Eric Cantor lost his seat

His seat is in play now!

Whooooo Hooooo!


Not really. It's R+10

Well Democrats just swept the Virginia state elections.

And..they are now looking for a candidate to go up against this tea bagger.

Should be interesting.

I hope they can field a moderate that can state just how dangerous this dude is. How dangerous he is for our nation remaining a first world country with the best infastructure, science and education. We have fallen enough...The tea party is taking us in the wrong direction.
WOW! But his district is pretty solidly repub. But with a TP loon spouting off at the mouth....who knows?
lol, the most arrogant shit in the GOP gets the surprise of his life.

Paul Ryan is in the bathroom now, with the door shut and the water running. I don't need to go into anymore detail than that.

It would be nice if Cantor was the first of many but, as we've seen here, there are quite a lot of people who want to vote for those who promise to keep them poor.

Not to mention the gerrymandering, vote theft, vote buying ...
This is BIG.....the Tea Party knocking off the Majority Leader...:2up:

Obviously Cantor was not taking care of things at home....The People of Virginia have spoken...

The rest of you two-faced RINOS better watch out....!
This is BIG.....the Tea Party knocking off the Majority Leader...:2up:

Obviously Cantor was not taking care of things at home....The People of Virginia have spoken...

The rest of you two-faced RINOS better watch out....!

So when China is the super power because they invest a shit load in their country by 2020. And we live in fear of them...Well, I'll get back on your small second world bs you spout.

Wtf does the tea party do? Go after science, infastructure and things that help advance this country. You don't do very much to go after waste and bs...You people are a joke.
Amnesty is dead but we need to pack up all those kids and send them home. They are here depending on amnesty.

Oh good gawd. Those children have nothing to do with amnesty. You're so vile, so hateful and ignorant, you just make my skin crawl.
I really don't understand why the Tea Party is so excited...Eric Cantor was waaay to the right of John Boehner, and they just took out John's biggest competition.
I often wonder what the goal of the taliban really is...Well, I've come to the conclusion it is against modern civilization and modern human rights.

Not only that they hate tech and spout a lot of the shit the tea party believes.
This is BIG.....the Tea Party knocking off the Majority Leader...:2up:

Obviously Cantor was not taking care of things at home....The People of Virginia have spoken...

The rest of you two-faced RINOS better watch out....!

So when China is the super power because they invest a shit load in their country by 2020. And we live in fear of them...Well, I'll get back on your small second world bs you spout.

Wtf does the tea party do? Go after science, infastructure and things that help advance this country. You don't do very much to go after waste and bs...You people are a joke.

The Tea Party represents the sane, rational people in this country....something you libtards can't relate to...
I'm sure we'll be hearing more about Brat's teabagger baggage. I like to hear an educated man sound like a neanderthal.
Brat is an economics professor at Randolph Macon. He was out spent 25-1. His Democrat opponent is also a professor at Randolph Macon.
The FOXNEWS stopped all the presses, so Bill-O's show was pre-emptied to analyze this WHOPPING DEFEAT of the RW Establishment.

If you believe and honor Mehgan's analysis, she's attributing it the tons and tons of FREE airtime he got from RW radio like Laura Ingraham, Levine, et. al.

My simple analysis is that this is what happens when you simply seek to rile up your base. They Frankenstein your A$$!!!!

Great news!!!!

Now if only the other stinking progressive Bushie Rs lost, we would really have a two party system.
China will lead in tech and infastructure from now on. Thanks a lot taliban party!!!

Do you really think that uneducated mexicans and Guatamalan illegals are the way to tech and infrastructure superiority?

Says someone who washes dirty dogs for a living.

Hell, you can't even write what you hate.

Its Mexicans and Guatemalan and they're probably bi-lingual.

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