ERIC TRUMP: Daddy Bombed Syria For Daughter

OH! Thanks for reminding us:

Trump: If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, I'd be dating her

"us"? Still having conversations with your other personality, Sybil? I believe he explains why he isn't "dating" her so your perverted theory was dead on arrival, mutt.
You incest screamers... what a losing set of spit splurting empty skulled fungal fucks you are.
Next up? Nordstrom!

Do you seriously think Hillary would have bombed Syria if Chelsea was upset with Assad? We warned those inhabiting Trump's colon that this would happen.

Many said Trump did the right thing including the hildabitch and Kerry.

That's not the topic of this thread. Can't any of you idiots read???? ERIC TRUMP said Duh Donald bombed Syria because Ivanka was upset. That's a fact, jack.
OH! Thanks for reminding us:

Trump: If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, I'd be dating her

"us"? Still having conversations with your other personality, Sybil? I believe he explains why he isn't "dating" her so your perverted theory was dead on arrival, mutt.

He has to explain that? Really? You voted for someone who has to explain why he doesn't fuck his own daughter?
Next up? Nordstrom!

Do you seriously think Hillary would have bombed Syria if Chelsea was upset with Assad? We warned those inhabiting Trump's colon that this would happen.

Many said Trump did the right thing including the hildabitch and Kerry.

That's not the topic of this thread. Can't any of you idiots read???? ERIC TRUMP said Duh Donald bombed Syria because Ivanka was upset. That's a fact, jack.

And Eric Trump holds what position in the administration? All I did was point out that Ivanka was one of many, including smuckey shumer who thought it was the right thing to do. Your insinuation that daddy's little girl made the decision just shows how big a fool you truly are. She was simply one voice in many from both parties.
My question is, where was Ivanka's maternal instincts in 2013, when over 1,400 Syrians were killed by chemical weapons, several hundred children were killed in that attack. Also where was Trump's compassion for the "little babies" that were killed. Was not there video of the aftermath, that would have shocked Trump, like the videos of last weeks attack?
This is a "wag the dog" moment, that got the investigations of Trump's staff on the back burner of America's attention span.
Trump after the attack that killed over 1,400:
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
things I am thankful for today

1 - the preservation of SCOTUS
2 - the Hildebeast has not been the lead story on any news network for months

small victories, I'll take 'em

When all you have is small victories it'll have to do.
Aren't the snowflakes cute?

They want us to believe that Trump was NOT going to launch cruise missiles at the Syrian airfield.

And then it all changed when Ivanka stepped in.

Sorry, snowflakes. Trump had decided to do it long before Ivanka said a word. Nothing she did changed anything.

That doesn't fit with your agenda to destroy Trump, I know. But then, so much of the truth doesn't.
What a sick bunch of fucks in the White House. Who needs the Borgias when you have the Trumps?

Eric Trump Says Syria Strike Was Swayed By ‘Heartbroken’ Ivanka
"Heartbroken" Ivanka swayed Trump's decision to strike Syria, son says

"""Trump's 33-year-old son, Eric, told The Daily Telegraph on Monday that the strike was influenced in part by Ivanka, who he said was "heartbroken and outraged" by the chemical attack.""

Now, that's the way to run a country!!
I have no problem with this.

Of course you don't but not everyone wants the US to be nothing more than a pile ash with Pooting in charge.

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My suspicion is that Ivanka Trump gets anything she wants for her and husband, from her father,

because she's got a very naughty secret as her blackmail card.

Hmmmm.....admitting to incest with her pappy would be something that would ruin her personal brand and business ventures, though.

Not if she also has the victim card up her sleeve.

The trumpkins know and don't care. Its one of the very few things drumpf told the truth about - that he could murder someone in the middle if 5th ave and he wouldn't lose a vote.

What's a little incest to the gullible RWNJs?

Wild card might be Tiffany. She may have the leverage over drumpf but might not be as willing to keep it quiet. Time will tell.

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Come on lefties, you know what he meant. Bill Clinton was obviously one "sick fuck" but the left cheered when he bombed the country that made those little Yugo's when he was caught with his pants down and 9-11 terrorists were in flight school in freaking Florida.
Next up? Nordstrom!

Do you seriously think Hillary would have bombed Syria if Chelsea was upset with Assad? We warned those inhabiting Trump's colon that this would happen.

Many said Trump did the right thing including the hildabitch and Kerry.

That's not the topic of this thread. Can't any of you idiots read???? ERIC TRUMP said Duh Donald bombed Syria because Ivanka was upset. That's a fact, jack.

You realize how bat shit crazy you sound right? :cuckoo:
Next up? Nordstrom!

Do you seriously think Hillary would have bombed Syria if Chelsea was upset with Assad? We warned those inhabiting Trump's colon that this would happen.
Hillary CAMPAIGNED on Bombing Syria dumb ass.

Please tell us "exactly" what Hillary said - in context - with "credible" proof that can be verified as factual.

When asked what she would do if Iran attacked Israel she said she would obliterate Iran, pretty clear she threatened to nuke their whole country. The lady is a whack job, no doubt from years of abuse from her perv lying pig of a husband.
Aren't the little snowflakes cute?

They want us to believe that Trump was NOT going to launch cruise missiles at the Syrian airfield.

And then it all changed when Ivanka stepped in.

Sorry, snowflakes. Trump had decided to do it long before Ivanka said a word. Nothing she did changed anything.

That doesn't fit with your agenda to destroy Trump, I know. But then, so much of the truth doesn't.
My question is, where was Ivanka's maternal instincts in 2013, when over 1,400 Syrians were killed by chemical weapons, several hundred children were killed in that attack. Also where was Trump's compassion for the "little babies" that were killed. Was not there video of the aftermath, that would have shocked Trump, like the videos of last weeks attack?
This is a "wag the dog" moment, that got the investigations of Trump's staff on the back burner of America's attention span.
Trump after the attack that killed over 1,400:
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
In 2013? You'll never know.

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