Even Ron Paul says we're in the middle of "Communist Revolution."

Fascist socialist democrat party is incorrect, because socialism is impossible. We are going directly to communism.
Thats what they said about Obama when he started.

now we have 8 years of his executive orders and policies; and where was the communism?
This election was for all the marbles. Left up to the Republican Party, we're done; I hope Trump and Q actually had a real fucking Plan

Seriously?? :auiqs.jpg:
You're pinning your hopes on an Internet phantom and former reality TV game show host?
Pretty sure this Q is going to slink off into hiding..since none of his predictions came true
and there's likely to be a lot of angry cult members wondering if it was all ever real.
Oh..you weren't one of them were you?

As far as Ron Paul goes, he should be in the nutty bar farm.

Internet phantom?

The man has served decades in congress, Joe Biden is a phantom if something.

Ron Paul is a nutbag.

And I was talking about Q.
No it doesn't

Yes it does.
Democrats love to project. All the garbage they accuse others of, they are actually guilty of. That includes being fascists.



Is there a nobler or more excellent kind of Socialism and is there a truer form of Democracy than this National Socialism which is so organized that through it each one among the millions of German boys is given the possibility of finding his way to the highest office in the nation, should it please Providence to come to his aid. - A Hitler(January 30, 1937).

2) BOTH backed-up by the American Super-Rich

3) BOTH used STORM-TROOPERS to quash political opposition. The Germans has the BROWNSHIRTS, the Democrats have ANTIFA and BLM.

4) BOTH employ "social justice" as an argument for criminal theft.

Because it seems inseparable from the social idea and we do not believe that there could ever exist a state with lasting inner health if it is not built on internal SOCIAL JUSTICE, and so we have joined forces with this knowledge. - Adolph Hitler

5) BOTH practice the politics of RACIAL IDENTITY.

Democrats are no different from Nazis.
From their strong arm tactics, to their roving blackshirts in the streets, to their murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Butcherhood death camps, to their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.

NAZI = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
or, "National Socialist German Workers’ Party"

Funny, I don’t see a lot of Germans in the Republican Party but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party.
In fact, not only do I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party, but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to be able to murder an entire class of people (abortion) just like Hitler did, and who violently attack people in the streets who disagree with them, just like Hitler did. Plus, I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to teach junk science about the human race (transgenderism) just like Hitler did. AND NOW their antisemitism has also percolated to the top in recent months.

Again LL speakum truth!
I'm going shopping for commie clothes today!
I have plenty to lend you.

Thank you Comrade.
Seriously?? :auiqs.jpg:
You're pinning your hopes on an Internet phantom and former reality TV game show host?
Pretty sure this Q is going to slink off into hiding..since none of his predictions came true
and there's likely to be a lot of angry cult members wondering if it was all ever real.
Oh..you weren't one of them were you?

As far as Ron Paul goes, he should be in the nutty bar farm.
You act as if Biden has won the election, what with his illegal ballot fraud and all.
This is going all the way to the Supreme Court, Jack Off /NoTrades.

Be prepared for the down side of your idiot's euphoric high.
You don't even know what the word "communism" means.

It means the filthy sick pigs in the democrat party
No it doesn't. It's nothing but a scary word to you.
It's a discredited sort of governance that's been a spectacular failure everywhere it's been tried.
Some of history's biggest mass murderers were Communist rulers.

It should be "scary" to anyone with a double digit IQ. But you seem to think otherwise.
What does that say about you?

And the democrats are attempting to rehabilitate Communism through something called
Democratic-Socialism. The people leading Cognitively Disabled Joe around by the nose are
even running elections like Stalin in the good old days (candidates don't matter...only the people
controlling the ballots do).

The dumbest people are always the most smug and self satisfied.
Seriously?? :auiqs.jpg:
You're pinning your hopes on an Internet phantom and former reality TV game show host?
Pretty sure this Q is going to slink off into hiding..since none of his predictions came true
and there's likely to be a lot of angry cult members wondering if it was all ever real.
Oh..you weren't one of them were you?

As far as Ron Paul goes, he should be in the nutty bar farm.
You act as if Biden has won the election, what with his illegal ballot fraud and all.
This is going all the way to the Supreme Court, Jack Off /NoTrades.

Be prepared for the down side of your idiot's euphoric high.

Again. Don't bet on it. The election gets certified in December. Then the recounts happen. Recounts rarely overturn elections.
By that time, the results will be certified and bulletproof. I doubt the SC will even take it up. No reason to.
Oh I expect a flurry of bullshit tomorrow. But they'll all the thrown out for lack of evidence.

You lost. Show some dignity in defeat.
Ron Paul has been a conspiracy theorist his entire life. And he spawned a son who's worse than he is. ;)

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