Everyone is dancing around the truth in the Sandra Bland arrest. What happened is obvious.

Cop says get out of the car, you get out of the car. If the cop says stand on one leg and bark like a dog, you stand on one leg and bark like a dog.

If you take issue with it, remember it's being recorded, and sue them after the fact.

If the cop says stand on one leg and bark like a dog, you stand on one leg and bark like a dog.

Not gonna happen. If you want a police state, that's what you do. I don't want a police state.

Well then, give the cop a hard time, and go to jail. I don't care.
She didn't give the cop a hard time. He gave her a hard time.

The cop was certainly more unreasonable than she was.

He was out of line, but she clearly exacerbated the situation.
It's like you get pulled over for speeding and the police officer is going to give you a ticket so you get pissed off and start being nasty with him because he's making you late for something important. Guess what? He's not only going to give you that ticket...he's going to take as long as he can to write it because he KNOWS that you're late for something important! Your actions have created a dynamic where an inconvenient situation is only made worse and the person most to blame for that is YOU.
Rdean, she failed to follow the rules and she got what she deserved. Follow the rules and this sort of stuff doesn't happen

I'm 4 years old and have never gotten a movie g violation or been arrested. Why the cast majority of Americans can't say the same thing suggests to me that the biggest problem in thus country is likely it's citizens.
She didn't use a turn signal so she deserved to die. Never heard that "rule" applied to a white person, have you?

God but you're clueless! She took her own life. She went to jail because she decided to give a police officer attitude over a warning that she was being issued. Was it a ticky tack traffic stop? Getting pulled over for not signalling a lane change? Hell yeah, it was but that's what police officers DO! I'm making a guess that the area this took place in is being targeted by the police, which means they're stopping every vehicle that they can for whatever reason they can. I've been pulled over by the police many times in just the same way. They talk to you, ask you where it is you're going, check your info, then they issue you a warning and you're on your way. Is it a pain in the ass sitting there on the side of the road while they check you out? Hell, yeah it is but you're an idiot if you decide that the intelligent thing to do is to get in the cop's face for stopping you. Get this through your head...that cop isn't looking for YOU...he or she is looking for BAD GUYS DOING BAD STUFF! They ARE going to let you go on your way with a warning. They don't want to cite you! They don't want to arrest you! Look at it this way...if they see you again...they're probably going to remember you as that person who didn't come back with priors or outstanding warrants. You're one of the GOOD GUYS! The kind of people that police officers like!

Ok. I agree up to the point the cop lost his shit. Even his boss said he didn't follow procedure. What was she arrested for?
The cop had all of the control. You can't arrest someone for being a smartass. That's on video as well. The cop has an obligation to be professional as well since it's being recorders and all. Otherwise he is a liability.
Why you all defer to the cops is beyond me.

You obviously CAN arrest someone for being a smartass! It happens every day. Does it get tossed out of court every day as well? Yes, it does. That doesn't mean that you haven't had your ass hauled to jail! My point was why are you even bothering to be a smartass in the first place? It's counter productive. You give an idiot cop the reason they need to arrest you. You make a good cop's shift worse than it needs to be. Being polite while interacting with a police officer isn't "deferring" to them...it's simply using your head.

The cop is on camera as well. Their behavior is scrutinized as well. This is why every officer in America needs a bodycam. Smartass is not a charge.
Cop says get out of the car, you get out of the car. If the cop says stand on one leg and bark like a dog, you stand on one leg and bark like a dog.

If you take issue with it, remember it's being recorded, and sue them after the fact.

If the cop says stand on one leg and bark like a dog, you stand on one leg and bark like a dog.

Not gonna happen. If you want a police state, that's what you do. I don't want a police state.

Well then, give the cop a hard time, and go to jail. I don't care.
She didn't give the cop a hard time. He gave her a hard time.

The cop was certainly more unreasonable than she was.

He was out of line, but she clearly exacerbated the situation.

In response to his exacerbation.
Police are trained to diffuse tension. Not to create or perpetuate it.

Why are you all afraid to hold police to a better standard.
Be civil with police officers. They aren't the enemy. They have to deal with the dregs of our society each and every day. Treat them with respect and they'll reciprocate. Treat them with disrespect and they will use their authority to make your day a bad one. Your choice...
If the cop says stand on one leg and bark like a dog, you stand on one leg and bark like a dog.

Not gonna happen. If you want a police state, that's what you do. I don't want a police state.

Well then, give the cop a hard time, and go to jail. I don't care.
She didn't give the cop a hard time. He gave her a hard time.

The cop was certainly more unreasonable than she was.

He was out of line, but she clearly exacerbated the situation.

In response to his exacerbation.
Police are trained to diffuse tension. Not to create or perpetuate it.

Why are you all afraid to hold police to a better standard.

Why would you want to create tension with a police officer?
It's like you get pulled over for speeding and the police officer is going to give you a ticket so you get pissed off and start being nasty with him because he's making you late for something important. Guess what? He's not only going to give you that ticket...he's going to take as long as he can to write it because he KNOWS that you're late for something important! Your actions have created a dynamic where an inconvenient situation is only made worse and the person most to blame for that is YOU.

And you're ok with that? Should our police be so petty and adversarial with the average citizen? I would think most people are not happy in the least to be hasseled.
Be civil with police officers. They aren't the enemy. They have to deal with the dregs of our society each and every day. Treat them with respect and they'll reciprocate. Treat them with disrespect and they will use their authority to make your day a bad one. Your choice...

Works both ways especially since I'm not a dreg and I pay more towards the officer's paycheck than he does.
Well then, give the cop a hard time, and go to jail. I don't care.
She didn't give the cop a hard time. He gave her a hard time.

The cop was certainly more unreasonable than she was.

He was out of line, but she clearly exacerbated the situation.

In response to his exacerbation.
Police are trained to diffuse tension. Not to create or perpetuate it.

Why are you all afraid to hold police to a better standard.

Why would you want to create tension with a police officer?

Why would he? Especially when he already intended on a warning?
I think the subsequent actions say more about the officer than the subject.
I'm baffled by this concept that the police should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us.

Try this out, Hutch...go to the Registry of Motor Vehicles and treat that person behind the counter like they're something you just scraped off the bottom of your shoe and see what happens. I guarantee that whatever you brought with you to get that new license or register that new vehicle isn't going to satisfy Registry "requirements".

Anyone who deals with people in the real world regularly knows that being cordial gets you better results than being an asshole.
Be civil with police officers. They aren't the enemy. They have to deal with the dregs of our society each and every day. Treat them with respect and they'll reciprocate. Treat them with disrespect and they will use their authority to make your day a bad one. Your choice...

Works both ways especially since I'm not a dreg and I pay more towards the officer's paycheck than he does.

I have quite a few police officer friends, Hutch and if there's one thing that EVERY idiot they deal with spouts at some point...it's that THEY pay the officer's paycheck! Police LOVE that! Make sure you tell every cop that pulls you over that he or she is really working for you!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
I certainly wouldn't let a loved one languish in jail for 3 days, especially if I knew she was already suicidal. Wtf is wrong with that family?

All of a sudden she's their loving sister or whatever. They're so full of shit!
They wait now for their lawyer and their million dollar civil suit.

But the cop was right. Only one more lawsuit for the taxpayers. Maybe they should spend the $ on training or a headhunter to find better cops.
I'm baffled by this concept that the police should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us.

Try this out, Hutch...go to the Registry of Motor Vehicles and treat that person behind the counter like they're something you just scraped off the bottom of your shoe and see what happens. I guarantee that whatever you brought with you to get that new license or register that new vehicle isn't going to satisfy Registry "requirements".

Anyone who deals with people in the real world regularly knows that being cordial gets you better results than being an asshole.

Look fool. I'm a veteran. I've acted under rules of engagement. Those are orders that carry great responsibility as well as great consequence. Violate them and you had better have a rock solid excuse or that's your ass. That should be the standard for cops.They hold the public trust.Without that, nothing works. If I was able to meet that standard without exception at 19 or 20 years old than what excuse does a 15 or 20 year veteran of Shitstain PD have?
I'm baffled by this concept that the police should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us.

Try this out, Hutch...go to the Registry of Motor Vehicles and treat that person behind the counter like they're something you just scraped off the bottom of your shoe and see what happens. I guarantee that whatever you brought with you to get that new license or register that new vehicle isn't going to satisfy Registry "requirements".

Anyone who deals with people in the real world regularly knows that being cordial gets you better results than being an asshole.

Look I'm not advocating people be assholes. I get it. I'm always cordial and have never had a bad experience. That's not to say that the police in any way have the right to fuck me because I was a smartass. It baffles me why you would be ok with that.
Be civil with police officers. They aren't the enemy. They have to deal with the dregs of our society each and every day. Treat them with respect and they'll reciprocate. Treat them with disrespect and they will use their authority to make your day a bad one. Your choice...

Works both ways especially since I'm not a dreg and I pay more towards the officer's paycheck than he does.

Oh yes, let him know how much you make and pay toward his salary, then he can write you an appropriate ticket.
[...] I've been pulled over by the police many times in just the same way. They talk to you, ask you where it is you're going, check your info, then they issue you a warning and you're on your way.

So you get pulled over for failing to signal a lane change and the cop wants to know "where it is you're going," and you're okay with that?

I won't criticize you if you are willing to tell the cop where you're going, or where you've been, or why, or whatever intrusive assault on your privacy he chooses to impose, because you'd prefer to get a warning instead of a summons. In the proper mood I might be inclined to do the same. But wouldn't you prefer that the cop is not equipped with the power of judging whether you get a warning or a summons based on his personal disposition toward you?

Warnings in the example of minor traffic infractions are typically issued to individuals who have clean driving records -- which should be the only criterion for determining who gets a warning rather than a summons. It should not be up to the cop. Because cops are cops -- not judges. And a basic psychological principle in delegating authority, such as police authority, is recipients are likely to autonomously expand to the next higher level if not diligently supervised.

If a cop is allowed to tell a driver he pulls over for a minor traffic infraction to put his/her cigarette out, he soon will be asking where they are going, or where they've been, and with who, or whatever else might occur to him when in fact it is none of his business.

If a cop pulls you over for failing to signal a turn, unless there is some evidence of something illegal he has no right to assert his authority beyond that which is necessary to facilitate his immediate purpose, which is issuing a warning or a summons for the traffic infraction he observed.

This is so because America is not a police state.

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I'm baffled by this concept that the police should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us.

Try this out, Hutch...go to the Registry of Motor Vehicles and treat that person behind the counter like they're something you just scraped off the bottom of your shoe and see what happens. I guarantee that whatever you brought with you to get that new license or register that new vehicle isn't going to satisfy Registry "requirements".

Anyone who deals with people in the real world regularly knows that being cordial gets you better results than being an asshole.

Look fool. I'm a veteran. I've acted under rules of engagement. Those are orders that carry great responsibility as well as great consequence. Violate them and you had better have a rock solid excuse or that's your ass. That should be the standard for cops.They hold the public trust.Without that, nothing works. If I was able to meet that standard without exception at 19 or 20 years old than what excuse does a 15 or 20 year veteran of Shitstain PD have?

Great superior attitude there bub, I hope they don't treat you the way you feel about them, asshole.
Husband said it's a Class A misdemeanor and usually a bail of $1,500- $2,000....that may vary from state to state
it's been 10 years since I got my butt locked up, but you only need 10% if I remember right.

I think so, I've never been locked up....and never want to be locked up. That would ruin my day
Hell where I live now they lock you up for the night for the stupidest charges, The last time I got locked up for was "breach of peace " what ever that means

It's all a money game. Here they lock homeless people up for public intoxication, the fine is $75 or so many hours community service which they do cleaning public parks. You see lot's of homeless people cleaning up parks
yea I know, don't understand why someone don't clean up this out of control judicial system and go back to the constitution, hell they are using the civil court down here to lock away folks for 6 months for non payment of child support, no work release and no public defender because again they classify it a civil suit.

They get money from the feds for doing it, it's ridiculous.

Makes sense to lock folks up because they can't pay or then work to pay either. Sounds like debtors prison to me.
I'm baffled by this concept that the police should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us.

Try this out, Hutch...go to the Registry of Motor Vehicles and treat that person behind the counter like they're something you just scraped off the bottom of your shoe and see what happens. I guarantee that whatever you brought with you to get that new license or register that new vehicle isn't going to satisfy Registry "requirements".

Anyone who deals with people in the real world regularly knows that being cordial gets you better results than being an asshole.

Look fool. I'm a veteran. I've acted under rules of engagement. Those are orders that carry great responsibility as well as great consequence. Violate them and you had better have a rock solid excuse or that's your ass. That should be the standard for cops.They hold the public trust.Without that, nothing works. If I was able to meet that standard without exception at 19 or 20 years old than what excuse does a 15 or 20 year veteran of Shitstain PD have?

Great superior attitude there bub, I hope they don't treat you the way you feel about them, asshole.

That's my hope as well.
She didnt get arrested for a traffic violation. But you knew that.

No, she got arrested for not respecting the White Man.

Than why did you say she got arrested for a traffic violation?
No need to answer...we know why.

Because try as you might to spin this, there's really no excuse for what this cop did.

None at all.

And the only reason why THIS bogus arrest is getting attention is because the girl killed herself or someone else killed her in jail.

What a dumbass..
No body killed her,and had she just acted civilized she wouldnt have been arrested in the first place.
Stop defending people who behave badly.

Including the officer!

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