Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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The Heresy of "Christian" Zionism: On the New Idolatry of Jew Worship and the Human Sacrifice of Islam in Idolatrous Pursuit of the "Rapture"

World Jewry has brainwashed tens of millions of American "Christians" to worship Israel and the Jewish People as idols, and abandon the Gospels of Jesus Christ and the blessings of peace. Zionist Jewry have taught these false Christians that if they make human sacrifices out of Moslem and Russian lives to the alter of World Jewry, that they will be blessed.

In this new heresy, Israel and Jewry are the Golden Calf and American "Christian" Zionists have already aided, abetted and committed the kosher slaughter of a million Iraqis and untold numbers of Afghanistanis in order to receive the blessings of their idol, Israel. Predictably, "Christian" Zionist Idolaters have instead been cursed with skyrocketing debt, genetic diseases, lower wages, unemployment, devalued currency, and more wars sold to them on the false promise of still greater "blessings", which will inevitably bring more curses to the anti-Christian idolaters.

Jewish Racism: The Heresy of "Christian" Zionism: On the New Idolatry of Jew Worship and the Human Sacrifice of Islam in Idolatrous Pursuit of the "Rapture"
The Idolatry of Christian Zionism

5/5/13, by Clement Pulaski

"Christian Zionists claim that those who are Jews by blood retain the honor and sanctity of their ancient ancestors, regardless of their lack of faith. Christian Zionists do this despite the*clear teaching of the Bible*that the Jews who reject Christ are branches that have been torn away from the root of the Church and cast aside.Christian Zionists set up for themselves a carnal idol, the physical race of antichrist Jews. They give military and financial aid to the Jews in Palestine, thinking that they please God by transporting the mortal, unregenerate flesh of spiritually dead Jews to the Holy Land. The religion of the Jews is founded on their rejection of Jesus as the Messiah, and the return of these apostates to the earthly Jerusalem is no more pleasing to God than were the sacrifices offered to Him by those with wicked hearts."

"This focus on the political events surrounding the earthly Jerusalem goes against the message of the Gospel, which says that we are to lift our hearts up to the heavenly Kingdom of God. The Old Testament nation of Israel was not an end unto itself, but rather the visible preparation for the spiritual revelation of the Messiah. The ancient nation was an earthly seed, a seed sown in corruption and raised in the glory of the Church, which is the spiritual communion of the saints of all earthly nations. The descendants of Ishmael and of Esau were just as much physical sons of Abraham as were the descendants of Isaac and Jacob, but because they did not maintain the covenant of faith, they became irrelevant to God's purpose for the seed of Abraham. In the same way, the Jews have cut themselves off from the covenant of Christ, and are no longer God's chosen people. As Jesus said to the Jews,*"The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof"(Matthew

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Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam once said:

"When a Jew recites 'Hear O Israel, the Lord your G-d, the Lord is One' he should have in mind rejecting all idolatry in the world, including Zionism, which is also idolatry."

What the Rabbis said about Zionism* in the

Idolatry? What of your statues of saints, your icons and suffering crosses? What happened to god's love? Hope? Joy? Peace? Tolerance? Brotherhood? Churches look more like torture chambers with bleeding suffering images of agony I would think many enter in fear instead of being filling with the holy spirit. Do you act out of fear of god or strive to act in ways that will make you closer to god?

Neither Judaism nor Islam engage in idolatry. Have you even seen a synagogue or mosques inside?
lol, what nonsense you post.

Where did you get any of that from?

I am giving you Jesus own words where He tells you clearly who He is, the Son of God.

The words of Jesus I am posting speak for themselves.

In those words of Jesus is Truth a Zionist like you shall never know or experience, unless that is you accept Jesus for who He is, the Son of God and Messiah.

Keep on rejecting Jesus, and lying about Jesus and slandering him, that is your choice , and may you reap what you have sown.

So you're just claiming to be "accepting Jesus" but doing everything exactly the opposite of what he said and who he was. Keep it up, SATAN IS VERY PROUD OF YOU. Ha ha ha.
It's all in your posts lunatic Jihad Sherri. You deny most of what Jesus said and who he was.
Jihad Sherri:
Jesus is the fulfillment of the OT promises

The OT is a Zionist book, you Islamist dipshit! Ha ha ha. What a friggin moron. Go get an education.
Read the thread title , little boy, the false claim is made that even Jesus is a Zionist.

That is the thread topic , not defining target.

And Jesus tells us He is the Son of God, in many verses, which I have posted.

He never says He is a Zionist, He never was a Zionist and He is not presently a Zionist.
You haven't proven that Jesus isn't a Zionist. In fact the verses you posted ie "Joel" ends with saying the Messiah will appear out of ZION and save the "children of Israel". Ha ha ha. You are pathetic.

I bet you were one of those kids in school everybody made fun of during free period, and then you came back for more because you liked it? LOL
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Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam once said:

"When a Jew recites 'Hear O Israel, the Lord your G-d, the Lord is One' he should have in mind rejecting all idolatry in the world, including Zionism, which is also idolatry."

What the Rabbis said about Zionism* in the

Idolatry? What of your statues of saints, your icons and suffering crosses? What happened to god's love? Hope? Joy? Peace? Tolerance? Brotherhood? Churches look more like torture chambers with bleeding suffering images of agony I would think many enter in fear instead of being filling with the holy spirit. Do you act out of fear of god or strive to act in ways that will make you closer to god?

Neither Judaism nor Islam engage in idolatry. Have you even seen a synagogue or mosques inside?
Mohammed revealed himself to Jihad Sherri while she was having a shish-kebab sandwich at a pro Pali rally at the local mosque. She got on all fours and howled like a doggy as part of her conversion ceremony.

True story. :cool:
God is love.

Love is God.

Love sent His only begotten Son to die on a cross to save man from his sin, from self.

Sacrifice of self for others is the epitome of love, the epitome of God.

Don't expect you to understand if you do not know Jesus

This is Verse 4 of a song I wrote called I Go To My Father's House

Jesus my Jesus

You are more precious than silver and gold

You are the light that shines in a world filled with darkness

You are the One who brought grace and truth into this world

And when I feel burdened by the cares of this world

I find myself at the foot of that cross

Where you died for me

And I think about the words you spoke Lord

Before you left this world

You said I go to my Father's house

Where there are many rooms

I go to prepare a place for you

And I will return for you

With these promises, Jesus

My pain turns to joy

And I long for that day

Come soon Lord, come soon

Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam once said:

"When a Jew recites 'Hear O Israel, the Lord your G-d, the Lord is One' he should have in mind rejecting all idolatry in the world, including Zionism, which is also idolatry."

What the Rabbis said about Zionism* in the

Idolatry? What of your statues of saints, your icons and suffering crosses? What happened to god's love? Hope? Joy? Peace? Tolerance? Brotherhood? Churches look more like torture chambers with bleeding suffering images of agony I would think many enter in fear instead of being filling with the holy spirit. Do you act out of fear of god or strive to act in ways that will make you closer to god?

Neither Judaism nor Islam engage in idolatry. Have you even seen a synagogue or mosques inside?
As I have repeatedly stated, Jesus is the fulfillment of the OT promises.

Jesus comes after Joel.

Read the thread title , little boy, the false claim is made that even Jesus is a Zionist.

That is the thread topic , not defining target.

And Jesus tells us He is the Son of God, in many verses, which I have posted.

He never says He is a Zionist, He never was a Zionist and He is not presently a Zionist.
You haven't proven that Jesus isn't a Zionist. In fact the verses you posted ie "Joel" ends with saying the Messiah will appear out of ZION and save the "children of Israel". Ha ha ha. You are pathetic.

I bet you were one of those kids in school everybody made fun of during free period, and then you came back for more because you liked it? LOL
As I have repeatedly stated, Jesus is the fulfillment of the OT promises.

Jesus comes after Joel.

Read the thread title , little boy, the false claim is made that even Jesus is a Zionist.

That is the thread topic , not defining target.

And Jesus tells us He is the Son of God, in many verses, which I have posted.

He never says He is a Zionist, He never was a Zionist and He is not presently a Zionist.
You haven't proven that Jesus isn't a Zionist. In fact the verses you posted ie "Joel" ends with saying the Messiah will appear out of ZION and save the "children of Israel". Ha ha ha. You are pathetic.

I bet you were one of those kids in school everybody made fun of during free period, and then you came back for more because you liked it? LOL

And according to the end times prophesy he first appears at ZION and is there for the state of Israel, no mention of your brand of Christianity in the OT or in the NT either.
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 23

Matthew 23*(New International Version)

8*“But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers.*9*And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father,*and he is in heaven.*10*Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah.*11*The greatest among you will be your servant.*12*For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

You are the one who is lacking in respect, not showing respect to Jesus, the Messiah.

And the words above were spoken by Jesus to Jews almost 2000 years ago about their lack of respect for Him and God and these words speak to all Jews today who reject Him as Messiah.

Show respect for Jesus, Zionist.

Jesus is the One who is owed respect.

Sherri is obviously not a Christian as she would have more respect for Jews and Israel if she is one.
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Your claim is not true , not supported by the words of Jesus.

As I have repeatedly stated, Jesus is the fulfillment of the OT promises.

Jesus comes after Joel.

You haven't proven that Jesus isn't a Zionist. In fact the verses you posted ie "Joel" ends with saying the Messiah will appear out of ZION and save the "children of Israel". Ha ha ha. You are pathetic.

I bet you were one of those kids in school everybody made fun of during free period, and then you came back for more because you liked it? LOL

And according to the end times prophesy he first appears at ZION and is there for the state of Israel, no mention of your brand of Christianity in the OT or in the NT either.
Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

Matthew 23*(New International Version)

8*“But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers.*9*And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father,*and he is in heaven.*10*Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah.*11*The greatest among you will be your servant.*12*For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

You are the one who is lacking in respect, not showing respect to Jesus, the Messiah.

And the words above were spoken by Jesus to Jews almost 2000 years ago about their lack of respect for Him and God and these words speak to all Jews today who reject Him as Messiah.

Show respect for Jesus, Zionist.

Jesus is the One who is owed respect.

Sherri is obviously not a Christian as she would have more respect for Jews and Israel if she is one.

I acknowledge the first commandment. I revere the One and Only G-d. No men or false prophets.
And in your post here is the perfect illustration of what is so terribly wrong with this thread.

The thread was started by a Zionist like you who rejects Jesus as Messiah.

You reject who Jesus says He is and make up Zionist fantasies about who Zionists claim Him to be.

This will not "save" you.

Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

Matthew 23*(New International Version)

8*“But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers.*9*And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father,*and he is in heaven.*10*Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah.*11*The greatest among you will be your servant.*12*For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

You are the one who is lacking in respect, not showing respect to Jesus, the Messiah.

And the words above were spoken by Jesus to Jews almost 2000 years ago about their lack of respect for Him and God and these words speak to all Jews today who reject Him as Messiah.

Show respect for Jesus, Zionist.

Jesus is the One who is owed respect.

Sherri is obviously not a Christian as she would have more respect for Jews and Israel if she is one.

I acknowledge the first commandment. I revere the One and Only G-d. No men or false prophets.
Everyone is running rings around you and you are loving it. However you are also scared to post on the religion forum as you know you will be slapped down in an instant.

Go on, I dare you, post on the religion forum.

And in your post here is the perfect illustration of what is so terribly wrong with this thread.

The thread was started by a Zionist like you who rejects Jesus as Messiah.

You reject who Jesus says He is and make up Zionist fantasies about who Zionists claim Him to be.

This will not "save" you.

Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

Matthew 23*(New International Version)

8*“But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers.*9*And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father,*and he is in heaven.*10*Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah.*11*The greatest among you will be your servant.*12*For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

You are the one who is lacking in respect, not showing respect to Jesus, the Messiah.

And the words above were spoken by Jesus to Jews almost 2000 years ago about their lack of respect for Him and God and these words speak to all Jews today who reject Him as Messiah.

Show respect for Jesus, Zionist.

Jesus is the One who is owed respect.

I acknowledge the first commandment. I revere the One and Only G-d. No men or false prophets.
If I wanted to have a serious religious discussion about this, I would choose a Christian to Christian discussion forum. I do not think there is that type of discussion forum here. Maybe, there will be a forum like that in the future.
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