Even If Joe Biden Didn't Benefit From Hunter's Business Partner, Couldn't He Still Get Impeached For Treason?

I have to admit, I don't know what all laws Biden broke and what all he didn't, but the US is currently in deep peril. The true question is when is the Biden/Harris Administration going to answer for it?

If Republicans got the majority in 2022 then he possibly would've gotten impeached

But there are a lot of Republicans who are willing to make deals behind the scene to secure power, like Kevin McCarthy.

If the border is open how is it that so many illegal immigrants being apprehended?

What's exactly causing the migrant push?

Has it always been happening and the media is using it for politics?
When I was in active duty treason was selling your country out to our enemies.
That fact is they're going after Biden for what his kid did and ignoring what Biden himself is doing.

I am not anywhere close to thinking that I know or understand all that is going on around Hunter Biden, but what I think I do understand is that whatever it is, Joe himself is involved in it as well. It may or may not involve activities that involve selling out against the country's best interests, for personal profit; may or may not go far enough in that direction to constitute treason on the part of one or both of them.

It's way above my pay grade to try to make any sense of any of that.

But the Biden Administration's conduct with regard to our southern border is absolutely clearly treasonous. There is no rational basis whatsoever on which to deny that Joe Biden, himself, is personally guilty of treason along with others in his Administration, along with many Democrapic members of Congress as well.
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I have to admit, I don't know what all laws Biden broke and what all he didn't, but the US is currently in deep peril. The true question is when is the Biden/Harris Administration going to answer for it?
When I was in active duty treason was selling your country out to our enemies.

That fact is they're going after Biden for what his kid did and ignoring what Biden himself is doing.
That's so that the REAL CRIMES aren't brought to light.

Nothing will happen to Hunter, he'll be pardoned before anything could happen anyway. Xiden will have his issues dragged out for lifetimes he isn't aware of.
IMHO what Biden has allowed on to happen on our Southern Border is enough for a charge and conviction of treason and a subsequent trip to the gallows.....Or just swing him off the Key Bridge till he rots so folks passing by can see him.
Treason is a pretty serious charge, it may lead to a death sentence if convicted. But IMHO, too many people on both sides are all too willing to accuse somebody of treason, without actual proof. In the absence of an armed conflict, who then are the 'enemies' that have been aided and comforted? Without a declaration of war by Congress, do we even have any official enemies? I don't think so; no war, no enemies, and therefore no treason. There are other crimes and misdemeanors available to charge a president with, as we saw with Trump, for which impeachment can be considered.
Biden is compromising national security.

If you take money from the enemy, or give aid and comfort to the enemy in any way...you've committing treason.
I suspect thinks have been set up so politicians who peddle their influence to foreign nations really haven’t broke any laws. Somehow like how politicians were able to get away with insider trading.

I also suspect that Joe Biden is not the only Congress Critter to be selling his influence to our enemies, especially China.

Perhaps the largest problem we have in our republic today is corrupt politicians. China may take over our nation without a shot being fired simply by buying the people we foolishly elected to office.

IMHO what Biden has allowed on to happen on our Southern Border is enough for a charge and conviction of treason and a subsequent trip to the gallows.....Or just swing him off the Key Bridge till he rots so folks passing by can see him.

Not just allowed.

Actively aided and abetted.
Treason is a pretty serious charge, it may lead to a death sentence if convicted. But IMHO, too many people on both sides are all too willing to accuse somebody of treason, without actual proof. In the absence of an armed conflict, who then are the 'enemies' that have been aided and comforted? Without a declaration of war by Congress, do we even have any official enemies? I don't think so; no war, no enemies, and therefore no treason. There are other crimes and misdemeanors available to charge a president with, as we saw with Trump, for which impeachment can be considered.

In the case of Biden, and our southern border, there is no question.

Our country is being subjected to a hostile foreign invasion. That is an act of war.

Biden has not only refused to perform his duty to defend the country against such an invasion; he has actively aided and abetted it, given aid, comfort, and support to the invaders.

There is no rational, honest way to deny that Joe Biden is guilty of treason.

If the border is open how is it that so many illegal immigrants being apprehended?
They're not apprehending them......they're processing them faster.
I am not anywhere close to thinking that I know or understand all that is going on around Hunter Biden, but what I think I do understand is that whatever it is, Joe himself is involved in it as well. It may or may not involve activities that involve selling out against the country's best interests, for personal profit; may or may not go far enough in that direction to constitute treason on the part of one or both of them.

It's way above my pay grade to try to make any sense of any of that.

But the Biden Administration's conduct with regard to our southern border is absolutely clearly treasonous. There is no rational basis whatsoever on which to deny that Joe Biden, himself, is personally guilty of treason along with others in his Administration, along with many Democrapic members of Congress as well.
When will you be close to thinking that?

When a pack of these migrants start kicking down your doors and murdering you and your family in your home?

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