Escaped convicts on the run get guns easier than woman stabbed to death by boyfriend...

Thinking firearm owners protect themselves from avoidable risks.
Toting a gun all the time is for unstable paranoiacs.

Avoidable risks?
How does a young college student avoid rape?

stay at home, lock the doors?

Don't go anywhere alone?

Get a degree in martial arts?

Carry a whistle, and hope she has time to blow it, and hope even more that someone will hear it, and come running?

Carry a taser, and only get one shot?
Avoidable risks?
How does a young college student avoid rape?

Don't go to frat parties and get drunk off your ass would be a good start. Because really, most campus rape- the ones that are eventually determined to be frauds - really fall into the category.

I don't see how discharging a gun drunkenly into a frat party is going to improve the situation.

Might make the parties more interesting.
Avoidable risks?
How does a young college student avoid rape?

Don't go to frat parties and get drunk off your ass would be a good start. Because really, most campus rape- the ones that are eventually determined to be frauds - really fall into the category.

I don't see how discharging a gun drunkenly into a frat party is going to improve the situation.

Might make the parties more interesting.


Sexual Assault Statistics - Campus Safety

and probably the basis for your view on people being armed.

and probably the basis for your view on people being armed.

32,000 gun deaths every year.

78,000 gun injuries.

400,000 gun crimes.

Your fetish isn't "cute" anymore.

accidental gun deaths in 2013 from the CDC...........505.

gun murders by criminals in 2013 from the FBI table 8..........8,454

crimes stopped by armed citizens each year.....2,000,000

Yeah.....those are the real numbers, not the made up ones asshole....
Brain puts the accidental non fatal injuries at 17,000


guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about would push to ban the following...

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505


Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


and probably the basis for your view on people being armed.

32,000 gun deaths every year.

78,000 gun injuries.

400,000 gun crimes.

Your fetish isn't "cute" anymore.

accidental gun deaths in 2013 from the CDC...........505.

gun murders by criminals in 2013 from the FBI table 8..........8,454

crimes stopped by armed citizens each year.....2,000,000

Yeah.....those are the real numbers, not the made up ones asshole....

the sucides are just as dead as the murder victims.

And 2 million DGU's ARE BULLSHIT.

and probably the basis for your view on people being armed.

32,000 gun deaths every year.

78,000 gun injuries.

400,000 gun crimes.

Your fetish isn't "cute" anymore.

accidental gun deaths in 2013 from the CDC...........505.

gun murders by criminals in 2013 from the FBI table 8..........8,454

crimes stopped by armed citizens each year.....2,000,000

Yeah.....those are the real numbers, not the made up ones asshole....

the sucides are just as dead as the murder victims.

And 2 million DGU's ARE BULLSHIT.

Not to the victims who aren't victims because of those 2 million guns....

and probably the basis for your view on people being armed.

32,000 gun deaths every year.

78,000 gun injuries.

400,000 gun crimes.

Your fetish isn't "cute" anymore.

accidental gun deaths in 2013 from the CDC...........505.

gun murders by criminals in 2013 from the FBI table 8..........8,454

crimes stopped by armed citizens each year.....2,000,000

Yeah.....those are the real numbers, not the made up ones asshole....

the sucides are just as dead as the murder victims.

And 2 million DGU's ARE BULLSHIT.

A relative is a police detective....just responded to a local suicide.....the victim hung himself in his kitchen because his girlfriend broke up with him....he had more than enough money to buy a gun.....

my mom worked with a girl who killed herself.....drove to a remote parking lot late at night amd poured gasoline over herself and the interior of her match strike and she died....she wrote in her suicide notes to her family and co workers that she didn't want to be stopped or to chicken out....

No..MY point is always that criminals will always get guns...always.....even criminals who just broke out of jail...........

No, if no one else has guns, the criminals won't get them either. but even if they did, eliminating the people killed in domestic disputes, suicdies and accidents with guns would still eliminate 90% of the gun fatalities. Then we can concentrate on the last 10%.

And anyone who is not a convicted criminal should have access to guns and there is no reason that peaceful, law abiding, good people should have to go through more hoops than necessary to get them.

No good reason for ANY civilian to own a gun. THerefore it should be INCREDIBLY difficult to get one.

You are mistaken on the last. In Alaska you seriously /need/ to have a gun for protection from wildlife; wolves, bears, moose, all are known to not only be in very close proximity of even the big city houses, but /do/ attack people, regularly. We had to relocate a mother black and two cubs from downtown just a month ago because she was endangering our citizens, and the even less bear knowledgeable tourists that flock to downtown attractions. A pack of wolves attacked a woman walking her dogs behind my house got attacked a couple years back, they beheaded and gutted her still on the leash golden while she beat them with a sticks. (lucky as hell she didn't get eaten herself) You don't leave your car without a gun outside the cities; and hell sometimes even then the bears will break your windows, or tear the door off to get to the "creamy filling." We try to keep armed national park rangers around the outdoorsy inclined tourists headed to the parks just so they don't get eaten, even so we still lose a few every year.

One size does not fit all.
Not to the victims who aren't victims because of those 2 million guns....

Never happened. Debunked so many times, but a gun nut has a religious belief that he's doing good with his fetish.
You are mistaken on the last. In Alaska you seriously /need/ to have a gun for protection from wildlife; wolves, bears, moose, all are known to not only be in very close proximity of even the big city houses, but /do/ attack people, regularly.

Here's a whacky idea. Don't live in their territory...
A relative is a police detective....just responded to a local suicide.....the victim hung himself in his kitchen because his girlfriend broke up with him....he had more than enough money to buy a gun.....

my mom worked with a girl who killed herself.....drove to a remote parking lot late at night amd poured gasoline over herself and the interior of her match strike and she died....she wrote in her suicide notes to her family and co workers that she didn't want to be stopped or to chicken out....

Yeah- again, guns make it easier for people to kill themselves, which is why they account for 65% of suicides.

are we goign to stop all suicides and murders by banning guns? Of course not.

Will we reduce them? Yup.

Because every country that banned guns did exactly that.
A relative is a police detective....just responded to a local suicide.....the victim hung himself in his kitchen because his girlfriend broke up with him....he had more than enough money to buy a gun.....

my mom worked with a girl who killed herself.....drove to a remote parking lot late at night amd poured gasoline over herself and the interior of her match strike and she died....she wrote in her suicide notes to her family and co workers that she didn't want to be stopped or to chicken out....

Yeah- again, guns make it easier for people to kill themselves, which is why they account for 65% of suicides.

are we goign to stop all suicides and murders by banning guns? Of course not.

Will we reduce them? Yup.

Because every country that banned guns did exactly that.

Yeah- again, guns make it easier for people to kill themselves, which is why they account for 65% of suicides.

and in Japan, South Korea, China and other gun control countries they don't account for any of the suicides, rope, drugs, trains, tall buildings and bridges do...and not one gun used.....
and in Japan, South Korea, China and other gun control countries they don't account for any of the suicides, rope, drugs, trains, tall buildings and bridges do...and not one gun used.....

Asians have a different attitude towards suicide than the West does.

In that they don't see anything particularly wrong with it and in some cases "honorable".

So another gun nut argument fail. But there are a lot of "shortcomings" with the gun nuts.
Yes...the 2 escaped convicts were able to get their hands on guns....they went to the hunting cabins of Prison enforcement officers, broke in and stole the guns stored there.... first question...if they were on the run, how did they get their background check done? How did they register their guns and get licensed for those guns?

Since they were convicted felons in prison, did that slow down their background checks?

So, the woman in New Jersey was waiting to get approved for her concealed carry permit when her ex boyfriend stabbed her to death on her driveway....she had a restraining order against him.....

These 2 convicts, on the run, got their hands on guns faster than she did, since she never got her gun....

So anti gun extremists...tell me....which one of your gun control laws would have kept guns out of the hands of these convicted felon murderers who escaped from prison?

One of them was killed in a shoot out with police....just breaking...
Your second amendment rights at work

With 300 million guns out there, you can always find one
Yes...the 2 escaped convicts were able to get their hands on guns....they went to the hunting cabins of Prison enforcement officers, broke in and stole the guns stored there.... first question...if they were on the run, how did they get their background check done? How did they register their guns and get licensed for those guns?

Since they were convicted felons in prison, did that slow down their background checks?

So, the woman in New Jersey was waiting to get approved for her concealed carry permit when her ex boyfriend stabbed her to death on her driveway....she had a restraining order against him.....

These 2 convicts, on the run, got their hands on guns faster than she did, since she never got her gun....

So anti gun extremists...tell me....which one of your gun control laws would have kept guns out of the hands of these convicted felon murderers who escaped from prison?

One of them was killed in a shoot out with police....just breaking...
Your second amendment rights at work

With 300 million guns out there, you can always find one

Unless you are a law abiding woman in New Jersey trying to get a gun because your ex boyfriend has threatened to kill you....then you wait months.....and no gun.....then you get murdered with a knife by the ex boyfriend in your driveway...

These escaped convicts...steal guns and have them in the time it takes to get to the cabin of a prison guard....

Laws disarm normal people....and do nothing to keep criminals from getting guns, asshole.....

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