Even Alex Jones Thinks The QAnon-MAGA Cult Is Crazy


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Clip of far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones ranting against QAnon has now been watched more than two million times. The Infowars host, who has previously pushed QAnon-based conspiracy theories, denounced them in an angry tirade during his show last week, which quickly went viral on Twitter. In the clip, Jones shouts: "Q tells this stuff and all of it's lies," he says before telling the guest that he is lying and is "full of s***." He continues: "Because every god damn thing out of you people's mouths doesn't come true. And it's always 'oh, there's energy,' 'oh, now we're done with Trump.' You said he was the messiah! You said he was invincible! You said that it was all over. That they were going to Gitmo and now that he's part of a larger thing of Q."

Yea, none of those Q conspiracies ever come true and instead of people having an ounce of retrospect and critical thinking; they just move on to the next batshit crazy conspiracy -- like how Trump is going to the Alamo as a signal that he will dissolve the United States as a corporation and declare a new United States corporation which then makes Biden no longer president, Congress no longer Congress, the Supreme Court no longer the Supreme Court, etc etc etc -- and after that, he will create his own government -- and to avoid falling out of favor with the MAGA cult; other Trump supporters just go along with it and then feign shock when shit hits the fan like it did last week....

When you are too batshit crazy for Alex Jones (who admitted in a court of law that he was being full of shit all this time) -- then that is definitely saying something.....As some old French guy said.....
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Alex Jones is an Agent Provocateur.

The question is, does he works for someone?...
The real question is -- why are people so willing to believe the most batshit crazy bullshit

I'm not going to support their ideas, I think they are crazy. If you are referring to my question, I'd say that some of us know stuff about life, that's why.

Anytime a guy yells controversial stuff like the way he does and becomes prominent, remaining relevant or so long, I just assume he's in that position of prominence for a reason. Could I go out, yell some crazy ideas and become so well known? I'm sure he's not living in a box on the streets, he probably earns a decent living.

Even though some of there other theories are crazy, they aren't any crazier than some of the ideas he has promoted.
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he is just scared to be kicked out of the big tech platforms...
he is a snake oil conspiracy salesmen...
he will do whatever it takes to profit...
I hear I'm supposed to have my pantries full and cars fueled up for tomorrow. LOL

It's supposed to be something like never saw before. LOL

Someone's mojo's have been off.

For instance; 2 airplanes hit 2 bldg's in 2 different locations and bring down 3 bldg's in near identical fashion and for our trouble we the "stinky tourist" get the evisceration of the 4th amendment handed us on a platter with deceit the garnish of said platter-
Alex Jones is an Agent Provocateur.

The question is, does he works for someone?...
The real question is -- why are people so willing to believe the most batshit crazy bullshit
People are amazingly susceptible to propaganda. Donnie made it OK to listen and buy in for his followers that wanted to believe in him, or something.
Some of the protestors are crazy

this guy for instance

but there are ANTIFA nutjobs on the other side who look just as crazy as he does

I just posted a story about a 48-year old school teacher in Las Vegas who was arrested for making terroristic threats

something has gone terribly wrong in this country and its not confined to one small political group
Ya, I posted a link yesterday or a few days ago w/a link to that interview w/that guy on Alex Jones' show.

It was in response to some lying rightwinger on here who was suggesting that that guy was "ANTIFA!"
I thought you said Alex Jones was crazy? So if a crazy guy says another guy is crazy, then that's ok? too fking funny

"Clip of far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones ranting against QAnon has now been watched more than two million times. The Infowars host, who has previously pushed QAnon-based conspiracy theories, denounced them in an angry tirade during his show last week, which quickly went viral on Twitter. In the clip, Jones shouts: "Q tells this stuff and all of it's lies," he says before telling the guest that he is lying and is "full of s***." He continues: "Because every god damn thing out of you people's mouths doesn't come true. And it's always 'oh, there's energy,' 'oh, now we're done with Trump.' You said he was the messiah! You said he was invincible! You said that it was all over. That they were going to Gitmo and now that he's part of a larger thing of Q."

Yea, none of those Q conspiracies ever come true and instead of people having an ounce of retrospect and critical thinking; they just move on to the next batshit crazy conspiracy -- like how Trump is going to the Alamo as a signal that he will dissolve the United States as a corporation and declare a new United States corporation which then makes Biden no longer president, Congress no longer Congress, the Supreme Court no longer the Supreme Court, etc etc etc -- and after that, he will create his own government -- and to avoid falling out of favor with the MAGA cult; other Trump supporters just go along with it and then feign shock when shit hits the fan like it did last week....

When you are too batshit crazy for Alex Jones (who admitted in a court of law that he was being full of shit all this time) -- then that is definitely saying something.....As some old French guy said.....View attachment 441202

Someone clicked a non-Alex Jones Link.
Alex Jones is an Agent Provocateur.

The question is, does he works for someone?...
The real question is -- why are people so willing to believe the most batshit crazy bullshit
Not many really do believe it.

You've built a duplex in your head where both Trump and Q live rent free.
The ones most obsessed with Q are the pathetic trolling dolts like Biff.
A stupid lame attempt to broadbrush conservatives as supporters of something they never heard of.
I always thought Q stood for Queers with the rainbow alphabet people. I guess they need to pick a new letter.
Alex Jones is an Agent Provocateur.

The question is, does he works for someone?...
The real question is -- why are people so willing to believe the most batshit crazy bullshit

Easy. Since its so batshit crazy bullshit, not that many ppl believe it, it makes the person who does feel important, like they have some insider knowledge. You see this over and over again on this very forum. People on here are always professing to be using their "brains" and using "critical thinking" while the rest of us who believe in facts and science and evidence are all sheep, but they alone know the truth! When all these Q ppl make Alex Jones look completely sane you know you we have a real problem in this country.
Alex Jones is an Agent Provocateur.

The question is, does he works for someone?...
The real question is -- why are people so willing to believe the most batshit crazy bullshit
There is no Qanon, at least nothing that anyone takes seriously. There are a few random posts that the left find out about and they push it as some crazy conspiracy that supposedly all right wingers believe.
Most shit we hear about is really just these BlueAnon conspiracy theories the left pushes, make-believing the right believes in them.

"Clip of far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones ranting against QAnon has now been watched more than two million times. The Infowars host, who has previously pushed QAnon-based conspiracy theories, denounced them in an angry tirade during his show last week, which quickly went viral on Twitter. In the clip, Jones shouts: "Q tells this stuff and all of it's lies," he says before telling the guest that he is lying and is "full of s***." He continues: "Because every god damn thing out of you people's mouths doesn't come true. And it's always 'oh, there's energy,' 'oh, now we're done with Trump.' You said he was the messiah! You said he was invincible! You said that it was all over. That they were going to Gitmo and now that he's part of a larger thing of Q."

Yea, none of those Q conspiracies ever come true and instead of people having an ounce of retrospect and critical thinking; they just move on to the next batshit crazy conspiracy -- like how Trump is going to the Alamo as a signal that he will dissolve the United States as a corporation and declare a new United States corporation which then makes Biden no longer president, Congress no longer Congress, the Supreme Court no longer the Supreme Court, etc etc etc -- and after that, he will create his own government -- and to avoid falling out of favor with the MAGA cult; other Trump supporters just go along with it and then feign shock when shit hits the fan like it did last week....

When you are too batshit crazy for Alex Jones (who admitted in a court of law that he was being full of shit all this time) -- then that is definitely saying something.....As some old French guy said.....View attachment 441202

So what are you trying to say here? You listen to Alex Jones, we should listen to Alex Jones, or this idiot is the best you could find?
When your nutjob conspiracy theories are too much for a man who has spent decades making a JOB out of peddling conspiracy theories

When your nutjob conspiracy theories are too much for a man who has spent decades making a JOB out of peddling conspiracy theories

All is well.....Alex Jones in back on the QAnon train.....

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