Every Republican votes against making hearings public!

They voting against the Mickey Mouse Impeachment NOT the Public seeing it................MORON....

Coming from a party that has done this behind closed doors.......refused to allow access to the Judiciary committee...............With Shifty Schitty in cohoots with the dang so called Whistle Blower..........

He should be being Disbarred and thrown out of Congress for this planned hit job from the LEFT........

If the GOP had any balls, they would do to the left what the left has done to the GOP..........Play by the same rules and give them a taste.

We have found a women who 30 years ago said she was raped by Schiff...............We demand a hearing on these abuses by Schiff..............We also have a farmer who said his sheep have complained that Schiff was doing them as well.................

We have no real evidence but these allegations must be True............

And on top of that.........We have talked to an informant who says he has a video of Biden getting Golden Showers in the Ukraine..............and that this information was given to PUTIN........Has Naked pictures of Biden............
Every Republican votes against allowing the President and his lawyers to participate!

House approves impeachment rules, ushering in new phase of inquiry — live updates
A resolution authorizing public hearings and laying the groundwork for eventual proceedings in the Judiciary Committee passed by a vote of 232 to 196. All but two Democrats voted for the measure, with all Republican members voting against it.

So what you're saying is the only portion of the vote that was bipartisan was on the NO side. Confirming it's nothing but a commiecrat witch hunt. GOT IT!!!

Maybe you are correct. Anything will be better than what we have done since mid 80s. Nothing will be fixed for real, only help a little. Then the RNC and the big money fdonors led by Koch, Laffer, Grover Norquists of the world who leverage the rich.

Now they all have so much money nothing will change because they all control the mass media. Imagine if you will. Your worth 20B and along with 100 Greedy guys like yourself you control all the media and 3T dollars. Is it better to pay 50% tax,100B a year and help 300M americans or pay 500M and flood the airways along with the 50+ right wing think tanks who can write over 500 articles telling lies ? Which is more costly those greedy turds ?

In fact only some small things will change because these guys will force the media to NOT cover it. The Zionists own and control the outcome. Greedy will never slow and only a revolution will fix it. That is no less than 20 years away. 50% or the median wage is 33K. We will need 100% more inflation and wages at 25K for median before talk of revolution. Most Americans in todays world are too affraid of their own shadow.

That is unless they are republican gun toting christian down here in the south. Those guys are not afraid of anything as long as they have a gun... Well, other than having to change themselves after pulling the gun. They are weak minded men, uneducated, and afraid of a real fight. That is why they all carry a weapon. Afraid another guy would beat them

up and now they dont have that worry.

Look close that revolution you talk about will be
Men against women

It is the women’s vote electing these crooks

You have it backwards. The men's vote elected the lying criminal, Donald Trump. Women immediately awoke to the reality and voted in the Democrats in 2018. Given that there are 8 million more women voters than men in the USA, and women find Trump to be a lying, misogynistic, racist pig, Women will be booting the current crook from the White House, should he manage to survive impeachment.
The funny part is that republicans didn't get to vote on anything. The hearings are still controlled by Schiff-for -brains and republicans are still locked out while the political coup democrats leak selected testimony to morons in the media.
The Republiscum have NEVER been locked out!
When you tell LIES like that, nothing you say will ever be believable!
Maybe you are correct. Anything will be better than what we have done since mid 80s. Nothing will be fixed for real, only help a little. Then the RNC and the big money fdonors led by Koch, Laffer, Grover Norquists of the world who leverage the rich.

Now they all have so much money nothing will change because they all control the mass media. Imagine if you will. Your worth 20B and along with 100 Greedy guys like yourself you control all the media and 3T dollars. Is it better to pay 50% tax,100B a year and help 300M americans or pay 500M and flood the airways along with the 50+ right wing think tanks who can write over 500 articles telling lies ? Which is more costly those greedy turds ?

In fact only some small things will change because these guys will force the media to NOT cover it. The Zionists own and control the outcome. Greedy will never slow and only a revolution will fix it. That is no less than 20 years away. 50% or the median wage is 33K. We will need 100% more inflation and wages at 25K for median before talk of revolution. Most Americans in todays world are too affraid of their own shadow.

That is unless they are republican gun toting christian down here in the south. Those guys are not afraid of anything as long as they have a gun... Well, other than having to change themselves after pulling the gun. They are weak minded men, uneducated, and afraid of a real fight. That is why they all carry a weapon. Afraid another guy would beat them

up and now they dont have that worry.

Look close that revolution you talk about will be
Men against women

It is the women’s vote electing these crooks

You have it backwards. The men's vote elected the lying criminal, Donald Trump. Women immediately awoke to the reality and voted in the Democrats in 2018. Given that there are 8 million more women voters than men in the USA, and women find Trump to be a lying, misogynistic, racist pig, Women will be booting the current crook from the White House, should he manage to survive impeachment.


Men have the higher logic ability which makes them harder to fool by the crooks

Plus add emotions to that lower logic ability to see why they elect crooks

Men will rise i and stop them from destroying the nation
Every Republican votes against allowing the President and his lawyers to participate!

House approves impeachment rules, ushering in new phase of inquiry — live updates
A resolution authorizing public hearings and laying the groundwork for eventual proceedings in the Judiciary Committee passed by a vote of 232 to 196. All but two Democrats voted for the measure, with all Republican members voting against it.
if that were true they never would have force shit for brains hand and called for a vote. They would have allowed his secret police to run the under ground court.
Every Republican votes against allowing the President and his lawyers to participate!

House approves impeachment rules, ushering in new phase of inquiry — live updates
A resolution authorizing public hearings and laying the groundwork for eventual proceedings in the Judiciary Committee passed by a vote of 232 to 196. All but two Democrats voted for the measure, with all Republican members voting against it.

They voted against the impeachment hearings in general, not any specifics about it.

What a fucking hack you are.

First they attacked the Whistleblower for not having been in on the call, and basing all of his evidence on "hearsay". Then Trump released the memorandum of the phone call which confirmed the nature and inappropriateness of the call, and confessed on national television. So that argument was blown out of the water.

Then the argument was "no quid pro quo". Everyone argued there was never a quid pro quo, and Trump had that awkward presser with Zelensky, and bullied Zelensky into saying he didn't feel pressured. When witness after witness appeared before the Committee to explain that the Ukrainians certainly were pressured to announce investigations, and that the quid pro quo was the military aid the Ukrainians would get in return for dirt on the Democrats, and the Bidens.

So then it was the "process is secret and unfair", so now they've voted against opening up the process.

But try as they might, Republicans are watching the ground crumble out from under them at every turn. That's why they don't defend Trump. They know that they haven't a leg to stand on.

The whole thing is a sham, a political witch hunt. You are still mad he won, and will do anything to get rid of him.

The Dems have made this more theater than actual process. And you cheer on like the lemming you are, because ORANGE MAN BAD
Nothing makes these Republicans happy. They've griped for weeks about not being able to subpoena people, attend hearings, etc. etc.
So Pelosi votes that all in and the R's vote against it? And they're STILL bitching.

Their complaints aren't worth listening to anymore. Let me know if they ever stop pointless whining and have something intelligent to say.

Umm. did you actually READ the rules? Dems have veto power over any request for witnesses made by Republicans, have veto authority over any questions Republicans want to ask of any witnesses, and all sorts of other control methods that allow dems to release any information they see fit from the proceedings.

It reminds me of the Cardassian justice system from DS9, where the accused is already guilty, and all the trial is for is to allow the accused to accept being guilty.
That's because your tRumpling "leaders" will try to side track the proceedings with crazy conspiracy theories.

Wow, talk about trying to excuse hackery.

First it was they voted against access, then you say they don't deserve the access.

Keep moving those goalposts, mouth-breather.

I'm sorry, that is incorrect.

I said they shouldn't be allowed to disrupt the proceedings with crazy conspiracy theories.

The rules let Dems decide who can appear as a witness, and what questions can be asked.

You are the one bringing up some bullshit justification, I am telling you the rules.

hacks wanna hack.
Tu Quo Que? That's all you got?

Sorry, but trying to hide breaking and entering, an actual crime, is in no way related to international politics. What crime did Trump commit when he was dealing with a foreign government?

And the Dems want to lose?

Simple arguments from a simple hack such as yourself. Try harder.
Don't be speaking foreign languages at me. He abused his power by utilizing military aid already approved by Congress for an ally. And explain, please, why the verbatim transcript is being hidden.
Explain that instead of showing off your brilliance with Latin.

Not at all.

The official transcript is the only version that exists. It has already been released.....before Pelosi announced her fake impeachment inquiry.

Note the key word "inquiry"

Meaning it isn't an official impeachment. An official impeachment is a resolution voted on by the House after evidence is provided by the DOJ to the House Juducial Committee of a public official who has committed criminal acts. The Judiciary committee votes to recommend an impeachment and produces articles of impeachment to the full House, to which the full House votes on. The House jumped the shark and didn't wait for articles of impeachment in this case. They simply voted to recognize the ongoing inquiry.

A vote in the full House is an official impeachment and is sent to the Senate for trial. None of this has happened. THEY ARE LYING TO US ABOUT WHAT THIS IS AND WHAT THE EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT IS!!!!

Turns out the "transcript" isn't a transcript. Also turns out it isn't complete, or even really honest.

Lol, conspiracy nutter as well.

Witness testimony, not conspiracy theory.

There's a difference, but I guess you don't understand that.

Lol, again with rationalizing bullshit rules meant to let the dems make bullshit statements without any backup.

That you call any refutation "conspiracy" without even getting into what is being refuted, or who would refute it, just shows you don't want an open process, and neither do dems.

They want news soundbites and ammo for their base.
They voted against the impeachment hearings in general, not any specifics about it.

What a fucking hack you are.
Nope. They voted against their chance to do all thing things they've been bitching about.

They aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

They vote was on the inquiry, and the rules applied. The rules shut Republicans out of the inquiry.

They voted against the impeachment in general, and the rules.

It's amazing how you morons try to bend and break the simple truth for pure political hackery.
Don't have to bend anything. My post was true.

Your post was a misreading of what actually happened. They voted against the inquiry rules, the rules said they have no right to call witnesses, and no right to ask questions without democratic permission.
View attachment 287586

You are the one making up excuses for the rules, assuming anything republicans want to bring in as refuting evidence is "conspiracy"

You are rationalizing blatant partisan hackery and trying to pass it off as efficiency.
They voted against Adam Schiff being made a Dictator, Judge, Jury and Executioner.

This pretty much proves though that if whenever a Democrat gets elected as president sometime around 2030 that you can impeach him the day he is sworn in, if you have a majority in The House.
They voted against public hearings.

They voted against released testimony.

They voted against their chance to call witnesses.

They voted against their opportunity to cross examine.

In short, they voted against their chance to mount a defense.

Not really a wise move.

What are you talking about? Amendments?

Right now they cannot call witnesses and can only ask questions approved by dems due to the inquiry law that PASSED
They can call witnesses.

They won't be allowed to derail the process with stupid conspiracy theories.

They can only call witnesses approved by the Democrats.

Again you have to go with half truths to make your point.

Not. They won't be allowed to derail the proceedings with crazy conspiracy theories. Without that rule they'd have Rudy up there spouting nonsense for days.

So anything the Republicans will bring up is a conspiracy?

So much for wanting an open process. It figures. Progressives only can function when other ideas or concepts are banned.

Such nice wibble snowflakes you are.
Nothing makes these Republicans happy. They've griped for weeks about not being able to subpoena people, attend hearings, etc. etc.
So Pelosi votes that all in and the R's vote against it? And they're STILL bitching.

Their complaints aren't worth listening to anymore. Let me know if they ever stop pointless whining and have something intelligent to say.

Umm. did you actually READ the rules? Dems have veto power over any request for witnesses made by Republicans, have veto authority over any questions Republicans want to ask of any witnesses, and all sorts of other control methods that allow dems to release any information they see fit from the proceedings.

It reminds me of the Cardassian justice system from DS9, where the accused is already guilty, and all the trial is for is to allow the accused to accept being guilty.
That's because your tRumpling "leaders" will try to side track the proceedings with crazy conspiracy theories.

Wow, talk about trying to excuse hackery.

First it was they voted against access, then you say they don't deserve the access.

Keep moving those goalposts, mouth-breather.

I'm sorry, that is incorrect.

I said they shouldn't be allowed to disrupt the proceedings with crazy conspiracy theories.

The rules let Dems decide who can appear as a witness, and what questions can be asked.

You are the one bringing up some bullshit justification, I am telling you the rules.

hacks wanna hack.
There are generally reasons for rules.

All I'm doing is pointing them out.

Without a veto on witnesses the tRumplings will have Rudy up in the stand promoting lame conspiracy theories.
Don't be speaking foreign languages at me. He abused his power by utilizing military aid already approved by Congress for an ally. And explain, please, why the verbatim transcript is being hidden.
Explain that instead of showing off your brilliance with Latin.

Not at all.

The official transcript is the only version that exists. It has already been released.....before Pelosi announced her fake impeachment inquiry.

Note the key word "inquiry"

Meaning it isn't an official impeachment. An official impeachment is a resolution voted on by the House after evidence is provided by the DOJ to the House Juducial Committee of a public official who has committed criminal acts. The Judiciary committee votes to recommend an impeachment and produces articles of impeachment to the full House, to which the full House votes on. The House jumped the shark and didn't wait for articles of impeachment in this case. They simply voted to recognize the ongoing inquiry.

A vote in the full House is an official impeachment and is sent to the Senate for trial. None of this has happened. THEY ARE LYING TO US ABOUT WHAT THIS IS AND WHAT THE EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT IS!!!!

Turns out the "transcript" isn't a transcript. Also turns out it isn't complete, or even really honest.

Lol, conspiracy nutter as well.

Witness testimony, not conspiracy theory.

There's a difference, but I guess you don't understand that.

Lol, again with rationalizing bullshit rules meant to let the dems make bullshit statements without any backup.

That you call any refutation "conspiracy" without even getting into what is being refuted, or who would refute it, just shows you don't want an open process, and neither do dems.

They want news soundbites and ammo for their base.
No, it's actually witness testimony.
Nope. They voted against their chance to do all thing things they've been bitching about.

They aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

They vote was on the inquiry, and the rules applied. The rules shut Republicans out of the inquiry.

They voted against the impeachment in general, and the rules.

It's amazing how you morons try to bend and break the simple truth for pure political hackery.
Don't have to bend anything. My post was true.

Your post was a misreading of what actually happened. They voted against the inquiry rules, the rules said they have no right to call witnesses, and no right to ask questions without democratic permission.
View attachment 287586

You are the one making up excuses for the rules, assuming anything republicans want to bring in as refuting evidence is "conspiracy"

You are rationalizing blatant partisan hackery and trying to pass it off as efficiency.
They can bring in anyone they want to refute the charges, but why let them turn the proceedings into a platform for nut-wad conspiracy theories?
They voted against public hearings.

They voted against released testimony.

They voted against their chance to call witnesses.

They voted against their opportunity to cross examine.

In short, they voted against their chance to mount a defense.

Not really a wise move.

What are you talking about? Amendments?

Right now they cannot call witnesses and can only ask questions approved by dems due to the inquiry law that PASSED
They can call witnesses.

They won't be allowed to derail the process with stupid conspiracy theories.

They can only call witnesses approved by the Democrats.

Again you have to go with half truths to make your point.

Not. They won't be allowed to derail the proceedings with crazy conspiracy theories. Without that rule they'd have Rudy up there spouting nonsense for days.

So anything the Republicans will bring up is a conspiracy?

So much for wanting an open process. It figures. Progressives only can function when other ideas or concepts are banned.

Such nice wibble snowflakes you are.
No, not anything, everything.

Just kidding.

But do you really want this to be about an imaginary server in the Ukraine or do you want to get this over with?
Umm. did you actually READ the rules? Dems have veto power over any request for witnesses made by Republicans, have veto authority over any questions Republicans want to ask of any witnesses, and all sorts of other control methods that allow dems to release any information they see fit from the proceedings.

It reminds me of the Cardassian justice system from DS9, where the accused is already guilty, and all the trial is for is to allow the accused to accept being guilty.
That's because your tRumpling "leaders" will try to side track the proceedings with crazy conspiracy theories.

Wow, talk about trying to excuse hackery.

First it was they voted against access, then you say they don't deserve the access.

Keep moving those goalposts, mouth-breather.

I'm sorry, that is incorrect.

I said they shouldn't be allowed to disrupt the proceedings with crazy conspiracy theories.

The rules let Dems decide who can appear as a witness, and what questions can be asked.

You are the one bringing up some bullshit justification, I am telling you the rules.

hacks wanna hack.
There are generally reasons for rules.

All I'm doing is pointing them out.

Without a veto on witnesses the tRumplings will have Rudy up in the stand promoting lame conspiracy theories.

Just keep justifying limiting the investigation to democrat wet dreams....
Not at all.

The official transcript is the only version that exists. It has already been released.....before Pelosi announced her fake impeachment inquiry.

Note the key word "inquiry"

Meaning it isn't an official impeachment. An official impeachment is a resolution voted on by the House after evidence is provided by the DOJ to the House Juducial Committee of a public official who has committed criminal acts. The Judiciary committee votes to recommend an impeachment and produces articles of impeachment to the full House, to which the full House votes on. The House jumped the shark and didn't wait for articles of impeachment in this case. They simply voted to recognize the ongoing inquiry.

A vote in the full House is an official impeachment and is sent to the Senate for trial. None of this has happened. THEY ARE LYING TO US ABOUT WHAT THIS IS AND WHAT THE EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT IS!!!!

Turns out the "transcript" isn't a transcript. Also turns out it isn't complete, or even really honest.

Lol, conspiracy nutter as well.

Witness testimony, not conspiracy theory.

There's a difference, but I guess you don't understand that.

Lol, again with rationalizing bullshit rules meant to let the dems make bullshit statements without any backup.

That you call any refutation "conspiracy" without even getting into what is being refuted, or who would refute it, just shows you don't want an open process, and neither do dems.

They want news soundbites and ammo for their base.
No, it's actually witness testimony.


I heard this guy who saw this guy who overheard this guy say this"
What are you talking about? Amendments?

Right now they cannot call witnesses and can only ask questions approved by dems due to the inquiry law that PASSED
They can call witnesses.

They won't be allowed to derail the process with stupid conspiracy theories.

They can only call witnesses approved by the Democrats.

Again you have to go with half truths to make your point.

Not. They won't be allowed to derail the proceedings with crazy conspiracy theories. Without that rule they'd have Rudy up there spouting nonsense for days.

So anything the Republicans will bring up is a conspiracy?

So much for wanting an open process. It figures. Progressives only can function when other ideas or concepts are banned.

Such nice wibble snowflakes you are.
No, not anything, everything.

Just kidding.

But do you really want this to be about an imaginary server in the Ukraine or do you want to get this over with?

Nice dodge, oxygen thief.

The fact you can't actually reply shows your hand.

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