Evangelicals Renounce Trump: 'Our Faith Hangs In The Balance'

It's good to hear that some religious conservatives are finally running from the Trump stench. Hopefully more will follow...
Trump apologized and said he was sorry, the Christian thing to do is forgive him.

End of thread :)


You're awfully quick to forgive those who harm others. You know, like the children molested and raped by catholic priests.

Make no mistake - RWNJs like you have been making excuses for this vile pos since his phony wafting from the skies on his golden escalator to the applause of PAID "supporters" and that's not going to change.

You know he's a liar, a cheat and a thief. You know he plans to gut the US Constitution and put the US in total financial and social ruin. That's not going to change either.

BTW, fundie nutter whore, Pence, who previously said he was a "christian" first and a Republican last seems to be standing by his pimp too.
Is that how you're going to explain it to your girls that you and they should still support him? He's not sorry, Sassy, and we both know he's not going to change. I'm sure you've run into guys like that; we all have. It's part of life, it's not the end of the world, but it's a part of life I'd like to see us change for our daughters and granddaughters.

We seem to have a general attitude that there is an open season on women. It is that underlying attitude that fuels so many rapes in the military and in colleges. Women are fair game--grab their snatch, view them as nothing but sex objects, move in on 'em at will. We've come a long way but respect? That's still a battle.

Anyone who still supports him is saying his attitude is unfortunate but tolerable.

Only he and God knows his heart, and you let me worry about raising our children, it is absolutely, positively none of your concern or business
I'm asking you a question as a mother, not telling you how to raise your kids. This is seriously troubling to me.

Yet you're voting for Hillary who took the lead on publicly attacking any woman who dared to speak out against her sexual predator husband.

What a woman of conviction you are. Liar. What if Kathleen Wiley, Paula Jones or Juanita Broadderick were your daughter, mom?
That the only defense you can come up with? The other guy? Can't say as a I blame you. Trump is indefensible.

And Bill isn't? Your partisanship is showing


Is there someone named Bill who is running for prez?

OTOH, Drumpf and his apologists - Guilani, Gingrich for two - and Drumpf himself have had multiple wives, affairs, cheated on SICK/DYING wives.

And, the right defends a lot of other despicable monsters - Duck Dynasty slime, Duggars, Nugent and then there are all those catholic priests you defend.
Only he and God knows his heart, and you let me worry about raising our children, it is absolutely, positively none of your concern or business
I'm asking you a question as a mother, not telling you how to raise your kids. This is seriously troubling to me.

Yet you're voting for Hillary who took the lead on publicly attacking any woman who dared to speak out against her sexual predator husband.

What a woman of conviction you are. Liar. What if Kathleen Wiley, Paula Jones or Juanita Broadderick were your daughter, mom?
That the only defense you can come up with? The other guy? Can't say as a I blame you. Trump is indefensible.

And Bill isn't? Your partisanship is showing


Is there someone named Bill who is running for prez?

OTOH, Drumpf and his apologists - Guilani, Gingrich for two - and Drumpf himself have had multiple wives, affairs, cheated on SICK/DYING wives.

And, the right defends a lot of other despicable monsters - Duck Dynasty slime, Duggars, Nugent and then there are all those catholic priests you defend.

And you defend Hillary. Check and mate ...
This is bigger than partisan politics.

Nearly 100 evangelical leaders have signed onto a letter urging their fellow Christians to vote against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who, they write, “has fueled white American nationalism with xenophobic appeals and religious intolerance at the expense of gospel values, democratic principles, and important international relationships.”

The letter was posted to Change.org on Thursday, and had nearly 5,000 signatures by midday Friday.

"Racism is America’s original sin. Its brazen use to win elections threatens to reverse real progress on racial equity and set America back." --Letter from evangelicals

More: Evangelical Leaders Don't Want Trump To Win: The 'Integrity Of Our Faith Hangs In The Balance'

I am pleasantly surprised that Evangelicals are finally waking up to Trump. What took them so long? Hopefully more will follow...
You're a fucking liar!
Evangelical leaders stick with Trump, focus on defeating Clinton
It's good to hear that some religious conservatives are finally running from the Trump stench. Hopefully more will follow...

Why are the regressive Anti-Trumpers so much up in arms against this kind of talk? Suddenly you have turned yourself to be so hard-core family values supporters that you can't even take a joke. It's very amusing!

Do you have anything to say about Hillary's defense of rape / pussy eating / Bill's affairs? Any comments?

Oh of course not, because you are a lame partisan hack! I wouldn't be surprised if you worked in the D administration.
Just picture all the tens of thousands of LIB 'snowflakes' having mass meltdowns in their 'safe-places' when they heard the word "pussy"!
Imagine what they would do if they ever listened to/saw a single negro 'rap(e)' video.
Fucking hypocrites!

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