Even by conservative estimates, the cost of Trump’s “me” parade could have fed every hungry...

...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation

Traditionally, that's not the opinion of most experts, billy.

In fact, great military parades have been held from antiquity.

And to pay for it, the Roman Empire burnt to the ashes making the same mistakes we keep making today.

ROFL! The Roman Empire lasted 1000 years. It didn't "burn to the ashes" from having a few parades.

The Roman Empire fell when they lost control of their borders.

In antiquity, right on up through the 4th and 5th Century, the Roman Empire was where people wanted to be. They built impressive infrastructure throughout the Empire. However, thousands of Goths and Vandals poured in, and these were folks with no commitment to Roman Civilization. Their own lands were Shitholes. The Vandals' main contribution to civilization was the invention of vandalism.

Ben Hur lived at the time of Christ, long before the fall of the empire

The Roman Empire bankrupted themselves through creative price controls and tariffs. Hoover did the same thing and "Presto" a recession turned into a full blown Depression. Nixon did the same thing but it was abandoned before it went past a deep recession. Guess what were doing right now? Take a good hard look at todays Stock Market.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation

Traditionally, that's not the opinion of most experts, billy.

In fact, great military parades have been held from antiquity.

And to pay for it, the Roman Empire burnt to the ashes making the same mistakes we keep making today.

ROFL! The Roman Empire lasted 1000 years. It didn't "burn to the ashes" from having a few parades.

The Roman Empire fell when they lost control of their borders.

In antiquity, right on up through the 4th and 5th Century, the Roman Empire was where people wanted to be. They built impressive infrastructure throughout the Empire. However, thousands of Goths and Vandals poured in, and these were folks with no commitment to Roman Civilization. Their own lands were Shitholes. The Vandals' main contribution to civilization was the invention of vandalism.

Ben Hur lived at the time of Christ, long before the fall of the empire

The Roman Empire bankrupted themselves through creative price controls and tariffs. Hoover did the same thing and "Presto" a recession turned into a full blown Depression. Nixon did the same thing but it was abandoned before it went past a deep recession. Guess what were doing right now? Take a good hard look at todays Stock Market.

Another record high.
Of course "loaves and fishes" cost a lot less in the days of the REAL Messiah......

the B-2 bomber could cost $700,000, two F-22s fighters are estimated to cost around $300,000, the Blue Angels jets are expected to cost around $320,000, and two F-35 jets could cost upward of $660,000.

how long does a fly by last ? 10 seconds ?

10 seconds x 4 = 40 seconds
Of course "loaves and fishes" cost a lot less in the days of the REAL Messiah......

the B-2 bomber could cost $700,000, two F-22s fighters are estimated to cost around $300,000, the Blue Angels jets are expected to cost around $320,000, and two F-35 jets could cost upward of $660,000.

how long does a fly by last ? 10 seconds ?

10 seconds x 4 = 40 seconds
We all noticed your lack of rebuttal.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation

Traditionally, that's not the opinion of most experts, billy.

In fact, great military parades have been held from antiquity.

And to pay for it, the Roman Empire burnt to the ashes making the same mistakes we keep making today.

ROFL! The Roman Empire lasted 1000 years. It didn't "burn to the ashes" from having a few parades.

The Roman Empire fell when they lost control of their borders.

In antiquity, right on up through the 4th and 5th Century, the Roman Empire was where people wanted to be. They built impressive infrastructure throughout the Empire. However, thousands of Goths and Vandals poured in, and these were folks with no commitment to Roman Civilization. Their own lands were Shitholes. The Vandals' main contribution to civilization was the invention of vandalism.

Ben Hur lived at the time of Christ, long before the fall of the empire

The Roman Empire bankrupted themselves through creative price controls and tariffs. Hoover did the same thing and "Presto" a recession turned into a full blown Depression. Nixon did the same thing but it was abandoned before it went past a deep recession. Guess what were doing right now? Take a good hard look at todays Stock Market.

Right now I'm yawning because TDS influenced replies have become a bit boring.
Of course "loaves and fishes" cost a lot less in the days of the REAL Messiah......

the B-2 bomber could cost $700,000, two F-22s fighters are estimated to cost around $300,000, the Blue Angels jets are expected to cost around $320,000, and two F-35 jets could cost upward of $660,000.

how long does a fly by last ? 10 seconds ?

10 seconds x 4 = 40 seconds
protectionist, post: 22664287,
member: 45665 said:
They said that 5.1% was the GDP during the second quarter in 2014... They didn't say it was OBAMA's GDP.

The following Fox and Friends quote is dated April 2016..

2016 is the only year that you in your own private little retarded reality accept that Obama had anything at all to do with the economy and unemployment and GDP growth. Something insane like the recovery was normal and natural on its own until 2016 when suddenlly and arbitrarily it became entirely all Obama’s fault.
  • April 2016: Kilmeade and Varney making the claim that Obama is “the only U.S. president who could not deliver a single year of three percent growth.”
Thie above is obviously where TrumpO picked up the idea for his clam:
  • October 2016. "Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.
We all noticed your lack of rebuttal.[/QUOTE]Just fill out the form. We must deal with the terrible scourge of butthurt and for that we need information. That's what it's for.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation
Pants on fire! Trump has increased good-paying jobs for all, vets included. And it's Democrat communities like poo-street San Francisco and pee-streets Los Angeles that have homeless folks by the thousands laying around on public streets at night. Surely you realize this is a DNC spinroom yarn, don't you, Billy nothin'. Naughty naughty for this little false narrative. tch, tch, tch. :rolleyes:
This is just silly. You might wanna Google pictures from JFK's inauguration parade.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look like weak bitches seeking global validation

If any human starves in America then they are seriously stupid veteran or not. Dumb post.
Obama takes two kids and a wife to Hawaii for a week and RW fuktards shit themselves BLIND for over a yrar

Trump spends $100 million +++++ an hour and the same group of fuktards form a line to lick his fat ass-

"Trump spends $100 million +++++ an hour and the same group of fuktards form a line to lick his fat ass-"

...and polish his [golf] balls too.
How about sanctuary cities and health care for illegals? probably could feed and house all of the veterans with that money.
...veteran in America.

Even conservatively estimated, Trump could feed every homeless veteran for the cost of his military parade

I mean we already know the GOP doesn’t actually give a shit about veterans, but Trump just had to remind us with his pure stupidity. Just for the record - a military parade doesn’t make us look strong. It makes us look weak bitches seeking global validation
the money your friends are giving to the illegals at the border, who have never paid a penny into our system,could have helped all those homeless Veterans who have given to this country....so your people care about the same billy......that is,they only care at election time....
They don't mind wasting billions on that.
One trip? OK. But allowing it to become a habit and tying up 1/2 the USAF to fly the pet dogs (real and journalistic lap varieties)?

dont forget Trumps $103 million dollar green fees ...

and then be sure to get in line or you'll lose your place
GOLF GOLF GOLF Thats all Obama does. Now read how the orange-headed monster reflects:

Trump Begins Long Golf Weekend, Bringing Taxpayers' Tab To $108 Million | HuffPost

President Donald Trump began a three-day golf weekend Friday, making his 16th visit to his New Jersey golf club since entering office and pushing his total travel and security costs for his hobby to $108.1 million.

While he was a reality TV host
Look at that crowd that showed up

It was better spent on Americans and the celebration of the white mans achievements than Illegal cockroaches
Lol you’ll take any victory you can get huh?

The President Travel and Security are paid for regardless of whether he plays golf, plays bocce ball with his fellow seniors or plays with his grandchildren.

Personally, I think its really amusing how the Libs have become latter day born again Deficit Hawks. If they were to seize power next year, I guarantee that they would forget all about it
And Obama's entourage trips to Hawaii could have fed more than Jesus with mere loaves and fishes.

This is true. His one trip to Africa for him and the family cost us over 100 million dollars. At least some people got something out of the parade.

that something was a photo op for the 2020 campaign, complete with signs and caps --

Nothing wrong with that.

Giving people visible information about the state of the American economy will help them make a decision next year when they are sealed in the voting cubicles.
More importantly than that, military displays always increase local recruitment.
And you think it did? Or will? If unemployment is so low, why would someone sign up? Give the soldiers a raise and that would help. $780 f'n billion. Carve off some of that.
There are a lot of governmental expenses and governmental grants that are spent on various projects of questionable importance, at least in comparison to other possibilities and opportunities, but as for hunger in this country in my opinion the two main issues is #1. the terrible amounts of food waste that we generate on a daily basis, and #2. the amount of governmental regulation and barriers which limits food from being donated, consumed, and used properly, and also contributes to thousands of tons of unnecessary food waste each year. For example, nearly half of our produce grown here in the United States is thrown away without ever being touched, which is just terrible in my opinion. Food safety is important, don't get me wrong, but overproducing in order to satisfy countless regulations is not sustainable to me and limits opportunity to truly help hungry people in need.
that something was a photo op for the 2020 campaign, complete with signs and caps --

Nothing wrong with that.

Giving people visible information about the state of the American economy will help them make a decision next year when they are sealed in the voting cubicles.
More importantly than that, military displays always increase local recruitment.
Military displays and fly overs are considered training exercises and in the training budget. They don't cost anything.
They are also used as recruitment pulls. Go to any air show for the Navy or Air Force and you'll see what I mean.

The military is permitted to market itself and the best marketing tool they have is air demonstrations.

The Democrats could care less about the money, they just loathe Trump and loathe our military. The money is just an excuse to cut down on both.
Hey Ray...where do you come up with shit talk like that?

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