Ethics Chief slams Trump's divestment plan

So an Obama appointee is gunning for Trump... what a surprise.

And I note his main bitch is Trump is "breaking 40 years of precedent", i.e. he isn't breaking any law.

Considering there hasn't been a President this independently wealthy in the past 40 years, the precedent is pretty much useless.

I would bet that nothing Trump does would make this government drone happy.

A government drone that he can not fire.....WOW!
There is no law, rule or set of rules that require a President to divest himself of any of his/her Private Property or Business

Trump said he would step aside from his business interests.
Trump said he would release his taxes.

Lie 1
Lie 2

What will Lie 3 be?

"I have nothing to do with Russia!" ????

Trump could personally discover a cure for cancer and dimocrap scum would find something to bitch about.

The mistake Republicans always make is in thinking they can silence the criticism and hate from dimocrap scum.

Can't do it. It just can't be done.

dimocrap scum LIVE for hate. It's all they got. If they didn't have Republicans to hate on, they'd find something else.

Always have, always will.

If it weren't for Republicans, they'd hate on Jews. If it weren't for Republicans, they'd hate on Capitalism. If.....

You can't make dimocrap scum happy. So don't even try. Just let them bitch until they discover that life just isn't worth living.

Sooner the better.

There is absolutely NOTHING that will make those scum be quiet. No matter what we do.
One wonders why Trump would even bring up the subject of stepping aside from his businesses if there is no code, tradition or other expectation that one in his position do so.
One wonders why Trump would even bring up the subject of stepping aside from his businesses if there is no code, tradition or other expectation that one in his position do so.

I think it is a Class thing...or lack thereof.

Let's see what the constitutionalist say after January 20th. It will be interesting, to say the least.

So an Obama appointee is gunning for Trump... what a surprise.

And I note his main bitch is Trump is "breaking 40 years of precedent", i.e. he isn't breaking any law.

Considering there hasn't been a President this independently wealthy in the past 40 years, the precedent is pretty much useless.

I would bet that nothing Trump does would make this government drone happy.

A government drone that he can not fire.....WOW!

That depends on if the country gets sick enough of the inevitable backlash against Trump from Dems and the bureaucracy that I expect.

Come 2018, will Trump be able to say, "Well I wanted to do this, this AND this, but THESE PEOPLE stopped me and you should vote for people in congress that will help me"
Dems have a very fine line to walk.

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