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Every pre-born baby is conceived by, loved by, and wanted by God. The “choice” is His.

It's not murder. It's self defense.

The baby is committing assault by remaining in the mother's body without mom's consent.

But, I get the point. We should require that doctors remove the baby without killing it. Of course, it will suffer and die anyway, but mom should not have to keep that baby inside her body.

That's a fair compromise.

The only way for that to even begin to make sense would be if the baby willfully, intentionally took up residence in the mothers womb, which we all know is false and silly.

The preborn baby is 100% innocent.

You said “without the mom’s consent,” well unless one is mentally retarded, everyone knows that sex can lead to pregnancy, it is the act that makes babies. So when you knowingly and willingly have sex, you are tacitly consenting to the consequences. And I think that goes even with birth-control, because we all know that birth-control doesn’t always work.

I realize that no one likes to be responsible for their own actions, but someone’s right to not be killed trumps any “right” to not be inconvenienced.
It's not murder. It's self defense.

The baby is committing assault by remaining in the mother's body without mom's consent.

But, I get the point. We should require that doctors remove the baby without killing it. Of course, it will suffer and die anyway, but mom should not have to keep that baby inside her body.

That's a fair compromise.

The only way for that to even begin to make sense would be if the baby willfully, intentionally took up residence in the mothers womb, which we all know is false and silly.

The preborn baby is 100% innocent.

You said “without the mom’s consent,” well unless one is mentally retarded, everyone knows that sex can lead to pregnancy, it is the act that makes babies. So when you knowingly and willingly have sex, you are tacitly consenting to the consequences. And I think that goes even with birth-control, because we all know that birth-control doesn’t always work.

I realize that no one likes to be responsible for their own actions, but someone’s right to not be killed trumps any “right” to not be inconvenienced.

...but someone’s right to not be killed trumps any “right” to not be inconvenienced

BINGO! Such a simple logical moral and ethical concept, yet some can’t or won’t accept it.
if this is so ...why does the bible give instructions on how to abort?

Where does it do that?


Bible Gateway passage: Numbers 5:11-31 - New King James Version

you're welcome.

btw, that's where the term getting 'the curse' comes from.
That passage has nothing to do with abortion. In the story, the woman is not pregnant, she was just accused of having extra marital affair. The procedure was designed to make her barren if she had cheated, and not barren if she had not.

The curse is not being able to have children.
For Planned Parenthood to defy Him is demonic and diabolical evil.

The planet Earth is already overpopulated with humans. The two demographics still reproducing at ridiculous rates, latinos and muslims, are the two immigrating all over the place, because their own homelands are OVERPOPULATED.

The "evil" here is paying any attention to a SUB HUMAN without a clue who cares not about truth or science, but only about worshipping that which he NEVER OBSERVED....
It’s not murder. Murder is the unlawful killing of another person. Abortion is legal.
That's the thing. Propaganda tells you murder isn't murder, and you believe.

You will do well in our Orwellian future.
Nope, it’s not propaganda. It’s a firm grasp of the English language. According to your limited English comprehension, the death penalty is murder. Suicide is murder. Military kills during wartime are murder.

So when do we prosecute trump for ordering our military to murder ISIS?
You can call murder whatever you want...it is funny though that you have chosen to accept the State's definition.

Unassailable LOGIC:
The living fetus is alive. The fetus is a human being. If you perform an abortion, it is dead. Hence, abortion is premeditated killing of a human being. Throughout ALL of human history, premeditated killing is unacceptable...well until the elites perverted our language and duped the ignorant masses with abortion.
Why wouldn’t I rely on the state’s definition of murder? “Murder” is a legal term defined by the state. The state, not you, defines the term; and no one is under any obligation to ignore the state’s definition in lieu of your made up definition.
There it is again. You think my belief that murdering the unborn, is not murder because the state says so. Yet My belief is logical and in line with all of civilized history’s definition of murder. Abortionists changed the meaning and you accepted it. Not me.
In a nation of laws, your opinion is meaningless. In our nation of laws, murder is the unlawful killing of another. Abortion is not unlawful, rendering it not murder.
Unassailable LOGIC:
The living fetus is alive. The fetus is a human being. If you perform an abortion, it is dead. Hence, abortion is premeditated killing of a human being. Throughout ALL of human history, premeditated killing is unacceptable...well until the elites perverted our language and duped the ignorant masses with abortion.

The fetus is alive, wholly dependent on the mother. It is a potential human being. Thereafter, your so-called "unassailable logic" is entirely off the rails.
BS. Another made up definition by abortionists and you bought it. LOL.

A newborn is wholly dependent on it’s mother. Kill it if you want to. Murderer! Off to prison you go.

Calling people who have not committed murder, a murderer, is petty and ridiculous. It reflects your inability to recognize reality.
Unassailable LOGIC:
The living fetus is alive. The fetus is a human being. If you perform an abortion, it is dead. Hence, abortion is premeditated killing of a human being. Throughout ALL of human history, premeditated killing is unacceptable...well until the elites perverted our language and duped the ignorant masses with abortion.

The fetus is alive, wholly dependent on the mother. It is a potential human being. Thereafter, your so-called "unassailable logic" is entirely off the rails.
BS. Another made up definition by abortionists and you bought it. LOL.

A newborn is wholly dependent on it’s mother. Kill it if you want to. Murderer! Off to prison you go.

Calling people who have not committed murder, a murderer, is petty and ridiculous. It reflects your inability to recognize reality.
I didn’t do what you are accusing me of. Why must you invent an accusation? However if this is your way of releasing your guilty conscience, I’m fine with it.
Abortion is a barberic practice. Everyone will argue pro and anti, but both sides are dumb about it. The pro abortion side are crooks and cowards. No one here who is for abortion would dare post a YouTube of a scrape and suck being preformed, and no high school sex ex class would show it to their class because those young ladies would likely think alittle harder about having one done, and the cowardly mods here don’t have the balls or stomach to allow it.

And no one will show you footage of a colonoscopy, either. What's your point?

Abortion is a cash cow for planned parenthood, and it’s a hot button issue at election time for polititions, that’s why they won’t pass a law making it legal. The prolife polititions do the same thing for the same reason. Abortion is good business for republicans and democrats in Congress. They love it.

First, it's spelled "Politician". Spell check is your friend.

Second, the reason why the politicians won't pass laws codifying Roe v. Wade is they don't have to. Roe has already taken care of that. It's why One of the five wingnuts currently on the court will decide it's "Settled Law" when it comes up again.

Although I hate it, I don’t have to carry the child. I can walk away from a child, a woman can not, at least not as easy as I can. It’s the woman’s call. All men who hate abortion, not many of you are willing to help out. If people don’t want abortion get it through your head, God or no God abortion isn’t going anywhere. How about providing more options for these women? And those who are pro abortion, how about electing polititions who will make a law so it’s no longer an issue?

Well, first, that would cost money... and most people don't want to pay the taxes they are paying now.

Second, that isn't going to fix the middle class girl who has an abortion because she doesn't want her parents to know she isn't still a virgin at 22. (Yes, I know a girl who did it for exactly that reason. Twice)
Abortion is a barberic practice. Everyone will argue pro and anti, but both sides are dumb about it. The pro abortion side are crooks and cowards. No one here who is for abortion would dare post a YouTube of a scrape and suck being preformed, and no high school sex ex class would show it to their class because those young ladies would likely think alittle harder about having one done, and the cowardly mods here don’t have the balls or stomach to allow it.

And no one will show you footage of a colonoscopy, either. What's your point?

Abortion is a cash cow for planned parenthood, and it’s a hot button issue at election time for polititions, that’s why they won’t pass a law making it legal. The prolife polititions do the same thing for the same reason. Abortion is good business for republicans and democrats in Congress. They love it.

First, it's spelled "Politician". Spell check is your friend.

Second, the reason why the politicians won't pass laws codifying Roe v. Wade is they don't have to. Roe has already taken care of that. It's why One of the five wingnuts currently on the court will decide it's "Settled Law" when it comes up again.

Although I hate it, I don’t have to carry the child. I can walk away from a child, a woman can not, at least not as easy as I can. It’s the woman’s call. All men who hate abortion, not many of you are willing to help out. If people don’t want abortion get it through your head, God or no God abortion isn’t going anywhere. How about providing more options for these women? And those who are pro abortion, how about electing polititions who will make a law so it’s no longer an issue?

Well, first, that would cost money... and most people don't want to pay the taxes they are paying now.

Second, that isn't going to fix the middle class girl who has an abortion because she doesn't want her parents to know she isn't still a virgin at 22. (Yes, I know a girl who did it for exactly that reason. Twice)
The USA is supposed to be a democracy, yet on this huge issue...an issue of life or death, a small select group of elites in black robes get to decide for the entire nation. Shouldn’t the people get to decide?
The USA is supposed to be a democracy, yet on this huge issue...an issue of life or death, a small select group of elites in black robes get to decide for the entire nation. Shouldn’t the people get to decide?

How many other rights do you want people to vote on?

I mean, yeah, I guess we can have a vote on abortion, right after we have a vote on the right to own guns... my guess... that isn't going to go well for you guys.

I agree, this is an issue of life or death. Thousands of women will die if they can't get access to safe abortions.

Fetuses aren't people though.
Unassailable LOGIC:
The living fetus is alive. The fetus is a human being. If you perform an abortion, it is dead. Hence, abortion is premeditated killing of a human being. Throughout ALL of human history, premeditated killing is unacceptable...well until the elites perverted our language and duped the ignorant masses with abortion.

The fetus is alive, wholly dependent on the mother. It is a potential human being. Thereafter, your so-called "unassailable logic" is entirely off the rails.
BS. Another made up definition by abortionists and you bought it. LOL.

A newborn is wholly dependent on it’s mother. Kill it if you want to. Murderer! Off to prison you go.

Calling people who have not committed murder, a murderer, is petty and ridiculous. It reflects your inability to recognize reality.
I didn’t do what you are accusing me of. Why must you invent an accusation? However if this is your way of releasing your guilty conscience, I’m fine with it.

”Kill it if you want to. Murderer! Off to prison you go.”
The USA is supposed to be a democracy, yet on this huge issue...an issue of life or death, a small select group of elites in black robes get to decide for the entire nation. Shouldn’t the people get to decide?

How many other rights do you want people to vote on?

I mean, yeah, I guess we can have a vote on abortion, right after we have a vote on the right to own guns... my guess... that isn't going to go well for you guys.

I agree, this is an issue of life or death. Thousands of women will die if they can't get access to safe abortions.

Fetuses aren't people though.
Silly son. The 2A is in the Constitution. Abortion is not.

I know you consider killing the unborn a minor issue, but some of us still have morals and ethics.

Again the lie about back alley abortions. Why do you accept lies as truth?
Unassailable LOGIC:
The living fetus is alive. The fetus is a human being. If you perform an abortion, it is dead. Hence, abortion is premeditated killing of a human being. Throughout ALL of human history, premeditated killing is unacceptable...well until the elites perverted our language and duped the ignorant masses with abortion.

The fetus is alive, wholly dependent on the mother. It is a potential human being. Thereafter, your so-called "unassailable logic" is entirely off the rails.
BS. Another made up definition by abortionists and you bought it. LOL.

A newborn is wholly dependent on it’s mother. Kill it if you want to. Murderer! Off to prison you go.

Calling people who have not committed murder, a murderer, is petty and ridiculous. It reflects your inability to recognize reality.
I didn’t do what you are accusing me of. Why must you invent an accusation? However if this is your way of releasing your guilty conscience, I’m fine with it.

”Kill it if you want to. Murderer! Off to prison you go.”
If you murder a NEWBORN, you will go to prison. Is this a new concept for you?

Potential Humans...WTF....okay Adolf do you also consider humans who are mentally deficient “potential humans” and worthy of extermination?

I see, you have found someone to your liking to talk to. Enjoy!
I forgive you for thinking baby murder is okay. We can’t all be moral, ethical, loving and caring.

Yes, your preferred interlocutor, "Adolf", was so "moral, ethical, loving and caring", he threatened women who had an abortion with the death penalty. Again, enjoy the company. You two will find lots of common ground.

This “potential human” thing is asinine and completely unscientific.

One is either a human being or not. There is no “potential” or partial, that’s just a deceptive way for people to try to legitimize killing babies in the womb. It’s akin to how blacks were called “3/5 of a human being” or how Jews were called “subhuman.” Evil people who want to oppress or kill others typically dehumanize them first.

Your ignorance is noted.

See, for instance:

The asserted state interests are protection of the health and safety of the pregnant woman, and protection of the potential future human life within her.
Of course a proabort law would say that, but it’s completely unscientific and actually laughable. It already is a human life and it’s an insult to everyone’s intelligence to claim that it isn’t.

Your ignorance is noted. Again.

It's always the same with the Taliban. Not the first clue beyond their Taliban talking points, bereft of the willingness or ability to walk an inch in anybody else's shoes, hell bent on reducing women to docile breeding stations, and hardly any of them think the fetus, the one they stridently insist be carried to term against her will, will be any of their business after birth. But still, the one thing not lacking in any of this is their determination to use their loving god's will - they know every aspect thereof - as a weapon against any and all who disagree with them.
Potential Humans...WTF....okay Adolf do you also consider humans who are mentally deficient “potential humans” and worthy of extermination?

I see, you have found someone to your liking to talk to. Enjoy!
I forgive you for thinking baby murder is okay. We can’t all be moral, ethical, loving and caring.

Yes, your preferred interlocutor, "Adolf", was so "moral, ethical, loving and caring", he threatened women who had an abortion with the death penalty. Again, enjoy the company. You two will find lots of common ground.

This “potential human” thing is asinine and completely unscientific.

One is either a human being or not. There is no “potential” or partial, that’s just a deceptive way for people to try to legitimize killing babies in the womb. It’s akin to how blacks were called “3/5 of a human being” or how Jews were called “subhuman.” Evil people who want to oppress or kill others typically dehumanize them first.

Your ignorance is noted.

See, for instance:

The asserted state interests are protection of the health and safety of the pregnant woman, and protection of the potential future human life within her.
Of course a proabort law would say that, but it’s completely unscientific and actually laughable. It already is a human life and it’s an insult to everyone’s intelligence to claim that it isn’t.

Your ignorance is noted. Again.

It's always the same with the Taliban. Not the first clue beyond their Taliban talking points, bereft of the willingness or ability to walk an inch in anybody else's shoes, hell bent on reducing women to docile breeding stations, and hardly any of them think the fetus, the one they stridently insist be carried to term against her will, will be any of their business after birth. But still, the one thing not lacking in any of this is their determination to use their loving god's will - they know every aspect thereof - as a weapon against any and all who disagree with them.
When did I claim women who have an abortion should face the DP? Why must you abortion lovers lie? Does it ease your guilty consciences? Adolf!
When did I claim women who have an abortion should face the DP? Why must you abortion lovers lie? Does it ease your guilty consciences? Adolf!

Yes, you did, calling aborting a fetus "murder". I see, your ignorance extends to that which you yourself are saying.
The fetus is alive, wholly dependent on the mother. It is a potential human being. Thereafter, your so-called "unassailable logic" is entirely off the rails.
BS. Another made up definition by abortionists and you bought it. LOL.

A newborn is wholly dependent on it’s mother. Kill it if you want to. Murderer! Off to prison you go.

Calling people who have not committed murder, a murderer, is petty and ridiculous. It reflects your inability to recognize reality.
I didn’t do what you are accusing me of. Why must you invent an accusation? However if this is your way of releasing your guilty conscience, I’m fine with it.

”Kill it if you want to. Murderer! Off to prison you go.”
If you murder a NEWBORN, you will go to prison. Is this a new concept for you?

It’s not murder if it’s a legal abortion. It matters not what you call it.

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