Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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watch "Cat Typing on Computer like People" on YouTube

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFJgq2wszyc&feature]Cat Typing on Computer like People. - YouTube[/ame]
Christian Zionism: The Heresy that Undermines Middle East Peace

Christian Zionism is the largest, most controversial and most destructive lobby within Christianity. It bears primary responsibility for perpetuating tensions in the Middle East, justifying Israel’s apartheid colonialist agenda and for undermining the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians.

By Rev Dr Stephen Sizer

It is my contention after more than 10 years of postgraduate research that Christian Zionism is the largest, most controversial and most destructive lobby within Christianity. It bears primary responsibility for perpetuating tensions in the Middle East, justifying Israel’s apartheid colonialist agenda and for undermining the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians.

Christian Zionism: The Heresy that Undermines Middle East Peace
Watch "Christian Zionism Road-map to Armegeddon The Rev. Dr. Stephen Sizer" on YouTube
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Watch "AM Bond Court Thursday 010914" on YouTube

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6vtiovyn0M#t=3141]AM Bond Court Thursday 010914 - YouTube[/ame]
A person can always change the church they attend, you will never find a preacher you agree with all he says and some practices I never participated in like Hell Houses.tbey used to have around Halloween.

But I would never allow an experience with a church to stop me from believing in Jesus.

And I do not slander Jesus or remain silent when others do.

And so you know, around where I live, in a small town in the South, the only religion people have, if they have one, is Christianity. Mostly Protestant churches, but my mother was raised as a Catholic and even attended a private Catholic boarding school through four years of high school. Her mother died when she was 9 of cancer, and her dad was a rice farmer and worked all the time and she wanted to go there.

Did 30 years in the Assembly of God, so - you know.

I'll take a pass on your sanctimony.

Do you take part in any inquisitions on behalf of the Catholic church them, do you have a witch finding kit .

Witch-finding kits are probably out of its price-range, but it probably subscribes to some scientific discovery process or another...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrzMhU_4m-g]She's a witch! - YouTube[/ame]
Old Testament promises have been fulfilled in The New Testament.

I made that statement before in this thread.

Others have written books on this subject.

This is from Zions Christian Soldiers ? by Stephen Sizer

God's People

The promise of Genesis 12:3 is fulfilled , Galatiatians 3:16 & 29

Genesis 22:17 fulfilled, Revelation 5:9

Isaiah 5:1-7 fulfilled, Matthew 21:33-41

Psalm 80 fulfilled, John 15

Deuteronomy 18:19 fulfilled, Acts 3:23

Amos 9:11-12 fulfilled, Acts 15:14-19

Hosea 1:10; 2:23 fulfilled, Romans 9:21-26

Genesis 21:10 fulfilled, Galatiatians 4:30

God's Land

Psalm 37:11 fulfilled, Matthew 5:5

Genesis 12:3; 22:18; 26-4; 28:14 fulfilled, Acts 3:24-25

Deuteronomy 5:16 fulfilled, Ephesians 6:1-3

Genesis 23:4; 1 Chronicles 29:15 fulfilled , 1 Peter 1
Other Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in New Testament

God's City

Jeremiah 12-7; 22-5 fulfilled, Luke 13:34-35

Isaiah 29:3; Ezekiel 4:2 fulfilled, Luke 19:41-44

Isaiah 63:3-6 fulfilled, Luke 21:24

Isaiah 54:1 fulfilled, Galatiatians 4:26-27

Isaiah 52:1 fulfilled, Revelation 21: 2, 22-26

God's Temple

2 Samuel 7:5-7, fulfilled John 2:19-21

Psalm 40:6-8 , fulfilled Hebrews 10:1-10

Leviticus 26:12; Isaiah 52:11, fulfilled 2 Corinthians 6:16-17

Psalm 118:22; Isaiah 28:16 fulfilled, 1 Peter 2:5-7
Oh, dear-me...

Old Testament promises have been fulfilled in The New Testament.

I made that statement before in this thread.

Others have written books on this subject.

This is from Zions Christian Soldiers ? by Stephen Sizer

God's People

The promise of Genesis 12:3 is fulfilled , Galatiatians 3:16 & 29

Genesis 22:17 fulfilled, Revelation 5:9

Isaiah 5:1-7 fulfilled, Matthew 21:33-41

Psalm 80 fulfilled, John 15

Deuteronomy 18:19 fulfilled, Acts 3:23

Amos 9:11-12 fulfilled, Acts 15:14-19

Hosea 1:10; 2:23 fulfilled, Romans 9:21-26

Genesis 21:10 fulfilled, Galatiatians 4:30

God's Land

Psalm 37:11 fulfilled, Matthew 5:5

Genesis 12:3; 22:18; 26-4; 28:14 fulfilled, Acts 3:24-25

Deuteronomy 5:16 fulfilled, Ephesians 6:1-3

Genesis 23:4; 1 Chronicles 29:15 fulfilled , 1 Peter 1

Other Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in New Testament

God's City

Jeremiah 12-7; 22-5 fulfilled, Luke 13:34-35

Isaiah 29:3; Ezekiel 4:2 fulfilled, Luke 19:41-44

Isaiah 63:3-6 fulfilled, Luke 21:24

Isaiah 54:1 fulfilled, Galatiatians 4:26-27

Isaiah 52:1 fulfilled, Revelation 21: 2, 22-26

God's Temple

2 Samuel 7:5-7, fulfilled John 2:19-21

Psalm 40:6-8 , fulfilled Hebrews 10:1-10

Leviticus 26:12; Isaiah 52:11, fulfilled 2 Corinthians 6:16-17

Psalm 118:22; Isaiah 28:16 fulfilled, 1 Peter 2:5-7

Well, that's all certainly very enlightening.

But religion has its funny and musical moments, too...

Equally relevant to the OP...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlBiLNN1NhQ]Always Look On The Bright Side of Life - YouTube[/ame]
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Consider the OT promise that the Temple will be rebuilt.

It has been/prophecy fulfilled, references to the Temple of the Lord are to the Holy Spirit living in the hearts of believers in Jesus Christ.

The Temple resides in the hearts of believers in Jesus Christ.

And not one single verse in The New Testament predicts a Jewish Temple will ever be rebuilt in Jerusalem or that a 2000 year 'parenthesis' should be placed between references to its desecration and destruction in Daniel or that a future temple in Jerusalem will play any part whatsoever in God's future purposes.

Reading all this into The New Testament is the work of the Satanic cult called Zionism.
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Consider the OT promise that the Temple will be rebuilt.

It has been/prophecy fulfilled, references to the Temple of the Lord are to the Holy Spirit living in the hearts of believers in Jesus Christ.

The Temple resides in the hearts of believers in Jesus Christ.

And not one single verse in The New Testament predicts a Jewish Temple will ever be rebuilt in Jerusalem or that a 2000 year 'parenthesis' should be placed between references to its desecration and destruction in Daniel or that a future temple in Jerusalem will play any part whatsoever in God's future purposes.

Reading all this into The New Testament is the work of the Satanic cult called Zionism.

LOL Jesus lived in a time during which the prophecies of the OLD TESTAMENT --was
the GOSPEL he supported and----even READ ALOUD in the Temples------At no time
is it reported in the New Testament that HE said ---"that stuff I read and taught in
the synagouges was stinking crap" -----but SHE has decided that he actually----
It's obvious Sherri belongs to a cult. Maybe several cults.

I am not sure you can call her creed a "cult" it has been around for 1700 years----
and was preceded by the ----worshippers of MOLOCH who were known for simiar
tendencies-------they threw infants into fires to honor their "god"------The filth which
sherri promulgates has roots in the very distant past
You reject Jesus, to hell you go to burn for eternity, Zionist boy!

Jesus is the Son of God, stop blaspheming Jesus!

Stay focused, Jihad Sherri. The thread topic is whether Jesus was a Zionist, which he clearly was.

Not whether or not you'll go to Hell based in what you believe him to be.
If you believe in Hell, I'd be more concerned about the hatred and lies you exhibit if I were you.
You reject Jesus, to hell you go to burn for eternity, Zionist boy!

Jesus is the Son of God, stop blaspheming Jesus!

Stay focused, Jihad Sherri. The thread topic is whether Jesus was a Zionist, which he clearly was.

Not whether or not you'll go to Hell based in what you believe him to be.
If you believe in Hell, I'd be more concerned about the hatred and lies you exhibit if I were you.

What a sick twisted woman. She thinks those that reject Jesus go to burn in hell for eternity haha. I guarantee you she won't say that about Muslim 'Palestinians' who reject Jesus.
You reject Jesus, to hell you go to burn for eternity, Zionist boy!

Jesus is the Son of God, stop blaspheming Jesus!
If you believe in Hell, I'd be more concerned about the hatred and lies you exhibit if I were you.

What a sick twisted woman. She thinks those that reject Jesus go to burn in hell for eternity haha. I guarantee you she won't say that about Muslim 'Palestinians' who reject Jesus.
Yup, somehow I don't think she's going around telling all the Muslims in these pro Palestinian settings that they're going to hell.
It's obvious Sherri belongs to a cult. Maybe several cults.

I am not sure you can call her creed a "cult" it has been around for 1700 years----
and was preceded by the ----worshippers of MOLOCH who were known for simiar
tendencies-------they threw infants into fires to honor their "god"------The filth which
sherri promulgates has roots in the very distant past

Mainstream Christians believe the Old Testament is just as relevant as the New Testament. Only a Jew hating cult would not recognize the OT because it gives the land to Israel as an everlasting possession and they can't stand that fact.
It's obvious Sherri belongs to a cult. Maybe several cults.

I am not sure you can call her creed a "cult" it has been around for 1700 years----
and was preceded by the ----worshippers of MOLOCH who were known for simiar
tendencies-------they threw infants into fires to honor their "god"------The filth which
sherri promulgates has roots in the very distant past

Mainstream Christians believe the Old Testament is just as relevant as the New Testament. Only a Jew hating cult would not recognize the OT because it gives the land to Israel as an everlasting possession and they can't stand that fact.

well----ok but would you call the KKK a 'cult'? Lots of self proclaimed
fine christians joined up Would you call Queen Isabella of Spain a "cultist"?---
she happily tossed jewish infants into the AUTO DE FE flames on the deicide theory
and the replacement theory -----then there is sherri's doppleganger MAGDA
GOEBBELS .......well-----she might be considered a cultist but she did not think so
What kind of person disrespects Jesus so much as to try to use him against his own people?

It's obvious Sherri belongs to a cult. Maybe several cults.

I am not sure you can call her creed a "cult" it has been around for 1700 years----
and was preceded by the ----worshippers of MOLOCH who were known for simiar
tendencies-------they threw infants into fires to honor their "god"------The filth which
sherri promulgates has roots in the very distant past

Mainstream Christians believe the Old Testament is just as relevant as the New Testament. Only a Jew hating cult would not recognize the OT because it gives the land to Israel as an everlasting possession and they can't stand that fact.
What kind of person disrespects Jesus so much as to try to use him against his own people?

Must I name names? It throws dirt upon him by other means too-----it
insists he is a FILTHY LIAR -----and something of a pervert
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