Even Ron Paul says we're in the middle of "Communist Revolution."

Fascist socialist democrat party is incorrect, because socialism is impossible. We are going directly to communism.
You don't even know what the word "communism" means.
Everyone does
Since the right decided to rewrite the political dictionary to suit them they all sound like retards
They never did that

Communists and their apologists have always defined the word incorrectly

they do this to avoid accountability, they can avoid the genocide of communist governments by saying " not true communist "

Communism is a belief system and a process not a perfect egalitarian stateless and classless society

It includes tyrannical dictatorship leading up to the eventual withering away of the state. So long as they preach the eventual realization of the stateless society they are in fact communist
Fascist socialist democrat party is incorrect, because socialism is impossible. We are going directly to communism.
You don't even know what the word "communism" means.
Everyone does
Since the right decided to rewrite the political dictionary to suit them they all sound like retards
They never did that

Communists and their apologists have always defined the word incorrectly

they do this to avoid accountability, they can avoid the genocide of communist governments by saying " not true communist "

Communism is a belief system and a process not a perfect egalitarian stateless and classless society

It includes tyrannical dictatorship leading up to the eventual withering away of the state. So long as they preach the eventual realization of the stateless society they are in fact communist
The proof that the right tried to redefine all political terms is in how you use the term and your dangerous certainty that no right wing government could ever be authoritarian.
Fascist socialist democrat party is incorrect, because socialism is impossible. We are going directly to communism.
You don't even know what the word "communism" means.
Everyone does
Since the right decided to rewrite the political dictionary to suit them they all sound like retards
They never did that

Communists and their apologists have always defined the word incorrectly

they do this to avoid accountability, they can avoid the genocide of communist governments by saying " not true communist "

Communism is a belief system and a process not a perfect egalitarian stateless and classless society

It includes tyrannical dictatorship leading up to the eventual withering away of the state. So long as they preach the eventual realization of the stateless society they are in fact communist
The proof that the right tried to redefine all political terms is in how you use the term and your dangerous certainty that no right wing government could ever be authoritarian.
You are trying a circular argument which is self defeating.

I am using it correctly and I never said anything one way or the other about right wing governments so your claim of my certainty is an outright lie
No it doesn't

Yes it does.
Democrats love to project. All the garbage they accuse others of, they are actually guilty of. That includes being fascists.



Is there a nobler or more excellent kind of Socialism and is there a truer form of Democracy than this National Socialism which is so organized that through it each one among the millions of German boys is given the possibility of finding his way to the highest office in the nation, should it please Providence to come to his aid. - A Hitler(January 30, 1937).

2) BOTH backed-up by the American Super-Rich

3) BOTH used STORM-TROOPERS to quash political opposition. The Germans has the BROWNSHIRTS, the Democrats have ANTIFA and BLM.

4) BOTH employ "social justice" as an argument for criminal theft.

Because it seems inseparable from the social idea and we do not believe that there could ever exist a state with lasting inner health if it is not built on internal SOCIAL JUSTICE, and so we have joined forces with this knowledge. - Adolph Hitler

5) BOTH practice the politics of RACIAL IDENTITY.

Democrats are no different from Nazis.
From their strong arm tactics, to their roving blackshirts in the streets, to their murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Butcherhood death camps, to their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.

NAZI = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
or, "National Socialist German Workers’ Party"

Funny, I don’t see a lot of Germans in the Republican Party but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party.
In fact, not only do I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party, but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to be able to murder an entire class of people (abortion) just like Hitler did, and who violently attack people in the streets who disagree with them, just like Hitler did. Plus, I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to teach junk science about the human race (transgenderism) just like Hitler did. AND NOW their antisemitism has also percolated to the top in recent months.

Fascist socialist democrat party is incorrect, because socialism is impossible. We are going directly to communism.
You don't even know what the word "communism" means.
Everyone does
Since the right decided to rewrite the political dictionary to suit them they all sound like retards
They never did that

Communists and their apologists have always defined the word incorrectly

they do this to avoid accountability, they can avoid the genocide of communist governments by saying " not true communist "

Communism is a belief system and a process not a perfect egalitarian stateless and classless society

It includes tyrannical dictatorship leading up to the eventual withering away of the state. So long as they preach the eventual realization of the stateless society they are in fact communist
The proof that the right tried to redefine all political terms is in how you use the term and your dangerous certainty that no right wing government could ever be authoritarian.
You are trying a circular argument which is self defeating.

I am using it correctly and I never said anything one way or the other about right wing governments so your claim of my certainty is an outright lie
There is no appreciable appeal among the American people for communism. That may change as it is continually erroniously presented as the only alternative to whatever it is the right is trying to be. The use of the word"communism" as a blanket term for the progressive agenda has all but robbed it of it's real meaning as well as it's scare level.
Promising when even Ron Paul has the balls.
He always had the balls...Republican swampers never listened, and even ridiculed him into the ground.

Fascist socialist democrat party is incorrect, because socialism is impossible. We are going directly to communism.
You don't even know what the word "communism" means.
Everyone does
Since the right decided to rewrite the political dictionary to suit them they all sound like retards
They never did that

Communists and their apologists have always defined the word incorrectly

they do this to avoid accountability, they can avoid the genocide of communist governments by saying " not true communist "

Communism is a belief system and a process not a perfect egalitarian stateless and classless society

It includes tyrannical dictatorship leading up to the eventual withering away of the state. So long as they preach the eventual realization of the stateless society they are in fact communist
The proof that the right tried to redefine all political terms is in how you use the term and your dangerous certainty that no right wing government could ever be authoritarian.
You are trying a circular argument which is self defeating.

I am using it correctly and I never said anything one way or the other about right wing governments so your claim of my certainty is an outright lie
There is no appreciable appeal among the American people for communism. That may change as it is continually erroniously presented as the only alternative to whatever it is the right is trying to be. The use of the word"communism" as a blanket term for the progressive agenda has all but robbed it of it's real meaning as well as it's scare level.
There are massive and growing numbers of people preaching the idea including in colleges and among the antifa mob
There is no appreciable appeal among the American people for communism. That may change as it is continually erroniously presented as the only alternative to whatever it is the right is trying to be. The use of the word"communism" as a blanket term for the progressive agenda has all but robbed it of it's real meaning as well as it's scare level.
Yup. The Trumpsters aren't lucid enough to recognize that their constant ignorant, hyperbolic harping on socialism and communism is only helping those who'd love to see us move as far left as possible. It makes people who see how badly we're applying capitalism start examining alternatives.

The hardcore Left should be sending them Thank You cards.
The filthy pedophile fascist Biden will never be president. The forces of evil and hate, the fascist socialist democrat party, think they have won, but they have not. Trump will prevail. #StopTheSteal
Fascist socialist democrat party is incorrect, because socialism is impossible. We are going directly to communism.
You don't even know what the word "communism" means.
Everyone does
Since the right decided to rewrite the political dictionary to suit them they all sound like retards
They never did that

Communists and their apologists have always defined the word incorrectly

they do this to avoid accountability, they can avoid the genocide of communist governments by saying " not true communist "

Communism is a belief system and a process not a perfect egalitarian stateless and classless society

It includes tyrannical dictatorship leading up to the eventual withering away of the state. So long as they preach the eventual realization of the stateless society they are in fact communist
The proof that the right tried to redefine all political terms is in how you use the term and your dangerous certainty that no right wing government could ever be authoritarian.
You are trying a circular argument which is self defeating.

I am using it correctly and I never said anything one way or the other about right wing governments so your claim of my certainty is an outright lie
There is no appreciable appeal among the American people for communism. That may change as it is continually erroniously presented as the only alternative to whatever it is the right is trying to be. The use of the word"communism" as a blanket term for the progressive agenda has all but robbed it of it's real meaning as well as it's scare level.
There are massive and growing numbers of people preaching the idea including in colleges and among the antifa mob
Funny, I keep up with left-wing politics and I don't see it. The actual Socialist party of America is not exactly a dynamic force in American politics. No interest.
Fascist socialist democrat party is incorrect, because socialism is impossible. We are going directly to communism.
You don't even know what the word "communism" means.
Everyone does
Since the right decided to rewrite the political dictionary to suit them they all sound like retards
They never did that

Communists and their apologists have always defined the word incorrectly

they do this to avoid accountability, they can avoid the genocide of communist governments by saying " not true communist "

Communism is a belief system and a process not a perfect egalitarian stateless and classless society

It includes tyrannical dictatorship leading up to the eventual withering away of the state. So long as they preach the eventual realization of the stateless society they are in fact communist
The proof that the right tried to redefine all political terms is in how you use the term and your dangerous certainty that no right wing government could ever be authoritarian.
You are trying a circular argument which is self defeating.

I am using it correctly and I never said anything one way or the other about right wing governments so your claim of my certainty is an outright lie
There is no appreciable appeal among the American people for communism. That may change as it is continually erroniously presented as the only alternative to whatever it is the right is trying to be. The use of the word"communism" as a blanket term for the progressive agenda has all but robbed it of it's real meaning as well as it's scare level.
There are massive and growing numbers of people preaching the idea including in colleges and among the antifa mob
Funny, I keep up with left-wing politics and I don't see it. The actual Socialist party of America is not exactly a dynamic force in American politics. No interest.
You cherry pick the stuff you look at
Democrats love to project. All the garbage they accuse others of, they are actually guilty of. That includes being fascists.



Is there a nobler or more excellent kind of Socialism and is there a truer form of Democracy than this National Socialism which is so organized that through it each one among the millions of German boys is given the possibility of finding his way to the highest office in the nation, should it please Providence to come to his aid. - A Hitler(January 30, 1937).

2) BOTH backed-up by the American Super-Rich

3) BOTH used STORM-TROOPERS to quash political opposition. The Germans has the BROWNSHIRTS, the Democrats have ANTIFA and BLM.

4) BOTH employ "social justice" as an argument for criminal theft.

Because it seems inseparable from the social idea and we do not believe that there could ever exist a state with lasting inner health if it is not built on internal SOCIAL JUSTICE, and so we have joined forces with this knowledge. - Adolph Hitler

5) BOTH practice the politics of RACIAL IDENTITY.

Democrats are no different from Nazis.
From their strong arm tactics, to their roving blackshirts in the streets, to their murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Butcherhood death camps, to their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.

NAZI = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
or, "National Socialist German Workers’ Party"

I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party, and I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to be able to murder an entire class of people (abortion) just like Hitler did, and who violently attack people in the streets who disagree with them, just like Hitler did. Plus, I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to teach junk science about the human race (transgenderism) just like Hitler did. AND NOW their antisemitism has also percolated to the top in recent months.
Fascist socialist democrat party is incorrect, because socialism is impossible. We are going directly to communism.
You don't even know what the word "communism" means.
Everyone does
Since the right decided to rewrite the political dictionary to suit them they all sound like retards
They never did that

Communists and their apologists have always defined the word incorrectly

they do this to avoid accountability, they can avoid the genocide of communist governments by saying " not true communist "

Communism is a belief system and a process not a perfect egalitarian stateless and classless society

It includes tyrannical dictatorship leading up to the eventual withering away of the state. So long as they preach the eventual realization of the stateless society they are in fact communist
The proof that the right tried to redefine all political terms is in how you use the term and your dangerous certainty that no right wing government could ever be authoritarian.
You are trying a circular argument which is self defeating.

I am using it correctly and I never said anything one way or the other about right wing governments so your claim of my certainty is an outright lie
There is no appreciable appeal among the American people for communism. That may change as it is continually erroniously presented as the only alternative to whatever it is the right is trying to be. The use of the word"communism" as a blanket term for the progressive agenda has all but robbed it of it's real meaning as well as it's scare level.
There are massive and growing numbers of people preaching the idea including in colleges and among the antifa mob
Funny, I keep up with left-wing politics and I don't see it. The actual Socialist party of America is not exactly a dynamic force in American politics. No interest.
You cherry pick the stuff you look at
Who doesn't? I'm a pretty honest guy. If communism appealed to me I would be a communist and say so. I've looked closely at every significant ideology in western thought and rejected communism along with every other extreme. Political orthodoxy is poison. Just do what works to promote security, prosperity and fairness no matter what label may be slapped on it.
No it doesn't

Yes it does.
Democrats love to project. All the garbage they accuse others of, they are actually guilty of. That includes being fascists.



Is there a nobler or more excellent kind of Socialism and is there a truer form of Democracy than this National Socialism which is so organized that through it each one among the millions of German boys is given the possibility of finding his way to the highest office in the nation, should it please Providence to come to his aid. - A Hitler(January 30, 1937).

2) BOTH backed-up by the American Super-Rich

3) BOTH used STORM-TROOPERS to quash political opposition. The Germans has the BROWNSHIRTS, the Democrats have ANTIFA and BLM.

4) BOTH employ "social justice" as an argument for criminal theft.

Because it seems inseparable from the social idea and we do not believe that there could ever exist a state with lasting inner health if it is not built on internal SOCIAL JUSTICE, and so we have joined forces with this knowledge. - Adolph Hitler

5) BOTH practice the politics of RACIAL IDENTITY.

Democrats are no different from Nazis.
From their strong arm tactics, to their roving blackshirts in the streets, to their murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Butcherhood death camps, to their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.

NAZI = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
or, "National Socialist German Workers’ Party"

Funny, I don’t see a lot of Germans in the Republican Party but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party.
In fact, not only do I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party, but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to be able to murder an entire class of people (abortion) just like Hitler did, and who violently attack people in the streets who disagree with them, just like Hitler did. Plus, I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to teach junk science about the human race (transgenderism) just like Hitler did. AND NOW their antisemitism has also percolated to the top in recent months.

Hitler taught transgenders were easily cured with an 8MM Mauser
Funny, I keep up with left-wing politics and I don't see it. The actual Socialist party of America is not exactly a dynamic force in American politics. No interest.

Democrats ARE the socialist party you half-witted imbecile
No. There is an actual Socialist party of America that has run a candidate for president every time and end up on the ballot in most states. They have never won a national race of any office.

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