Even Nixon didn't destroy the tapes, Hillary, not so much

You forgot about the time were Nixon staffer Chuck Coulson was plotting with the Watergate burglars to kill Jack Anderson a reporter that Nixon hated and wanted "silenced". But of course fibbing about a bj is worse.

The Blowjob was nothing, it was the coverup that shot bubba in the ass. But how cool is it that you'd get all misty over unfounded rumors regarding 'conspiracies to murder', while you've absolutely no concern for the 180 close Clinton friends and associates who died untimely deaths, in the 8 years of Monica Lewinsky's Boyfriend's peasantry.
Your post pegged my computer's Insanity Meter, and it automatically switched to NPR in an attempt to save itself.
You forgot about the time were Nixon staffer Chuck Coulson was plotting with the Watergate burglars to kill Jack Anderson a reporter that Nixon hated and wanted "silenced". But of course fibbing about a bj is worse.

The Blowjob was nothing, it was the coverup that shot bubba in the ass. But how cool is it that you'd get all misty over unfounded rumors regarding 'conspiracies to murder', while you've absolutely no concern for the 180 close Clinton friends and associates who died untimely deaths, in the 8 years of Monica Lewinsky's Boyfriend's peasantry.
Jeebus what a brainwashed moron...every idea totally discredited, not a single arrest, just RW idiocy , for dupes only...
unfounded rumors regarding 'conspiracies to murder'
The problem with that is we are dealing with tapes in which Nixon is telling his staff "They have to do something to this guy" and Howard Hunt admitted to the plot before he died.

Yet... they didn't 'do' anything to the guy, unlike the 180 of the Clinton's closest friends and associates who actually did get something 'done' to them... .

I realize that the distinction is difficult for a Relativist to discern... but in reality, it's a biggy.
Hilary worked on watergate and that is where she learned that you don't just destroy 18 minutes...you get rid of all of it.......and you hire detectives not connected with your staff....
The revisionist right is trying to sanitize Nixon the criminal – too funny.

Sanitize Nixon... the guy's been dead since Clinton's first term. The only reason he's being discussed, is that the Marxist Lawyer who was dismissed from his prosecution for dishonorable tactics and behavior, just admitted she destroyed record evidence of her crimes against the United States.

An act far worse than anything Nixon ever dreamed of... .
Did Hillary Scrub Her Private Server Sometime This Month? [VIDEO]

The Daily Caller ^
Friday’s bombshell revelation that Hillary Clinton’s private email server has been scrubbed of all of the emails she sent as secretary of state has raised questions over the timeline of that erasure.A review of her limited statements on the scandal suggests that it could have occurred as recently as this month.Clinton’s attorney, David Kendall, sent a letter to the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Friday in response to its subpoena of Clinton’s emails and its request to inspect her server, which was registered to her Chappaqua, N.Y. home.Kendall’s letter prompted South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy to issue a...

“Clinton lied under oath. He lied while wagging his finger in your fact. He lowered the bar for honesty. He was worse then Nixon.”

Partisan nonsense:

“In the course of his presidency, beginning in 1969, Nixon launched and managed five successive and overlapping wars — against the anti-Vietnam War movement, the news media, the Democrats, the justice system and, finally, against history itself. All reflected a mind-set and a pattern of behavior that were uniquely and pervasively Nixon’s: a willingness to disregard the law for political advantage, and a quest for dirt and secrets about his opponents as an organizing principle of his presidency.

Long before the Watergate break-in, gumshoeing, burglary, wiretapping and political sabotage had become a way of life in the Nixon White House.”

Woodward and Bernstein Nixon s crimes were worse than we knew Ct

Your posts are usually moronic, inane, and wrong – but 'Clinton was “worse” than Nixon' is among your more idiotic posts, and that's quite an accomplishment.
You forgot about the time were Nixon staffer Chuck Coulson was plotting with the Watergate burglars to kill Jack Anderson a reporter that Nixon hated and wanted "silenced". But of course fibbing about a bj is worse.

Lying under OATH is worse.

“Clinton lied under oath. He lied while wagging his finger in your fact. He lowered the bar for honesty. He was worse then Nixon.”

Partisan nonsense:

“In the course of his presidency, beginning in 1969, Nixon launched and managed five successive and overlapping wars — against the anti-Vietnam War movement, the news media, the Democrats, the justice system and, finally, against history itself. All reflected a mind-set and a pattern of behavior that were uniquely and pervasively Nixon’s: a willingness to disregard the law for political advantage, and a quest for dirt and secrets about his opponents as an organizing principle of his presidency.

Long before the Watergate break-in, gumshoeing, burglary, wiretapping and political sabotage had become a way of life in the Nixon White House.”

Woodward and Bernstein Nixon s crimes were worse than we knew Ct

Your posts are usually moronic, inane, and wrong – but 'Clinton was “worse” than Nixon' is among your more idiotic posts, and that's quite an accomplishment.
You forgot about the time were Nixon staffer Chuck Coulson was plotting with the Watergate burglars to kill Jack Anderson a reporter that Nixon hated and wanted "silenced". But of course fibbing about a bj is worse.

The tapes condemned Nixon for good reason there is no doubt. But Jack Anderson died in 2005 of Parkinson disease.

“Clinton lied under oath. He lied while wagging his finger in your fact. He lowered the bar for honesty. He was worse then Nixon.”

Partisan nonsense:

“In the course of his presidency, beginning in 1969, Nixon launched and managed five successive and overlapping wars — against the anti-Vietnam War movement, the news media, the Democrats, the justice system and, finally, against history itself. All reflected a mind-set and a pattern of behavior that were uniquely and pervasively Nixon’s: a willingness to disregard the law for political advantage, and a quest for dirt and secrets about his opponents as an organizing principle of his presidency.

Long before the Watergate break-in, gumshoeing, burglary, wiretapping and political sabotage had become a way of life in the Nixon White House.”

Woodward and Bernstein Nixon s crimes were worse than we knew Ct

Your posts are usually moronic, inane, and wrong – but 'Clinton was “worse” than Nixon' is among your more idiotic posts, and that's quite an accomplishment.

Glad to know who is the judge of what is inane and idiotic.

Nixon paid the ultimate price for his paranoia and hubris, Clinton was exalted for his crime, that is the difference.
"Even Nixon didn't destroy the tapes, Hillary, not so much"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Well that's true... because Nixon didn't copy parts of the tapes and destroy the master, like Monica Lewinsky's Ex-Boyfriend's wife did. Plus, unlike the current administration, Nixon had a valid Attorney General... .

If the US had a valid attorney general, Monica Lewisnky's Ex-boyfriend's wife would already be charged, booked and preparing for her trial.

LOL! So... yeah, it is truly not a fair comparison.
Yeah, Nixon went though quite a few AG's, since they wouldn't take on his illegal actions for him.
Saturday Night Massacre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The difference is that Nixon will be forever tarnished by what he did behind the scenes.

Clinton, lies under oath, tries to cover it up with his finger wagging BS and he is pretty much venerated by the left. Not to mention he entered into a war in Serbia which the left now says is illegal but seems to forget he did it and again venerates him.

With Nixon, his lies and deceit were dealt with, Clinton, not so much.

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