Esper: Trump Wanted to Shoot Protesters

Let's remember the Fifth Avenue Rule.

The base would have been fine with it.


Every bit as true as your meme.
How people interpret the Constitution seems to be subject to change. I understand it as a living document which is supposed to change things for the better expand freedoms and liberties to all until there is no one left out of the process. I don't like the way the Republicans are attacking the Constitution.
I don't like how demofks ignore the constitution.
I have no problem with shooting vandals, arsonists and looters. That's why the city government called a curfew. Innocent protesters don't get caught in the crossfire. But, the Trumpies defy a curfew.
Wisconsin law says you have to be 21. In Illinois it was only 18. He crossed the state line to do his nefarious deeds.
“Nefarious deeds” like removing a couple filthy pieces of worthless dogshit from the earth?
Rittenhouse, like Derek Chauvin did us all a big favor.

Yes, proving the point. Proving my point.

So relax.
did he shoot someone? See in order for it to have mattered meant he would have had to have shot someone on the street he named. He didn't did he? Son, you are fking clueless.

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