Evangelicals Renounce Trump: 'Our Faith Hangs In The Balance'

If they were really Christians, I would be a lot more impressed. Read the comments here from the so-called "christians". They are human pretzels and no matter what he says or does, they will blame President Clinton and they will vote for Drumpf.

Remember that he has been accused by three different women who, as very young girls were raped by Drumpf. The RWNJ traitors simply don't care.

Really proves how they see women - their wives, daughters, sisters and mothers.
Hillary isn't a Christian, Trump States he is and will stand up for us. So yes I will vote for him.
G'morning, wingnuts.

Looks like now would be a good time to come up with that Whitey Tape™.

Any takers?
Trump apologized and said he was sorry, the Christian thing to do is forgive him.

End of thread :)
Is that how you're going to explain it to your girls that you and they should still support him? He's not sorry, Sassy, and we both know he's not going to change. I'm sure you've run into guys like that; we all have. It's part of life, it's not the end of the world, but it's a part of life I'd like to see us change for our daughters and granddaughters.

We seem to have a general attitude that there is an open season on women. It is that underlying attitude that fuels so many rapes in the military and in colleges. Women are fair game--grab their snatch, view them as nothing but sex objects, move in on 'em at will. We've come a long way but respect? That's still a battle.

Anyone who still supports him is saying his attitude is unfortunate but tolerable.
Trump apologized and said he was sorry, the Christian thing to do is forgive him.

End of thread :)
Is that how you're going to explain it to your girls that you and they should still support him? He's not sorry, Sassy, and we both know he's not going to change. I'm sure you've run into guys like that; we all have. It's part of life, it's not the end of the world, but it's a part of life I'd like to see us change for our daughters and granddaughters.

We seem to have a general attitude that there is an open season on women. It is that underlying attitude that fuels so many rapes in the military and in colleges. Women are fair game--grab their snatch, view them as nothing but sex objects, move in on 'em at will. We've come a long way but respect? That's still a battle.

Anyone who still supports him is saying his attitude is unfortunate but tolerable.
Anyone that still supports him is a grownup and thinks you are better off living in your bubble world. You honestly don't know how men talk?
So much for the GOP being the morally superior party. Trump has finally destroyed the republican party all by himself.
LOL. Jesus Christ, you lefties have lost your minds. If we can call them that. If Trump declared he was switching to the Democrat party tomorrow you hypocrites would look the other way as you do with the rest of the Dems. Bill has done worse, actions speak louder than words. Hillary's Wall Stree speeches have just been leaked and you simpletons are trying to cover for her.

Your problem is that you all assume everyone is as stupid as you are.
Trump has proved that the cons ARE as stupid as he said. He took you for everything the GOP ever had. It really sucks for you when there is still a month before the election, and you know it's over. This is worse for con than 2008 and 2012.
Trump apologized and said he was sorry, the Christian thing to do is forgive him.

End of thread :)
Is that how you're going to explain it to your girls that you and they should still support him? He's not sorry, Sassy, and we both know he's not going to change. I'm sure you've run into guys like that; we all have. It's part of life, it's not the end of the world, but it's a part of life I'd like to see us change for our daughters and granddaughters.

We seem to have a general attitude that there is an open season on women. It is that underlying attitude that fuels so many rapes in the military and in colleges. Women are fair game--grab their snatch, view them as nothing but sex objects, move in on 'em at will. We've come a long way but respect? That's still a battle.

Anyone who still supports him is saying his attitude is unfortunate but tolerable.

Only he and God knows his heart, and you let me worry about raising our children, it is absolutely, positively none of your concern or business
God isn't afraid of words... but actions.

No christian will vote for Hillary, because of some locker room talk. Especially not when he already apologized.
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God isn't afraid of works... but actions.

No christian will vote for Hillary, because of some locker room talk. Especially not when he already apologized.

This is the hilarious thing on the "Christian" angle, they expect Christians to forget all the evil deeds Hillary has been involved with and focus solely on Trumps. Idiots
So much for the GOP being the morally superior party. Trump has finally destroyed the republican party all by himself.

Gary Johnson can now say that he is the republican alternative. It's all you've got cons.

I always like the attacks on Republicans for not being moral while you continue to vote for liberal tax and spenders who evade and commit fraud on their own taxes to your silence
Let's not forget about her letting 4people die, then lied about it.
You can't defend Trump, so you deflect. But that won't get him elected. Stick a fork in him, he's done.....and you know it.
So much for the GOP being the morally superior party. Trump has finally destroyed the republican party all by himself.

Gary Johnson can now say that he is the republican alternative. It's all you've got cons.

I always like the attacks on Republicans for not being moral while you continue to vote for liberal tax and spenders who evade and commit fraud on their own taxes to your silence
Let's not forget about her letting 4people die, then lied about it.
You can't defend Trump, so you deflect. But that won't get him elected. Stick a fork in him, he's done.....and you know it.
I think he will come out strong after this. I mean he just talked about it. Your hero Clinton did and still does it to women. The latest one, they call her the energizer bunny! Hillary puts up with it. Actions speak louder than words.
So much for the GOP being the morally superior party. Trump has finally destroyed the republican party all by himself.

Gary Johnson can now say that he is the republican alternative. It's all you've got cons.

I always like the attacks on Republicans for not being moral while you continue to vote for liberal tax and spenders who evade and commit fraud on their own taxes to your silence
Let's not forget about her letting 4people die, then lied about it.
You can't defend Trump, so you deflect. But that won't get him elected. Stick a fork in him, he's done.....and you know it.

How dare he deflect from Trump in a thread you started to deflect from Hitlary! It's just not right ...
Trump apologized and said he was sorry, the Christian thing to do is forgive him.

End of thread :)
Is that how you're going to explain it to your girls that you and they should still support him? He's not sorry, Sassy, and we both know he's not going to change. I'm sure you've run into guys like that; we all have. It's part of life, it's not the end of the world, but it's a part of life I'd like to see us change for our daughters and granddaughters.

We seem to have a general attitude that there is an open season on women. It is that underlying attitude that fuels so many rapes in the military and in colleges. Women are fair game--grab their snatch, view them as nothing but sex objects, move in on 'em at will. We've come a long way but respect? That's still a battle.

Anyone who still supports him is saying his attitude is unfortunate but tolerable.
Anyone that still supports him is a grownup and thinks you are better off living in your bubble world. You honestly don't know how men talk?
It's making me feel pretty sad this morning, having to wonder now if all men have that attitude toward women, yes. Of course I've heard of 'locker room talk,' and I know boys like to brag and lie about their sexual conquests when they're adolescents. I assumed they outgrew it.
So much for the GOP being the morally superior party. Trump has finally destroyed the republican party all by himself.

Gary Johnson can now say that he is the republican alternative. It's all you've got cons.

I disagree on two points - One is that they have proven they will twist themselves into pretzels rather than vote for the good of the country. Drumpf was right when he said he could shoot someone on Fifth Ave and not lose votes.

Two is that Drumpf did not destroy the GOP/Repub party. He is what they are. He is what a certain segment of the US is.

Oh and a third point - As pathetic as it is, they will blame President Clinton and/or President Obama for what Duh Donuld is, does and says because the one thing we know about RWNJ traitors is that they never ever EVER take responsibility for their own words and actions.
The GOP is already trying to think of a way to get him off the ticket. All the elected right wingers have denounced him as their candidate. The Christians can't vote for him without showing they are nothing but hypocrites. All the elected republicans are just trying not to get voted out of office now.
So much for the GOP being the morally superior party. Trump has finally destroyed the republican party all by himself.

Gary Johnson can now say that he is the republican alternative. It's all you've got cons.

I always like the attacks on Republicans for not being moral while you continue to vote for liberal tax and spenders who evade and commit fraud on their own taxes to your silence
Let's not forget about her letting 4people die, then lied about it.
You can't defend Trump, so you deflect. But that won't get him elected. Stick a fork in him, he's done.....and you know it.

How dare he deflect from Trump in a thread you started to deflect from Hitlary! It's just not right ...
It's the alt left thinking. How dare you prove that my side has done way worse. When I'm throwing a hissy fit overs some words your guy said years ago.
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Trump apologized and said he was sorry, the Christian thing to do is forgive him.

End of thread :)
Is that how you're going to explain it to your girls that you and they should still support him? He's not sorry, Sassy, and we both know he's not going to change. I'm sure you've run into guys like that; we all have. It's part of life, it's not the end of the world, but it's a part of life I'd like to see us change for our daughters and granddaughters.

We seem to have a general attitude that there is an open season on women. It is that underlying attitude that fuels so many rapes in the military and in colleges. Women are fair game--grab their snatch, view them as nothing but sex objects, move in on 'em at will. We've come a long way but respect? That's still a battle.

Anyone who still supports him is saying his attitude is unfortunate but tolerable.
Anyone that still supports him is a grownup and thinks you are better off living in your bubble world. You honestly don't know how men talk?
It's making me feel pretty sad this morning, having to wonder now if all men have that attitude toward women, yes. Of course I've heard of 'locker room talk,' and I know boys like to brag and lie about their sexual conquests when they're adolescents. I assumed they outgrew it.

Yeah I know....I wonder if Bill Clinton will ever outgrow such things?
Trump apologized and said he was sorry, the Christian thing to do is forgive him.

End of thread :)
Is that how you're going to explain it to your girls that you and they should still support him? He's not sorry, Sassy, and we both know he's not going to change. I'm sure you've run into guys like that; we all have. It's part of life, it's not the end of the world, but it's a part of life I'd like to see us change for our daughters and granddaughters.

We seem to have a general attitude that there is an open season on women. It is that underlying attitude that fuels so many rapes in the military and in colleges. Women are fair game--grab their snatch, view them as nothing but sex objects, move in on 'em at will. We've come a long way but respect? That's still a battle.

Anyone who still supports him is saying his attitude is unfortunate but tolerable.

Only he and God knows his heart, and you let me worry about raising our children, it is absolutely, positively none of your concern or business
I'm asking you a question as a mother, not telling you how to raise your kids. This is seriously troubling to me.

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