Erasing Southern Pride: U.S. Army War College Removing Confederate Generals Portraits

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Yes, I do. For example, when I mention support for the Union among people living in Confederate states and you respond by trying to fabricate an argument about absolutely unrelated draft riots in New York, that's a straw man argument. When you later try to fabricate arguments about details regarding those draft riots when no point of contention had or has been raised - and the topic is STILL unrelated to the original point, those too are straw men.

That clear it up for you, LARPer?

Total bull shit. you said their was wide spread support for the union in the south you also mention the Irish and how they felt about slavery. You open the door for the New York riots and the hate of blacks from the Irish. I gave proof you have yet to give proof about the wide spread support straw man.

I said there was wide spread support and I explained in detail what that means. I mentioned that many of the pro-unionists in the South were German and Irish immigrants who had no love for slavery or for the plantation elites. These are facts of HISTORY, 'historian.' You then tried to fabricate an argument about something unrelated just to have something to say, 'historian.'

OK you explained it but you left out Irish hate for blacks therefore I must correct that and use the new york riots of 1863.
Total bull shit. you said their was wide spread support for the union in the south you also mention the Irish and how they felt about slavery. You open the door for the New York riots and the hate of blacks from the Irish. I gave proof you have yet to give proof about the wide spread support straw man.

I said there was wide spread support and I explained in detail what that means. I mentioned that many of the pro-unionists in the South were German and Irish immigrants who had no love for slavery or for the plantation elites. These are facts of HISTORY, 'historian.' You then tried to fabricate an argument about something unrelated just to have something to say, 'historian.'

OK you explained it but you left out Irish hate for blacks therefore I must correct that and use the new york riots of 1863.

Straw man, 'historian.' If you have nothing beyond logical fallacy then just play dress-up and be quiet.
No, 'historian.' Did you repeat that often enough to feel stupid now or should I have given you a little more rope?

Ignorant LARPer :rolleyes:

Great retort by a loser.
To support your claim answer the question
Contraband troops yes or no?

Try reading what you quote, you illiterate LARPer.

Loser how about an answer to that question I have asked countless times?
That 100,000 you are talking about is that the contraband troops?
I said there was wide spread support and I explained in detail what that means. I mentioned that many of the pro-unionists in the South were German and Irish immigrants who had no love for slavery or for the plantation elites. These are facts of HISTORY, 'historian.' You then tried to fabricate an argument about something unrelated just to have something to say, 'historian.'

OK you explained it but you left out Irish hate for blacks therefore I must correct that and use the new york riots of 1863.

Straw man, 'historian.' If you have nothing beyond logical fallacy then just play dress-up and be quiet.

straw man
wide support in the south for the union 100,000 troops
Now to burn that straw man up answer this simple question
Contraband troops yes or no?
Lee was an empty suit (remember Gettysburg), Jackson was a bigot, and Grant was nothing but a politician. The most brilliant stratigist and morally superior general was an Irish immigrant who came up through the ranks based on his results rather than rely on a West Point diploma. If the South had listened to him, they'd have won the war.

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Another attack on White History as well as American history. Fox News is reporting the US Army War College is considering removing portraits of Confederate Generals. An unidentified administrator is wondering why we honor these Americans.

Please, call or write to the US Army War College to voice why these portraits are a part of American History and should be preserved (be kind and considerate and just voice your concern).

US Army War College considers removing prints depicting Robert E. Lee, Confederate generals | Fox News

Military brilliance is as objective as it gets. If anything, General Lee and Jackson is an inspiration to all who study military history and tactics. Together, they broke every rule in the book of military conventional wisdom. Especially with the laws of attrition in mind, they are among the top Generals ever to have walked the face of the earth. To take their portraits down would be a disgrace to the military profession.

That is quite true. Both were brilliant tacticians and leaders.

So was Rommel. Should we hang his portrait there as well?

Rommel wasn't an American. Robert E. Lee and Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson were both far better Americans than the alcoholic Ulysses S. Grant and that psycho William Tecumseh Sherman.
Another attack on White History as well as American history. Fox News is reporting the US Army War College is considering removing portraits of Confederate Generals. An unidentified administrator is wondering why we honor these Americans.

Please, call or write to the US Army War College to voice why these portraits are a part of American History and should be preserved (be kind and considerate and just voice your concern).

US Army War College considers removing prints depicting Robert E. Lee, Confederate generals | Fox News


Why do we still rever these TRAITORS who fought to maintain SLAVERY?

I mean, at least the Germans have the good sense to be embarrassed about World War II.

Not the South. THey still be proud of fighting the "War of NOrthern Aggression!"
turd liar,

Do you even know how to read?
Great retort by a loser.
To support your claim answer the question
Contraband troops yes or no?

Do you need glasses or something?

It seems that LARPing has a detrimental effect on the ability to read.
You made the 100,000 wide spread support for the union in the south claim.
Now were those 100,000 troops contraband troops?
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