Eric Holder Signed Off On Search Warrant For James Rosen Emails: NBC News

And the notion that Republicans don't support S.S. or government support for those who suffer unfortunate events is whimsical at best...

You say that you didn't fall for the campaign "hype" of the Obama folks...but then you make a statement like that? I'm sorry but it's obvious that you bought into their nonsense completely.

Bob Dole supported social security, welfare, food stamps, etc. but all I've heard from Republicans since Newt took the speakership is privatize and gut. These programs are called socialism by Republicans. This isn't a narrative fed to me or MSNBC brainwashing me: that's what Republicans themselves propose.

If that's what you truly believe then I don't understand why you're a Republican.
And the notion that Republicans don't support S.S. or government support for those who suffer unfortunate events is whimsical at best...

Whimsical at best, really? Please, by all means, show us the record of Republican support in Congress for programs designed to help those who "suffer unfortunate events".
Like I said.....if it happened to a republican led administration I would be on them, also.
What would "happen" to them that you would "be on them" about?
You can't do that because your a leftwing nut, OPPD.
What happened is wrong and you can't bring yourself to say so. You know it was trumped up. It's ok, I get it.....
So its wrong to appeal a lower court's decision on a warrant application?

Dude, he went to two other judges and was told to, "go pound sand", because it wasn't warranted. He kept going until one finally caved.....makes me wonder if anything was promised to this judge.
Holder is in a lot of hot water over all of this.......and you just tote the water for're just a less. Keep making excuses and trying to make a case for him, it isn't flying anywhere but between those ears of yours. :eusa_whistle:

So is it wrong to appeal a lower court's decision?
Jeezus, did you even read what I wrote?!

Yes, they all have done it! That's the problem isn't?! It does not, however, excuse it this time. I offer no excuses. Whomever is responsible needs to be prosecuted and if it goes all the way to Obama then he needs to go. However, until the evidence proves that Obama did this then I will wait to come to a conclusion.

Who signed the Patriot Act into law? Who?! Who authorized warrantless phone taps? Does that not infringe on our civil rights? Where was your outrage then. I was outraged then and I am now. I hold Obama ultimately responsible because the buck stops there and I won't vote for him again.

And I wrote nothing about September being along time ago. I wrote that Republicans have wanted to profile Middle Easterners since 9/11. Is that clear?

No. They do not all do it. Even if they did it wouldn't matter nor relevant.
We are dealing with a unique breach of civil rights by the Obama Justice Dept, the Obama Treasury Department, and who knows what else. But these unique offenses were committed all by people ultimately answerable to Obama. Not to George W Bush. Not to Rush Limbaugh. Not to anyone else. And so far Obama has stonewalled and failed to give a convincing performance of a man determined to get to the bottom of what happened and punish the guilty.

I know you don't want to believe that Republican administrations have ever done anything wrong, or that there could be any kind of stained equivalency on both sides, but that isn't realistic.

Really? Which administration hasn't trod on someone's civil rights? Reagan? Bush? Bush Jr.? Clinton? Maybe Carter. Definitely not Nixon. I've read about all of them in someway or another overreaching when it comes to maintaining power or security or position. In those cases was it the President that was personally responsible for those infringements? No, it was always someone lower down except Bush Jr. who, he himself, signed the Patriot Act.

Nonetheless, what else do you want to do about it this time? Impeachment? Based on what grounds supported by what evidence? Without evidence proving Obama culpable, you have come to a conclusion without basis for it. Politics and reality are not faith based. So, until we can vote out sitting presidents, we're stuck him.
Stupid people are all about equivalence. One thing is pretty much the same as another. So Obama's targeting conservative groups for IRS scrutiny is really just about the same as the NAACP getting audited for financial fraud. No real difference, right?

Yeah. Big difference. No president since Nixon has misused the power of the office as much as Obama, or his minions. No president since Nixon has wiretapped the parents of a reporter. No president since Nixon has simply fabricated an account where American citizens died for political gain. There is no precdent for 30 years for this behavior. Even Clinton, as dirty as he was taking bribes from the Chinese etc, never used the IRS on his enemies. This is a landmark.
Rosen was profiled? Was the AP also profiled? No. But I am outraged by this infringement on freedom of the press. Where was your outrage under the Bush administration for similar attacks on the press?

Was the IRS profiling conservative groups? Yes! And I am outraged by it as well, but if you think the IRS under other adminstrations, specifically Republican ones, didn't attack the opposition than you are either naive or blind. It outrages me MORE because I voted for Obama. Its LESS ok because I had hoped that a progressive (or from my POV: moderate) would act more idealistically.

Republicans have openly supported profiling since 9/11. Is this not something you have heard or read about in the last 12 years?

So in other words you just sling horse shit and can't name the instances of like behavior by those you it, dick-wad!

This is your way of supporting Obama, all the while attempting to present yourself as some wise and arrived oracle of sound opinion (the other guys are worse)... got news for you- you come off like a sock puppet on Ritalin.

Here's a napkin- wipe that drool off your chin~

Oh god. How can one even have an exchange with you? Google is your friend. If you would like to learn more about profiling research it. For some reason I doubt you will... Its beside the point: Republican leaders and supporters have wanted to profile middle easterners since 9/11, and minorities since they believed black people and hispanics were primarily responsible for crime.

I voted for Obama but I do not support profiling conservative groups by the IRS. Got it, dickwad? I do not support ANY unreasonable infringement on civil rights and the reason to infringe on those rights must be greater than maintaining those rights i.e. yelling fire in a crowded theater, child porn, revealing government secrets which may result in the deaths of Americans or innocent people or the failure of secret operations, etc. etc.

If I remeber correctly, Bush signed the Patriot Act into law. Those that supported it will not get my vote, Democrat or Republican. Those personally responsible for any profiling or civil rights violations should be prosecuted, whether liberal or conservative. I'm outraged. Where was your outrage when Bush signed the Patriot Act? Where was your outrage when the Bush administration tapped phone lines without warrants at all?

Google ought to be your friend if you are going to specifically make accusations about people...but instead you sling crap as if your opinion is fact...

Profiling (something law enforcement does) is NOT FUCKING equal to what the IRS; Benghazi; and journalist scandals are...

Really- because Obama EXPANDED the Patriot Act and you fucking voted for him!

You are a partisan hack pretending to be enlightened.
And the notion that Republicans don't support S.S. or government support for those who suffer unfortunate events is whimsical at best...

You say that you didn't fall for the campaign "hype" of the Obama folks...but then you make a statement like that? I'm sorry but it's obvious that you bought into their nonsense completely.

Bob Dole supported social security, welfare, food stamps, etc. but all I've heard from Republicans since Newt took the speakership is privatize and gut. These programs are called socialism by Republicans. This isn't a narrative fed to me or MSNBC brainwashing me: that's what Republicans themselves propose.

If that's what you truly believe then I don't understand why you're a Republican.
Because that is NOT what you have heard. It is what you wanted to hear.
While I appreciate you thinking I'm not a kneejerk liberal partisan, I am a liberal. Conservativism is not right for me. I won't vote Republican until they support social security, welfare, government support for those who suffer unfortunate events, same sex marriage, evolution as settled science, climate change as settled science, war as a last resort, support of the middle class instead of big business and the wealthy, equality for minorities, getting rid of capital punishment, etc. etc.

When evidence comes out proving Obama lied, then I'll be convinced. Until then, I'll wait for those answers.

You'll "wait for those answers"? Why would we HAVE to wait? Why wouldn't you DEMAND that those answers be given? I think you know only too well that the Obama Administration has been "less than forthcoming" on a number of these issues. Would I be incorrect in guessing that you have a hard time watching a Jay Carney press conference without cringing these days? You know why that is, Mountain? It's because you know he's bullshitting his ass off up there!

What else can I do but wait for the findings of the investigations? And trust me, I will read the findings of the administration's investigation into itself with a grain of salt. Conflict of interest.

I am disappointed in this administration's lack of transparency. But I'm disappointed with all previous administrations' lack of transparency also. Nothing new there.

And, although yes, I cringe while listening to Jay Carney, I always have. He, like Gibbs before him, is a terrible spokes person. But the White house press secretary always comes off as phony. Bush's and Clinton's and Sr.'s all came off a little phony. Carney's one of the worst.

Are you listening to yourself? You'll read the findings of the Administration's investigation into itself with a grain of salt? Really? Why would you even waste the time? It's patently obvious that this group of people have ZERO interest in letting the American people know the truth about ANY of these scandals. Whatever report they produce won't be worthy of wiping your ass with and you know it!

This is an Administration that said transparency was going to be the hallmark of their time in office...and then they've done THIS! Nothing new there? It's akin to running for office on a Law & Order platform and then getting caught red handed taking illegal payoffs.

And I'm sorry, Mountain but Dana Perino has more integrity in her little finger than Jay Carney and Robert Gibbs have in their entire bodies. We have a Press Secretary right now who hides the truth rather than provides it. The fact that Jay Carney used to BE a journalist and now he's involved in this type of behavior is appalling. He slings so much bull shit at his press conferences he should be hosed down upon finishing.

These are YOUR guys, Mountain. You elected them...twice...and to be quite blunt...they are SUCKING THE JOINT OUT!!!
And the notion that Republicans don't support S.S. or government support for those who suffer unfortunate events is whimsical at best...

You say that you didn't fall for the campaign "hype" of the Obama folks...but then you make a statement like that? I'm sorry but it's obvious that you bought into their nonsense completely.

Bob Dole supported social security, welfare, food stamps, etc. but all I've heard from Republicans since Newt took the speakership is privatize and gut. These programs are called socialism by Republicans. This isn't a narrative fed to me or MSNBC brainwashing me: that's what Republicans themselves propose.

If that's what you truly believe then I don't understand why you're a Republican.

I'm a Republican because I can do simple math, Mountain! I'm not caught up in hyperbole about pushing Grandma off a cliff and all of the other nonsense that's been trotted out there by liberals every time someone makes an effort to reform entitlements. I understand that we can't keep going on as we are now. It's not sustainable. Now do you honestly want to have a discussion about how to fix the problems we have with entitlements or do you want to turn this into a really stupid discussion about who hates old people?
And the notion that Republicans don't support S.S. or government support for those who suffer unfortunate events is whimsical at best...

You say that you didn't fall for the campaign "hype" of the Obama folks...but then you make a statement like that? I'm sorry but it's obvious that you bought into their nonsense completely.

Bob Dole supported social security, welfare, food stamps, etc. but all I've heard from Republicans since Newt took the speakership is privatize and gut. These programs are called socialism by Republicans. This isn't a narrative fed to me or MSNBC brainwashing me: that's what Republicans themselves propose.

If that's what you truly believe then I don't understand why you're a Republican.

I'm a Republican because I can do simple math, Mountain! I'm not caught up in hyperbole about pushing Grandma off a cliff and all of the other nonsense that's been trotted out there by liberals every time someone makes an effort to reform entitlements. I understand that we can't keep going on as we are now. It's not sustainable. Now do you honestly want to have a discussion about how to fix the problems we have with entitlements or do you want to turn this into a really stupid discussion about who hates old people?

You don't know shit about so-called "entitlements" except for wingnut talking points. All the right wants to do is "starve the beast" and fuck the social safety nets.
Bob Dole supported social security, welfare, food stamps, etc. but all I've heard from Republicans since Newt took the speakership is privatize and gut. These programs are called socialism by Republicans. This isn't a narrative fed to me or MSNBC brainwashing me: that's what Republicans themselves propose.

If that's what you truly believe then I don't understand why you're a Republican.

I'm a Republican because I can do simple math, Mountain! I'm not caught up in hyperbole about pushing Grandma off a cliff and all of the other nonsense that's been trotted out there by liberals every time someone makes an effort to reform entitlements. I understand that we can't keep going on as we are now. It's not sustainable. Now do you honestly want to have a discussion about how to fix the problems we have with entitlements or do you want to turn this into a really stupid discussion about who hates old people?

You don't know shit about so-called "entitlements" except for wingnut talking points. All the right wants to do is "starve the beast" and fuck the social safety nets.

Here's your chance. Explain how they are sustainable and why they should be sustained.
Bob Dole supported social security, welfare, food stamps, etc. but all I've heard from Republicans since Newt took the speakership is privatize and gut. These programs are called socialism by Republicans. This isn't a narrative fed to me or MSNBC brainwashing me: that's what Republicans themselves propose.

If that's what you truly believe then I don't understand why you're a Republican.

I'm a Republican because I can do simple math, Mountain! I'm not caught up in hyperbole about pushing Grandma off a cliff and all of the other nonsense that's been trotted out there by liberals every time someone makes an effort to reform entitlements. I understand that we can't keep going on as we are now. It's not sustainable. Now do you honestly want to have a discussion about how to fix the problems we have with entitlements or do you want to turn this into a really stupid discussion about who hates old people?

You don't know shit about so-called "entitlements" except for wingnut talking points. All the right wants to do is "starve the beast" and fuck the social safety nets.

All you do is spew talking points Lakhota. When has there been a time when you actually tried to rebut someone else's argument?
And the notion that Republicans don't support S.S. or government support for those who suffer unfortunate events is whimsical at best...

You say that you didn't fall for the campaign "hype" of the Obama folks...but then you make a statement like that? I'm sorry but it's obvious that you bought into their nonsense completely.

Bob Dole supported social security, welfare, food stamps, etc. but all I've heard from Republicans since Newt took the speakership is privatize and gut. These programs are called socialism by Republicans. This isn't a narrative fed to me or MSNBC brainwashing me: that's what Republicans themselves propose.

If that's what you truly believe then I don't understand why you're a Republican.
Because that is NOT what you have heard. It is what you wanted to hear.

Then what have they proposed? When I hear privatize social security, are the Republicans saying something else like ensure that social security is not exposed to the whims of the stock market by maintaining it as a secure government run social safety net? When I hear Republicans say that we ought to get rid of social security entirely and keep the money to so we can invest it ourselves, are what they really saying is social security must be made more robust by diverting defense cuts into the program? What are their proposals? Same with medicare/medicaid? Welfare which I hear nothing but derisory comments about- what about that? Food stamps seem to be an insult in Republican circles? If these programs are important then why don't I hear ways of keeping them instead of restricting, defunding, shrinking, or privatizing them? If the GOP came up with ways of sustaining and supporting these programs that didn't include privatizing or restricting or cutting them, I would love to hear them.
What would "happen" to them that you would "be on them" about?

So its wrong to appeal a lower court's decision on a warrant application?

Dude, he went to two other judges and was told to, "go pound sand", because it wasn't warranted. He kept going until one finally caved.....makes me wonder if anything was promised to this judge.
Holder is in a lot of hot water over all of this.......and you just tote the water for're just a less. Keep making excuses and trying to make a case for him, it isn't flying anywhere but between those ears of yours. :eusa_whistle:

So is it wrong to appeal a lower court's decision?

This is where I call you a good little minion and walk away from this discussion with you. :cuckoo:
So in other words you just sling horse shit and can't name the instances of like behavior by those you it, dick-wad!

This is your way of supporting Obama, all the while attempting to present yourself as some wise and arrived oracle of sound opinion (the other guys are worse)... got news for you- you come off like a sock puppet on Ritalin.

Here's a napkin- wipe that drool off your chin~

Oh god. How can one even have an exchange with you? Google is your friend. If you would like to learn more about profiling research it. For some reason I doubt you will... Its beside the point: Republican leaders and supporters have wanted to profile middle easterners since 9/11, and minorities since they believed black people and hispanics were primarily responsible for crime.

I voted for Obama but I do not support profiling conservative groups by the IRS. Got it, dickwad? I do not support ANY unreasonable infringement on civil rights and the reason to infringe on those rights must be greater than maintaining those rights i.e. yelling fire in a crowded theater, child porn, revealing government secrets which may result in the deaths of Americans or innocent people or the failure of secret operations, etc. etc.

If I remeber correctly, Bush signed the Patriot Act into law. Those that supported it will not get my vote, Democrat or Republican. Those personally responsible for any profiling or civil rights violations should be prosecuted, whether liberal or conservative. I'm outraged. Where was your outrage when Bush signed the Patriot Act? Where was your outrage when the Bush administration tapped phone lines without warrants at all?

Google ought to be your friend if you are going to specifically make accusations about people...but instead you sling crap as if your opinion is fact...

Profiling (something law enforcement does) is NOT FUCKING equal to what the IRS; Benghazi; and journalist scandals are...

Really- because Obama EXPANDED the Patriot Act and you fucking voted for him!

You are a partisan hack pretending to be enlightened.

Profiling is profiling. Its wrong, its discriminatory, its anti-American, whether its the police, the FBI or the CIA- that's what the IRS scandal is all about.

The James Rosen/AP journalist scandal is about overreach when protecting government secrets. The government went to far.

Benghazi is a trumped up conspiracy theory. There isn't anything that has come out in that Republican investigation which points at a cover up or the POTUS or State Dept. allowing Americans to die. If some compelling evidence comes to light that suggests that, then I will be with you in condemning Obama.

Obama's expansion of the Patriot Act pissed me off, more than any of his other fuck ups. I believe a conservative President would've done no different since the leadership of the GOP seem to have no qualms with the Patriot Act and were even behind its drafting. So, I took a chance on Obama and got bit on the ass for it, but he is still pushing a progressive agenda- for the most part- and I would still vote for him before I would vote Republican.
You'll "wait for those answers"? Why would we HAVE to wait? Why wouldn't you DEMAND that those answers be given? I think you know only too well that the Obama Administration has been "less than forthcoming" on a number of these issues. Would I be incorrect in guessing that you have a hard time watching a Jay Carney press conference without cringing these days? You know why that is, Mountain? It's because you know he's bullshitting his ass off up there!

What else can I do but wait for the findings of the investigations? And trust me, I will read the findings of the administration's investigation into itself with a grain of salt. Conflict of interest.

I am disappointed in this administration's lack of transparency. But I'm disappointed with all previous administrations' lack of transparency also. Nothing new there.

And, although yes, I cringe while listening to Jay Carney, I always have. He, like Gibbs before him, is a terrible spokes person. But the White house press secretary always comes off as phony. Bush's and Clinton's and Sr.'s all came off a little phony. Carney's one of the worst.

Are you listening to yourself? You'll read the findings of the Administration's investigation into itself with a grain of salt? Really? Why would you even waste the time? It's patently obvious that this group of people have ZERO interest in letting the American people know the truth about ANY of these scandals. Whatever report they produce won't be worthy of wiping your ass with and you know it!

This is an Administration that said transparency was going to be the hallmark of their time in office...and then they've done THIS! Nothing new there? It's akin to running for office on a Law & Order platform and then getting caught red handed taking illegal payoffs.

And I'm sorry, Mountain but Dana Perino has more integrity in her little finger than Jay Carney and Robert Gibbs have in their entire bodies. We have a Press Secretary right now who hides the truth rather than provides it. The fact that Jay Carney used to BE a journalist and now he's involved in this type of behavior is appalling. He slings so much bull shit at his press conferences he should be hosed down upon finishing.

These are YOUR guys, Mountain. You elected them...twice...and to be quite blunt...they are SUCKING THE JOINT OUT!!!

Let me ask you something, Oldstyle. Are you happy with everything Bush did? Or his father or Reagan or Fore or Nixon? If not, then why continue to vote Republican? Because you are happy with some of what they did and their positions on the issues of the day more closely reflected yours than did the Democrats. I'm registered Independent because I don't like the Democrats even though I'm liberal. But I vote for them because 3rd party votes in Colorado are wasted. I vote for them because out of the 2 choices I have to try to make my voice heard many of the positions the Democrats take more closely reflect my views than do the Republicans' positions on those issues. Am I happy with everything the Democrats do? Hell no! But I'd be even more unhappy with the Republicans.
And the notion that Republicans don't support S.S. or government support for those who suffer unfortunate events is whimsical at best...

You say that you didn't fall for the campaign "hype" of the Obama folks...but then you make a statement like that? I'm sorry but it's obvious that you bought into their nonsense completely.

Bob Dole supported social security, welfare, food stamps, etc. but all I've heard from Republicans since Newt took the speakership is privatize and gut. These programs are called socialism by Republicans. This isn't a narrative fed to me or MSNBC brainwashing me: that's what Republicans themselves propose.

If that's what you truly believe then I don't understand why you're a Republican.

I'm a Republican because I can do simple math, Mountain! I'm not caught up in hyperbole about pushing Grandma off a cliff and all of the other nonsense that's been trotted out there by liberals every time someone makes an effort to reform entitlements. I understand that we can't keep going on as we are now. It's not sustainable. Now do you honestly want to have a discussion about how to fix the problems we have with entitlements or do you want to turn this into a really stupid discussion about who hates old people?

I don't buy into that shit either. I don't think Republicans want to throw granny off the cliff. You will never read any post I write saying Republicans hate America or old or sick people. I don't believe that. One of my good friends is an active Republican getting his Masters in political science. He and I talk about politics a lot and it stays respectful (with some teasing on both sides i.e. Biden or Palin or Bachmann or Weiner). But he doesn't buy into the right wing shit either about the Benghazi conspiracy or death panels or communism, etc.

I'm more than willing to talk about entitlement reform. I agree something needs to be done. But let's do it in another thread. And I warn you, I don't even know what the facts are on entitlement reform. I've read and heard many many reports, stories, podcasts, etc. from different sources and the facts are different every time. Even on whether these programs need reform or not. So, I don't know how much I can contribute to such a discussion as I am too skeptical to believe conservative or liberal "facts" on these issues. But I'll listen to waht you have to say. The only thing I want out of these programs is a guarantee that they will not be dismantled and will provide security for those less fortunate or hit hard but an unfortunate event.
Oh god. How can one even have an exchange with you? Google is your friend. If you would like to learn more about profiling research it. For some reason I doubt you will... Its beside the point: Republican leaders and supporters have wanted to profile middle easterners since 9/11, and minorities since they believed black people and hispanics were primarily responsible for crime.

I voted for Obama but I do not support profiling conservative groups by the IRS. Got it, dickwad? I do not support ANY unreasonable infringement on civil rights and the reason to infringe on those rights must be greater than maintaining those rights i.e. yelling fire in a crowded theater, child porn, revealing government secrets which may result in the deaths of Americans or innocent people or the failure of secret operations, etc. etc.

If I remeber correctly, Bush signed the Patriot Act into law. Those that supported it will not get my vote, Democrat or Republican. Those personally responsible for any profiling or civil rights violations should be prosecuted, whether liberal or conservative. I'm outraged. Where was your outrage when Bush signed the Patriot Act? Where was your outrage when the Bush administration tapped phone lines without warrants at all?

Google ought to be your friend if you are going to specifically make accusations about people...but instead you sling crap as if your opinion is fact...

Profiling (something law enforcement does) is NOT FUCKING equal to what the IRS; Benghazi; and journalist scandals are...

Really- because Obama EXPANDED the Patriot Act and you fucking voted for him!

You are a partisan hack pretending to be enlightened.

Profiling is profiling. Its wrong, its discriminatory, its anti-American, whether its the police, the FBI or the CIA- that's what the IRS scandal is all about.

The James Rosen/AP journalist scandal is about overreach when protecting government secrets. The government went to far.

Benghazi is a trumped up conspiracy theory. There isn't anything that has come out in that Republican investigation which points at a cover up or the POTUS or State Dept. allowing Americans to die. If some compelling evidence comes to light that suggests that, then I will be with you in condemning Obama.

Obama's expansion of the Patriot Act pissed me off, more than any of his other fuck ups. I believe a conservative President would've done no different since the leadership of the GOP seem to have no qualms with the Patriot Act and were even behind its drafting. So, I took a chance on Obama and got bit on the ass for it, but he is still pushing a progressive agenda- for the most part- and I would still vote for him before I would vote Republican.

Benghazi is more about this administration lying to the American people. It's about whether this administration was more concerned with protecting the narrative that Al Qaeda was dead and terrorism defeated in order to help sway an election than they were telling us the truth. It's about we know that Susan Rice deliberately lied to the American public and that our SoS was in on it... our SoS who is being touted as a contender for POTUS who is a demonstrable liar.. just like her husband before her.
Google ought to be your friend if you are going to specifically make accusations about people...but instead you sling crap as if your opinion is fact...

Profiling (something law enforcement does) is NOT FUCKING equal to what the IRS; Benghazi; and journalist scandals are...

Really- because Obama EXPANDED the Patriot Act and you fucking voted for him!

You are a partisan hack pretending to be enlightened.

Profiling is profiling. Its wrong, its discriminatory, its anti-American, whether its the police, the FBI or the CIA- that's what the IRS scandal is all about.

The James Rosen/AP journalist scandal is about overreach when protecting government secrets. The government went to far.

Benghazi is a trumped up conspiracy theory. There isn't anything that has come out in that Republican investigation which points at a cover up or the POTUS or State Dept. allowing Americans to die. If some compelling evidence comes to light that suggests that, then I will be with you in condemning Obama.

Obama's expansion of the Patriot Act pissed me off, more than any of his other fuck ups. I believe a conservative President would've done no different since the leadership of the GOP seem to have no qualms with the Patriot Act and were even behind its drafting. So, I took a chance on Obama and got bit on the ass for it, but he is still pushing a progressive agenda- for the most part- and I would still vote for him before I would vote Republican.

Benghazi is more about this administration lying to the American people. It's about whether this administration was more concerned with protecting the narrative that Al Qaeda was dead and terrorism defeated in order to help sway an election than they were telling us the truth. It's about we know that Susan Rice deliberately lied to the American public and that our SoS was in on it... our SoS who is being touted as a contender for POTUS who is a demonstrable liar.. just like her husband before her.

Look, I'm not gonna debate with you on this because I think it would be pointless. I'll just state my opinion on the matter: the most compelling evidence, imo, suggests that it was either an intelligence failure on the part of the CIA or the CIA left out the Al Qaida connection in order to protect state secrets. Susan Rice was just the unfortunate spokesperson that delivered the talking points that Sunday.
Dude, he went to two other judges and was told to, "go pound sand", because it wasn't warranted. He kept going until one finally caved.....makes me wonder if anything was promised to this judge.
Holder is in a lot of hot water over all of this.......and you just tote the water for're just a less. Keep making excuses and trying to make a case for him, it isn't flying anywhere but between those ears of yours. :eusa_whistle:

So is it wrong to appeal a lower court's decision?

This is where I call you a good little minion and walk away from this discussion with you. :cuckoo:
So does you calling me a little minion mean it is wrong to appeal a lower court's decision?

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