Erasing Southern Pride: U.S. Army War College Removing Confederate Generals Portraits

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Still waiting internet historian
While you're at it why don't you address this?
Are you going to run away again?
Blacks fighting for the south?
blacks fighting for the republic of Texas war with Mexico non slave holding country
Blacks fighting for the colonies war with England promised slaves they would be granted freedom if they fought for the crown

And those confederate Black POWS why imprison them if they are considered slaves, teamsters, cooks musicians? Why didn't them classify them as contraband.

You said it was illegal for black to own guns, but then you contradict yourself? It either is illegal or it wasn't illegal.


The Louisiana Native Guard were Mulatto Creole and Free persons of color. The nature of Louisiana having been both a French and Spanish colony before the Louisiana Purchase made for very wealthy Creoles and freed blacks (many who were slave owners themselves) who had all of the best Mississippi River adjacent farm land before US expansion. They were educated, they were sophisticated, they were landowners, and many were slave owners. In any case, I don't believe the Native Guard actually saw combat. However, comparing the Native Guard to other racially non-white Confederates is like comparing apples to oranges.

The picture is a hack job in case you missed my posts earlier. The men pictured are actually union soldiers and that photo was taken in Philly. They now sale this photo to propagandists who swear that Blacks loved slavery and fought to defend it. In short they don't even have visual proof the Native Guard even existed.

Unless you were there no it is not a hack photo.
Are you kidding? Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and Lincoln himself would say that we were insane to have a black man in the White House.

They were men of their times, and would have a great many objections based purely on the culture of their times, but they would also have a goodly number of objective concerns about the constitutionality of our current government. But they were men who lived before the creation of the federal reserve, though they may have eventually seen it happen, they were out of the public arena by then.

I'm not addressing the race issue. Yes I agree they would not fight for a black man. But would they fight to preserve the union that has the over bearing federal government that we have now?
Yes, I doubt they would fight for a nation that has health insurance

Or fighting for a government that DICTATES the citizens must buy something.
The Louisiana Native Guard were Mulatto Creole and Free persons of color. The nature of Louisiana having been both a French and Spanish colony before the Louisiana Purchase made for very wealthy Creoles and freed blacks (many who were slave owners themselves) who had all of the best Mississippi River adjacent farm land before US expansion. They were educated, they were sophisticated, they were landowners, and many were slave owners. In any case, I don't believe the Native Guard actually saw combat. However, comparing the Native Guard to other racially non-white Confederates is like comparing apples to oranges.

The picture is a hack job in case you missed my posts earlier. The men pictured are actually union soldiers and that photo was taken in Philly. They now sale this photo to propagandists who swear that Blacks loved slavery and fought to defend it. In short they don't even have visual proof the Native Guard even existed.

Unless you were there no it is not a hack photo.

Unless you have proof and was there it was a hack job. Lets put your proof up against mine. Do I have to hand you your ass again? Just say the word.
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I wonder how many union generals would fight today to keep the union in take as it stands today?

All of them

Every one of the Union generals and probably half of the southern generals.
Based on this answer Jake once again shows how clueless he is about topic on this boards. He burps out some of the most dumb comments ever.
and Jake you're trolling if you do not stop I will report you.
The picture is a hack job in case you missed my posts earlier. The men pictured are actually union soldiers and that photo was taken in Philly. They now sale this photo to propagandists who swear that Blacks loved slavery and fought to defend it. In short they don't even have visual proof the Native Guard even existed.

Unless you were there no it is not a hack photo.

Unless you have proof and was there it was a hack job. Lets put your proof up against mine. Do I have to hand you your ass again? Just say the word.

Unless you were there shut the fuck up.
I've already told him this I don't know how many times now. There were a few who did fight...something like a few hundred. Maybe as much as 500. Tops/ BigReb here thinks in was upwards of 80,000. lol

There is no getting through illogic like that.

He calls himself a "historian" but what he does is play dress-up and perpetuate falsehoods in a confederate uniform with a head too tiny for his dime-store grays parading around as a "bigreb" at Lost Cause graveyards and messageboards.

Yes, plenty of slaves served in the CW. They served as teamsters, cooks. laborers, personal body servants, etc as slaves. Not as armed soldiers.

He needs to let this nugget to sink in:

It was illegal for blacks, slave and free, to own a gun in all the confederate states.

Were there some? Yes. But not man, not many at all.

His bullsheet about the Mexican/Texas war and rev war is just a way to divert, distract and play monkey games so he can jump all around blazing history in some roller coaster history of time and a way to *squirrel!!* look over there/

He also keeps riffing on the "black Confederate soldiers" as a way to assuage guilt over a war that was fought to own human beings to imagine those same human beings, not allowed citizenship or representation, would fight to the death to remain enslaved.

Still waiting internet historian
While you're at it why don't you address this?
Are you going to run away again?
Blacks fighting for the south?
blacks fighting for the republic of Texas war with Mexico non slave holding country
Blacks fighting for the colonies war with England promised slaves they would be granted freedom if they fought for the crown

And those confederate Black POWS why imprison them if they are considered slaves, teamsters, cooks musicians? Why didn't them classify them as contraband.

You said it was illegal for black to own guns, but then you contradict yourself? It either is illegal or it wasn't illegal.


The Louisiana Native Guard were Mulatto Creole and Free persons of color. The nature of Louisiana having been both a French and Spanish colony before the Louisiana Purchase made for very wealthy Creoles and freed blacks (many who were slave owners themselves) who had all of the best Mississippi River adjacent farm land before US expansion. They were educated, they were sophisticated, they were landowners, and many were slave owners. In any case, I don't believe the Native Guard actually saw combat. However, comparing the Native Guard to other racially non-white Confederates is like comparing apples to oranges.
However you left out one detail, Blacks welling to take up arms and defend the south.
Unless you were there no it is not a hack photo.

Unless you have proof and was there it was a hack job. Lets put your proof up against mine. Do I have to hand you your ass again? Just say the word.

Unless you were there shut the fuck up.

Thats good enough.

That photo is something the beat down confederates cling to in justifying their cause and even that is fake. :lol:

Black Union Soldiers - Louisiana Native Guard - Photo Falsification

Circumstantial evidence alone raises the suspicion that the Louisiana Native Guards photo purchased from confederate flags, confederate clothing, rebel stickers featured at (Figure 4) is a fabrication. Given the enormous number of publications and known photographs of Civil War soldiers, it is more than slightly curious that a photograph as striking as one showing armed black soldiers in the Confederate Army has apparently not surfaced in these publications, in the many books and websites devoted to Civil War imagery, or even in the enormous Civil War collections of the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. [11] Moreover, several historians and specialists on the Civil War we consulted could not recall having seen this specific photograph of “1st Louisiana Native Guard 1861” in any publication while, at the same time, it is known that photographs such as the one shown in Figure 1 were used to make recruitment posters for the Union army.

OH dear god you got your reference from uncle towns cabin didn't you?
The woman who wrote that propaganda never had been to the south.

The guy who wrote 12 Years as a Slave was, though.

Are you denying there was systematic rape of the slaves? The fact that African Americans have such a wide variety in skin tones would seem to put the lie to that.

Are you denying that children were sold off as property, families broken up, and so on?

What happened in the South was something we need to be deeply ashamed of. The fact that some people fought to perpetuate it is even a greater shame.

Jefferson Davis and his cronies need to be villified like Hitler and his Cronies were.
What you describe came from uncle toms cabin, it was fictional based on a few accounts of harsh treatment of slaves.
By the way some states had slave protection laws
Yeah I know it's blah blah blah to you.
I'm not addressing the race issue. Yes I agree they would not fight for a black man. But would they fight to preserve the union that has the over bearing federal government that we have now?
Yes, I doubt they would fight for a nation that has health insurance

Or fighting for a government that DICTATES the citizens must buy something.

Imagine how men from an era that dictated you could hold another man as your slave would feel about a country that dictated you carry health insurance?

OH dear god you got your reference from uncle towns cabin didn't you?
The woman who wrote that propaganda never had been to the south.

The guy who wrote 12 Years as a Slave was, though.

Are you denying there was systematic rape of the slaves? The fact that African Americans have such a wide variety in skin tones would seem to put the lie to that.

Are you denying that children were sold off as property, families broken up, and so on?

What happened in the South was something we need to be deeply ashamed of. The fact that some people fought to perpetuate it is even a greater shame.

Jefferson Davis and his cronies need to be villified like Hitler and his Cronies were.
What you describe came from uncle toms cabin, it was fictional based on a few accounts of harsh treatment of slaves.
By the way some states had slave protection laws
Yeah I know it's blah blah blah to you.

Its as fictional as that photo being of actual Black confederate soldiers.

OH dear god you got your reference from uncle towns cabin didn't you?
The woman who wrote that propaganda never had been to the south.

The guy who wrote 12 Years as a Slave was, though.

Are you denying there was systematic rape of the slaves? The fact that African Americans have such a wide variety in skin tones would seem to put the lie to that.

Are you denying that children were sold off as property, families broken up, and so on?

What happened in the South was something we need to be deeply ashamed of. The fact that some people fought to perpetuate it is even a greater shame.

Jefferson Davis and his cronies need to be villified like Hitler and his Cronies were.
What you describe came from uncle toms cabin, it was fictional based on a few accounts of harsh treatment of slaves.
By the way some states had slave protection laws
Yeah I know it's blah blah blah to you.

Hard to believe we have someone defending slavery
The guy who wrote 12 Years as a Slave was, though.

Are you denying there was systematic rape of the slaves? The fact that African Americans have such a wide variety in skin tones would seem to put the lie to that.

Are you denying that children were sold off as property, families broken up, and so on?

What happened in the South was something we need to be deeply ashamed of. The fact that some people fought to perpetuate it is even a greater shame.

Jefferson Davis and his cronies need to be villified like Hitler and his Cronies were.
What you describe came from uncle toms cabin, it was fictional based on a few accounts of harsh treatment of slaves.
By the way some states had slave protection laws
Yeah I know it's blah blah blah to you.

Hard to believe we have someone defending slavery

Not really.

OH dear god you got your reference from uncle towns cabin didn't you?
The woman who wrote that propaganda never had been to the south.

The guy who wrote 12 Years as a Slave was, though.

Are you denying there was systematic rape of the slaves? The fact that African Americans have such a wide variety in skin tones would seem to put the lie to that.

Are you denying that children were sold off as property, families broken up, and so on?

What happened in the South was something we need to be deeply ashamed of. The fact that some people fought to perpetuate it is even a greater shame.

Jefferson Davis and his cronies need to be villified like Hitler and his Cronies were.

I think what you are missing is that some southerners wish to return to that lifestyle. Why else would you wage a war and generations later still have people wishing the south would return to "glory"?

Are you projecting? Yes I say you are.
The guy who wrote 12 Years as a Slave was, though.

Are you denying there was systematic rape of the slaves? The fact that African Americans have such a wide variety in skin tones would seem to put the lie to that.

Are you denying that children were sold off as property, families broken up, and so on?

What happened in the South was something we need to be deeply ashamed of. The fact that some people fought to perpetuate it is even a greater shame.

Jefferson Davis and his cronies need to be villified like Hitler and his Cronies were.
What you describe came from uncle toms cabin, it was fictional based on a few accounts of harsh treatment of slaves.
By the way some states had slave protection laws
Yeah I know it's blah blah blah to you.

Hard to believe we have someone defending slavery

It's not hard to believe that you are clueless and would think what was said was defending slavery. I was defending the truth none of you southern trashing haters have the comprehension level to grasp it.
The guy who wrote 12 Years as a Slave was, though.

Are you denying there was systematic rape of the slaves? The fact that African Americans have such a wide variety in skin tones would seem to put the lie to that.

Are you denying that children were sold off as property, families broken up, and so on?

What happened in the South was something we need to be deeply ashamed of. The fact that some people fought to perpetuate it is even a greater shame.

Jefferson Davis and his cronies need to be villified like Hitler and his Cronies were.

I think what you are missing is that some southerners wish to return to that lifestyle. Why else would you wage a war and generations later still have people wishing the south would return to "glory"?

Are you projecting? Yes I say you are.

Do you know what projecting means?
All of them

Every one of the Union generals and probably half of the southern generals.
Based on this answer Jake once again shows how clueless he is about topic on this boards. He burps out some of the most dumb comments ever.
and Jake you're trolling if you do not stop I will report you.

You asked a question, and you were given an honest answer. That's not trolling.

You have been reported. Now stay on OP.
Another attack on White History as well as American history. Fox News is reporting the US Army War College is considering removing portraits of Confederate Generals. An unidentified administrator is wondering why we honor these Americans.

Please, call or write to the US Army War College to voice why these portraits are a part of American History and should be preserved (be kind and considerate and just voice your concern).

US Army War College considers removing prints depicting Robert E. Lee, Confederate generals | Fox News

The Civil War is over. Get over it.
Still waiting internet historian
While you're at it why don't you address this?
Are you going to run away again?
Blacks fighting for the south?
blacks fighting for the republic of Texas war with Mexico non slave holding country
Blacks fighting for the colonies war with England promised slaves they would be granted freedom if they fought for the crown

And those confederate Black POWS why imprison them if they are considered slaves, teamsters, cooks musicians? Why didn't them classify them as contraband.

You said it was illegal for black to own guns, but then you contradict yourself? It either is illegal or it wasn't illegal.


The Louisiana Native Guard were Mulatto Creole and Free persons of color. The nature of Louisiana having been both a French and Spanish colony before the Louisiana Purchase made for very wealthy Creoles and freed blacks (many who were slave owners themselves) who had all of the best Mississippi River adjacent farm land before US expansion. They were educated, they were sophisticated, they were landowners, and many were slave owners. In any case, I don't believe the Native Guard actually saw combat. However, comparing the Native Guard to other racially non-white Confederates is like comparing apples to oranges.
However you left out one detail, Blacks welling to take up arms and defend the south.

Yes, freed blacks and mulatto Creoles of the LA Native Guard did in fact take up arms for the South, although, they didn't really see combat. They benefitted from the slave based plantation economy. Many owned land, slaves, and enjoyed privileges beyond that of typical mulatto and blacks of other areas of the South. Why wouldn't they take up arms? They had a vested interest in maintaining and defending their economic and political way of life. This is why the Native Guard is an outlier in Confederate history. After the Civil War the Creoles and freed persons of color who were free before the war got a major demotion in status in Louisiana.
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The Louisiana Native Guard were Mulatto Creole and Free persons of color. The nature of Louisiana having been both a French and Spanish colony before the Louisiana Purchase made for very wealthy Creoles and freed blacks (many who were slave owners themselves) who had all of the best Mississippi River adjacent farm land before US expansion. They were educated, they were sophisticated, they were landowners, and many were slave owners. In any case, I don't believe the Native Guard actually saw combat. However, comparing the Native Guard to other racially non-white Confederates is like comparing apples to oranges.
However you left out one detail, Blacks welling to take up arms and defend the south.

Yes, freed blacks and mulatto Creoles of the LA Native Guard did in fact take up arms for the South, although, they didn't really see combat. They benefitted from the slave based plantation economy. Many owned land, slaves, and enjoyed privileges beyond that of typical mulatto and blacks of other areas of the South. Why wouldn't they take up arms? They had a vested interest in maintaining and defending their economic and political way of life. This is why the Native Guard is an outlier in Confederate history. After the Civil War the Creoles and freed persons of color who were free before the war got a major demotion in status.

With the exception of a few I was told that the free Black slave owners frequently bought family and friends since it was illegal for the slaves to be freed. There was a family in LA that became the largest slave owners around but they were all family and friends. More proof that Black people outsmarted rednecks at their own game.
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