Nearly 200 evangelical leaders condemned Christianity Today editorial on Trump

Nearly 200 evangelical leaders condemned Christianity Today's editorial calling for the removal of President Trump, which “offensively questioned the spiritual integrity and Christian witness of tens-of-millions of believers who take seriously their civic and moral obligations," they wrote to the magazine's president.

Christianity Today, one of the nation's top Christian magazine publications called for the removal of Trump on Thursday, one day after the House of Representatives passed two articles of impeachment against him.

The letter to Timothy Dalrymple, the president of the magazine, also condemned the editorial for dismissing evangelicals who oppose its views as "far-right," the Christian Post reported.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

That’s what happens when they let a leftist liberal write a hit-piece on the best friend President of the United States has ever had....blowback is a bitch!

It goes to show that if your view of Christianity is "Hating Gays and Mexicans", then you have pretty much departed from what Jesus had to say.

The former is Biblical, not the latter.

But, absolutely.

This idea that Jesus wants to take from the poor, and needy, give tax cuts to the rich, support big business, big banks, and bomb the sh*t out of countries, is complete insanity.
The fear of God has been removed
The fear of Liberty has been instilled- it has nothing to do with god no matter what people say-
So-called Christians exercise the US Doctrine of Double Standards as well as anyone else does-
I'm afraid of Liberty, because it's ruining our country.
No, what you believe to be Liberty is ruining our country- citizens are allegedly protected from an oppressive, tyrannical entity which is contracturally limited (the constitution)- and ignored, by, you guesses it, law (restriction) writers-

Liberty, by definition: the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views. And, the power or scope to act as one pleases.

Our Liberty is highly restricted- there are so many federal laws they can't be counted- not to mention local and state laws-
Laws, based on results restrict- laws are meant to punish- punishing for non harm of another is restricting Liberty. Period.

This Country's founding principle, eloquently stated in the most profound document ever penned, clearly states, all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, AMONG THESE are the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness-

Ben Franklin is credited with saying- to give up liberty for a little security you deserve neither- what camp do you want to be in?

“Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government.” – Thomas Jefferson
Nearly 200 evangelical leaders condemned Christianity Today's editorial calling for the removal of President Trump, which “offensively questioned the spiritual integrity and Christian witness of tens-of-millions of believers who take seriously their civic and moral obligations," they wrote to the magazine's president.

Christianity Today, one of the nation's top Christian magazine publications called for the removal of Trump on Thursday, one day after the House of Representatives passed two articles of impeachment against him.

The letter to Timothy Dalrymple, the president of the magazine, also condemned the editorial for dismissing evangelicals who oppose its views as "far-right," the Christian Post reported.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

That’s what happens when they let a leftist liberal write a hit-piece on the best friend President of the United States has ever had....blowback is a bitch!
The trouble with some evangelicals is they think everybody is going to hell except themselves, bar none. In fact, I have been approached by 3 different groups, one of whom said anyone who has ever had a blood transfusion (even in surgery) is going to hell, one group had a different book than the Bible that if you didn't sign on to everything it said, you were going to hell, and then my first experience before I was even 12 years old, my family moved to a town that had only 3 churches, and the one we went to, you not only had to be re-baptized by immersion, you had to agree with them that all your relatives were going to hell unless they came to that church and immersed too. Oh, yes, there was one more group, that if you didn't "speak in tongues," that was the ONLY sign that God loved and accepted you, and again, all the relatives who had died that were ministers of mainstream (or any other Christian churches) all of them, too, were going to hell, so you better do some preaching (which results only in total family alienation, etc.)

That is when I decided God is the one who decides your life was spent serving him according to the bible, and I don't worry about people who fill their churches with people who "know" they are saved because they only go to that particular church and do whatever they tell you to do, and if you don't feel "called" to do what they tell you to do, Satan is at your doorstep. Holy cow. A lot of people believe everyone else is going to hell except themselves. :rolleyes: In fact of the 600 denominations in America that we know about, 550 of them all say the same thing about the other 599 churches. That's a lot of people thinking that everybody in the world is going to hell except themselves. And one of the political groups in America receives the benefit of being called a church and is not taxed preaches for the men to kill all non-members because they are designated as warriors and it is their "duty" to kill unfaithful nonbelievers in their God.

I'm surprised that they got 200 evangelicals together to wail on President Trump. Lots of them don't even think the other 199 evangelicals have missed the boat for one detail or another that has nothing to do with treating other people well.

The President Trump I have observed, if he realizes he has made a mistake, he tends to own the mistake, apologize to the person who was the victim of his error, and repays them a high price for any damages or harsh feelings they harbor on account of his mistake.

In other words, he shows he has read and understands what the Bible says about being humble when you come to the conclusion you made a mistake or a series of them. He makes what he can right, but when he is falsely accused of behaviors he did not do, he doesn't enrich himself at their expense, but he doesn't allow them to take advantage of himself or his family. And he knows the difference instantly.
I'm afraid of Liberty, because it's ruining our country.
No, what you believe to be Liberty is ruining our country- citizens are allegedly protected from an oppressive, tyrannical entity which is contracturally limited (the constitution)- and ignored, by, you guesses it, law (restriction) writers-

Liberty, by definition: the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views. And, the power or scope to act as one pleases.

Our Liberty is highly restricted- there are so many federal laws they can't be counted- not to mention local and state laws-
Laws, based on results restrict- laws are meant to punish- punishing for non harm of another is restricting Liberty. Period.

This Country's founding principle, eloquently stated in the most profound document ever penned, clearly states, all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, AMONG THESE are the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness-

Ben Franklin is credited with saying- to give up liberty for a little security you deserve neither- what camp do you want to be in?

“Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government.” – Thomas Jefferson
"what camp do you want to be in?"
In a phrase, my preference is to be in the graces of the "Rock of Ages." :)
I'm afraid of Liberty, because it's ruining our country.
No, what you believe to be Liberty is ruining our country- citizens are allegedly protected from an oppressive, tyrannical entity which is contracturally limited (the constitution)- and ignored, by, you guesses it, law (restriction) writers-

Liberty, by definition: the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views. And, the power or scope to act as one pleases.

Our Liberty is highly restricted- there are so many federal laws they can't be counted- not to mention local and state laws-
Laws, based on results restrict- laws are meant to punish- punishing for non harm of another is restricting Liberty. Period.

This Country's founding principle, eloquently stated in the most profound document ever penned, clearly states, all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, AMONG THESE are the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness-

Ben Franklin is credited with saying- to give up liberty for a little security you deserve neither- what camp do you want to be in?

“Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government.” – Thomas Jefferson

- Freedom for Abortion,
-Freedom to hire Illegals
- Freedom to hire H2B Visa peoples.
- Freedom to outsource jobs
-, Freedom to sell Hollywood shoot up & raunchy films.
- Freedom for Facebook, Youtube & Twitter to silence the Right-Wing.
- Freedom for Google to create Liberal search biases.
- Freedom for Gay Bar & Tavern owners.
- Freedom for Illicit drug dealers.
- Freedom for Prostitutes.
- Freedom for the Porn Industry.
- Freedom to sell Gangster Rap music, with violent, degeneracy & cursing.
- Freedom to sell Che Guevara T-Shirts.
- Freedom for MSNBC & CNN to promote Liberal biases.
- Freedom for Soros to infect politics with money.

Sounds like a fresh bowl of turds, that need to be flushed.
Sounds like a fresh bowl of turds, that need to be flushed.

“Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government.” – Thomas Jefferson

ALL that crap you posted speaks to my initial statement about the fed gov't (and the latter Jefferson quote)- it has no authority in those areas- it's power is limited by contract-(the supreme law) gov't is supposed to be neutral and protect everyone's liberty- it sides with those who scream the loudest- ALL laws favor one over another. The founders were wise enough to recognize that and left us with a means to help prevent that siding with-

The people who advocate for the list you posted have the right to exercise it as long as another isn't harmed- that they aren't in the case of abortion speaks to the idiots who represent their interests over their obligation- protect and defend the constitution- that you want them to curtail or restrict their rights makes you no better than them- begets, begets-

When you point a finger, 3, are pointing back-
Sounds like a fresh bowl of turds, that need to be flushed.

“Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government.” – Thomas Jefferson

ALL that crap you posted speaks to my initial statement about the fed gov't (and the latter Jefferson quote)- it has no authority in those areas- it's power is limited by contract-(the supreme law) gov't is supposed to be neutral and protect everyone's liberty- it sides with those who scream the loudest- ALL laws favor one over another. The founders were wise enough to recognize that and left us with a means to help prevent that siding with-

The people who advocate for the list you posted have the right to exercise it as long as another isn't harmed- that they aren't in the case of abortion speaks to the idiots who represent their interests over their obligation- protect and defend the constitution- that you want them to curtail or restrict their rights makes you no better than them- begets, begets-

When you point a finger, 3, are pointing back-

The Founding Fathers were for such Liberty of everybody.
(Rolls eyes)

Which is why only free Whites of good character could become US citizens according to the 1790 Naturalization Act,
only 6% of the nation could vote in the first election, as in White male land owners.

A lot of them owned Black slaves, and supporting extermination of Natives, and made no intent of Feminism, or Abortion, etc.
The Founding Fathers were for such Liberty of everybody.
The documents don't lie- all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- and "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

You can roll your eyes all you want- it will change nothing- Liberty is the founding principle of this Country- in fact it used to be quite popular to say- this is a free country- that is until people opened their eyes and started determining we ain't- and the reason we ain't is because people roll their eyes and scoff at liberty- unless of course it favors them- that makes the US unequivocally a country of Double Standards, as you pointed out in the Indian genocide (led by christians)- because some roll their eyes, often enough christians, believing they are better than someone else- yet, when cut they bleed red- when they hurt they shed tears- when they lose a kid they die 1000 times- when they have their homes invaded they fight back- they scoff at the wilfull blindness of the acolytes in the church of godvernment- yet, when it's all said and done they have the same right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness you do-
The Founding Fathers were for such Liberty of everybody.
The documents don't lie- all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- and "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

You can roll your eyes all you want- it will change nothing- Liberty is the founding principle of this Country- in fact it used to be quite popular to say- this is a free country- that is until people opened their eyes and started determining we ain't- and the reason we ain't is because people roll their eyes and scoff at liberty- unless of course it favors them- that makes the US unequivocally a country of Double Standards, as you pointed out in the Indian genocide (led by christians)- because some roll their eyes, often enough christians, believing they are better than someone else- yet, when cut they bleed red- when they hurt they shed tears- when they lose a kid they die 1000 times- when they have their homes invaded they fight back- they scoff at the wilfull blindness of the acolytes in the church of godvernment- yet, when it's all said and done they have the same right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness you do-

You really need to research exactly what a "Christian" is and what exactly a person needs to do to be actually a "Christian". The answer is not attending a "correct" church, nor simply agreeing with intellectuals who say they are "Christian". Christians didn't kill anyone on a lark, nor make slaves of others so that they could live in comfort.

The fact is that many governments assumed the role of the "Head of the Church". This was true in Rome/Italy, England, Russia, and France --- where the monarchy was often seen as the spiritual head of such nations.

Very often such governments used their authority to broaden their power base and declared that GOD was on their side. However, it must be realized that very often REAL Christian missionaries followed on the wake of such aggression and were able to then spread the Gospel message.

When the Spanish killed the Aztecs, they were in search of GOLD; however, the real Christians were then able to come and spread the love of GOD. REAL Christians don't see themselves as better than anyone else. They do , however, see themselves as SAVED from the wages of sin, and wish for others to also be SAVED to eternal life.

Homosexuals do not see themselves as sinful, and in fact express the false notion that GOD created gays. GOD didn't create gays anymore than HE created adulterers. GOD is not the author of SIN; however, HE allows it so that some might repent of their sinful actions and become saved...

There can be NO liberty without GOD because GOD reveals TRUTH, and it is truth that sets anyone free to live without fear of life, making mistakes, and death. The US Founding Fathers realized that in GOD's eyes everyone is sinful ---- for ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD. There is none that does any good --- no not one. But it's GOD who saves anyone through Jesus the Messiah (who was/is indeed perfect). Riches, power, and brains can save no one apart from GOD's saving grace. AND THIS FACT ALONE IS THE EQUALIZER OF ALL PEOPLE EVERYWHERE.
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Sounds like a fresh bowl of turds, that need to be flushed.

“Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government.” – Thomas Jefferson

ALL that crap you posted speaks to my initial statement about the fed gov't (and the latter Jefferson quote)- it has no authority in those areas- it's power is limited by contract-(the supreme law) gov't is supposed to be neutral and protect everyone's liberty- it sides with those who scream the loudest- ALL laws favor one over another. The founders were wise enough to recognize that and left us with a means to help prevent that siding with-

The people who advocate for the list you posted have the right to exercise it as long as another isn't harmed- that they aren't in the case of abortion speaks to the idiots who represent their interests over their obligation- protect and defend the constitution- that you want them to curtail or restrict their rights makes you no better than them- begets, begets-

When you point a finger, 3, are pointing back-

The Founding Fathers were for such Liberty of everybody.
(Rolls eyes)

Which is why only free Whites of good character could become US citizens according to the 1790 Naturalization Act,
only 6% of the nation could vote in the first election, as in White male land owners.
And people only owned 18th century firearms.

And there was no federal funding of the internet and other information technology enterprises.

A lot of them owned Black slaves, and supporting extermination of Natives, and made no intent of Feminism, or Abortion, etc.
A lot of Biblical patriarchs made eunuchs out of lower status males and forced them to serve in their Haram.

What you're arguing isn't even "Originalism", as per Justice Scalia anyway.

The Constitution, even during the 18th and 19th century was designed with the ability to be changed via the amendment process, which is what has happened in regards to amendments such as the 14th.

If you personally "dislike" the amendment, that's a different story, but the Founders never intended for the Constitution, nor the states' laws to be "static" to begin with, and the ability for them to be changed was always a part of it.
Sounds like a fresh bowl of turds, that need to be flushed.
A lot of them owned Black slaves, and supporting extermination of Natives
They were at war with the Native Americans.

, and made no intent of Feminism, or Abortion, etc.

In day to day life, they're ultimately irrelevant, and the average person has never read them anyway; their understanding of them doesn't go beyond simplistic images or information on mass media.

There's not a snowball's chance in hell of you reinstating slavery, exterminating natives, and so forth, so that's just an idle fantasy.

I will read up on the history of abortion and argument on the subject, but I'd venture that abortion was something people voluntarily did.

As far as "feminism", I believe that educated women of the day and age, such as the Founders' wives, Marie Curie, or otherwise, likely had more rights and access to education, political power and so on than an average woman of then or even today would have.

Can you name one nation anywhere in history where women of better birth didn't have access to better education, occupation, or political opportunities? Such as Cleopatra, Queen Ester, or any queen or high-status women of history or today?

Or do you really thing an "average" male would have had any right or power over a queen or the wife or royalty or nobility? You'd have been made into a eunch and forced to work in her haram.

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