Even more left lunacy

Canadian government official says abortion is ‘only a tool to end poverty’

A member of the Canadian government has come out and said a good way to end poverty is through abortion. I think the left wingers are on to something here. If you kill off all the poor folk, then you end poverty.

Pure genius. I guess I can no longer use the term "Dim".

Well, I guess you've never heard of a cycle of poverty.

It's funny how


Mississippi is number one for poverty related to household income. 44th for abortion
New Mexico next, 28th
Louisiana next, 44th
Alabama next 23rd
Kentucky net 48th
Arkansas next at 32nd

You're basically look at abortion lower in many states which have a lot of poverty. Hmmm.

Indeed. Progs have all the money. They run government and corporate America. They fear the numbers of poor people in the red states and hope they kill each other off.
Canadian government official says abortion is ‘only a tool to end poverty’

A member of the Canadian government has come out and said a good way to end poverty is through abortion. I think the left wingers are on to something here. If you kill off all the poor folk, then you end poverty.

Pure genius. I guess I can no longer use the term "Dim".

Well, I guess you've never heard of a cycle of poverty.

It's funny how


Mississippi is number one for poverty related to household income. 44th for abortion
New Mexico next, 28th
Louisiana next, 44th
Alabama next 23rd
Kentucky net 48th
Arkansas next at 32nd

You're basically look at abortion lower in many states which have a lot of poverty. Hmmm.

You've got it all wrong. For the most part, the poor don't have the abortions, abortions cost money, the poor benefit by having babies because it gets them more government money! Look at California with all those illegals. Only one had an abortion? Most abortions are by young girls with unwanted pregnancies and working people who get pregnant and can't afford to have the kid because they are too busy working to pay taxes to support the poor. The one thing your map shows is that the liberals aren't having any kids!
Canadian government official says abortion is ‘only a tool to end poverty’

A member of the Canadian government has come out and said a good way to end poverty is through abortion. I think the left wingers are on to something here. If you kill off all the poor folk, then you end poverty.

Pure genius. I guess I can no longer use the term "Dim".

Well, I guess you've never heard of a cycle of poverty.

It's funny how


Mississippi is number one for poverty related to household income. 44th for abortion
New Mexico next, 28th
Louisiana next, 44th
Alabama next 23rd
Kentucky net 48th
Arkansas next at 32nd

You're basically look at abortion lower in many states which have a lot of poverty. Hmmm.

Indeed. Progs have all the money. They run government and corporate America. They fear the numbers of poor people in the red states and hope they kill each other off.

I doubt they fear the poor. In fact they encourage the poor, it means lower wages.
A member of the Canadian government has come out and said a good way to end poverty is through abortion.

No, no, no. If you want to end poverty, you must go after the three main CAUSES of it:

1). Politicians.
2). Lawyers.
3). Doctors.

Politicians are the main cause of poverty. Everything they do takes from the engine of society and the poorest are the first to feel the brunt of their arrogance and self-importance, making them poorer still. No one ever got rich on a government program other than the politician himself. Lawyers are the next highest cause of poverty, because their only function in society is to write the laws of the land which say you need lawyers to understand the laws they write! It takes them years to figure out all the laws themselves, then they charge you outrageous amounts of money for all the time they spend on an overly-burdensome and cumbersome legal system they helped create! And finally doctors. Incompetent doctors, lazy doctors, overworked doctors, half of them are in a rush to get out the door to get on their boat because they only became doctors to get rich, and the other half are just worn out by the complexities of the under-paid, odorous burdens of trying to stay within the Obamacare mandates!
Canadian government official says abortion is ‘only a tool to end poverty’

A member of the Canadian government has come out and said a good way to end poverty is through abortion. I think the left wingers are on to something here. If you kill off all the poor folk, then you end poverty.

Pure genius. I guess I can no longer use the term "Dim".

Well, I guess you've never heard of a cycle of poverty.

It's funny how


Mississippi is number one for poverty related to household income. 44th for abortion
New Mexico next, 28th
Louisiana next, 44th
Alabama next 23rd
Kentucky net 48th
Arkansas next at 32nd

You're basically look at abortion lower in many states which have a lot of poverty. Hmmm.

Indeed. Progs have all the money. They run government and corporate America. They fear the numbers of poor people in the red states and hope they kill each other off.

I doubt they fear the poor. In fact they encourage the poor, it means lower wages.

The poor are the riffraff, so they make it hard for the poor to climb the socioeconomic ladder, so they don't have to rub shoulders with them.

Then they can hide in their gated communities, much like how Obama built a wall around his house and never have to engage the poor folk.

Meanwhile, they continue to give empty promises of everything being "free", which will do nothing other than increase inflation and worsen the plight of the poor.

Nothing is free.
Contraception and even abortion is only a tool to end poverty,” Bibeau told the news outlet, noting that the Trudeau administration wants “to give [women] the control over their lives.”

So a woman struggling to support the children she has uses contraception or abortion to keep down the number of children to what she can afford

I thought that was a conservative principle
Contraception and even abortion is only a tool to end poverty,” Bibeau told the news outlet, noting that the Trudeau administration wants “to give [women] the control over their lives.”

So a woman struggling to support the children she has uses contraception or abortion to keep down the number of children to what she can afford

I thought that was a conservative principle

Killing children has never been a conservative principle.

If you are all about keeping down the number of poor folk, why let them walk across the border?
Canadian government official says abortion is ‘only a tool to end poverty’

A member of the Canadian government has come out and said a good way to end poverty is through abortion. I think the left wingers are on to something here. If you kill off all the poor folk, then you end poverty.

Pure genius. I guess I can no longer use the term "Dim".

Well, I guess you've never heard of a cycle of poverty.

It's funny how


Mississippi is number one for poverty related to household income. 44th for abortion
New Mexico next, 28th
Louisiana next, 44th
Alabama next 23rd
Kentucky net 48th
Arkansas next at 32nd

You're basically look at abortion lower in many states which have a lot of poverty. Hmmm.

Indeed. Progs have all the money. They run government and corporate America. They fear the numbers of poor people in the red states and hope they kill each other off.

I doubt they fear the poor. In fact they encourage the poor, it means lower wages.

The poor are the riffraff, so they make it hard for the poor to climb the socioeconomic ladder, so they don't have to rub shoulders with them.

Then they can hide in their gated communities, much like how Obama built a wall around his house and never have to engage the poor folk.

Meanwhile, they continue to give empty promises of everything being "free", which will do nothing other than increase inflation and worsen the plight of the poor.

Nothing is free.

No, nothing is free and the two main parties are in the pockets of the rich, but play the game, and too many people believe the crap they spew.
Contraception and even abortion is only a tool to end poverty,” Bibeau told the news outlet, noting that the Trudeau administration wants “to give [women] the control over their lives.”

So a woman struggling to support the children she has uses contraception or abortion to keep down the number of children to what she can afford

I thought that was a conservative principle

Killing children has never been a conservative principle.

If you are all about keeping down the number of poor folk, why let them walk across the border?

Killing American children has never been a US Conservative principle. Keeping them under educated has been.
Contraception and even abortion is only a tool to end poverty,” Bibeau told the news outlet, noting that the Trudeau administration wants “to give [women] the control over their lives.”

So a woman struggling to support the children she has uses contraception or abortion to keep down the number of children to what she can afford

I thought that was a conservative principle

Killing children has never been a conservative principle.

If you are all about keeping down the number of poor folk, why let them walk across the border?

Neither is taking care of the children of the poor once they are born

Don't cut programs that help women take care of children and then complain if she opts for an abortion
That you didn't answer the question proves the idiocy of your thread.

What business of your is it if the poor have lots of children?

Is it the role of the Prog to try and limit the number of children the poor have?

Does and angel lose it's wings and become demonic every time a poor person has an abortion?

Since when do we have mandatory birth control for the poor in this country?

It was the vision of Margaret Sanger to have poor black folk to have less children, so she created Planned Parenthood

"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon
Do you enjoy spreading misinformation?

Did Margaret Sanger believe African-Americans

Are you suggesting that Sanger was not a racist? They all were at that time, even Darwin thought Blacks were racially inferior dolt.

As for abortion, it is playing eugenics. In fact, eugenics was the on the cutting edge of science until Hitler gave it a bad flavor

How many quotes would you like me to provide? You did nothing to debunk the quote I gave nor its source.
Im suggesting that you are spreading misinformation. I didn't know Sanger so I'm not going to say what her racial views were, but i'm sure as hell not going to exploit and distort facts for political gain which it appears you and Carson and others are trying to do.

Abortion is not playing anything. It is a horrible decision that many people make for a variety of reasons. Most of the time they are scared to death because of accidental pregnancy when they are not in a position to be able to care for a child. It is an insult to imply that organizations like PP are playing a game to control race populations by promoting abortions. Look at that narrative objectively if you can, its ridiculous.
That you didn't answer the question proves the idiocy of your thread.

What business of your is it if the poor have lots of children?

Is it the role of the Prog to try and limit the number of children the poor have?

Does and angel lose it's wings and become demonic every time a poor person has an abortion?

Since when do we have mandatory birth control for the poor in this country?

It was the vision of Margaret Sanger to have poor black folk to have less children, so she created Planned Parenthood

"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon
Do you enjoy spreading misinformation?

Did Margaret Sanger believe African-Americans

Are you suggesting that Sanger was not a racist? They all were at that time, even Darwin thought Blacks were racially inferior dolt.

As for abortion, it is playing eugenics. In fact, eugenics was the on the cutting edge of science until Hitler gave it a bad flavor

How many quotes would you like me to provide? You did nothing to debunk the quote I gave nor its source.

You somehow miss out on abortion being a woman's choice
Canadian government official says abortion is ‘only a tool to end poverty’

A member of the Canadian government has come out and said a good way to end poverty is through abortion. I think the left wingers are on to something here. If you kill off all the poor folk, then you end poverty.

Pure genius. I guess I can no longer use the term "Dim".

Well, I guess you've never heard of a cycle of poverty.

It's funny how


Mississippi is number one for poverty related to household income. 44th for abortion
New Mexico next, 28th
Louisiana next, 44th
Alabama next 23rd
Kentucky net 48th
Arkansas next at 32nd

You're basically look at abortion lower in many states which have a lot of poverty. Hmmm.

You've got it all wrong. For the most part, the poor don't have the abortions, abortions cost money, the poor benefit by having babies because it gets them more government money! Look at California with all those illegals. Only one had an abortion? Most abortions are by young girls with unwanted pregnancies and working people who get pregnant and can't afford to have the kid because they are too busy working to pay taxes to support the poor. The one thing your map shows is that the liberals aren't having any kids!


A survey showed that about 74% of women who have abortions, their main reason was money.

Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives
What business of your is it if the poor have lots of children?

Is it the role of the Prog to try and limit the number of children the poor have?

Does and angel lose it's wings and become demonic every time a poor person has an abortion?

Since when do we have mandatory birth control for the poor in this country?

It was the vision of Margaret Sanger to have poor black folk to have less children, so she created Planned Parenthood

"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon
Do you enjoy spreading misinformation?

Did Margaret Sanger believe African-Americans

Are you suggesting that Sanger was not a racist? They all were at that time, even Darwin thought Blacks were racially inferior dolt.

As for abortion, it is playing eugenics. In fact, eugenics was the on the cutting edge of science until Hitler gave it a bad flavor

How many quotes would you like me to provide? You did nothing to debunk the quote I gave nor its source.

You somehow miss out on abortion being a woman's choice

A choice? So is trying to shoot down the entire GOP Congerss.

So what is your point?
Contraception and even abortion is only a tool to end poverty,” Bibeau told the news outlet, noting that the Trudeau administration wants “to give [women] the control over their lives.”

So a woman struggling to support the children she has uses contraception or abortion to keep down the number of children to what she can afford

I thought that was a conservative principle

Killing children has never been a conservative principle.

If you are all about keeping down the number of poor folk, why let them walk across the border?

Neither is taking care of the children of the poor once they are born

Don't cut programs that help women take care of children and then complain if she opts for an abortion

How about this, get off your arse and start donating your time and money to the poor. Statistics show that those of faith far outweigh those not of faith in terms of helping the poor.

Instead, atheistic leaches like yourself simply keep voting for politicians who promise to force you to give more of your money to government to help the poor, when in reality, most of the money ends up elsewhere. And yea, we know, it's all the GOP's fault.

Funny how that always works that way.
Since when do we have mandatory birth control for the poor in this country?

It was the vision of Margaret Sanger to have poor black folk to have less children, so she created Planned Parenthood

"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon
Do you enjoy spreading misinformation?

Did Margaret Sanger believe African-Americans

Are you suggesting that Sanger was not a racist? They all were at that time, even Darwin thought Blacks were racially inferior dolt.

As for abortion, it is playing eugenics. In fact, eugenics was the on the cutting edge of science until Hitler gave it a bad flavor

How many quotes would you like me to provide? You did nothing to debunk the quote I gave nor its source.

You somehow miss out on abortion being a woman's choice

A choice? So is trying to shoot down the entire GOP Congerss.

So what is your point?
Wow, that went right over your head... Your post is trying to attack the left and planned parenthood for promoting abortions for racial cleansing, which is plain silly when in fact they are simply promoting easier/affordable access and a womens right to choose for herself. But now you pivot to attack the women who choose to abort? Come on man, get it straight.
Since when do we have mandatory birth control for the poor in this country?

It was the vision of Margaret Sanger to have poor black folk to have less children, so she created Planned Parenthood

"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon
Do you enjoy spreading misinformation?

Did Margaret Sanger believe African-Americans

Are you suggesting that Sanger was not a racist? They all were at that time, even Darwin thought Blacks were racially inferior dolt.

As for abortion, it is playing eugenics. In fact, eugenics was the on the cutting edge of science until Hitler gave it a bad flavor

How many quotes would you like me to provide? You did nothing to debunk the quote I gave nor its source.

You somehow miss out on abortion being a woman's choice

A choice? So is trying to shoot down the entire GOP Congerss.

So what is your point?

My point is that abortion has been legal for over 45 years and is not going away
It is primarily a family planning issue where a woman cannot afford a child at that time

The woman in the OP is correct
Contraception and even abortion is only a tool to end poverty,” Bibeau told the news outlet, noting that the Trudeau administration wants “to give [women] the control over their lives.”

So a woman struggling to support the children she has uses contraception or abortion to keep down the number of children to what she can afford

I thought that was a conservative principle

Killing children has never been a conservative principle.

If you are all about keeping down the number of poor folk, why let them walk across the border?

Neither is taking care of the children of the poor once they are born

Don't cut programs that help women take care of children and then complain if she opts for an abortion

How about this, get off your arse and start donating your time and money to the poor. Statistics show that those of faith far outweigh those not of faith in terms of helping the poor.

Instead, atheistic leaches like yourself simply keep voting for politicians who promise to force you to give more of your money to government to help the poor, when in reality, most of the money ends up elsewhere. And yea, we know, it's all the GOP's fault.

Funny how that always works that way.

Nice try...but the issue is much bigger than donating time on weekends to stop abortion

Abortion is legal and a woman's choice. A new child will impact her job, finances and quality of life
Republicans blocking access to contraception, medical care, childcare services and welfare only makes things worse
It was the vision of Margaret Sanger to have poor black folk to have less children, so she created Planned Parenthood

"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon
Do you enjoy spreading misinformation?

Did Margaret Sanger believe African-Americans

Are you suggesting that Sanger was not a racist? They all were at that time, even Darwin thought Blacks were racially inferior dolt.

As for abortion, it is playing eugenics. In fact, eugenics was the on the cutting edge of science until Hitler gave it a bad flavor

How many quotes would you like me to provide? You did nothing to debunk the quote I gave nor its source.

You somehow miss out on abortion being a woman's choice

A choice? So is trying to shoot down the entire GOP Congerss.

So what is your point?
Wow, that went right over your head... Your post is trying to attack the left and planned parenthood for promoting abortions for racial cleansing, which is plain silly when in fact they are simply promoting easier/affordable access and a womens right to choose for herself. But now you pivot to attack the women who choose to abort? Come on man, get it straight.

From wiki, who also lists Sanger as a eugenicist.

Margaret Sanger - Wikiquote

Here are some Sanger quotes

  • It seems to me from my experience where I have been in North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Texas, that while the colored Negroes have great respect for white doctors they can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubts. They do not do this with the white people and if we can train the Negro doctor at the Clinic he can go among them with enthusiasm and with knowledge, which, I believe, will have far-reaching results among the colored people. His work in my opinion should be entirely with the Negro profession and the nurses, hospital, social workers, as well as the County’s white doctors. His success will depend upon his personality and his training by us.
  • The ministers work is also important and he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.
    • Commenting on the 'Negro Project' in a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, December 10, 1939. - Sanger manuscripts, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts. Also described in Linda Gordon's Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976.
    • (Note: There is a different date circulated, e.g. Oct. 19, 1939; but Dec. 10 is the correct date of Mrs. Sanger's letter to Mr. Gamble.)
  • The third group [of society] are those irresponsible and reckless ones having little regard for the consequences of their acts, or whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers. Many of this group are diseased, feeble-minded, and are of the pauper element dependent upon the normal and fit members of society for their support. There is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped.

Sanger was trying to create a master race long before Hitler. And if you don't think Sanger had racist leanings, as everyone did in the scientific community at that time, they you simply are ignorant of history. Therefore, the "negro", as Sanger called them, were targets
Contraception and even abortion is only a tool to end poverty,” Bibeau told the news outlet, noting that the Trudeau administration wants “to give [women] the control over their lives.”

So a woman struggling to support the children she has uses contraception or abortion to keep down the number of children to what she can afford

I thought that was a conservative principle

Killing children has never been a conservative principle.

If you are all about keeping down the number of poor folk, why let them walk across the border?

Neither is taking care of the children of the poor once they are born

Don't cut programs that help women take care of children and then complain if she opts for an abortion

How about this, get off your arse and start donating your time and money to the poor. Statistics show that those of faith far outweigh those not of faith in terms of helping the poor.

Instead, atheistic leaches like yourself simply keep voting for politicians who promise to force you to give more of your money to government to help the poor, when in reality, most of the money ends up elsewhere. And yea, we know, it's all the GOP's fault.

Funny how that always works that way.

Nice try...but the issue is much bigger than donating time on weekends to stop abortion

Abortion is legal and a woman's choice. A new child will impact her job, finances and quality of life
Republicans blocking access to contraception, medical care, childcare services and welfare only makes things worse

You can use such arguments about illegal immigrants as well. They will simply take more of our jobs, make child care more costly, and only make welfare services worse.

Yet you support sanctuary cities.

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