Ever Wonder how they change a Guy to a Gal? Well, be ready to be disturbed!

you would be surprised just how many are born with both genitals.

How many?

About one in every two thousand births but there is a huge difference between ambiguous genitalia and some loon chopping it off so he can pretend to be a woman

3,999,386 babies born last year...

1 in 1000 born with both genitals equals ...

3999.386 babies with both sexes last year..


What percent of adults having surgery were born this way?

How many adults who have the surgery were born this way?

In this PBS report :
In approximately one out of every 100 births, seemingly tiny errors occur during the various stages of fetal sex differentiation, causing a baby's body to develop abnormally.

The Intersex Spectrum — NOVA | PBS

Ambiguous genitalia: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Ambiguous Genitalia | Boston Children's Hospital

you would be surprised just how many are born with both genitals.

How many?

About one in every two thousand births but there is a huge difference between ambiguous genitalia and some loon chopping it off so he can pretend to be a woman

3,999,386 babies born last year...

1 in 1000 born with both genitals equals ...

3999.386 babies with both sexes last year..


What percent of adults having surgery were born this way?

How many adults who have the surgery were born this way?

In this PBS report :
In approximately one out of every 100 births, seemingly tiny errors occur during the various stages of fetal sex differentiation, causing a baby's body to develop abnormally.

The Intersex Spectrum — NOVA | PBS

Ambiguous genitalia: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Ambiguous Genitalia | Boston Children's Hospital


I don't see how that answers my question. Where is the connection between being born with ambiguous genelitalia and the adults who choose the surgery?
Hermaphrodites and Transsexuals are two totally different things. One is a physical deformity, the other is mental.

Some of the transgenders are so feminine and easily pass..Their genitals match the inside..and I would agree it is also physiological for some too TnHarley.
I am thankful for not having that confusion.

How many?

About one in every two thousand births but there is a huge difference between ambiguous genitalia and some loon chopping it off so he can pretend to be a woman

3,999,386 babies born last year...

1 in 1000 born with both genitals equals ...

3999.386 babies with both sexes last year..


What percent of adults having surgery were born this way?

How many adults who have the surgery were born this way?

In this PBS report :
In approximately one out of every 100 births, seemingly tiny errors occur during the various stages of fetal sex differentiation, causing a baby's body to develop abnormally.

The Intersex Spectrum — NOVA | PBS

Ambiguous genitalia: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Ambiguous Genitalia | Boston Children's Hospital


I don't see how that answers my question. Where is the connection between being born with ambiguous genelitalia and the adults who choose the surgery?

When a baby is born with 2 sexes, it is stressful for the parents to make a decision on what sex to pick for their baby..Maybe they made the wrong choice and the baby grows up changing their sex later on, I am not really sure..

It seems Bruce/Caitlyn is still just a transvestite full of artificial estrogen with a TV show.....what a pussy....wait, wrong word. :lol:
About one in every two thousand births but there is a huge difference between ambiguous genitalia and some loon chopping it off so he can pretend to be a woman

3,999,386 babies born last year...

1 in 1000 born with both genitals equals ...

3999.386 babies with both sexes last year..


What percent of adults having surgery were born this way?

How many adults who have the surgery were born this way?

In this PBS report :
In approximately one out of every 100 births, seemingly tiny errors occur during the various stages of fetal sex differentiation, causing a baby's body to develop abnormally.

The Intersex Spectrum — NOVA | PBS

Ambiguous genitalia: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Ambiguous Genitalia | Boston Children's Hospital


I don't see how that answers my question. Where is the connection between being born with ambiguous genelitalia and the adults who choose the surgery?

When a baby is born with 2 sexes, it is stressful for the parents to make a decision on what sex to pick for their baby..Maybe they made the wrong choice and the baby grows up changing their sex later on, I am not really sure..

Maybe is not a connection. Transgender stories never say was born with two sexes. Where is the connection?
True, they were born as a man but do I care they want to look like a woman and have their penis cut off?

Nope, because that is their personal life just like you have things in your personal life that I would defend.

Life is about choices and let God judge the person and not me.

Agreed but when they force their "personal" life into my space then it becomes a problem

In general society they are allowed to be free like you and I and you have the right to say you prefer not to sit with them, and if they force themselves to sit at the same table with you then yeah I will take issue with them.

Now if they are sitting at another table minding their own business not bothering except being in your eye view, well they have the right to live freely.

Also when someone argues a Church will be forced to accept them, well that is when I will say hell no.

Also if you don't want to bake a cake they should not force you to do it because you will be bitter and I know for a fact I would not want someone that is bitter at me to bake a cake, and would find someone more willing, and would not go out of my way to ruin your business either.

For me both sides need to understand we live in a somewhat free society but there are still boundaries that should be respected and not crossed.

Agreed...they can have mental issues w/o involving me or my family in it. I'm sick and tired of their whines, bitching and moaning. Same with that Black Bowel Movement....just shut the fuck up already

Well when it come to black lives matter I have no real sympathy because I was raised around Native Americans and they suffered more than any African American community.

Also women suffered more than most minorities and during the slave days and Jim Crow era women had less rights and even today I still see many that prefer women walk two step behind their husband.

So I do apologize but I have no sympathy for black lives matter movement...
Thousands of babies are born with a penis and a vagina....They are not freaks or fags...you would be surprised just how many are born with both genitals. I do honestly feel that some are born with the wrong outside that fits with their insides..it can scientifically happen.

‘I was born both male and female’


It's a rare condition and in no way makes the tranny creeps any less nutty.

More than you think Koshergirl, it is not rare at all.

Total number of people whose bodies differ from standard male or female one in 100 births
Total number of people receiving surgery to “normalize” genital appearance one or two in 1,000 births

Here’s what we do know: If you ask experts at medical centers how often a child is born so noticeably atypical in terms of genitalia that a specialist in sex differentiation is called in, the number comes out to about 1 in 1500 to 1 in 2000 births. But a lot more people than that are born with subtler forms of sex anatomy variations, some of which won’t show up until later in life.

How common is intersex? | Intersex Society of North America

You don't know what I think.

One in every 2000 is pretty rare. And ambiguous genitalia people don't need special bathrooms. They pick a sex and that's what they stick with.

We are pandering to psychopaths and perverts, and you are pretending it's because there are a few who actually are "both" genders. That's a lie, and you lie because you have to cover the truth of the situation.
You cannot change a guy to a girl. Silly left tards and you all whine about science

True, they were born as a man but do I care they want to look like a woman and have their penis cut off?

Nope, because that is their personal life just like you have things in your personal life that I would defend.

Life is about choices and let God judge the person and not me.

Agreed but when they force their "personal" life into my space then it becomes a problem

In general society they are allowed to be free like you and I and you have the right to say you prefer not to sit with them, and if they force themselves to sit at the same table with you then yeah I will take issue with them.

Now if they are sitting at another table minding their own business not bothering except being in your eye view, well they have the right to live freely.

Also when someone argues a Church will be forced to accept them, well that is when I will say hell no.

Also if you don't want to bake a cake they should not force you to do it because you will be bitter and I know for a fact I would not want someone that is bitter at me to bake a cake, and would find someone more willing, and would not go out of my way to ruin your business either.

For me both sides need to understand we live in a somewhat free society but there are still boundaries that should be respected and not crossed.

Agreed...they can have mental issues w/o involving me or my family in it. I'm sick and tired of their whines, bitching and moaning. Same with that Black Bowel Movement....just shut the fuck up already

Well when it come to black lives matter I have no real sympathy because I was raised around Native Americans and they suffered more than any African American community.

Also women suffered more than most minorities and during the slave days and Jim Crow era women had less rights and even today I still see many that prefer women walk two step behind their husband.

So I do apologize but I have no sympathy for black lives matter movement...

Its not a suffering contest :badgrin: To see who comes in first. You can recognize the plight of different groups without pretending that because its not as bad as others it doesnt count. Thats just silly.

Also, no one trans or BLM is involving your family in anything. So you're mad now because of something that isnt happening which is the excuse of all haters.
I thought they just thought it and it was so.

Thread premise therefore fails based on pre-established liberal kookery, claiming that genitals have nothing to do with gender.

Thats where you made your first mistake. Thinking.
They exploit the poor gender ambiguous people in the same way they exploit women who have medical issues that result in medically necessary abortions..pretending that if the freaks aren't allowed to harass the fucking shit out of us with their perversions, it will somehow hurt the people who actually have medical conditions.
I thought they just thought it and it was so.

Thread premise therefore fails based on pre-established liberal kookery, claiming that genitals have nothing to do with gender.

Thats where you made your first mistake. Thinking.

Wow, such a zinger.

Please next post a video of how they turn a Zinger into a Little Debbie.
You don't know what I think.

One in every 2000 is pretty rare. And ambiguous genitalia people don't need special bathrooms. They pick a sex and that's what they stick with.

We are pandering to psychopaths and perverts, and you are pretending it's because there are a few who actually are "both" genders. That's a lie, and you lie because you have to cover the truth of the situation.

Your statement before was trying to discredit the scientific facts that I put up...you said what you thought.

I don't have a thought about the bathrooms..I see the argument on both sides.

Ever thought about who was sleeping in your bed in the hotel room? Who knows what they did in there the night before..
I take the bedspread off and bring disinfected wipes.. Gross

Bathrooms are just the tip of the iceberg~


I thought they just thought it and it was so.

Thread premise therefore fails based on pre-established liberal kookery, claiming that genitals have nothing to do with gender.

Thats where you made your first mistake. Thinking.

Wow, such a zinger.

Please next post a video of how they turn a Zinger into a Little Debbie.

No seriously. You thought something that isnt happening. Or thinking that the most extreme case is the norm. So thats why your conclusion was wrong.

I am wondering if a transgender is taking large amounts of estrogen and had the sex change, if he / she can get breast cancer or somewhere else.

They told me my cancer was from the estrogen pills that they freely give out. Now these transgenders are taking large amounts of estrogen...:question:

I am wondering if a transgender is taking large amounts of estrogen and had the sex change, if he / she can get breast cancer or somewhere else.

They told me my cancer was from the estrogen pills that they freely give out. Now these transgenders are taking large amounts of estrogen...:question:


I wouldn't doubt it...can't imagine what estrogen does to a prostate gland....it can't be good.
I thought they just thought it and it was so.

Thread premise therefore fails based on pre-established liberal kookery, claiming that genitals have nothing to do with gender.

Thats where you made your first mistake. Thinking.

Wow, such a zinger.

Please next post a video of how they turn a Zinger into a Little Debbie.

No seriously. You thought something that isnt happening. Or thinking that the most extreme case is the norm. So thats why your conclusion was wrong.


cause you say so. m'kay.

All a person has to do now is think they're this or that gender, or even say they think so, and we're supposed to accept it, based solely on their personal belief, ie, what they think.

To the point of my original post, if it is true that gender has nothing to do with genitals, as we're being led to believe, this operation isn't what turns them into a woman at all. It is their thinking so.

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