Et tu, Ivanka?

There are no crimes, and the so called Kangaroo Court does not have the power to actually do any "criminal referals"
What crime did president Trump commit that Moscow Mueller, Nazi Pelosi and James Commie Comey could not find in the DemNazi 4 year long COUP between 2016-2020??
You were probably one of the easiest ones for them to groom. It shows.
Trump knew he lost but tried to steal the election anyway.

"I was in the Oval Office," Miller said in the clip that was played. "At some point in the conversation, Matt Oczkowski, who was the lead data person, was brought on, and I remember he delivered to the president in pretty blunt terms that he was going to lose."
For four years many people have desperately looked for excuses to convince themselves that Donald Trump has to finally admit something unflattering. And it's happening again with people getting excited about Ivanka and Jared testifying before the select committee. But that is a mistake.

What Ivanka said means nothing. It literally means nothing. The response she gave was nothing more than an decorative "no comment".
We'll have to agree to disagree about that. There is no mistaking what she meant with her comment. She accepted Barr's opinion there was no widespread fraud, her dad lost, and therefore everything Don has done to perpetuate the idea he actually won the election is a lie.
I'm more than happy to have a fact based, rational discussion with you. But your delusional belief about election fraud can't be part of the conversation. I can't be bothered talking about the Crazy.
You're "happy" to have a "rational" discussion, but only if you dictate the terms and parameters of said discussion. :rolleyes:
It's still Republican Projection Month.

Gaslighting: It was BLM and Anti-fa.

Gaslighting: It was just tourists.

Gaslighting: It was only a few dozen.

Gaslighting: They were peaceful.
Gaslighting: Trump had nothing to do with it.

By now, federal investigators have put together a well-populated if not-yet-complete picture of the weeks leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol. Through hundreds of indictments and numerous plea agreements, we have thousands of pages of information about how and why those who allegedly participated in the riot came to Washington that day.

A review of all of those documents suggests that one particular day played an outsize role on the path to the day’s violence: Dec. 19, 2020 — the day on which President Donald Trump tweeted his encouragement for people to show up with the promise that it would be “wild.”

With actual documents, not liberoidal fan fiction "fat checks"

Suck on it, loser.
"inquired"....didn't order or even attempt to order. Your own link blows up your assertion.

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