Eric Holder Signed Off On Search Warrant For James Rosen Emails: NBC News

Two Judges were asked to approve the warrant, but they refused because Rosen wasn't given notice, as required. A third Judge approved the warrant.

The 'third judge' was an appeals court judge whose opinion overturns those of lower court judges. Are you familiar with the appeals process? Is the DOJ not allowed to appeal decisions by lower court judges?

This isn't an "appeal" you moron.

So appealing to an appeals court judge isn't an appeal. Got it.

When someone refers to "Judge shopping" what they mean is going to various judges trying to find one who will go along with what you're proposing. In this case Holder went to two Federal judges who looked at what he wanted to do with Rosen and they refused to go along with it. So he went to yet another Federal judge and finally found one that would. My guess is they upped the ante by accusing Rosen of being a "co-conspirator" and sold it to this third idiot as a matter of "national security". Which goes to show how many judges we have sitting on benches that have no business being there.
So when a judge does something you disagree with, they have no business being there?

I'm just trying to figure out what the standards are. They seem to change every minute, its hard to keep up sometimes!
OK, so you've got Excuse 1 and 2 down pretty well. As a refresher those are:
1) Everyone does it.

But you need to make the trifecta here and declare about any of it that "September was a long time ago". You can make variations on that, like "This is old news." Or "We've heard enough about it already." It boils down to the same thing.

But every time a lib is confronted with evidence of Democrat/Obama wrongdoing it's the same three responses:
1) They all do it.
3) Sept was a long time ago.

Jeezus, did you even read what I wrote?!

Yes, they all have done it! That's the problem isn't?! It does not, however, excuse it this time. I offer no excuses. Whomever is responsible needs to be prosecuted and if it goes all the way to Obama then he needs to go. However, until the evidence proves that Obama did this then I will wait to come to a conclusion.

Who signed the Patriot Act into law? Who?! Who authorized warrantless phone taps? Does that not infringe on our civil rights? Where was your outrage then. I was outraged then and I am now. I hold Obama ultimately responsible because the buck stops there and I won't vote for him again.

And I wrote nothing about September being along time ago. I wrote that Republicans have wanted to profile Middle Easterners since 9/11. Is that clear?

You won't vote for Barry again? That's your "punishment" for his actions? You probably slept through this part of civics class, Mountain...but Presidents can only serve two terms now. You couldn't vote for Barack Obama because he can't run for a third term. The buck stops there? Really? That's pretty pathetic.

I'm aware that he can't run again, thanks, Oldstyle. What else can I do but not vote for Obama again? Impeach him? On what grounds supported by what evidence? If or until he can be proved to be culpable, there isn't much else I or anyone else can do.
When multiple judges won't sign off on something the Government is attempting to do it's a clear sign that what they are doing is wrong. If Holder had backed off when the first judge deferred he wouldn't have his narrow ass in the crack he now finds it. If he'd backed off when the second judge agreed with the first he wouldn't have egg all over his face. But as is the wont of this Administration...HE KNEW BEST...and they kept on trying judges until they found one that would buy their line of bullshit. The "standards" haven't changed...sleazy is still sleazy! Holder was sleazy when he worked the pardon for Marc Rich and Holder was sleazy when he lied to get the warrant to go after James Rosen. The bottom line is that we have an Attorney General that NEVER should have been confirmed because he IS sleazy.
Jeezus, did you even read what I wrote?!

Yes, they all have done it! That's the problem isn't?! It does not, however, excuse it this time. I offer no excuses. Whomever is responsible needs to be prosecuted and if it goes all the way to Obama then he needs to go. However, until the evidence proves that Obama did this then I will wait to come to a conclusion.

Who signed the Patriot Act into law? Who?! Who authorized warrantless phone taps? Does that not infringe on our civil rights? Where was your outrage then. I was outraged then and I am now. I hold Obama ultimately responsible because the buck stops there and I won't vote for him again.

And I wrote nothing about September being along time ago. I wrote that Republicans have wanted to profile Middle Easterners since 9/11. Is that clear?

You won't vote for Barry again? That's your "punishment" for his actions? You probably slept through this part of civics class, Mountain...but Presidents can only serve two terms now. You couldn't vote for Barack Obama because he can't run for a third term. The buck stops there? Really? That's pretty pathetic.

I'm aware that he can't run again, thanks, Oldstyle. What else can I do but not vote for Obama again? Impeach him? On what grounds supported by what evidence? If or until he can be proved to be culpable, there isn't much else I or anyone else can do.

Gosh, what else CAN I do!!! Are you kidding me? You re-elected this group, Mountain! You stepped into a voting booth and voted for this collection of idiots. You bought the line of bullshit that they were selling NOT ONCE BUT TWICE! What can you do? For starters you can stop making excuses for inexcusable behavior. You know as well as I do that AT BEST, Barry is culpable for simply being clueless...AT WORST he's up to his eyeballs in all this shit. What can you do? Demand fucking answers for a starter! This Administration has been stonewalling on so many fronts at this point that they make the Nixon White House look like a bunch of pikers.
OK, so you've got Excuse 1 and 2 down pretty well. As a refresher those are:
1) Everyone does it.

But you need to make the trifecta here and declare about any of it that "September was a long time ago". You can make variations on that, like "This is old news." Or "We've heard enough about it already." It boils down to the same thing.

But every time a lib is confronted with evidence of Democrat/Obama wrongdoing it's the same three responses:
1) They all do it.
3) Sept was a long time ago.

Jeezus, did you even read what I wrote?!

Yes, they all have done it! That's the problem isn't?! It does not, however, excuse it this time. I offer no excuses. Whomever is responsible needs to be prosecuted and if it goes all the way to Obama then he needs to go. However, until the evidence proves that Obama did this then I will wait to come to a conclusion.

Who signed the Patriot Act into law? Who?! Who authorized warrantless phone taps? Does that not infringe on our civil rights? Where was your outrage then. I was outraged then and I am now. I hold Obama ultimately responsible because the buck stops there and I won't vote for him again.

And I wrote nothing about September being along time ago. I wrote that Republicans have wanted to profile Middle Easterners since 9/11. Is that clear?

No. They do not all do it. Even if they did it wouldn't matter nor relevant.
We are dealing with a unique breach of civil rights by the Obama Justice Dept, the Obama Treasury Department, and who knows what else. But these unique offenses were committed all by people ultimately answerable to Obama. Not to George W Bush. Not to Rush Limbaugh. Not to anyone else. And so far Obama has stonewalled and failed to give a convincing performance of a man determined to get to the bottom of what happened and punish the guilty.

I know you don't want to believe that Republican administrations have ever done anything wrong, or that there could be any kind of stained equivalency on both sides, but that isn't realistic.

Really? Which administration hasn't trod on someone's civil rights? Reagan? Bush? Bush Jr.? Clinton? Maybe Carter. Definitely not Nixon. I've read about all of them in someway or another overreaching when it comes to maintaining power or security or position. In those cases was it the President that was personally responsible for those infringements? No, it was always someone lower down except Bush Jr. who, he himself, signed the Patriot Act.

Nonetheless, what else do you want to do about it this time? Impeachment? Based on what grounds supported by what evidence? Without evidence proving Obama culpable, you have come to a conclusion without basis for it. Politics and reality are not faith based. So, until we can vote out sitting presidents, we're stuck him.
You've never heard impeachment coming from my lips, Mountain. I deal in reality...not pipe dreams. We've got no chance of impeaching Barack Obama and I don't care WHAT he's done or not done.

You've asked what I want to do about these scandals? I'd like people like yourself...people who AREN'T knee jerk liberal demand that those currently in the White House be truthful with us. You know as well as I do that they're lying their asses off and have been for quite some time. Call them on it. That's what "I" want you to do!
You won't vote for Barry again? That's your "punishment" for his actions? You probably slept through this part of civics class, Mountain...but Presidents can only serve two terms now. You couldn't vote for Barack Obama because he can't run for a third term. The buck stops there? Really? That's pretty pathetic.

I'm aware that he can't run again, thanks, Oldstyle. What else can I do but not vote for Obama again? Impeach him? On what grounds supported by what evidence? If or until he can be proved to be culpable, there isn't much else I or anyone else can do.

Gosh, what else CAN I do!!! Are you kidding me? You re-elected this group, Mountain! You stepped into a voting booth and voted for this collection of idiots. You bought the line of bullshit that they were selling NOT ONCE BUT TWICE! What can you do? For starters you can stop making excuses for inexcusable behavior. You know as well as I do that AT BEST, Barry is culpable for simply being clueless...AT WORST he's up to his eyeballs in all this shit. What can you do? Demand fucking answers for a starter! This Administration has been stonewalling on so many fronts at this point that they make the Nixon White House look like a bunch of pikers.

You know, I wrote why I voted for Obama and none of the reasons why was because I fell for the campaign ads. The Republican candidates were more the reasons why. Just forget it, I'm not going over this again.

What excuse did I make? I wrote that there is no excuse! Why are you either misunderstanding or misrepresenting my statements?

I want answers! I want an investigation! The Republicans are doing what they can to get those answers. So what else do you want?!

Oooooh, you want me to vote Republican. That's it. You want me to be sorry for voting for Obama. Well, if he's personally culpable for targeting conservative groups using the IRS then I will be sorry. If he's incompetent as an executive, but gets some of the things done that I want done, well, that's more than I could expect from a Republican administration which would, by definition, not do anything I want done. So I won't regret not voting for Republicans. I will regret not voting 3rd party. And unless the Republicans start taking stances on issues the reflect my position on those issues, I won't vote for them.
The 'third judge' was an appeals court judge whose opinion overturns those of lower court judges. Are you familiar with the appeals process? Is the DOJ not allowed to appeal decisions by lower court judges?

With all due respect.....are you serious?????? :cuckoo:
You know as well as I do that it was an overreach of our government with this issue.
You know as well as I do that it is no more than politics being played by the left.

Right, its an overreach. The DOJ isn't supposed to appeal any judge's decisions. Utilizing the appeals system when you disagree with the lower court judge's ruling is tyranny. We all just "know it". Got it.

You know as well as I do that if it was a republican administration trying to pull this off you would be all over the DOJ.
I thought this was about the DOJ breaking the law - now I find out its really about me. OK! Now do you really want me to look up examples of Republican administrations appealing judge's rulings? Do you think I will find any?

It is about you and you being a left wing hack that would not even question this administration for whatever it it did. Your not objective at all, and please go ahead and go with the examples republicans doing the same thing. Makes no difference to me, if they did, I'd be on their asses too. Unlike you, of course. :eusa_whistle:
With all due respect.....are you serious?????? :cuckoo:
You know as well as I do that it was an overreach of our government with this issue.
You know as well as I do that it is no more than politics being played by the left.

Right, its an overreach. The DOJ isn't supposed to appeal any judge's decisions. Utilizing the appeals system when you disagree with the lower court judge's ruling is tyranny. We all just "know it". Got it.

You know as well as I do that if it was a republican administration trying to pull this off you would be all over the DOJ.
I thought this was about the DOJ breaking the law - now I find out its really about me. OK! Now do you really want me to look up examples of Republican administrations appealing judge's rulings? Do you think I will find any?

It is about you and you being a left wing hack that would not even question this administration for whatever it it did. Your not objective at all, and please go ahead and go with the examples republicans doing the same thing. Makes no difference to me, if they did, I'd be on their asses too. Unlike you, of course. :eusa_whistle:

Under Bush, Warrantless wiretaps:

Were you outraged then?
With all due respect.....are you serious?????? :cuckoo:
You know as well as I do that it was an overreach of our government with this issue.
You know as well as I do that it is no more than politics being played by the left.

Right, its an overreach. The DOJ isn't supposed to appeal any judge's decisions. Utilizing the appeals system when you disagree with the lower court judge's ruling is tyranny. We all just "know it". Got it.

You know as well as I do that if it was a republican administration trying to pull this off you would be all over the DOJ.
I thought this was about the DOJ breaking the law - now I find out its really about me. OK! Now do you really want me to look up examples of Republican administrations appealing judge's rulings? Do you think I will find any?

It is about you and you being a left wing hack that would not even question this administration for whatever it it did.
I thought it actually had something to do with what the administration did, my bad.

Your not objective at all, and please go ahead and go with the examples republicans doing the same thing. Makes no difference to me, if they did, I'd be on their asses too. Unlike you, of course. :eusa_whistle:
You want an example of a Republican led DOJ appealing the decision of a lower judge?
Right, its an overreach. The DOJ isn't supposed to appeal any judge's decisions. Utilizing the appeals system when you disagree with the lower court judge's ruling is tyranny. We all just "know it". Got it.

I thought this was about the DOJ breaking the law - now I find out its really about me. OK! Now do you really want me to look up examples of Republican administrations appealing judge's rulings? Do you think I will find any?

It is about you and you being a left wing hack that would not even question this administration for whatever it it did. Your not objective at all, and please go ahead and go with the examples republicans doing the same thing. Makes no difference to me, if they did, I'd be on their asses too. Unlike you, of course. :eusa_whistle:

Under Bush, Warrantless wiretaps:

Were you outraged then?

Those were OK - they didn't have warrants. Its when the DOJ gets a warrant that the right has a problem.

Right, its an overreach. The DOJ isn't supposed to appeal any judge's decisions. Utilizing the appeals system when you disagree with the lower court judge's ruling is tyranny. We all just "know it". Got it.

I thought this was about the DOJ breaking the law - now I find out its really about me. OK! Now do you really want me to look up examples of Republican administrations appealing judge's rulings? Do you think I will find any?

It is about you and you being a left wing hack that would not even question this administration for whatever it it did.
I thought it actually had something to do with what the administration did, my bad.

Your not objective at all, and please go ahead and go with the examples republicans doing the same thing. Makes no difference to me, if they did, I'd be on their asses too. Unlike you, of course. :eusa_whistle:
You want an example of a Republican led DOJ appealing the decision of a lower judge?

Like I said.....if it happened to a republican led administration I would be on them, also. You can't do that because your a leftwing nut, OPPD.
What happened is wrong and you can't bring yourself to say so. You know it was trumped up. It's ok, I get it.....
You've never heard impeachment coming from my lips, Mountain. I deal in reality...not pipe dreams. We've got no chance of impeaching Barack Obama and I don't care WHAT he's done or not done.

You've asked what I want to do about these scandals? I'd like people like yourself...people who AREN'T knee jerk liberal demand that those currently in the White House be truthful with us. You know as well as I do that they're lying their asses off and have been for quite some time. Call them on it. That's what "I" want you to do!

While I appreciate you thinking I'm not a kneejerk liberal partisan, I am a liberal. Conservativism is not right for me. I won't vote Republican until they support social security, welfare, government support for those who suffer unfortunate events, same sex marriage, evolution as settled science, climate change as settled science, war as a last resort, support of the middle class instead of big business and the wealthy, equality for minorities, getting rid of capital punishment, etc. etc.

When evidence comes out proving Obama lied, then I'll be convinced. Until then, I'll wait for those answers.
Right, its an overreach. The DOJ isn't supposed to appeal any judge's decisions. Utilizing the appeals system when you disagree with the lower court judge's ruling is tyranny. We all just "know it". Got it.

I thought this was about the DOJ breaking the law - now I find out its really about me. OK! Now do you really want me to look up examples of Republican administrations appealing judge's rulings? Do you think I will find any?

It is about you and you being a left wing hack that would not even question this administration for whatever it it did. Your not objective at all, and please go ahead and go with the examples republicans doing the same thing. Makes no difference to me, if they did, I'd be on their asses too. Unlike you, of course. :eusa_whistle:

Under Bush, Warrantless wiretaps:

Were you outraged then?

Yeah, I was, and I was equally upset when Obama increased the powers Homeland Security. I do hope that answers your question.
You've never heard impeachment coming from my lips, Mountain. I deal in reality...not pipe dreams. We've got no chance of impeaching Barack Obama and I don't care WHAT he's done or not done.

You've asked what I want to do about these scandals? I'd like people like yourself...people who AREN'T knee jerk liberal demand that those currently in the White House be truthful with us. You know as well as I do that they're lying their asses off and have been for quite some time. Call them on it. That's what "I" want you to do!

While I appreciate you thinking I'm not a kneejerk liberal partisan, I am a liberal. Conservativism is not right for me. I won't vote Republican until they support social security, welfare, government support for those who suffer unfortunate events, same sex marriage, evolution as settled science, climate change as settled science, war as a last resort, support of the middle class instead of big business and the wealthy, equality for minorities, getting rid of capital punishment, etc. etc.

When evidence comes out proving Obama lied, then I'll be convinced. Until then, I'll wait for those answers.

You'll "wait for those answers"? Why would we HAVE to wait? Why wouldn't you DEMAND that those answers be given? I think you know only too well that the Obama Administration has been "less than forthcoming" on a number of these issues. Would I be incorrect in guessing that you have a hard time watching a Jay Carney press conference without cringing these days? You know why that is, Mountain? It's because you know he's bullshitting his ass off up there!
And the notion that Republicans don't support S.S. or government support for those who suffer unfortunate events is whimsical at best...

You say that you didn't fall for the campaign "hype" of the Obama folks...but then you make a statement like that? I'm sorry but it's obvious that you bought into their nonsense completely.
You declare in your Avatar that you are "Rational and proud of it" yet when someone proposes changes to Social Security to keep it solvent you accuse them of not wanting a social safety net at all. I'm sorry, my liberal friend but THAT is not a rational approach. We've got problems going forward with entitlements that we do not have the funds to pay for. It's an issue that needs to be addressed NOW. It's not an issue that we should be using to make political hay with.
It is about you and you being a left wing hack that would not even question this administration for whatever it it did.
I thought it actually had something to do with what the administration did, my bad.

Your not objective at all, and please go ahead and go with the examples republicans doing the same thing. Makes no difference to me, if they did, I'd be on their asses too. Unlike you, of course. :eusa_whistle:
You want an example of a Republican led DOJ appealing the decision of a lower judge?

Like I said.....if it happened to a republican led administration I would be on them, also.
What would "happen" to them that you would "be on them" about?
You can't do that because your a leftwing nut, OPPD.
What happened is wrong and you can't bring yourself to say so. You know it was trumped up. It's ok, I get it.....
So its wrong to appeal a lower court's decision on a warrant application?
You've never heard impeachment coming from my lips, Mountain. I deal in reality...not pipe dreams. We've got no chance of impeaching Barack Obama and I don't care WHAT he's done or not done.

You've asked what I want to do about these scandals? I'd like people like yourself...people who AREN'T knee jerk liberal demand that those currently in the White House be truthful with us. You know as well as I do that they're lying their asses off and have been for quite some time. Call them on it. That's what "I" want you to do!

While I appreciate you thinking I'm not a kneejerk liberal partisan, I am a liberal. Conservativism is not right for me. I won't vote Republican until they support social security, welfare, government support for those who suffer unfortunate events, same sex marriage, evolution as settled science, climate change as settled science, war as a last resort, support of the middle class instead of big business and the wealthy, equality for minorities, getting rid of capital punishment, etc. etc.

When evidence comes out proving Obama lied, then I'll be convinced. Until then, I'll wait for those answers.

You'll "wait for those answers"? Why would we HAVE to wait? Why wouldn't you DEMAND that those answers be given? I think you know only too well that the Obama Administration has been "less than forthcoming" on a number of these issues. Would I be incorrect in guessing that you have a hard time watching a Jay Carney press conference without cringing these days? You know why that is, Mountain? It's because you know he's bullshitting his ass off up there!

What else can I do but wait for the findings of the investigations? And trust me, I will read the findings of the administration's investigation into itself with a grain of salt. Conflict of interest.

I am disappointed in this administration's lack of transparency. But I'm disappointed with all previous administrations' lack of transparency also. Nothing new there.

And, although yes, I cringe while listening to Jay Carney, I always have. He, like Gibbs before him, is a terrible spokes person. But the White house press secretary always comes off as phony. Bush's and Clinton's and Sr.'s all came off a little phony. Carney's one of the worst.
I thought it actually had something to do with what the administration did, my bad.

You want an example of a Republican led DOJ appealing the decision of a lower judge?

Like I said.....if it happened to a republican led administration I would be on them, also.
What would "happen" to them that you would "be on them" about?
You can't do that because your a leftwing nut, OPPD.
What happened is wrong and you can't bring yourself to say so. You know it was trumped up. It's ok, I get it.....
So its wrong to appeal a lower court's decision on a warrant application?

Dude, he went to two other judges and was told to, "go pound sand", because it wasn't warranted. He kept going until one finally caved.....makes me wonder if anything was promised to this judge.
Holder is in a lot of hot water over all of this.......and you just tote the water for're just a less. Keep making excuses and trying to make a case for him, it isn't flying anywhere but between those ears of yours. :eusa_whistle:

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