Hosegood | Rhapsody in Books Weblog

Grant was a genius, the only general to be able to defeat Lee and then only by using superior forces which had not worked for any of his predecesors. Grant was one our best generals and a genuine hero as was Sherman and Sheridan.

And I'm hardly a liberal. I learned all this stuff by studying my gr-grandfather who was in the Texas cavalry, and his brother who was killed in the Battle of Atlanta under Cleburne (how I came to learn about him).

lol, bullshit, how on Earth do you learn falsehoods by reading real history? if what you just said was even true.
Cleburne was a good General but for someone to say he was better than Lee or Jakson is a little far fetched.

Johnson Hagood from South Carolina was another good General
Both Cleburne and Hagood worked and used what they had access to and made it work

The South had so many good generals, if they could have traded them for more supplies they might have won the war.
Another attack on White History as well as American history. Fox News is reporting the US Army War College is considering removing portraits of Confederate Generals. An unidentified administrator is wondering why we honor these Americans.

Please, call or write to the US Army War College to voice why these portraits are a part of American History and should be preserved (be kind and considerate and just voice your concern).

US Army War College considers removing prints depicting Robert E. Lee, Confederate generals | Fox News

This is merely another example of political correctness to the extreme.

There are many black Americans who have honorably and and are still serving in the US Army. Colin Powell comes to mind. Perhaps some of them have been offended by seeing the protraits of Confederate Generals.

We must not offend an Army Officer who is being trained to wage war on our enemies.

Bullshit. Southerners were trained under the portraits of Grant and Sherman for decades; had they no right to not be offended? Of course not, they needed to grow thicker skins if they had a problem and learn from Sherman and Grant as much as they could anyway.

Your view is the PC extreme, not McGarrett's.
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