Every Republican votes against making hearings public!

Every Republican votes against allowing the President and his lawyers to participate!

House approves impeachment rules, ushering in new phase of inquiry — live updates
A resolution authorizing public hearings and laying the groundwork for eventual proceedings in the Judiciary Committee passed by a vote of 232 to 196. All but two Democrats voted for the measure, with all Republican members voting against it.

They voted against the impeachment hearings in general, not any specifics about it.

What a fucking hack you are.
Nope. They voted against their chance to do all thing things they've been bitching about.

They aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

They vote was on the inquiry, and the rules applied. The rules shut Republicans out of the inquiry.

They voted against the impeachment in general, and the rules.

It's amazing how you morons try to bend and break the simple truth for pure political hackery.
Don't have to bend anything. My post was true.

Your post was a misreading of what actually happened. They voted against the inquiry rules, the rules said they have no right to call witnesses, and no right to ask questions without democratic permission.
Every Republican votes against allowing the President and his lawyers to participate!

House approves impeachment rules, ushering in new phase of inquiry — live updates
A resolution authorizing public hearings and laying the groundwork for eventual proceedings in the Judiciary Committee passed by a vote of 232 to 196. All but two Democrats voted for the measure, with all Republican members voting against it.
They voted against Adam Schiff being made a Dictator, Judge, Jury and Executioner.

This pretty much proves though that if whenever a Democrat gets elected as president sometime around 2030 that you can impeach him the day he is sworn in, if you have a majority in The House.
They voted against public hearings.

They voted against released testimony.

They voted against their chance to call witnesses.

They voted against their opportunity to cross examine.

In short, they voted against their chance to mount a defense.

Not really a wise move.

What are you talking about? Amendments?

Right now they cannot call witnesses and can only ask questions approved by dems due to the inquiry law that PASSED
They can call witnesses.

They won't be allowed to derail the process with stupid conspiracy theories.

They can only call witnesses approved by the Democrats.

Again you have to go with half truths to make your point.

Democrats have dictated that the GOP can only call witnesses the Democrats approve of and can only ask questions the Democrats approve of?

'Nuff said. That alone proves this is a political coup the likes that would make China and Russia proud.

McConnell should not wait on anything / Impeachment to be sent to the Senate. Based on the entire illegitimate / Constitution-violating process he should have a vote declaring that no matter what the Democrats send to the Senate it is 'DOA'!
They wanted a fair and open process, while their King obstructs and conceals at will.

Is it any surprise? The last thing they wanted for Trumpybear were hearings based on the rules they used when they investigated every single leaf that fell off the Obama tree. They're simply frightfucked over the recent testimony becoming public. They are becoming unhinged.
Democrats have dictated that the GOP can only call witnesses the Democrats approve of and can only ask questions the Democrats approve of?

'Nuff said. That alone proves this is a political coup the likes that would make China and Russia proud.

McConnell should not wait on anything / Impeachment to be sent to the Senate. Based on the entire illegitimate / Constitution-violating process he should have a vote declaring that no matter what the Democrats send to the Senate it is 'DOA'!

The same rules applied in the Clinton impeachment.

Every Republican votes against allowing the President and his lawyers to participate!

House approves impeachment rules, ushering in new phase of inquiry — live updates
A resolution authorizing public hearings and laying the groundwork for eventual proceedings in the Judiciary Committee passed by a vote of 232 to 196. All but two Democrats voted for the measure, with all Republican members voting against it.

They voted against the impeachment hearings in general, not any specifics about it.

What a fucking hack you are.
Nope. They voted against their chance to do all thing things they've been bitching about.

They aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.
They voted against giving Adam Schiff-face the right to deny their right to a proper hearing.
Democrats have dictated that the GOP can only call witnesses the Democrats approve of and can only ask questions the Democrats approve of?

'Nuff said. That alone proves this is a political coup the likes that would make China and Russia proud.

McConnell should not wait on anything / Impeachment to be sent to the Senate. Based on the entire illegitimate / Constitution-violating process he should have a vote declaring that no matter what the Democrats send to the Senate it is 'DOA'!

The same rules applied in the Clinton impeachment.

You Lie.
Democrats have dictated that the GOP can only call witnesses the Democrats approve of and can only ask questions the Democrats approve of?

'Nuff said. That alone proves this is a political coup the likes that would make China and Russia proud.

McConnell should not wait on anything / Impeachment to be sent to the Senate. Based on the entire illegitimate / Constitution-violating process he should have a vote declaring that no matter what the Democrats send to the Senate it is 'DOA'!

The same rules applied in the Clinton impeachment.

If these were the same rules there wouldn't be complaints about secret meetings. Under Clinton..... The whole deal was done out in public. These fuckers are not only hiding testimony but refusing to allow members of congress to see hearings, interview witnesses, or read transcripts...
The trial won't matter because there are no impeachable offenses out there.

This is prog kabuki theatre, made for rubes such as yourself to get you into a lathering froth.
I think the Democrats are being overly dramatic and have been about the Russia investigation, the Kavanaugh confirmation, and now this, but it is no more overly dramatic than what they did to Bill Clinton and then to Hillary with repeated investigations; it seems to be how the politicians in D.C. roll.
Nixon abused his power by having his spooks break into the opposition's headquarters to get the poop on what they were up to in the campaign. If that is an impeachable offense, so is withholding approved military aid to Ukraine in return for a favor that would smear Trump's opposition in the upcoming campaign. I'm not in a "lathered froth" over Trump's hi-jinx. He'll do anything to win (evidence the Trump Tower meeting) and he's doing all he can to hide what really happened. C'mon already, why is there not a verbatim transcript available? Why is it hidden in an ultra-secret computer? If you believe there's a good reason for that, I'm pretty sure you're the rube here.
Tu Quo Que? That's all you got?

Sorry, but trying to hide breaking and entering, an actual crime, is in no way related to international politics. What crime did Trump commit when he was dealing with a foreign government?

And the Dems want to lose?

Simple arguments from a simple hack such as yourself. Try harder.
Don't be speaking foreign languages at me. He abused his power by utilizing military aid already approved by Congress for an ally. And explain, please, why the verbatim transcript is being hidden.
Explain that instead of showing off your brilliance with Latin.

Not at all.

The official transcript is the only version that exists. It has already been released.....before Pelosi announced her fake impeachment inquiry.

Note the key word "inquiry"

Meaning it isn't an official impeachment. An official impeachment is a resolution voted on by the House after evidence is provided by the DOJ to the House Juducial Committee of a public official who has committed criminal acts. The Judiciary committee votes to recommend an impeachment and produces articles of impeachment to the full House, to which the full House votes on. The House jumped the shark and didn't wait for articles of impeachment in this case. They simply voted to recognize the ongoing inquiry.

A vote in the full House is an official impeachment and is sent to the Senate for trial. None of this has happened. THEY ARE LYING TO US ABOUT WHAT THIS IS AND WHAT THE EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT IS!!!!

Turns out the "transcript" isn't a transcript. Also turns out it isn't complete, or even really honest.
Of course the lying Democrats are saying that. It blows their case to Hell.
So they're resorting to relying on testimony from witnesses they met with in advance and coached to follow Adam Schiff-face's fake scenerio. They've disregarded the only actual proof of the call and instead are relying on he-said she-said testimony that is unvarifiable
They wanted a fair and open process, while their King obstructs and conceals at will.
You are so full of shit your eyes are brown, and fecal matter is oozing out of your ears and onto your keyboard!

D-Schiff committed SEDITION for 2 years by knowingly and intentionally falsely claiming he had DIRECT EVIDENCE of crimes committed by the President, his intent being to create a rise in opposition to the President and a call for his removal from office based on his intentional lie. The act is the perfect definition of the word 'Sedition'. His proven direct LIES disqualify him from taking part in any investigation of the President let alone leading any.

D-Schiff is connected to a Russian-born businessman who is linked to the corrupt former Ukraine Minister of Defense and politicians, who helped raise money for Schiff prior to his initiating his 'Collusion Delusion 2: Ukraine' -- This should disqualify Schiff for having ANY part in an investigation of Trump.

D-Schiff has Admitted to leaking classified information. For this Schiff should have been perp-walked by now and removed from the House Intel Committee as a member, let alone allowed to lead it / an investigation.

D-Schiff has coached both convicted perjurer Cohen before his repeat perjury performance before the House and the discredited Whistle Blower, about contact with whom Schiff lied to both the House and American people. This contact with the Whistle Blower makes Schiff a CONTACT WITNESS and legally disqualifies him to be part of the investigation. let alone - again - lead it.

Holding closed-door, Democrat-only hearings away from the American people, refusing to allow the GOP, The President, or his lawyers to attend and ask questions is anything BUT a proper, legal, Constitutional process. It is a political partisan COUP.

D-Adam Schiff has proven himself to be a criminal, perjurer, perpetrator of Sedition, and a traitor through a process that is in itself everything the Constitution and our legal system opposes.

Again, the process / inquisition being perpetrated by the Democrats is one that would make China and Russia proud, if not jealous
Don't be speaking foreign languages at me. He abused his power by utilizing military aid already approved by Congress for an ally. And explain, please, why the verbatim transcript is being hidden.
Explain that instead of showing off your brilliance with Latin.

Wow, you don't understand a simple Latin term?

Educate yourself.

That isn't abuse of power, it's use of power. It's funny how you have forgotten all them times Obama didn't follow the directives of congress when he was in office and Republicans had control of the House and Senate.
I do not hear an explanation for the hidden transcript in that response. Try again.

You believe its hidden based on rumor testimony of people with an axe to grind against Trump.

Every time something is explained or given to you assholes, it's always dismissed.
No, his STAFF said it way back at the beginning of all this.
White House officials previously had portrayed the document as not a verbatim transcription but rather a summary that closely tracked the words the president used in his July 25 call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky...


You are trying to turn a grammar complaint into accusations of hiding something.

I was pointing out that your statement that the transcript was "based on rumor testimony of people with an axe to grind against Trump" is not true. White House officials made that statement when this first surfaced.
It wasn't a rumor. It wasn't disgrunted ex employees.
So, now that we've cleared that up, explain, please why it is hidden?
They wanted a fair and open process, while their King obstructs and conceals at will.
You are so full of shit your eyes are brown, and fecal matter is oozing out of your ears and onto your keyboard!

D-Schiff committed SEDITION for 2 years by knowingly and intentionally falsely claiming he had DIRECT EVIDENCE of crimes committed by the President, his intent being to create a rise in opposition to the President and a call for his removal from office based on his intentional lie. The act is the perfect definition of the word 'Sedition'. His proven direct LIES disqualify him from taking part in any investigation of the President let alone leading any.

D-Schiff is connected to a Russian-born businessman who is linked to the corrupt former Ukraine Minister of Defense and politicians, who helped raise money for Schiff prior to his initiating his 'Collusion Delusion 2: Ukraine' -- This should disqualify Schiff for having ANY part in an investigation of Trump.

D-Schiff has Admitted to leaking classified information. For this Schiff should have been perp-walked by now and removed from the House Intel Committee as a member, let alone allowed to lead it / an investigation.

D-Schiff has coached both convicted perjurer Cohen before his repeat perjury performance before the House and the discredited Whistle Blower, about contact with whom Schiff lied to both the House and American people. This contact with the Whistle Blower makes Schiff a CONTACT WITNESS and legally disqualifies him to be part of the investigation. let alone - again - lead it.

Holding closed-door, Democrat-only hearings away from the American people, refusing to allow the GOP, The President, or his lawyers to attend and ask questions is anything BUT a proper, legal, Constitutional process. It is a political partisan COUP.

D-Adam Schiff has proven himself to be a criminal, perjurer, perpetrator of Sedition, and a traitor through a process that is in itself everything the Constitution and our legal system opposes.

Again, the process / inquisition being perpetrated by the Democrats is one that would make China and Russia proud, if not jealous

Hey Trigger, what's happening?

Wow, you don't understand a simple Latin term?

Educate yourself.

That isn't abuse of power, it's use of power. It's funny how you have forgotten all them times Obama didn't follow the directives of congress when he was in office and Republicans had control of the House and Senate.
I do not hear an explanation for the hidden transcript in that response. Try again.

You believe its hidden based on rumor testimony of people with an axe to grind against Trump.

Every time something is explained or given to you assholes, it's always dismissed.
No, his STAFF said it way back at the beginning of all this.
White House officials previously had portrayed the document as not a verbatim transcription but rather a summary that closely tracked the words the president used in his July 25 call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky...


You are trying to turn a grammar complaint into accusations of hiding something.

I was pointing out that your statement that the transcript was "based on rumor testimony of people with an axe to grind against Trump" is not true. White House officials made that statement when this first surfaced.
It wasn't a rumor. It wasn't disgrunted ex employees.
So, now that we've cleared that up, explain, please why it is hidden?

What do you mean by "hidden"?

They released what was said. You want to quibble over some syntax?
If these were the same rules there wouldn't be complaints about secret meetings. Under Clinton..... The whole deal was done out in public. These fuckers are not only hiding testimony but refusing to allow members of congress to see hearings, interview witnesses, or read transcripts...

Let me remind you that the investigations into both Clinton and Nixon were done behind close doors. The current investigation is being conducted under the very same rules the Republican used to investigate President Obama.
Adam Schiff intentionally, knowingly read a self-authored fictional account of the phone conversation, presenting it to the House and American people during a televised House Committee hearing on Impeachment as EVIDENCE. The act in itself can be argued to be an act of 'Sedition' - speech intended to create an outcry and support for the unwarranted removal of the President of the United States from office based on a known lie.

It was not until Schiff was almost immediately called out for his LIE that his defenders, not even he himself, quickly attempted to claim the act was one of 'parody' - humor.

This, of course, was far from the 1st time D-Schiff claimed to have DIRECT evidence of crimes committed by the President. In fact, Schiff claimed for nearly 2 years to have DIRECT evidence of crimes committed by the President...which was proven to be nothing but a LIE - which could also be argued to be an act of 'Sedition'.

Are we supposed to believe after 2 years of lying to the House and American people that this latest LIE by Schiff was only 'parody'...or are we now supposed to believe that Schiff was previously continuously carrying out a 2-year 'SNL skit'?

The fact is D-Schiff ... compromised himself by a Russian-born Businessman who dealt / deals with the Ukraine military, who lied for nearly 2 years straight about having evidence against the President he did not, who has admitted to leaking classified - whose investigation is still leaking like a screen door on a submarine, who coached Cohen for 10 hours before his repeat perjurous performance before Congress, who had contact with the Whistle Blower yet lied about it to both the House and the American people - contact which make him a CONTACT WINESS which disqualifies him from being a PART of any investigation of the President let alone LEADING it ... leading this closed-door politically partisan mis-use of the Impeachment process is in direct opposition to everything our Constitution and Rule of Law represents and stands for.
Let me remind you that the investigations into both Clinton and Nixon were done behind close doors. The current investigation is being conducted under the very same rules the Republican used to investigate President Obama.
Those conducting the investigations were not exposed as having committed crimes and for having such obvious conflicts of interest as to immediately disqualify them from participating in those investigations let alone leading them, as has been / is the case regarding the Democrats conducting the latest obvious coup attempt.
They wanted a fair and open process, while their King obstructs and conceals at will.
You are so full of shit your eyes are brown, and fecal matter is oozing out of your ears and onto your keyboard!

D-Schiff committed SEDITION for 2 years by knowingly and intentionally falsely claiming he had DIRECT EVIDENCE of crimes committed by the President, his intent being to create a rise in opposition to the President and a call for his removal from office based on his intentional lie. The act is the perfect definition of the word 'Sedition'. His proven direct LIES disqualify him from taking part in any investigation of the President let alone leading any.

D-Schiff is connected to a Russian-born businessman who is linked to the corrupt former Ukraine Minister of Defense and politicians, who helped raise money for Schiff prior to his initiating his 'Collusion Delusion 2: Ukraine' -- This should disqualify Schiff for having ANY part in an investigation of Trump.

D-Schiff has Admitted to leaking classified information. For this Schiff should have been perp-walked by now and removed from the House Intel Committee as a member, let alone allowed to lead it / an investigation.

D-Schiff has coached both convicted perjurer Cohen before his repeat perjury performance before the House and the discredited Whistle Blower, about contact with whom Schiff lied to both the House and American people. This contact with the Whistle Blower makes Schiff a CONTACT WITNESS and legally disqualifies him to be part of the investigation. let alone - again - lead it.

Holding closed-door, Democrat-only hearings away from the American people, refusing to allow the GOP, The President, or his lawyers to attend and ask questions is anything BUT a proper, legal, Constitutional process. It is a political partisan COUP.

D-Adam Schiff has proven himself to be a criminal, perjurer, perpetrator of Sedition, and a traitor through a process that is in itself everything the Constitution and our legal system opposes.

Again, the process / inquisition being perpetrated by the Democrats is one that would make China and Russia proud, if not jealous

Hey Trigger, what's happening?

View attachment 287497
Your surrender - being unable to address the issues / points - is duly noted.
Let me remind you that the investigations into both Clinton and Nixon were done behind close doors. The current investigation is being conducted under the very same rules the Republican used to investigate President Obama.
Those conducting the investigations were not exposed as having committed crimes and for having such obvious conflicts of interest as to immediately disqualify them from participating in those investigations let alone leading them, as has been / is the case regarding the Democrats conducting the latest obvious coup attempt.

Trumpublicans are free to pursue any allegation they chose. Doesn't change the fact that the rules are the same, nothing is being done in secret. The Republicans know exactly what is being done and said in the interviews.

The only coup here is Putins Poop Coup via The Dirty Don.
They wanted a fair and open process, while their King obstructs and conceals at will.
You are so full of shit your eyes are brown, and fecal matter is oozing out of your ears and onto your keyboard!

D-Schiff committed SEDITION for 2 years by knowingly and intentionally falsely claiming he had DIRECT EVIDENCE of crimes committed by the President, his intent being to create a rise in opposition to the President and a call for his removal from office based on his intentional lie. The act is the perfect definition of the word 'Sedition'. His proven direct LIES disqualify him from taking part in any investigation of the President let alone leading any.

D-Schiff is connected to a Russian-born businessman who is linked to the corrupt former Ukraine Minister of Defense and politicians, who helped raise money for Schiff prior to his initiating his 'Collusion Delusion 2: Ukraine' -- This should disqualify Schiff for having ANY part in an investigation of Trump.

D-Schiff has Admitted to leaking classified information. For this Schiff should have been perp-walked by now and removed from the House Intel Committee as a member, let alone allowed to lead it / an investigation.

D-Schiff has coached both convicted perjurer Cohen before his repeat perjury performance before the House and the discredited Whistle Blower, about contact with whom Schiff lied to both the House and American people. This contact with the Whistle Blower makes Schiff a CONTACT WITNESS and legally disqualifies him to be part of the investigation. let alone - again - lead it.

Holding closed-door, Democrat-only hearings away from the American people, refusing to allow the GOP, The President, or his lawyers to attend and ask questions is anything BUT a proper, legal, Constitutional process. It is a political partisan COUP.

D-Adam Schiff has proven himself to be a criminal, perjurer, perpetrator of Sedition, and a traitor through a process that is in itself everything the Constitution and our legal system opposes.

Again, the process / inquisition being perpetrated by the Democrats is one that would make China and Russia proud, if not jealous

Hey Trigger, what's happening?

View attachment 287497
Your surrender - being unable to address the issues / points - is duly noted.

Your wild accusations do not change the facts.
Wow, you don't understand a simple Latin term?

Educate yourself.

That isn't abuse of power, it's use of power. It's funny how you have forgotten all them times Obama didn't follow the directives of congress when he was in office and Republicans had control of the House and Senate.
I do not hear an explanation for the hidden transcript in that response. Try again.

You believe its hidden based on rumor testimony of people with an axe to grind against Trump.

Every time something is explained or given to you assholes, it's always dismissed.
No, his STAFF said it way back at the beginning of all this.
White House officials previously had portrayed the document as not a verbatim transcription but rather a summary that closely tracked the words the president used in his July 25 call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky...


You are trying to turn a grammar complaint into accusations of hiding something.

I was pointing out that your statement that the transcript was "based on rumor testimony of people with an axe to grind against Trump" is not true. White House officials made that statement when this first surfaced.
It wasn't a rumor. It wasn't disgrunted ex employees.
So, now that we've cleared that up, explain, please why it is hidden?
The original white house statement was that the transcript was accurate because it was transcribed from recordings. They did not say it was edited. Biased media and some Democrats have claimed it was edited.

They are lying.

Lying works with people like you.....
......because you're too gullible to not believe their lies.

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