Every day, Trump's debt grows and grows. How do you divest debt?



Remember when it as only 318 million dollars to Wall Street?

Then we found out it included 650 million to the Bank of China and a German bank.

Today we found out he owes another 1.5 billion dollars to Wall Street from over a hundred companies he owns.

So help me out. Is that 2.468 billion dollars in debt?

Remember what Trump's son said?

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

We know he owns properties in the Middle East, Russia, Taiwan and other places. So how much more debt does he actually owe?

So how much money does he really have?

And how do you divest debt? Who wants to buy your debt?

So help me here right wingers. Remember, you voted for him because he's an incredible business man. Is the accumulation of debt a sign of good business? What does this mean for the country?

I don't have any links yet, but I didn't last time either and it turned out I was right. So just assume I'm not kidding this time.
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Trump's debt?

He's not even in office yet, you tool!

That's Obama's debt.

This is just unhinged!

Blah, blah blah....

Trump builds shit.

Obozo destroys other people's shit by encouraging ghetto rats to riot over bullshit.

Fuck you sniveling bed wetters and your meat puppet faggot. In 11 days he's out and I wouldn't give a fuck if it was Bernie coming in as long as it wasn't hitlary. I felt the same way in 2008. Who could have figured the moonbat messiah would be just as bad if not worse.
Ummmm isn't it Obama's debit?
Huh? What does that mean?
You have them confused, Rush is not telling them what to say...
OMG! They are so stupid, they think I'm talking about the national debt.

How do you get them to understand that debt is Trump's own personal debt? Nothing to do with the National Debt?

Maybe because we don't CARE about Trump's personal debt.

Trump has debt. Whoop de doo.


We are more concerned with the debt politicians in Washington are racking up on our dime.

Did you think this would work?
Ummmm isn't it Obama's debit?
Huh? What does that mean?
You have them confused, Rush is not telling them what to say...
OMG! They are so stupid, they think I'm talking about the national debt.

How do you get them to understand that debt is Trump's own personal debt? Nothing to do with the National Debt?

Maybe because we don't CARE about Trump's personal debt.

Trump has debt. Whoop de doo.


We are more concerned with the debt politicians in Washington are racking up on our dime.

Did you think this would work?
Trump has debt. Whoop de doo.


I don't.
Blah, blah blah....

Trump builds shit.

Obozo destroys other people's shit by encouraging ghetto rats to riot over bullshit.

Fuck you sniveling bed wetters and your meat puppet faggot. In 11 days he's out and I wouldn't give a fuck if it was Bernie coming in as long as it wasn't hitlary. I felt the same way in 2008. Who could have figured the moonbat messiah would be just as bad if not worse.
Trump builds shit.

Finally, something we agree on. Shit, oh, and don't forget "debt".
Ummmm isn't it Obama's debit?
Huh? What does that mean?
You have them confused, Rush is not telling them what to say...
OMG! They are so stupid, they think I'm talking about the national debt.

How do you get them to understand that debt is Trump's own personal debt? Nothing to do with the National Debt?

Maybe because we don't CARE about Trump's personal debt.

Trump has debt. Whoop de doo.


We are more concerned with the debt politicians in Washington are racking up on our dime.

Did you think this would work?
Trump has debt. Whoop de doo.


I don't.

Of course! You are on George Soro's pay roll.

Is the accumulation of debt a sign of good business?
Depends on the return you generate from that debt, for example if a business borrows at 3% and sees a return of 10% on that money then yeah it's "good for business".

What does this mean for the country?
Doesn't mean shit for the country.
Huh? What does that mean?
You have them confused, Rush is not telling them what to say...
OMG! They are so stupid, they think I'm talking about the national debt.

How do you get them to understand that debt is Trump's own personal debt? Nothing to do with the National Debt?

Maybe because we don't CARE about Trump's personal debt.

Trump has debt. Whoop de doo.


We are more concerned with the debt politicians in Washington are racking up on our dime.

Did you think this would work?
Trump has debt. Whoop de doo.


I don't.

Of course! You are on George Soro's pay roll.

Republicans keep screaming "George Soro's". For someone who is pulling the strings behind the scenes in the Democratic Party, he sure does stay below the radar. I've been asked by black and Hispanic friends who he is. And when I say he is the GOP response to the Koch Brothers, they laugh. Everyone knows who the Koch Brothers are.

The problem for the racist right is they are 90% white. So they assume because they have these dangerous and anti American leaders, Democrats must also have the same kind of leaders. What they don't understand is that the Democratic Party is a coalition party. It's not 90% of one kind. The Democrats have many leaders that work together. This is why the GOP charges are laughable. And they still don't get it.
You have them confused, Rush is not telling them what to say...
OMG! They are so stupid, they think I'm talking about the national debt.

How do you get them to understand that debt is Trump's own personal debt? Nothing to do with the National Debt?

Maybe because we don't CARE about Trump's personal debt.

Trump has debt. Whoop de doo.


We are more concerned with the debt politicians in Washington are racking up on our dime.

Did you think this would work?
Trump has debt. Whoop de doo.


I don't.

Of course! You are on George Soro's pay roll.

Republicans keep screaming "George Soro's". For someone who is pulling the strings behind the scenes in the Democratic Party, he sure does stay below the radar. I've been asked by black and Hispanic friends who he is. And when I say he is the GOP response to the Koch Brothers, they laugh. Everyone knows who the Koch Brothers are.

The problem for the racist right is they are 90% white. So they assume because they have these dangerous and anti American leaders, Democrats must also have the same kind of leaders. What they don't understand is that the Democratic Party is a coalition party. It's not 90% of one kind. The Democrats have many leaders that work together. This is why the GOP charges are laughable. And they still don't get it.
What is most hilarious is their attempt to make Soros into a Waffen SS unit member...To ignorant to know that the SS never took anyone from a Jewish heritage and/or family lineage...
You have them confused, Rush is not telling them what to say...
OMG! They are so stupid, they think I'm talking about the national debt.

How do you get them to understand that debt is Trump's own personal debt? Nothing to do with the National Debt?

Maybe because we don't CARE about Trump's personal debt.

Trump has debt. Whoop de doo.


We are more concerned with the debt politicians in Washington are racking up on our dime.

Did you think this would work?
Trump has debt. Whoop de doo.


I don't.

Of course! You are on George Soro's pay roll.

Republicans keep screaming "George Soro's". For someone who is pulling the strings behind the scenes in the Democratic Party, he sure does stay below the radar. I've been asked by black and Hispanic friends who he is. And when I say he is the GOP response to the Koch Brothers, they laugh. Everyone knows who the Koch Brothers are.

The problem for the racist right is they are 90% white. So they assume because they have these dangerous and anti American leaders, Democrats must also have the same kind of leaders. What they don't understand is that the Democratic Party is a coalition party. It's not 90% of one kind. The Democrats have many leaders that work together. This is why the GOP charges are laughable. And they still don't get it.

In other words you ARE on the Soros payroll and that's why you are defending him.

BTW, remember when you libs were always screaming about the Koch brothers?

Is the accumulation of debt a sign of good business?
Depends on the return you generate from that debt, for example if a business borrows at 3% and sees a return of 10% on that money then yeah it's "good for business".

What does this mean for the country?
Doesn't mean shit for the country.
It's as risky as too big to fail. Trump insists he has 10 billion dollars. If a quarter of that is debt, then how much does he actually have? And what happens if the economy takes a nose dive, how does he pay off billions in debt. He probably doesn't. He just declares another one of his many bankruptcies and stiffs those who did business with him.
I can't understand how these Republicans don't get it.
The people Trump stiffs are us. Hard working blue collar workers. People who don't deserve to be screwed. He's done it before many, many times. What makes you think he won't do it in the future?
OMG! They are so stupid, they think I'm talking about the national debt.

How do you get them to understand that debt is Trump's own personal debt? Nothing to do with the National Debt?

Maybe because we don't CARE about Trump's personal debt.

Trump has debt. Whoop de doo.


We are more concerned with the debt politicians in Washington are racking up on our dime.

Did you think this would work?
Trump has debt. Whoop de doo.


I don't.

Of course! You are on George Soro's pay roll.

Republicans keep screaming "George Soro's". For someone who is pulling the strings behind the scenes in the Democratic Party, he sure does stay below the radar. I've been asked by black and Hispanic friends who he is. And when I say he is the GOP response to the Koch Brothers, they laugh. Everyone knows who the Koch Brothers are.

The problem for the racist right is they are 90% white. So they assume because they have these dangerous and anti American leaders, Democrats must also have the same kind of leaders. What they don't understand is that the Democratic Party is a coalition party. It's not 90% of one kind. The Democrats have many leaders that work together. This is why the GOP charges are laughable. And they still don't get it.

In other words you ARE on the Soros payroll and that's why you are defending him.

BTW, remember when you libs were always screaming about the Koch brothers?

Whaaaat? How does your kind squeeze diamonds out of cream cheese? You are just so fucking bizarre.
Stop using soy sauce as a napkin. You won't need to wash your shirt as often.

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