Ever Wonder What Dr. Fauci and Others Go Through Talking to Drumpf?

it's been reported b4 that donny's attention span is non existent. that everything has to be condensed into a single page & has to include colorful graphics or he tends to mentally 'check out'

seems that his arrested development is all encompassing.
Ran into this video on youtube. Former Deputy Director of National Intelligence talking about what it was like briefing Drumpf.

The same doc that says you can’t shake hands but can meet random ppl for sex lol hahah democrats are beyond slow
Ran into this video on youtube. Former Deputy Director of National Intelligence talking about what it was like briefing Drumpf.

The same doc that says you can’t shake hands but can meet random ppl for sex lol hahah democrats are beyond slow

Still a dummy. Pull a condom over your lousy cranium and suffocate.

Lol jitss derangement syndrome
Maybe this will help you understand, jitler.
Your existence doesn't matter. Used toilet paper matters more than you. Bloody tampons have more value than you. Snot rags fetch more money than your dumb comments. Shitty diapers will trade on the NYSX before you grow a dick.
Intelligence is by nature dry and boring.

How in the wide world of fuck would you know that? You hear that on Ofrah?

Listen you've pissed my eyes off to no end with that ungodly rodent pic. I have neither the time nor the inclination to try to keep my breakfast down and see what it's trying to say.

But right back atchya, YOUR turn to projectile vomit:

Intelligence is by nature dry and boring.

How in the wide world of fuck would you know that? You hear that on Ofrah?

Listen you've pissed my eyes off to no end with that ungodly rodent pic. I have neither the time nor the inclination to try to keep my breakfast down and see what it's trying to say.

But right back atchya, YOUR turn to projectile vomit:

I would know that because I was in the military working with intelligence you dumbass.
Hate to break it to you lefties and wingers(mac), but many foreign leaders and many people he works with are amazed by how he actually listens and tries to get to the root of problems. He is a no bs problem solver. He's not a smarmy, empty, corrupt suit. Washington just does not like that he and the voters have a mind of their own.
Hate to break it to you lefties and wingers(mac), but many foreign leaders and many people he works with are amazed by how he actually listens and tries to get to the root of problems. He is a no bs problem solver. He's not a smarmy, empty, corrupt suit. Washington just does not like that he and the voters have a mind of their own.
I'd be amazed too if I was a foreign leader and discovered the POTUS was a fucking idiot. The other people he works with are just trying to keep their jobs so you cant really trust what they say. He demands sycophants like you demonstrate your fealty by talking him up.
Hate to break it to you lefties and wingers(mac), but many foreign leaders and many people he works with are amazed by how he actually listens and tries to get to the root of problems. He is a no bs problem solver. He's not a smarmy, empty, corrupt suit. Washington just does not like that he and the voters have a mind of their own.
I'd be amazed too if I was a foreign leader and discovered the POTUS was a fucking idiot. The other people he works with are just trying to keep their jobs so you cant really trust what they say. He demands sycophants like you demonstrate your fealty by talking him up.

So you are saying that people working with him are sycophants and that everyone who says it is nice to work with someone who is genuinely trying to solve problems is sucking up. You just called a whole lot of people ass kissers. It is easy for you to parrot your media and say Trump is dumb, and then call the rest of the world sycophants. Your mind would rather condemn millions than admit Trump has done many good things. For these 'Trump is an idiot' posts, someone used to show a huge list of his accomplishments. Yet you and your indoctrinated ilk would rather believe everyone is wrong and a suck up than to just read the list. Unbelievable.
Hate to break it to you lefties and wingers(mac), but many foreign leaders and many people he works with are amazed by how he actually listens and tries to get to the root of problems. He is a no bs problem solver. He's not a smarmy, empty, corrupt suit. Washington just does not like that he and the voters have a mind of their own.
I'd be amazed too if I was a foreign leader and discovered the POTUS was a fucking idiot. The other people he works with are just trying to keep their jobs so you cant really trust what they say. He demands sycophants like you demonstrate your fealty by talking him up.

So you are saying that people working with him are sycophants and that everyone who says it is nice to work with someone who is genuinely trying to solve problems is sucking up. You just called a whole lot of people ass kissers. It is easy for you to parrot your media and say Trump is dumb, and then call the rest of the world sycophants. Your mind would rather condemn millions than admit Trump has done many good things. For these 'Trump is an idiot' posts, someone used to show a huge list of his accomplishments. Yet you and your indoctrinated ilk would rather believe everyone is wrong and a suck up than to just read the list. Unbelievable.

"So you are saying that people working with him are sycophants"

Yes if they want to keep their jobs.

"and that everyone who says it is nice to work with someone who is genuinely trying to solve problems is sucking up"

No. I'm saying the people in Drumpfs orbit suck up to him because its very obvious that he needs suck ups to feed his ego.

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