Et tu, Ivanka?

There it was. The bigger than life image of the ice queen, Ivanka, in living color for all to see, telling the world her dad is a colossal fraud. "It affected my perspective. I respect Attorney General Barr so I accepted what he said."

One might glean from that comment she has a lack of respect for Dear Leader. A lack of respect for him trying to gaslight Americans with false claims of voter fraud. A lack of respect for him doing all he can to damage our democracy, undermine faith in election integrity, and normalize claims of fraud when you lose an election.

I hope there are still enough Americans who are open to the truth that the information presented in the televised hearings convince them Trump, and the Repubs who still support him, as well as the Repubs who have accepted his endorsement for public office, are a danger to this country. Because they are.
Spot on.
Mueller did exonerate President Trump. He found no “collusion”. Another epic fail by you morons.
He did not exonerate Mueller himself said. His report contained multiple examples, complete with granular detail, of Trump's obstruction of justice.

The section entitled “Hack and Leak” contains perhaps the frankest statements describing efforts by the Trump campaign institutionally—and Trump personally—to take advantage of Russia’s efforts, through WikiLeaks, to damage Hillary Clinton’s candidacy:

While the GRU and WikiLeaks were releasing hacked documents, the Trump Campaign sought to maximize the impact of those materials to aid Trump's electoral prospects. To do so, the Trump Campaign took actions to obtain advance notice about WikiLeaks releases of Clinton emails; took steps to obtain inside information about the content of releases once WikiLeaks began to publish stolen information; created messaging strategies to promote and share the materials in anticipation of and following their release; and encouraged further theft of information and continued leaks.
The report summarizes the key role of Roger Stone in these efforts:

Trump and senior Campaign officials sought to obtain advance information about WikiLeaks through Roger Stone. In spring 2016, prior to Assange's public announcements, Stone advised the Campaign that WikiLeaks would be releasing materials harmful to Clinton. Following the July 22 DNC release, Trump and the Campaign believed that Roger Stone had known of the release and had inside access to WikiLeaks, and repeatedly communicated with Stone about WikiLeaks throughout the summer and fall of 2016. Trump and other senior Campaign officials specifically directed Stone to obtain information about upcoming document releases relating to Clinton and report back. At their direction, Stone took action to gain inside knowledge for the Campaign and shared his purported knowledge directly with Trump and senior Campaign officials on multiple occasions. Trump and the Campaign believed that Stone had inside information and expressed satisfaction that Stone's information suggested more releases would be forthcoming.
Calling them after the riots had started would have met his constitutional obligation, any other prez would have done so. But Don was enjoying the violence against the Capital police too much to pick up the phone.

The saddest thing is when people are so politicized, they do not even know they lived better under the previous guy or even care. When they promote violence time and time against blaming the opposition for it. There has been a shitload of lies over the years that have not even gotten scrutiny. The special needs mashed potato for brains in the White House has made huge ones since being installed as the puppet.
There it was. The bigger than life image of the ice queen, Ivanka, in living color for all to see, telling the world her dad is a colossal fraud. "It affected my perspective. I respect Attorney General Barr so I accepted what he said."

One might glean from that comment she has a lack of respect for Dear Leader. A lack of respect for him trying to gaslight Americans with false claims of voter fraud. A lack of respect for him doing all he can to damage our democracy, undermine faith in election integrity, and normalize claims of fraud when you lose an election.

I hope there are still enough Americans who are open to the truth that the information presented in the televised hearings convince them Trump, and the Repubs who still support him, as well as the Repubs who have accepted his endorsement for public office, are a danger to this country. Because they are.
it was rather odd…i’m not sure what she or her opinion on Barr and th e election have to do with the riot on jan 6
He did not exonerate Mueller himself said. His report contained multiple examples, complete with granular detail, of Trump's obstruction of justice.

The section entitled “Hack and Leak” contains perhaps the frankest statements describing efforts by the Trump campaign institutionally—and Trump personally—to take advantage of Russia’s efforts, through WikiLeaks, to damage Hillary Clinton’s candidacy:

The report summarizes the key role of Roger Stone in these efforts:

So what if WikiLeaks was to release info about Hillary Clinton?

You are perfectly fine with any other leak.

You were all just mad Hillary’s emails showed what a corrupt piece of shit she was. How dare the American public know the truth about her before an election, right?
He did not exonerate Mueller himself said. His report contained multiple examples, complete with granular detail, of Trump's obstruction of justice.

The section entitled “Hack and Leak” contains perhaps the frankest statements describing efforts by the Trump campaign institutionally—and Trump personally—to take advantage of Russia’s efforts, through WikiLeaks, to damage Hillary Clinton’s candidacy:

The report summarizes the key role of Roger Stone in these efforts:

yes mueller investigated specific events but did not decide to indict. Trump was exonerated in that regards and then by Congress when they decided it wasn’t even enough to impeach over

Yes. trump took advantage of the leaked emails showing how corrupt clinton and the dnc were
Calling them after the riots had started would have met his constitutional obligation, any other prez would have done so. But Don was enjoying the violence against the Capital police too much to pick up the phone.

A claim lacking any supporting evidence. I love the way you prog morons just make stuff up.

Pelosi and Schumer are in charge of security at the capitol, and Trump asked them to call in the National Guard 4 days earlier

Trump Pentagon first offered National Guard to Capitol four days before Jan. 6 riots, memo shows
There it was. The bigger than life image of the ice queen, Ivanka, in living color for all to see, telling the world her dad is a colossal fraud. "It affected my perspective. I respect Attorney General Barr so I accepted what he said."

One might glean from that comment she has a lack of respect for Dear Leader. A lack of respect for him trying to gaslight Americans with false claims of voter fraud. A lack of respect for him doing all he can to damage our democracy, undermine faith in election integrity, and normalize claims of fraud when you lose an election.

I hope there are still enough Americans who are open to the truth that the information presented in the televised hearings convince them Trump, and the Repubs who still support him, as well as the Repubs who have accepted his endorsement for public office, are a danger to this country. Because they are.
Her opinion is simply that, her opinion. It has no bearing at all on the facts or what other people believed or still believe.
Here's something interesting.

Stirewalt came under fire from Trump and his supporters after the Fox News political desk was the first to call Arizona for Biden in November 2020. The state had a recent track record for voting for Republican presidential candidates, so the call stunned the political world and all but confirmed Trump would lose the 2020 election.

He should have known that wouldn't go over well with viewers of Trump TV.
A claim lacking any supporting evidence.
He took an oath to defend the Constitution. Have you forgotten? Obviously he did. The mob was preventing the constitutionally protected peaceful transfer of power to Biden. Not thinking Trump was ethically and morally obliged to do something is a sign you are a cult member.
It’s already been proven President Trump offered 20,000 National Guard. Pelosi turned it down.

Pelosi and the Dems wanted violence. They were hoping for the crowd to burn down the building like BLM would had, and to execute members of Congress like BLM would had. Instead they stayed between the ropes and took selfies.

View attachment 656159
People were rightfully concerned about Trump's 20,000 armed national guard troops. Were they going to be Trump's soldiers?
Pence team couldn't verify Trump campaign's election fraud claims, new memo shows

In the days before the electoral college certification, then-Vice President Mike Pence’s legal team laid out that they found most of the Trump campaign’s assertions of election fraud minor or unverifiable, according to a previously unseen memo obtained by POLITICO.

The memo shows Pence’s legal team didn’t just track the barrage of wild legal arguments from former President Donald Trump’s lawyers and allies, but also meticulously monitored the allegations of election fraud and mismanagement. It specifically includes charges leveled by the Trump campaign itself in court.

Pence team couldn't verify Trump campaign's election fraud claims, new memo shows

Nobody could verify them.........cuz they are lies.
People were rightfully concerned about Trump's 20,000 armed national guard troops. Were they going to be Trump's soldiers?
The Orange Stain wanted the troops there to protect his protesters. Against who I couldn't say.
He took an oath to defend the Constitution. Have you forgotten? Obviously he did. The mob was preventing the constitutionally protected peaceful transfer of power to Biden. Not thinking Trump was ethically and morally obliged to do something is a sign you are a cult member.
You understanding of what the Constitution requires is horseshit. It doesn't require Trump to enforce a swindle. Trump did what he could do by requesting Pisslosi and Schumer to allow him to send in the National guard before hand.

You're a fuckingmoron and a douchebag.
it was rather odd…i’m not sure what she or her opinion on Barr and th e election have to do with the riot on jan 6
It's rather odd, the riot was only one aspect of the attempted coup yet it's all Trumpleton's talk about.

Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, pressed 29 Republican state lawmakers in Arizona — 27 more than previously known — to set aside Joe Biden’s popular vote victory and “choose” presidential electors, according to emails obtained by The Washington Post.

The Post reported last month that Thomas sent emails to two Arizona House members, in November and December 2020, urging them to help overturn Biden’s win by selecting presidential electors — a responsibility that belongs to Arizona voters under state law. Thomas sent the messages using FreeRoots, an online platform intended to make it easy to send pre-written emails to multiple elected officials.

It's rather odd, the riot was only one aspect of the attempted coup yet it's all Trumpleton's talk about.

Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, pressed 29 Republican state lawmakers in Arizona — 27 more than previously known — to set aside Joe Biden’s popular vote victory and “choose” presidential electors, according to emails obtained by The Washington Post.

The Post reported last month that Thomas sent emails to two Arizona House members, in November and December 2020, urging them to help overturn Biden’s win by selecting presidential electors — a responsibility that belongs to Arizona voters under state law. Thomas sent the messages using FreeRoots, an online platform intended to make it easy to send pre-written emails to multiple elected officials.

ah i guess when you failed to show that trump conspired and organized the riot…you got to somehow try and blame justice thomas wife doing lobbying…


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