Eric Cantor Masks His Corporatist Agenda With Occupy Wall Street Terminology


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
There is an illusion in America that the Founding Fathers intended for the nation to be a representative democracy, but their initial plans promoted oligarchy. The Founders limited voting to landowners and restricted women, slaves, and the poor from voting so the wealthy controlled the government. Although every legal citizen has the right to vote today, the country is still controlled by an elite group of industrialists, bankers, and wealthy individuals who have opposed any measures to assuage the highest rate of income inequality in generations that has provoked thousands to join the Occupy Wall Street movement that is sweeping the country and indeed, the world.

On Sunday, Eric Cantor commented on the income disparity between the richest Americans who control nearly all the wealth, and the rest of the population by claiming Americans need to rely on the wealthy to fix the inequality that is driving the populist uprising across the country. Cantor’s remarks may seem like Republicans are finally getting the message that the majority of Americans are fed up with their declining income and quality of life, but his motivation is not altruistic or to find an equitable solution to the growing chasm between rich and poor Americans; it is to pacify the public and engender support for Republican plans to maintain the status quo and where possible, hand more wealth to the elites who control America.

There is no change in Cantor or the Republicans in Congress, but there is a slight change in terminology that appears to be premeditated to mask a continuation of Republicans’ corporatist agenda. Cantor said, “We know in this country there is a complaint on the folks on the top end of the income scale that they make too much and folks on the end don’t make enough. We need to encourage those on the top income scale to create more jobs. We are about income mobility and that’s what we should be focused on to take care of the income disparity.” Up until Sunday, when Cantor and Republicans spoke about the “folks on the top end of the income scale,” they referred to them as “job creators” and regardless of the change in terminology; Cantor was still talking about the Republicans vaunted job creators.

It does not take a genius to figure out that Cantor’s little nod to income inequality will not change the Republican jobs plan that favors the wealthy and corporations with deregulation and tax cuts as a means of spurring economic growth. Cantor has consistently proven that maintaining income inequality is his party’s impetus for all of their policies. Cantor has been a reliable proponent for the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy, and he voted to make them permanent. He also refused to allow President Obama’s jobs plan to come up for a vote because it includes a tax increase on millionaires and billionaires to pay for creating 1.9 million jobs. The Republican jobs plan is really more entitlements for the wealthy and corporations that are sitting on huge amounts of cash they are never going to use to create jobs unless their tax liability reaches zero and all regulations are eliminated. If Cantor was serious about income inequality, he would stop giving the wealthy advantages the other 98% of the country never sees.

Cantor was a co-sponsor of reducing capital gains taxes that most working-class Americans never get to use. Republicans have made the income disparity worse with their policies over the years, and as if to add insult to injury, suggest that increasing taxes on middle class and poor Americans will help level the income gap as well as reduce the nation’s debt. Cantor in particular favors raising taxes on the middle class and the poor. In April he complained that 50% of Americans do not pay income taxes, but he did not mention that the reason many Americans do not pay income taxes is because they live in abject poverty because their jobs were outsourced or that their income steadily declined as the wealthy’s has grown because of Republican policies.

read more Eric Cantor Masks His Corporatist Agenda With Occupy Wall Street Terminology
Would the founders support an armed group from the government going into a person's home to force them to forfeit a bit of food, medicine, ammo (aka, currency of their day) to put into a central building where the needy people with less could line up and be issued more than they already have?

I don't think so. I think they kinda fled Europe because of that.
We can have income equality when we have talent equality, initiative equality, ability equality and work ethic equality.

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