Everyone Is At the Brink with Biden Now


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The Ruling Class is starting to crack due to the immense, humiliating catastrophe of our Absentee President:

@idreesali114 (@Reuters Foreign Policy Correspondent covering the Pentagon)
Nearly a half dozen U.S. officials (across the administration) tell Reuters that there is increasing frustration and even anger with the way Biden has handled the evacuation from Kabul, saying his White House wasted too much time in the months leading up to last week.
Officials say the military for weeks had been telling the White House that they were ready to do more, in terms of basing and flights from evacuating Afghans, but a decision didn't come until it was too late.

The Ruling Class is starting to crack due to the immense, humiliating catastrophe of our Absentee President:

@idreesali114 (@Reuters Foreign Policy Correspondent covering the Pentagon)
Nearly a half dozen U.S. officials (across the administration) tell Reuters that there is increasing frustration and even anger with the way Biden has handled the evacuation from Kabul, saying his White House wasted too much time in the months leading up to last week.
Officials say the military for weeks had been telling the White House that they were ready to do more, in terms of basing and flights from evacuating Afghans, but a decision didn't come until it was too late.

Biden waited until it was a catastrophe so he could authorize immediately bringing tens of thousands of Afghans here as "refugees", with no passports, no documentation, and, most importantly, no Covid testing.
Maybe start with who he chose for his intelligence operations there. It would seem his security advisers may not have been warranted the positions they held. Yale grads over military or CIA experience wouldn't be my approach to such vital positions.

He is right though, 20 years is far too long. China, Pakistan and Russia were just biding their time, collecting intel and probably recruiting from the Afghan leaders with promises of riches once the Taliban took over again.
Biden blamed Trump, then blamed the Afghani's themselves, and never took responsibility for his sucky exit strategy.

Onwards and forwards! And don't forget to keep your kneepads nearby.
Promise made, promise kept.


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The Ruling Class is starting to crack due to the immense, humiliating catastrophe of our Absentee President:

@idreesali114 (@Reuters Foreign Policy Correspondent covering the Pentagon)
Nearly a half dozen U.S. officials (across the administration) tell Reuters that there is increasing frustration and even anger with the way Biden has handled the evacuation from Kabul, saying his White House wasted too much time in the months leading up to last week.
Officials say the military for weeks had been telling the White House that they were ready to do more, in terms of basing and flights from evacuating Afghans, but a decision didn't come until it was too late.

Xi is on team Joe! Thank you for handing me Afghanistan!!
Announcing September 11, 2021 as the end date, during 'fighting season' in Afghanistan, was the height of stupid Joe and his stupid administration.

Announcing September 11, 2021 as the end date, during 'fighting season' in Afghanistan, was the height of stupid Joe and his stupid administration.

Biden is a mass murderer or Americans,their blood is on his hands.

Trump made a deal with the Taliban that the U.S. would be out by May 1st. Biden extended the timeline. You should be criticizing Biden for making the troops stay longer than they would have if Trump was still president. There hasn't been an American soldier killed in Afghanistan in a year and the Taliban said they will renew attacks on the U.S. if all the troops aren't out by May 1st. What Biden just did endangered American lives. The democrats should be condemned for doing this, not applauded. If democratic voters cared about America, and the lives of fellow Americans, then they would condemn the democrats for not getting all the troops out of Afghanistan within the next two weeks rather than celebrating the fact he just endangered the lives of Americans to an organization that committed the worst terrorist attack in America in the nation's history.

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