Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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If I wanted to have a serious religious discussion about this, I would choose a Christian to Christian discussion forum. I do not think there is that type of discussion forum here. Maybe, there will be a forum like that in the future.

We all know the l'il sherrifilthflinger wouldn't last five posts on any 'Christian to Christian' discussion board....all the real Christians would be disgusted by the raging Jew-hatred it constantly spews.

IN fact, the sherriliar rejects Jesus in so many ways it's rather startling...... The only reason it claims to be 'Christian' is so it can USE Jesus as a club to bash others, which attempt is doomed to fail.
USING Jesus as a weapon is hardly showing 'respect' for that Jewish rabbi.......

The raging hypocrisy is hilarious, isn't it? : ))
Jesus saves me. John 3:16

And in your post here is the perfect illustration of what is so terribly wrong with this thread.

The thread was started by a Zionist like you who rejects Jesus as Messiah.

You reject who Jesus says He is and make up Zionist fantasies about who Zionists claim Him to be.

This will not "save" you.

It will not save you either as Jesus said that the nations of the world will turn their hands against Israel and I will save Israel for the Jews. He does not say he will save America for the evangelical Christian fruitcakes like yourself.

No he saves the Jews
You're a filthy liar Sherri !

You started a thread about two Israeli pilots who were killed in an accidental helicopter crash.

You thanked JESUS for their death. So shut up and stop lying, Muslim Shill !
Learn English.

John 3:16

"For God so loved the world"

"that He gave His only begotten Son"

"that whosoever believeth in Him"

"should not perish but have everlasting life"

Where is Salvation for Jews unless they believe in Jesus?

Jesus saves me. John 3:16

It will not save you either as Jesus said that the nations of the world will turn their hands against Israel and I will save Israel for the Jews. He does not say he will save America for the evangelical Christian fruitcakes like yourself.

No he saves the Jews
I think she would do well laying off Jesus & interpereting Mohammed's quotes instead.

We have voices to use to speak with, Zionist moron.

And the Jew hating Sherri has all those Iranian voices in her head. True story.

for sherri the meccaist filth is simply an overlay upon the filth of the
gin and beer soaked stupidity of the unwashed dregs of the south.

I recognize the SYNCRECISM because I know both so well.

Like seeks like-----if she was truly born in the USA southwest---her
AFFINITY for meccaist dirt is simply a matter of chemistry.
I was very young when I read the nazi war criminal authored
propaganda that is now used in mosques and was used in
Pakistan and arab countries way back before 1980. It did
not become so MUCH used in Iran until their "cultural
revolution" circa 1980. I am not suggesting that meccaist filth
did not exist------it is just a matter of form and style introduced
by such players are ARIBERT HEIM that is reflected in her rantings
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You're a filthy liar Sherri !

You started a thread about two Israeli pilots who were killed in an accidental helicopter crash.

You thanked JESUS for their death. So shut up and stop lying, Muslim Shill !

They were not killed by another person whose killing acts I supported.

And Israeli pilots massacre Palestinian children, 1519 total children slaughtered by Israel since 9/2000 named on Remember These Children website.

Children's lives were saved by God's act of ending two lives.
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You're a filthy liar Sherri !

You started a thread about two Israeli pilots who were killed in an accidental helicopter crash.

You thanked JESUS for their death. So shut up and stop lying, Muslim Shill !

They were not killed by another person whose killing acts I supported.

And Israeli pilots massacre Palestinian children, 1519 total children slaughtered by Israel since 9/2000 named on Remember These Children website.

Children's lives were saved by God's act of ending two lives.

Who were the Palestinians killed by those pilots?
You're a filthy liar Sherri !

You started a thread about two Israeli pilots who were killed in an accidental helicopter crash.

You thanked JESUS for their death. So shut up and stop lying, Muslim Shill !

They were not killed by another person whose killing acts I supported.

Is there a point in so saying? Would you exoect decent people to dance
at the funerals of your kith and disgusting kin were any to die in vehicular
accidents?.--------well-----then again-----I doubt there is a decent person in
your "circle"-----celebrating the violent deaths of innocents is-----customary
amongst the dregs of your sewer. Your vile culture is not singular-----
you can read all about similar filth in the Literature of the Science of
Anthropology. There besides yours-----there were other cultures in which
women took special delight in obscene mutilation of the "enemy" or simply
in killing--------your forefathers in rome loved to watch people being eaten
by lions. The snack of choice was roasted chick peas
"Children's lives were saved by God's act of ending two lives"

If there is anybody here who had any doubt about Sherri's disgusting Ideology, this should put your doubt to rest

You're a filthy animal Sherri.
Nothing about coming to make Israel whole again.

Jesus was not a Nationalist.

Matthew 24

30*“Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth[c]*will mourn*when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven,*with power and great glory.[d]*31*And he will send his angels*with a loud trumpet call,*and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

Matthew 24 - The Destruction of the Temple and Signs - Bible Gateway

Jesus does not say what you claim He says.

Try again as Jesus says that he will return and make ISREAL whole again. He does not say he will lift up the Christians does he.........................

Then post his words regarding the end times, or are you afraid to contradict yourself..............:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Why do you support and defend Israel's killing of children.in Palestine?

What a sicko you are!

SCUM Support child killings.

"Children's lives were saved by God's act of ending two lives"

If there is anybody here who had any doubt about Sherri's disgusting Ideology, this should put your doubt to rest

You're a filthy animal Sherri.
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Look how quick Sherri changed the subject !! How pathetic !!

I never said I supported intentional killing of civilians.

But YOU, thanked Jesus for the death of two IAF pilots who were on a practice flight. Think about that for moment.

It;s obvious that you worship Satan. You know what they say about Satan worshipers, they are people who you least expect them to be. People like you, who pretend to be good Christian women , but you are not fooling anyone

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