Even with audio proof trump denies "Nasty" remark

Mind Boggling that these people walk among us.....and scary....

You don't realize your superiors are mocking you.

Oh my god Trumptold a lie!!!!!! Then when it's pointed out Ears lied out his ass you're like so what?

British people love Trump. They will celebrate his upcoming visit with parades and marches. Anyway, the woman he was insulting is some kind of half breed negro lady. Who really cares?

I'm sure you have something to back the claim up.
I'd rather be a moron than a liberal.

Any true deplorable would.

Yes. All trump supporters hope to be morons.
Yes, it's a much better option than stooping to be liberals.
Then congratulations. You have reached your goal. You are a moron.
When you get to be as smart as a moron, we will welcome you into the club as well.

Though we're not holding our breath.

Yeah, you should be more careful with your posts, you called yourself a moron.

And please, feel free to hold your breath anytime.
He didn't say she is nasty, he said she was nasty.

Wasn't that the movement led by Madonna and others?
Nasty women?
Moving out of US if Trump is elected?

You are the ones that came up with the name.
Depends Madonna was nasty cause she forgot what a razor and shower was for.
Fucking mainstream media is turning into TMZ. Who gives a shit about comments about some princess that is so far from the throne she's have to kill half a dozen people before she can even dream about ruling? In 10 years Wendy Williams is going to be consider a journalist with the bullshit MSM is covering, now.
Fucking mainstream media is turning into TMZ. Who gives a shit about comments about some princess that is so far from the throne she's have to kill half a dozen people before she can even dream about ruling? In 10 years Wendy Williams is going to be consider a journalist with the bullshit MSM is covering, now.

Yeah, maybe Trump shouldn't have called her nasty in the first place, why does he give a fuck about a princess just because like most of Britain, they don't like him.

Donald Trump thinks he’s popular in Britain. Here’s what the polling says

According to YouGov’s polling, 11 percent of Britons believe Trump is a great or good president. But 67 percent, a vast majority, believe he is a poor or terrible president.
British people love Trump. They will celebrate his upcoming visit with parades and marches. Anyway, the woman he was insulting is some kind of half breed negro lady. Who really cares?

I'm sure you have something to back the claim up.

Anecdotal, hardly statistically relevant evidence.

WTF, now you folks need evidence?

Yes, don't worry I already provided it showing Trump isn't popular in Britain. And no, I know you guys don't need evidence.
Trump denies he called Meghan Markle 'nasty' despite audio of remark

The Liar in Chief knows that most of his mindless cult will accept his latest lie as truth. He laughs at their ignorance daily.....
Wow!!!! You got him now, IMPEACH the BASTARD!!!!!
He’s lying to you bold faced and with hard PROOF to the contrary; this should concern you greatly. Why is it so hard for you people? Baffles the mind

Because he's the only thing they have going for them.
All the shit going on in the world...this is small and for small minds

Keep stoking those flames
Keep propping up a liar. It’s not ok, far from it in fact.

I'm not propping up anyone, dipshit.

You assholes make a mountain out of a mole hill. Get a hold of yourselves...you're embarrassing.

Did you loons lose your minds when that jackass Ears told his whoppers? Nope so sit the fuck down
Trump did not say that Markle was nasty. He said her comment was nasty. Which it was. Democrats lie even when there is no reason to lie.

Holy crap. They're denying it.
I told you they were the most gullible creatures on earth!:21:
Apparently the very first impulse is just to deny the lie, and then immediately buy into it. No matter what. Even if it's right there on tape.

It's incredible to watch. I don't know how to communicate with someone who sees reality that is something that can be manipulated.

Well impeach him over it....or stop making it such a big deal.

Good grief you all sound like a bunch of cackling hens
people are fed up with THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES lying his ass off. Why do you so adamantly condone this behavior? What a fucking joke

I didn't realize trump was an idiot.....but I didn't call him an idiot....Okay?

I don't think you're an idiot, Jim, but you do post some idiotic things.
Let's see if we can reconcile that.

It's the cover up of the lie in spite of their being evidence that he did in fact lie. It's just not normal and demonstrates that he will lie about anything no matter the facts at hand and a certain group of individuals gathered here will still believe him.

Why can't you see that he was not calling her nasty?

Why can't you see that he was talking about what she said during the campaign.
Keep it in context, he was not calling her personally nasty, it was about how she was not nice during the campaign.
What is the opposite of nice?
Trump did not say that Markle was nasty. He said her comment was nasty. Which it was. Democrats lie even when there is no reason to lie.

Holy crap. They're denying it.
I told you they were the most gullible creatures on earth!:21:
Apparently the very first impulse is just to deny the lie, and then immediately buy into it. No matter what. Even if it's right there on tape.

It's incredible to watch. I don't know how to communicate with someone who sees reality that is something that can be manipulated.

Well impeach him over it....or stop making it such a big deal.

Good grief you all sound like a bunch of cackling hens
people are fed up with THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES lying his ass off. Why do you so adamantly condone this behavior? What a fucking joke

You wern't fed up with Ears though,right?

Again....sit the fuck down

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