Europe is widely expected to help Ukraine out of its financial difficulties


Jun 27, 2014
Ukrainians didn't spare there lives on EuroMaidan in Kiev. We proved by deeds there our devotion to European precious values and so we naturally expect Europeans help us now (to pay our gas debt to Russia and other things). Matter of fact many people in Ukraine are actually irritated already by EU empty promises. We lust for real aid on part of Europe, you know!
Ye, there are hell of challenges Ukrainian economy faces now for they have been accumulated for years. We need badly financial aid in the first run. And if Europe is in shortage of money then why on earth has it meddled into Ukrainian matters at all! Made such a mess in this country, humanitarian disaster, hell of refugees, many houses ruined and need repairing now and so on and so forth..... It's money, huge money Europeans are to spend to change things for better, I should say.
You know we want to firmly rely on EU and USA. But we can't! They have recently voiced their readiness to only pay PART of our gas debt to Russia! Absolutely disgusting of them!

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