Europe on the brink of sucking America into another world war WW1 WW2 now WW3?!

You never know what with Tater's bunch in charge.....That and the gop neocons that have fattened the PAC coffers finding common cause with the dems.

One thing is for certain, barring a attack on US soil (and it better be confirmed and not some false flag) there would be damn few volunteers to fight said war.

Fuck the euro trash....Let them virtue-signal their way out of their mess the same way they virtue-signaled their way into it..
You never know what with Tater's bunch in charge.....That and the gop neocons that have fattened the PAC coffers finding common cause with the dems.

One thing is for certain, barring a attack on US soil (and it better be confirmed and not some false flag) there would be damn few volunteers to fight said war.

Fuck the euro trash....Let them virtue-signal their way out of their mess the same way they virtue-signaled their way into it..
The Euro trash seems to have a lot of influence over President Biden. He told them America is back, and has their back.
You never know what with Tater's bunch in charge.....That and the gop neocons that have fattened the PAC coffers finding common cause with the dems.

One thing is for certain, barring a attack on US soil (and it better be confirmed and not some false flag) there would be damn few volunteers to fight said war.

Fuck the euro trash....Let them virtue-signal their way out of their mess the same way they virtue-signaled their way into it..
Just as a reminder though..

In 2015, the Department of Defense lifted all gender-based restrictions Thus, women are now eligible for all military service roles, including combat positions." Q: Has the draft registration process changed as a result of the decision? A: In the short term, no.
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All-male draft ruled unconstitutional. Do women now have to regist…

It seems as thought history is repeating itself. We've had WW1 and WW2 now it seems we may be headed for WW3, and Europe is about to suck America into another European War.! Your thoughts.

Something sure is blowing in on the wind. I've been catching whiffs of it for years—like the melted electric twang before a summer storm. Best not to be living within thermonuclear blast radius range of major towns and cities these days.
It seems as thought history is repeating itself. We've had WW1 and WW2 now it seems we may be headed for WW3, and Europe is about to suck America into another European War.! Your thoughts.

The USA never had any need to be part of world war 1+2. But world war 3 seems to be more a war which is made from the USA, China and Russia.
Yep. What the deep state wants, war; and why they hated Trump.

The full-time idiot Donald Trump created as a presidetn of the USA most of the problems which exist now in the international relations to the USA.

Men of peace are useless to them, while damned fools like Biden and his cohorts are useful idiots.

Useful idiots from which Borg Queen? The British Brexiters had for example been useful idiots of idiots from the USA. But what is the "use" of this nonsense now? A free Texas without the USA?

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It seems as thought history is repeating itself. We've had WW1 and WW2 now it seems we may be headed for WW3, and Europe is about to suck America into another European War.! Your thoughts.
Russia and possibly china see the West as weak

They believe a war is to their advantage

But we should not give in to their bullying and aggression because if we do it will only get worse
It seems as thought history is repeating itself. We've had WW1 and WW2 now it seems we may be headed for WW3, and Europe is about to suck America into another European War.! Your thoughts.
Huh --- I have been thinking the Biden government is trying to get us into a war with China, but you are right, it could well be a war with Russia.

I don't think this is Europe's fault, more Putin's fault!

However, whichever country starts the war, China or Russia, the other will of course instantly join in, with the hope of defeating the U.S. forever. Europe would probably like that too -----
Huh --- I have been thinking the Biden government is trying to get us into a war with China, but you are right, it could well be a war with Russia.
China wants war with America

Or peace on china’s terms

If biden is lucid enough to resist he has my support

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