Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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You know, when you go to the website that the article appears on in the OP and read about that website, the center of their beliefs is not even Jesus , it is Israel.

The statement in the OP/ie thread title is pure and unadulterated Idolatry.
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I am actually surprised this thread remains open, but I intend to be staying here and defending Jesus as long as the slander against Him continues, be it 1000 or 10000 posts.
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Not even a Christian denomination or Christian affiliation to this website the article the OP comes from.

Is this a poster's personal website?

"YourBible.ca is a private witness that is dedicated to promoting The Bible as the simple truth of God.* We will endeavour to present basic*Bible truth through verses and comments on various life changing and life challenging issues.

We believe that the*Creator, the God of the universe*has chosen to reveal himself through his glorious creation and through his reluctant people the Jews.

We believe that the world will soon be at peace.**This*blessed event will come with the second coming of the Jewish messiah - Jesus Christ.* Christ will return to earth to re-establish the*Kingdom of Israel with the capital city*being in Jerusalem.*

We believe in the resurrection from the dead of all those who have come to understand the call of God and accepted it.

We believe in Bible prophecy as the accurate means through which God is making his future purpose known to mankind.

Clyde Snobelen (August 2006)

YourBible.ca - About Us
Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

Matthew 23*(New International Version)

8*“But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers.*9*And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father,*and he is in heaven.*10*Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah.*11*The greatest among you will be your servant.*12*For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

You are the one who is lacking in respect, not showing respect to Jesus, the Messiah.

And the words above were spoken by Jesus to Jews almost 2000 years ago about their lack of respect for Him and God and these words speak to all Jews today who reject Him as Messiah.

Show respect for Jesus, Zionist.

Jesus is the One who is owed respect.

Sherri is obviously not a Christian as she would have more respect for Jews and Israel if she is one.

Is that the Jesus born of Mary in a stable in Bethlehem in Israel, the same Jesus that was born a Jew and believed that the Hebrews would once again live in the land of Israel and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. Or do you worship another heathen Jesus who was not a Jew and did not believe in the return of the Jews to Israel
No and No.

Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

Matthew 23*(New International Version)

8*“But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers.*9*And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father,*and he is in heaven.*10*Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah.*11*The greatest among you will be your servant.*12*For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

You are the one who is lacking in respect, not showing respect to Jesus, the Messiah.

And the words above were spoken by Jesus to Jews almost 2000 years ago about their lack of respect for Him and God and these words speak to all Jews today who reject Him as Messiah.

Show respect for Jesus, Zionist.

Jesus is the One who is owed respect.

Sherri is obviously not a Christian as she would have more respect for Jews and Israel if she is one.

Is that the Jesus born of Mary in a stable in Bethlehem in Israel, the same Jesus that was born a Jew and believed that the Hebrews would once again live in the land of Israel and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. Or do you worship another heathen Jesus who was not a Jew and did not believe in the return of the Jews to Israel
Your claim is not true , not supported by the words of Jesus.

As I have repeatedly stated, Jesus is the fulfillment of the OT promises.

Jesus comes after Joel.

And according to the end times prophesy he first appears at ZION and is there for the state of Israel, no mention of your brand of Christianity in the OT or in the NT either.

Try again as Jesus says that he will return and make ISREAL whole again. He does not say he will lift up the Christians does he.........................
ZIONISTS just live and love to lie.

Your claim is not true , not supported by the words of Jesus.

And according to the end times prophesy he first appears at ZION and is there for the state of Israel, no mention of your brand of Christianity in the OT or in the NT either.

Try again as Jesus says that he will return and make ISREAL whole again. He does not say he will lift up the Christians does he.........................
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And in your post here is the perfect illustration of what is so terribly wrong with this thread.

The thread was started by a Zionist like you who rejects Jesus as Messiah.

You reject who Jesus says He is and make up Zionist fantasies about who Zionists claim Him to be.

This will not "save" you.

Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

Matthew 23*(New International Version)

8*“But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers.*9*And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father,*and he is in heaven.*10*Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah.*11*The greatest among you will be your servant.*12*For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

You are the one who is lacking in respect, not showing respect to Jesus, the Messiah.

And the words above were spoken by Jesus to Jews almost 2000 years ago about their lack of respect for Him and God and these words speak to all Jews today who reject Him as Messiah.

Show respect for Jesus, Zionist.

Jesus is the One who is owed respect.

I acknowledge the first commandment. I revere the One and Only G-d. No men or false prophets.

It will not save you either as Jesus said that the nations of the world will turn their hands against Israel and I will save Israel for the Jews. He does not say he will save America for the evangelical Christian fruitcakes like yourself.
You know, when you go to the website that the article appears on in the OP and read about that website, the center of their beliefs is not even Jesus , it is Israel.

The statement in the OP/ie thread title is pure and unadulterated Idolatry.

The centre of a Christians belief is God the father, it is not Jesus the son.
True Christians believe Jesus is God.

That is what is written in The Gospels.

You know, when you go to the website that the article appears on in the OP and read about that website, the center of their beliefs is not even Jesus , it is Israel.

The statement in the OP/ie thread title is pure and unadulterated Idolatry.

The centre of a Christians belief is God the father, it is not Jesus the son.
The Word Became Flesh

1*In the beginning was the Word,*and the Word was with God,*and the Word was God.*2*He was with God in the beginning.*3*Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.*4*In him was life,*and that life was the light*of all mankind.*5*The light shines in the darkness,*and the darkness has not overcome[a]*i

John 1 - The Word Became Flesh - In the - Bible Gateway
Jesus saves me. John 3:16

And in your post here is the perfect illustration of what is so terribly wrong with this thread.

The thread was started by a Zionist like you who rejects Jesus as Messiah.

You reject who Jesus says He is and make up Zionist fantasies about who Zionists claim Him to be.

This will not "save" you.

I acknowledge the first commandment. I revere the One and Only G-d. No men or false prophets.

It will not save you either as Jesus said that the nations of the world will turn their hands against Israel and I will save Israel for the Jews. He does not say he will save America for the evangelical Christian fruitcakes like yourself.
Jesus does not say what you claim He says.

Your claim is not true , not supported by the words of Jesus.

And according to the end times prophesy he first appears at ZION and is there for the state of Israel, no mention of your brand of Christianity in the OT or in the NT either.

Try again as Jesus says that he will return and make ISREAL whole again. He does not say he will lift up the Christians does he.........................
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