Even Nixon didn't destroy the tapes, Hillary, not so much

Hillary Clinton is one of the most dishonest, sleazy, sneaky, and untrustworthy individuals of last century and this. She's soulless and evil and from the look in her eyes I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she was diagnosed as an utter sociopath. There's definitely something very wrong with the woman.
Congress is full of retards. If they really wanted to find Hillary's emails they could, it is not like they are irretrievable.

What was her purpose of wiping them out in the first place? Corporations can't do that why can a government official? Oh right they can't.
Maybe she had a bunch of spam.
Maybe she's not stupid? You can't go on a fishing trip when there are no fish.
Congress is full of retards. If they really wanted to find Hillary's emails they could, it is not like they are irretrievable.

What was her purpose of wiping them out in the first place? Corporations can't do that why can a government official? Oh right they can't.
Maybe she had a bunch of spam.

That's not why she said but that is also a reason not to mix the two. A lot of virus comes in email.
she's done....support is tanking, 3 major scandals happening at same time....no way nohow she gets close
OK, here is the policy;

12 FAM 544.3 Electronic Transmission Via the Internet (CT:DS-117; 11-04-2005) a. It is the Department’s general policy that normal day-to-day operations be conducted on an authorized AIS, which has the proper level of security control to provide nonrepudiation, authentication and encryption, to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the resident information. The Department’s authorized telework solution(s) are designed in a manner that meet these requirements and are not considered end points outside of the Department’s management control. b. The Department is expected to provide, and employees are expected to use, approved secure methods to transmit SBU information when available and practical. c. Employees should be aware that transmissions from the Department’s OpenNet to and from non-U.S. Government Internet addresses, and other .gov or .mil addresses, unless specifically directed through an approved secure means, traverse the Internet unencrypted. Therefore, employees must be cognizant of the sensitivity of the information and mandated security controls, and evaluate the possible security risks and then decide whether a more secure means of transmission is warranted (i.e., secure fax, mail or network, etc.) d. In the absence of a Department-provided secure method, employees with a valid business need may transmit SBU information over the Internet unencrypted after carefully considering that: (1) SBU information within the category in 12 FAM 541b(7)(a) and (b) must never be sent unencrypted via the Internet; (2) Unencrypted information transmitted via the Internet is susceptible to access by unauthorized personnel; (3) Email transmissions via the Internet generally consist of multipoint communications that are routed to their destination through the path of least resistance, which may include multiple foreign and U.S. controlled Internet service providers (ISP); (4) Once resident on an ISP server, the SBU information remains until it is overwritten; (5) Unencrypted email transmissions are subject to a risk of compromise of information confidentiality or integrity;

SBU information resident on personally owned computers connected to the Internet is generally more susceptible to cyber attacks and/or compromise than information on government owned computers connected to the Internet; (7) The Internet is globally accessed (i.e., there are no physical or traditional territorial boundaries). Transmissions through foreign ISPs or servers can magnify these risks; and (8) Current technology can target specific email addresses or suffixes and content of unencrypted messages. e. SBU information must not be posted on any public Internet website, discussed in a publicly available chat room or any other public forum on the Internet. f. To preclude inadvertent transmission of SBU information prohibited on the Internet, AIS users must not use an “auto-forward” function to send emails to an address outside the Department’s network. g. SBU information created on or downloaded to publicly available non- U.S. Government owned computers, such as Internet kiosks, should be removed when no longer needed. h. All users who process SBU information on personally owned computers must ensure that these computers will provide adequate and appropriate security for that information. This includes: (1) Disabling unencrypted wireless access; (2) The maintenance of adequate physical security; (3) The use of anti-virus and spyware software; and (4) Ensuring that all operating system and other software security patches, virus definitions, firewall version updates, and spyware definitions are current.

And can we all remember when this man's career was ruined for the same reason?

Clinton private email violated clear-cut State Dept. rules - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO

State’s email policy gained some attention when the agency’s inspector general issued a scathing report on the tenure of retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Scott Gration as U.S. ambassador to Kenya. The review, which led to his resignation three years ago, faulted him on a variety of grounds: one was having “a commercial Internet connection installed in his embassy office bathroom so he could work there on a laptop not connected to the Department email system.”

Another complaint the report leveled against Gration: “He drafted and distributed a mission policy authorizing himself and other mission personnel to use commercial email for daily communication of official government business.”

A State official who asked not to be named noted that the email issue was just one of a series of serious management shortcomings described in the 2012 inspector general report about U.S. Embassy operations in Kenya. The IG report was highlighted Thursday by the Weekly Standard.

Read more: Clinton private email violated clear-cut State Dept. rules - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO
Here is a site with the EPA guidelines, did Hillary break any of the guidelines?
She wasn't involved with the EPA. Why would she be following EPA guidelines?
I asked the same thing. No response.

It is a government agency and just happened to be one of the first I found using google. Their
policy should mirror all of government.
Well, it doesn't.

You have no way of know that.
Well I guess Hillary is no crook. Or is she just worse then Nixon, Nixon never would have been forced to leave office if he just would have destroyed the tapes, Hillary learned.


WASHINGTON — An examination of the server that housed the personal email account that Hillary Rodham Clinton used exclusively when she was secretary of state showed that there are no copies of any emails she sent during her time in office, her lawyer told a congressional committee on Friday.

After her representatives determined which emails were government-related and which were private, a setting on the account was changed to retain only emails sent in the previous 60 days, her lawyer, David Kendall, said. He said the setting was altered after she gave the records to the government.

“Thus, there are no [email protected] emails from Secretary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state on the server for any review, even if such review were appropriate or legally authorized,” Mr. Kendall said in a letter to the House select committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

She had no business deleting them and should be charged with destroying evidence. Copies she handed over aren't worth the paper they are printed on. She must have had a lot to hide or she would have been more transparent.
Here is a site with the EPA guidelines, did Hillary break any of the guidelines?
She wasn't involved with the EPA. Why would she be following EPA guidelines?
I asked the same thing. No response.

It is a government agency and just happened to be one of the first I found using google. Their
policy should mirror all of government.
Well, it doesn't.

You have no way of know that.
Actually I do, since there isn't a unified policy. You think the EPA, the NSA, Congress, and the DOD have the same policies? Not a chance in hell.
Well I guess Hillary is no crook. Or is she just worse then Nixon, Nixon never would have been forced to leave office if he just would have destroyed the tapes, Hillary learned.


WASHINGTON — An examination of the server that housed the personal email account that Hillary Rodham Clinton used exclusively when she was secretary of state showed that there are no copies of any emails she sent during her time in office, her lawyer told a congressional committee on Friday.

After her representatives determined which emails were government-related and which were private, a setting on the account was changed to retain only emails sent in the previous 60 days, her lawyer, David Kendall, said. He said the setting was altered after she gave the records to the government.

“Thus, there are no [email protected] emails from Secretary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state on the server for any review, even if such review were appropriate or legally authorized,” Mr. Kendall said in a letter to the House select committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

She had no business deleting them and should be charged with destroying evidence. Copies she handed over aren't worth the paper they are printed on. She must have had a lot to hide or she would have been more transparent.
She can't be charged with anything. It was her account on her fucking server.
Here is a site with the EPA guidelines, did Hillary break any of the guidelines?
She wasn't involved with the EPA. Why would she be following EPA guidelines?
I asked the same thing. No response.

It is a government agency and just happened to be one of the first I found using google. Their
policy should mirror all of government.
Not necessarily so. Those government agencies that deal in state secrets or sensitive information most likely expunge lots of information.
She wasn't involved with the EPA. Why would she be following EPA guidelines?
I asked the same thing. No response.

It is a government agency and just happened to be one of the first I found using google. Their
policy should mirror all of government.
Well, it doesn't.

You have no way of know that.
Actually I do, since there isn't a unified policy. You think the EPA, the NSA, Congress, and the DOD have the same policies? Not a chance in hell.

Same, maybe not, mirror, yes.
I asked the same thing. No response.

It is a government agency and just happened to be one of the first I found using google. Their
policy should mirror all of government.
Well, it doesn't.

You have no way of know that.
Actually I do, since there isn't a unified policy. You think the EPA, the NSA, Congress, and the DOD have the same policies? Not a chance in hell.

Same, maybe not, mirror, yes.
Not a chance. Watch the government for a few decades and you'll understand why I am entirely confident.
Here is a site with the EPA guidelines, did Hillary break any of the guidelines?
She wasn't involved with the EPA. Why would she be following EPA guidelines?
I asked the same thing. No response.

It is a government agency and just happened to be one of the first I found using google. Their
policy should mirror all of government.
Not necessarily so. Those government agencies that deal in state secrets or sensitive information most likely expunge lots of information.

That is not the reason for the policy against private email accounts. As provide there are policies concerning retention.

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