EU caught in the middle


Gold Member
Feb 5, 2014
Recently I have been reading of Russia's efforts to attract the support of the EU's right wing. Apparently, Russia has financed Le Pen in France to the tune of several million dollars and has reached out to the UK's BNP.

"Is the Kremlin financing Europe's right-wing populists?

Is the Kremlin financing Europe s right-wing populists News DW.DE 29.11.2014

The U.S., on the other hand has twisted the EU's arm in order to force it to go along with sanctions that harm the Europe's industry and people economically. Yes the video below is not from an unbiased source, but what Biden says is clear.

With Russia helping the anti EU right in Europe and the US forcing the EU middle to adopt policies that impoverish European people and European industries, pushing more EU citizens to the anti-EU fold, is the EU shooting themselves in the foot? As an American, the weakening of the EU is a good thing economically and politically for us, but, why do Europeans agree to do this, are they truly as stupid as they seem,, or do they have some sort of plan?
Europeans are blind morons that even celebrate each punch in their faces. Plus they fight everyone mercilessly who points at the problems the countries have. They are similar to fat maggots that will die once the bacon is eaten up. In their consuming spree they refuse to take any actions their children would profit from and they destroy everything around them.

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