Every Republican votes against making hearings public!

The only coup here is Putins Poop Coup via The Dirty Don.
In 2012 President Obama, believing his microphone was no longer active, instructed Putin-Puppet Medvedev to inform Putin that he, Barry, would be more flexible in cooperating with Putin.

In 2014:
- The Obama-Biden administration withheld military aid and prevented the sale of military weapons to Ukraine that would help them defend themselves from pending Russian Invasion. In essence, Obama facilitated the 'peaceful' Russian annexation of Crimea, solidifying its chokehold on Europe's energy dependence on Russia.
-- Evidence, to include Biden's own personal video-taped confession, shows Biden extorted Ukraine into dropping the investigation into corruption that involved his son - who was being paid both by a corrupt Ukrainian businessman known for working with Putin and who stood to benefit from Russia annexing Crimea and being paid by the Chinese.

- The Obama administration gave Russia US uranium. Evidence shows Obama's FBI Director (Mueller), US AG, & Hillary Clinton hid evidence of Russia blackmailing, extorting, and bribing US diplomats / politicians, and nuclear agency Directors, Russian hacking attempts, and violent crimes in their attempt to acquire US uranium. Despite knowing of these crimes, once the Committee signed off on the sale of the uranium President Obama quickly signed the bill to do so. Within DAYS of the sale a bill was placed on Obama's desk allowing the law to be changed preventing the uranium from leaving the country.

- The Obama administration learned of Russia's attempts to hack the US electrical grid, attempts to hack Senior US officials' servers/e-mails, Russia running a Counter-Intel Op in the US using social media that successfully got snowflakes to organize and march for them, and successfully paid Liberal organizations (BLM, Antifa, the Black Fist) to spread racial division in the US. Obama gave the Russians 2 years of UN-CHALLENGED Interference in the US and attempts to affect the US election process - Obama admin officials admitted they did not do nearly enough to stop what the Russians were going on: 'We Choked!'

Prior to the election in 2016 Obama authorized a Counter-Intelligence Op against CANDIDATE Trump (NO Counter-Intel Op is run in the US without the President's approval; testimony and documents also prove the meetings occurred, he has present / briefed / gave the ok).

The Obama administration's FBI had a foreign spy working for it who acquired known false Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence Propaganda it used to defraud the FISA Court, illegally spy on candidate / President Trump and use as the basis for a coup attempt under the guise of 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia'. This foreign spy also worked with corrupt Ukrainian officials to acquire 'dirt' on Trump's team.

For the last 3 years Democrats have been continuing to work to divide this country far more than the Russians ever hoped to with all of its interference and feeding Hillary / Democrats false Russian propaganda on the President.

....meanwhile, the Dem's Weissman / 'Mueller' investigation coup cover story ended with the decision that NO RUSSIAN collusion occurred involving President Trump...

...and easily emotionally manipulated, hate-driven, Trump-hating, butt-hurt snowflakes like yourself keep routing for / defending the real trairots and repeating the false narratives.
Every Republican votes against allowing the President and his lawyers to participate!

House approves impeachment rules, ushering in new phase of inquiry — live updates
A resolution authorizing public hearings and laying the groundwork for eventual proceedings in the Judiciary Committee passed by a vote of 232 to 196. All but two Democrats voted for the measure, with all Republican members voting against it.

They voted against the impeachment hearings in general, not any specifics about it.

What a fucking hack you are.

First they attacked the Whistleblower for not having been in on the call, and basing all of his evidence on "hearsay". Then Trump released the memorandum of the phone call which confirmed the nature and inappropriateness of the call, and confessed on national television. So that argument was blown out of the water.

Then the argument was "no quid pro quo". Everyone argued there was never a quid pro quo, and Trump had that awkward presser with Zelensky, and bullied Zelensky into saying he didn't feel pressured. When witness after witness appeared before the Committee to explain that the Ukrainians certainly were pressured to announce investigations, and that the quid pro quo was the military aid the Ukrainians would get in return for dirt on the Democrats, and the Bidens.

So then it was the "process is secret and unfair", so now they've voted against opening up the process.

But try as they might, Republicans are watching the ground crumble out from under them at every turn. That's why they don't defend Trump. They know that they haven't a leg to stand on.
The only coup here is Putins Poop Coup via The Dirty Don.
In 2012 President Obama, believing his microphone was no longer active, instructed Putin-Puppet Medvedev to inform Putin that he, Barry, would be more flexible in cooperating with Putin.

In 2014:
- The Obama-Biden administration withheld military aid and prevented the sale of military weapons to Ukraine that would help them defend themselves from pending Russian Invasion. In essence, Obama facilitated the 'peaceful' Russian annexation of Crimea, solidifying its chokehold on Europe's energy dependence on Russia.
-- Evidence, to include Biden's own personal video-taped confession, shows Biden extorted Ukraine into dropping the investigation into corruption that involved his son - who was being paid both by a corrupt Ukrainian businessman known for working with Putin and who stood to benefit from Russia annexing Crimea and being paid by the Chinese.

- The Obama administration gave Russia US uranium. Evidence shows Obama's FBI Director (Mueller), US AG, & Hillary Clinton hid evidence of Russia blackmailing, extorting, and bribing US diplomats / politicians, and nuclear agency Directors, Russian hacking attempts, and violent crimes in their attempt to acquire US uranium. Despite knowing of these crimes, once the Committee signed off on the sale of the uranium President Obama quickly signed the bill to do so. Within DAYS of the sale a bill was placed on Obama's desk allowing the law to be changed preventing the uranium from leaving the country.

- The Obama administration learned of Russia's attempts to hack the US electrical grid, attempts to hack Senior US officials' servers/e-mails, Russia running a Counter-Intel Op in the US using social media that successfully got snowflakes to organize and march for them, and successfully paid Liberal organizations (BLM, Antifa, the Black Fist) to spread racial division in the US. Obama gave the Russians 2 years of UN-CHALLENGED Interference in the US and attempts to affect the US election process - Obama admin officials admitted they did not do nearly enough to stop what the Russians were going on: 'We Choked!'

Prior to the election in 2016 Obama authorized a Counter-Intelligence Op against CANDIDATE Trump (NO Counter-Intel Op is run in the US without the President's approval; testimony and documents also prove the meetings occurred, he has present / briefed / gave the ok).

The Obama administration's FBI had a foreign spy working for it who acquired known false Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence Propaganda it used to defraud the FISA Court, illegally spy on candidate / President Trump and use as the basis for a coup attempt under the guise of 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia'. This foreign spy also worked with corrupt Ukrainian officials to acquire 'dirt' on Trump's team.

For the last 3 years Democrats have been continuing to work to divide this country far more than the Russians ever hoped to with all of its interference and feeding Hillary / Democrats false Russian propaganda on the President.

....meanwhile, the Dem's Weissman / 'Mueller' investigation coup cover story ended with the decision that NO RUSSIAN collusion occurred involving President Trump...

...and easily emotionally manipulated, hate-driven, Trump-hating, butt-hurt snowflakes like yourself keep routing for / defending the real trairots and repeating the false narratives.

Looks like a Putin Turd alright.
The only coup here is Putins Poop Coup via The Dirty Don.
In 2012 President Obama, believing his microphone was no longer active, instructed Putin-Puppet Medvedev to inform Putin that he, Barry, would be more flexible in cooperating with Putin.

In 2014:
- The Obama-Biden administration withheld military aid and prevented the sale of military weapons to Ukraine that would help them defend themselves from pending Russian Invasion. In essence, Obama facilitated the 'peaceful' Russian annexation of Crimea, solidifying its chokehold on Europe's energy dependence on Russia.
-- Evidence, to include Biden's own personal video-taped confession, shows Biden extorted Ukraine into dropping the investigation into corruption that involved his son - who was being paid both by a corrupt Ukrainian businessman known for working with Putin and who stood to benefit from Russia annexing Crimea and being paid by the Chinese.

- The Obama administration gave Russia US uranium. Evidence shows Obama's FBI Director (Mueller), US AG, & Hillary Clinton hid evidence of Russia blackmailing, extorting, and bribing US diplomats / politicians, and nuclear agency Directors, Russian hacking attempts, and violent crimes in their attempt to acquire US uranium. Despite knowing of these crimes, once the Committee signed off on the sale of the uranium President Obama quickly signed the bill to do so. Within DAYS of the sale a bill was placed on Obama's desk allowing the law to be changed preventing the uranium from leaving the country.

- The Obama administration learned of Russia's attempts to hack the US electrical grid, attempts to hack Senior US officials' servers/e-mails, Russia running a Counter-Intel Op in the US using social media that successfully got snowflakes to organize and march for them, and successfully paid Liberal organizations (BLM, Antifa, the Black Fist) to spread racial division in the US. Obama gave the Russians 2 years of UN-CHALLENGED Interference in the US and attempts to affect the US election process - Obama admin officials admitted they did not do nearly enough to stop what the Russians were going on: 'We Choked!'

Prior to the election in 2016 Obama authorized a Counter-Intelligence Op against CANDIDATE Trump (NO Counter-Intel Op is run in the US without the President's approval; testimony and documents also prove the meetings occurred, he has present / briefed / gave the ok).

The Obama administration's FBI had a foreign spy working for it who acquired known false Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence Propaganda it used to defraud the FISA Court, illegally spy on candidate / President Trump and use as the basis for a coup attempt under the guise of 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia'. This foreign spy also worked with corrupt Ukrainian officials to acquire 'dirt' on Trump's team.

For the last 3 years Democrats have been continuing to work to divide this country far more than the Russians ever hoped to with all of its interference and feeding Hillary / Democrats false Russian propaganda on the President.

....meanwhile, the Dem's Weissman / 'Mueller' investigation coup cover story ended with the decision that NO RUSSIAN collusion occurred involving President Trump...

...and easily emotionally manipulated, hate-driven, Trump-hating, butt-hurt snowflakes like yourself keep routing for / defending the real trairots and repeating the false narratives.

Looks like a Putin Turd alright.
Again, your surrender is duly noted.
Every Republican votes against allowing the President and his lawyers to participate!

House approves impeachment rules, ushering in new phase of inquiry — live updates
A resolution authorizing public hearings and laying the groundwork for eventual proceedings in the Judiciary Committee passed by a vote of 232 to 196. All but two Democrats voted for the measure, with all Republican members voting against it.

Yup..all the Republicans have been whining about the hearing being closed sessions and the President not having any representation.

Now that Pelosi calls for a resolution making the hearing open to the public and setting rules that allow for the President to be represented, the republicans all voted against it.

Wiggle, wiggle, squirm, squirm is all that whining Republicans can do.

If Trump can make the entire Republican party his bitches, don't be surprised if the Dems figure out a way to do the same when the Senate votes on Trumps removal!

Every Republican votes against allowing the President and his lawyers to participate!

House approves impeachment rules, ushering in new phase of inquiry — live updates
A resolution authorizing public hearings and laying the groundwork for eventual proceedings in the Judiciary Committee passed by a vote of 232 to 196. All but two Democrats voted for the measure, with all Republican members voting against it.

This is one of the dumbest post I have seen in a very long time, and there are plenty of really dumb post here.
Congratulations for, for sure, making the top 10 dumbest of 2019.
To read this post and not understand the hurricane strength spin of it - you have to be mentally handicapped.

Edit:.. like the post immediately above this one
Every Republican votes against allowing the President and his lawyers to participate!

House approves impeachment rules, ushering in new phase of inquiry — live updates
A resolution authorizing public hearings and laying the groundwork for eventual proceedings in the Judiciary Committee passed by a vote of 232 to 196. All but two Democrats voted for the measure, with all Republican members voting against it.

And that means the men of America also

The vast majority for sure and they will act to save this nation by locking up the crooked democrats and deep state
Every Republican votes against allowing the President and his lawyers to participate!

House approves impeachment rules, ushering in new phase of inquiry — live updates
A resolution authorizing public hearings and laying the groundwork for eventual proceedings in the Judiciary Committee passed by a vote of 232 to 196. All but two Democrats voted for the measure, with all Republican members voting against it.

Yup..all the Republicans have been whining about the hearing being closed sessions and the President not having any representation.

Now that Pelosi calls for a resolution making the hearing open to the public and setting rules that allow for the President to be represented, the republicans all voted against it.

Wiggle, wiggle, squirm, squirm is all that whining Republicans can do.

If Trump can make the entire Republican party his bitches, don't be surprised if the Dems figure out a way to do the same when the Senate votes on Trumps removal!


All that shows is the men of America are ready to act to stop this crooked govt
The only coup here is Putins Poop Coup via The Dirty Don.
In 2012 President Obama, believing his microphone was no longer active, instructed Putin-Puppet Medvedev to inform Putin that he, Barry, would be more flexible in cooperating with Putin.

In 2014:
- The Obama-Biden administration withheld military aid and prevented the sale of military weapons to Ukraine that would help them defend themselves from pending Russian Invasion. In essence, Obama facilitated the 'peaceful' Russian annexation of Crimea, solidifying its chokehold on Europe's energy dependence on Russia.
-- Evidence, to include Biden's own personal video-taped confession, shows Biden extorted Ukraine into dropping the investigation into corruption that involved his son - who was being paid both by a corrupt Ukrainian businessman known for working with Putin and who stood to benefit from Russia annexing Crimea and being paid by the Chinese.

- The Obama administration gave Russia US uranium. Evidence shows Obama's FBI Director (Mueller), US AG, & Hillary Clinton hid evidence of Russia blackmailing, extorting, and bribing US diplomats / politicians, and nuclear agency Directors, Russian hacking attempts, and violent crimes in their attempt to acquire US uranium. Despite knowing of these crimes, once the Committee signed off on the sale of the uranium President Obama quickly signed the bill to do so. Within DAYS of the sale a bill was placed on Obama's desk allowing the law to be changed preventing the uranium from leaving the country.

- The Obama administration learned of Russia's attempts to hack the US electrical grid, attempts to hack Senior US officials' servers/e-mails, Russia running a Counter-Intel Op in the US using social media that successfully got snowflakes to organize and march for them, and successfully paid Liberal organizations (BLM, Antifa, the Black Fist) to spread racial division in the US. Obama gave the Russians 2 years of UN-CHALLENGED Interference in the US and attempts to affect the US election process - Obama admin officials admitted they did not do nearly enough to stop what the Russians were going on: 'We Choked!'

Prior to the election in 2016 Obama authorized a Counter-Intelligence Op against CANDIDATE Trump (NO Counter-Intel Op is run in the US without the President's approval; testimony and documents also prove the meetings occurred, he has present / briefed / gave the ok).

The Obama administration's FBI had a foreign spy working for it who acquired known false Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence Propaganda it used to defraud the FISA Court, illegally spy on candidate / President Trump and use as the basis for a coup attempt under the guise of 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia'. This foreign spy also worked with corrupt Ukrainian officials to acquire 'dirt' on Trump's team.

For the last 3 years Democrats have been continuing to work to divide this country far more than the Russians ever hoped to with all of its interference and feeding Hillary / Democrats false Russian propaganda on the President.

....meanwhile, the Dem's Weissman / 'Mueller' investigation coup cover story ended with the decision that NO RUSSIAN collusion occurred involving President Trump...

...and easily emotionally manipulated, hate-driven, Trump-hating, butt-hurt snowflakes like yourself keep routing for / defending the real trairots and repeating the false narratives.

You've been trying to make hay over that open mike comment for years now, but it does not mean what you seem to think it means. It simply meant that any negotiations on the arms limitation treaty would be opposed by the Republicans leading into the election, especially Romney, and that there would be less opposing to the treaty after the election.
Every Republican votes against allowing the President and his lawyers to participate!

House approves impeachment rules, ushering in new phase of inquiry — live updates
A resolution authorizing public hearings and laying the groundwork for eventual proceedings in the Judiciary Committee passed by a vote of 232 to 196. All but two Democrats voted for the measure, with all Republican members voting against it.

You actually believe that the proposal was on the up and up? Good lord.

"The resolution formalizes a set of rules that essentially ratify the closed-door star chamber proceedings that Schiff has been conducting for several weeks. He will continue to conduct such proceedings with selective leaks to manipulate public opinion against the president. The public will only be able to see whatever redacted transcripts of the closed-door depositions that Schiff in his sole discretion decides eventually to release. Schiff will still be able to stifle any questioning he does not like of witnesses by Republican members, as he reportedly has done in the past. The Republican ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes, will have to ask Schiff for permission to request or subpoena testimony from witnesses and for the production of materials Republicans would like to examine. The Republican minority’s only recourse if Schiff refuses to concur is the right of appeal to the whole Democrat-run Intelligence Committee. This Kafkaesque procedure would even extend to a Republican request to hear from the original whistleblower, who the Democrats evidently no longer feel is a necessary witness. How strange that is since it was the whistleblower’s complaint about alleged presidential abuse of power to pressure Ukraine into investigating a political rival that started us down the path that we are on today in the first place"


Only after Schiff’s House Intelligence Committee submits its report and materials that it has collected to the House Judiciary Committee, led by the Trump-hating impeachment zealot Rep. Jerrold Nadler, will there supposedly be procedures in place “to allow for the participation of the President and his counsel.” The Democrat majority will be free to limit the scope of such participation as much as they like. Moreover, just as is the case with the House Intelligence Committee, the Republican ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Doug Collins, will have to obtain Nadler’s concurrence for witnesses and production of materials. Again, the Republican minority’s only recourse if Nadler refuses to concur is the right of appeal to the whole Democrat-run Judiciary Committee – the same Kafkaesque procedure that the Democrats can continue to use to block testimony from the whistleblower or any individual who may contradict their narrative.

The Pelosi-Schiff Masquerade - Frontpagemag
These Assholes voted against rules that they made in the Clinton Impeachment.....IDIOTS
Every Republican votes against allowing the President and his lawyers to participate!

House approves impeachment rules, ushering in new phase of inquiry — live updates
A resolution authorizing public hearings and laying the groundwork for eventual proceedings in the Judiciary Committee passed by a vote of 232 to 196. All but two Democrats voted for the measure, with all Republican members voting against it.

Yup..all the Republicans have been whining about the hearing being closed sessions and the President not having any representation.

Now that Pelosi calls for a resolution making the hearing open to the public and setting rules that allow for the President to be represented, the republicans all voted against it.

Wiggle, wiggle, squirm, squirm is all that whining Republicans can do.

If Trump can make the entire Republican party his bitches, don't be surprised if the Dems figure out a way to do the same when the Senate votes on Trumps removal!


But trump
Has the men. Big difference !!
Maybe you are correct. Anything will be better than what we have done since mid 80s. Nothing will be fixed for real, only help a little. Then the RNC and the big money fdonors led by Koch, Laffer, Grover Norquists of the world who leverage the rich.

Now they all have so much money nothing will change because they all control the mass media. Imagine if you will. Your worth 20B and along with 100 Greedy guys like yourself you control all the media and 3T dollars. Is it better to pay 50% tax,100B a year and help 300M americans or pay 500M and flood the airways along with the 50+ right wing think tanks who can write over 500 articles telling lies ? Which is more costly those greedy turds ?

In fact only some small things will change because these guys will force the media to NOT cover it. The Zionists own and control the outcome. Greedy will never slow and only a revolution will fix it. That is no less than 20 years away. 50% or the median wage is 33K. We will need 100% more inflation and wages at 25K for median before talk of revolution. Most Americans in todays world are too affraid of their own shadow.

That is unless they are republican gun toting christian down here in the south. Those guys are not afraid of anything as long as they have a gun... Well, other than having to change themselves after pulling the gun. They are weak minded men, uneducated, and afraid of a real fight. That is why they all carry a weapon. Afraid another guy would beat them up and now they dont have that worry.
Nothing makes these Republicans happy. They've griped for weeks about not being able to subpoena people, attend hearings, etc. etc.
So Pelosi votes that all in and the R's vote against it? And they're STILL bitching.

Their complaints aren't worth listening to anymore. Let me know if they ever stop pointless whining and have something intelligent to say.

Umm. did you actually READ the rules? Dems have veto power over any request for witnesses made by Republicans, have veto authority over any questions Republicans want to ask of any witnesses, and all sorts of other control methods that allow dems to release any information they see fit from the proceedings.

It reminds me of the Cardassian justice system from DS9, where the accused is already guilty, and all the trial is for is to allow the accused to accept being guilty.
That's because your tRumpling "leaders" will try to side track the proceedings with crazy conspiracy theories.

Wow, talk about trying to excuse hackery.

First it was they voted against access, then you say they don't deserve the access.

Keep moving those goalposts, mouth-breather.

I'm sorry, that is incorrect.

I said they shouldn't be allowed to disrupt the proceedings with crazy conspiracy theories.
I think the Democrats are being overly dramatic and have been about the Russia investigation, the Kavanaugh confirmation, and now this, but it is no more overly dramatic than what they did to Bill Clinton and then to Hillary with repeated investigations; it seems to be how the politicians in D.C. roll.
Nixon abused his power by having his spooks break into the opposition's headquarters to get the poop on what they were up to in the campaign. If that is an impeachable offense, so is withholding approved military aid to Ukraine in return for a favor that would smear Trump's opposition in the upcoming campaign. I'm not in a "lathered froth" over Trump's hi-jinx. He'll do anything to win (evidence the Trump Tower meeting) and he's doing all he can to hide what really happened. C'mon already, why is there not a verbatim transcript available? Why is it hidden in an ultra-secret computer? If you believe there's a good reason for that, I'm pretty sure you're the rube here.
Tu Quo Que? That's all you got?

Sorry, but trying to hide breaking and entering, an actual crime, is in no way related to international politics. What crime did Trump commit when he was dealing with a foreign government?

And the Dems want to lose?

Simple arguments from a simple hack such as yourself. Try harder.
Don't be speaking foreign languages at me. He abused his power by utilizing military aid already approved by Congress for an ally. And explain, please, why the verbatim transcript is being hidden.
Explain that instead of showing off your brilliance with Latin.

Not at all.

The official transcript is the only version that exists. It has already been released.....before Pelosi announced her fake impeachment inquiry.

Note the key word "inquiry"

Meaning it isn't an official impeachment. An official impeachment is a resolution voted on by the House after evidence is provided by the DOJ to the House Juducial Committee of a public official who has committed criminal acts. The Judiciary committee votes to recommend an impeachment and produces articles of impeachment to the full House, to which the full House votes on. The House jumped the shark and didn't wait for articles of impeachment in this case. They simply voted to recognize the ongoing inquiry.

A vote in the full House is an official impeachment and is sent to the Senate for trial. None of this has happened. THEY ARE LYING TO US ABOUT WHAT THIS IS AND WHAT THE EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT IS!!!!

Turns out the "transcript" isn't a transcript. Also turns out it isn't complete, or even really honest.

Lol, conspiracy nutter as well.

Witness testimony, not conspiracy theory.

There's a difference, but I guess you don't understand that.
Every Republican votes against allowing the President and his lawyers to participate!

House approves impeachment rules, ushering in new phase of inquiry — live updates
A resolution authorizing public hearings and laying the groundwork for eventual proceedings in the Judiciary Committee passed by a vote of 232 to 196. All but two Democrats voted for the measure, with all Republican members voting against it.

They voted against the impeachment hearings in general, not any specifics about it.

What a fucking hack you are.
Nope. They voted against their chance to do all thing things they've been bitching about.

They aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

They vote was on the inquiry, and the rules applied. The rules shut Republicans out of the inquiry.

They voted against the impeachment in general, and the rules.

It's amazing how you morons try to bend and break the simple truth for pure political hackery.
Don't have to bend anything. My post was true.

Your post was a misreading of what actually happened. They voted against the inquiry rules, the rules said they have no right to call witnesses, and no right to ask questions without democratic permission.
images (4).jpeg
Every Republican votes against allowing the President and his lawyers to participate!

House approves impeachment rules, ushering in new phase of inquiry — live updates
A resolution authorizing public hearings and laying the groundwork for eventual proceedings in the Judiciary Committee passed by a vote of 232 to 196. All but two Democrats voted for the measure, with all Republican members voting against it.
They voted against Adam Schiff being made a Dictator, Judge, Jury and Executioner.

This pretty much proves though that if whenever a Democrat gets elected as president sometime around 2030 that you can impeach him the day he is sworn in, if you have a majority in The House.
They voted against public hearings.

They voted against released testimony.

They voted against their chance to call witnesses.

They voted against their opportunity to cross examine.

In short, they voted against their chance to mount a defense.

Not really a wise move.

What are you talking about? Amendments?

Right now they cannot call witnesses and can only ask questions approved by dems due to the inquiry law that PASSED
They can call witnesses.

They won't be allowed to derail the process with stupid conspiracy theories.

They can only call witnesses approved by the Democrats.

Again you have to go with half truths to make your point.

Not. They won't be allowed to derail the proceedings with crazy conspiracy theories. Without that rule they'd have Rudy up there spouting nonsense for days.
Maybe you are correct. Anything will be better than what we have done since mid 80s. Nothing will be fixed for real, only help a little. Then the RNC and the big money fdonors led by Koch, Laffer, Grover Norquists of the world who leverage the rich.

Now they all have so much money nothing will change because they all control the mass media. Imagine if you will. Your worth 20B and along with 100 Greedy guys like yourself you control all the media and 3T dollars. Is it better to pay 50% tax,100B a year and help 300M americans or pay 500M and flood the airways along with the 50+ right wing think tanks who can write over 500 articles telling lies ? Which is more costly those greedy turds ?

In fact only some small things will change because these guys will force the media to NOT cover it. The Zionists own and control the outcome. Greedy will never slow and only a revolution will fix it. That is no less than 20 years away. 50% or the median wage is 33K. We will need 100% more inflation and wages at 25K for median before talk of revolution. Most Americans in todays world are too affraid of their own shadow.

That is unless they are republican gun toting christian down here in the south. Those guys are not afraid of anything as long as they have a gun... Well, other than having to change themselves after pulling the gun. They are weak minded men, uneducated, and afraid of a real fight. That is why they all carry a weapon. Afraid another guy would beat them

up and now they dont have that worry.

Look close that revolution you talk about will be
Men against women

It is the women’s vote electing these crooks
Republicans sticking together against the impeachment inquiry means the men and military will stick together to lock up the whole crooked deep state and democrats

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