Ethics Chief slams Trump's divestment plan

He should sell his empire to Putin, that would silence his critics

He already owns most of it, silly.

"Everyone knows my tax returns are still under audit."

No, Stump we don't. How about giving us the letter from the IRS that says they are. By the time he decides to give up his tax returns, we will be under Marshall Law and Putin will be directing our Intelligence.

He and Tillerson are carrying the line for Russia in bashing China. It is becoming more and more obvious. Russia is going to have Donald start a war with China and be there to mop up the ugly aftermath. And the "Convenient Idiot" is towing the Putin line.
He should sell his empire to Putin, that would silence his critics

He already owns most of it, silly.

"Everyone knows my tax returns are still under audit."

No, Stump we don't. How about giving us the letter from the IRS that says they are. By the time he decides to give up his tax returns, we will be under Marshall Law and Putin will be directing our Intelligence.

He and Tillerson are carrying the line for Russia in bashing China. It is becoming more and more obvious. Russia is going to have Donald start a war with China and be there to mop up the ugly aftermath. And the "Convenient Idiot" is towing the Putin line.
No need for marshal law with us going after you......

He knows he is full of it Owebo, that is why I never post in his threads. The only way he can keep it going is for us to argue with someone incompetent that even he knows is lying through his teeth.

We have bigger fish to fry, like fix Obysmals disaster, and Jimi is just a tic on our asses, but we have tweezers and a toilet to flush him down-)
Why doesn't this surprise me...

Watch the press conference, listen to what Trump is actually doing - not because of a law, but just so it looks good, he's doing that for you lefties, the rights don't care if he does or not - think about it. Stop letting the partisan party bastards lead you around like dogs, you have minds, fucking use them. They don't care about you, never have, never will - only your vote. Both sides, only the votes. Fuck them, break those chains!
Like I said, let's see how this comes out for Donnie...the Dems are lining lawyers up now.
Trump said he would step aside from his business interests.
Trump said he would release his taxes.

So an Obama appointee is gunning for Trump... what a surprise.

And I note his main bitch is Trump is "breaking 40 years of precedent", i.e. he isn't breaking any law.

Considering there hasn't been a President this independently wealthy in the past 40 years, the precedent is pretty much useless.

I would bet that nothing Trump does would make this government drone happy.
POTUS is not allowed to own property or take out mortgages against the property he owns.

This new learning amazes me
The magnitude of the situation and the power involved requires much more than superficial ideologies and/or concepts of 'ethics'. Standards are the highest.

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