Everyone is dancing around the truth in the Sandra Bland arrest. What happened is obvious.

Husband said it's a Class A misdemeanor and usually a bail of $1,500- $2,000....that may vary from state to state
it's been 10 years since I got my butt locked up, but you only need 10% if I remember right.

I think so, I've never been locked up....and never want to be locked up. That would ruin my day
Hell where I live now they lock you up for the night for the stupidest charges, The last time I got locked up for was "breach of peace " what ever that means

It's all a money game. Here they lock homeless people up for public intoxication, the fine is $75 or so many hours community service which they do cleaning public parks. You see lot's of homeless people cleaning up parks
yea I know, don't understand why someone don't clean up this out of control judicial system and go back to the constitution, hell they are using the civil court down here to lock away folks for 6 months for non payment of child support, no work release and no public defender because again they classify it a civil suit.

They get money from the feds for doing it, it's ridiculous.

I have mixed feelings on child support, but I've never understood locking them up for months, nobody is getting money doing that
She got mouthy and resisted arrest. Don't arrest and you live in a lawless state.

well, here's the thing about that.

We lock up 2 million people in this country, and we have the highest crime rates in the INdustrialized world. we also have another 7 million on probation or parole.

The other Industrialized Democracies - Europe and Japan - only lock up those who actually NEED to be locked up. You know, people who are actually dangerous. Germany only locks up 78,000 people. Japan only locks up 69,000. And oddly, they don't have a huge problem with crime like we do.

sorry, no justification for locking someone up because she got "mouthy".
She didnt get arrested for a traffic violation. But you knew that.

No, she got arrested for not respecting the White Man.

Than why did you say she got arrested for a traffic violation?
No need to answer...we know why.

Because try as you might to spin this, there's really no excuse for what this cop did.

None at all.

And the only reason why THIS bogus arrest is getting attention is because the girl killed herself or someone else killed her in jail.
She got mouthy and resisted arrest. Don't arrest and you live in a lawless state.

well, here's the thing about that.

We lock up 2 million people in this country, and we have the highest crime rates in the INdustrialized world. we also have another 7 million on probation or parole.

The other Industrialized Democracies - Europe and Japan - only lock up those who actually NEED to be locked up. You know, people who are actually dangerous. Germany only locks up 78,000 people. Japan only locks up 69,000. And oddly, they don't have a huge problem with crime like we do.

sorry, no justification for locking someone up because she got "mouthy".

Ever stop to think they dont have as many "criminals"?
it's been 10 years since I got my butt locked up, but you only need 10% if I remember right.

I think so, I've never been locked up....and never want to be locked up. That would ruin my day
Hell where I live now they lock you up for the night for the stupidest charges, The last time I got locked up for was "breach of peace " what ever that means

It's all a money game. Here they lock homeless people up for public intoxication, the fine is $75 or so many hours community service which they do cleaning public parks. You see lot's of homeless people cleaning up parks
yea I know, don't understand why someone don't clean up this out of control judicial system and go back to the constitution, hell they are using the civil court down here to lock away folks for 6 months for non payment of child support, no work release and no public defender because again they classify it a civil suit.

They get money from the feds for doing it, it's ridiculous.

I have mixed feelings on child support, but I've never understood locking them up for months, nobody is getting money doing that
Its getting even weirder, last time I heard at the local jail, they are even starting to charge inmates room and board. How does that work? By law they can only hold them for 6 months and have to release.

By the way lass I thought America got rid of debtors prisions in the 18th century
Ever stop to think they dont have as many "criminals"?

No, i never thought of that at all. Most of what we lock people up for wouldn't be considered crimes in Europe, or they'd be resolved with a fine.

But they haven't turned prisons into a big business like we have.
She didnt get arrested for a traffic violation. But you knew that.

No, she got arrested for not respecting the White Man.

Than why did you say she got arrested for a traffic violation?
No need to answer...we know why.

Because try as you might to spin this, there's really no excuse for what this cop did.

None at all.

And the only reason why THIS bogus arrest is getting attention is because the girl killed herself or someone else killed her in jail.

What a dumbass..
No body killed her,and had she just acted civilized she wouldnt have been arrested in the first place.
Stop defending people who behave badly.
Ever stop to think they dont have as many "criminals"?

No, i never thought of that at all. Most of what we lock people up for wouldn't be considered crimes in Europe, or they'd be resolved with a fine.

But they haven't turned prisons into a big business like we have.

There are many countries out there that have much harsher penalties for drugs than we do.
And what good is fining someone when they wont pay it? So what do you do than,pretty please?
Thats the problem with you liberals,it's always someone else's fault when you fuck up.
What a dumbass..
No body killed her,and had she just acted civilized she wouldnt have been arrested in the first place.
Stop defending people who behave badly.

This is America. You have a right to behave badly.

frankly, i watch this tape, and the Cop was totally in the wrong. she had every right to be upset.
There are many countries out there that have much harsher penalties for drugs than we do.
And what good is fining someone when they wont pay it? So what do you do than,pretty please?
Thats the problem with you liberals,it's always someone else's fault when you fuck up.

I wasn't talking about third world shit holes that shoot people for drugs.

I was talking about Western Industrial Democracies, just like ours.

If you think locking up 2 million people is a good policy, I think you probably have a problem.
She didnt get arrested for a traffic violation. But you knew that.

No, she got arrested for not respecting the White Man.

Than why did you say she got arrested for a traffic violation?
No need to answer...we know why.

Because try as you might to spin this, there's really no excuse for what this cop did.

None at all.

And the only reason why THIS bogus arrest is getting attention is because the girl killed herself or someone else killed her in jail.

What a dumbass..
No body killed her,and had she just acted civilized she wouldnt have been arrested in the first place.
Stop defending people who behave badly.
How many times you got pulled over for not using a turn signal?

I never did, but then again I always use them and when I drive and see a cop on my tail, I pull in to the nearest gas station or something and not let him tail me.
I think so, I've never been locked up....and never want to be locked up. That would ruin my day
Hell where I live now they lock you up for the night for the stupidest charges, The last time I got locked up for was "breach of peace " what ever that means

It's all a money game. Here they lock homeless people up for public intoxication, the fine is $75 or so many hours community service which they do cleaning public parks. You see lot's of homeless people cleaning up parks
yea I know, don't understand why someone don't clean up this out of control judicial system and go back to the constitution, hell they are using the civil court down here to lock away folks for 6 months for non payment of child support, no work release and no public defender because again they classify it a civil suit.

They get money from the feds for doing it, it's ridiculous.

I have mixed feelings on child support, but I've never understood locking them up for months, nobody is getting money doing that
Its getting even weirder, last time I heard at the local jail, they are even starting to charge inmates room and board. How does that work? By law they can only hold them for 6 months and have to release.

By the way lass I thought America got rid of debtors prisions in the 18th century

we charge room and board out here

jail time is meant to suck
What a dumbass..
No body killed her,and had she just acted civilized she wouldnt have been arrested in the first place.
Stop defending people who behave badly.

This is America. You have a right to behave badly.

frankly, i watch this tape, and the Cop was totally in the wrong. she had every right to be upset.

Really? What did she have to be upset about? I mean other than being a nut job.

You have an articulate and good looking black woman who probably came from up north some where and you have a very red neck white officer with that hickey kind of country accent. He's probably spent his entire life within 10 miles of where that incident took place. I bet he has a half dozen confederate T shirts.

For some reason, and you can see it here on the USMB, conservatives and right wingers believe you should just give up every right you have and instantly jump at what a police officer says, no matter the circumstances, or you get what you deserve. Especially if you are black, Hispanic, gay or some other minority. It's an example of the ultimate police state.

So he stops her for not using her turn signal. Of course she should use her turn signal, that's what it's there for. He should have just given her a ticket or a warning. And if it was some other white with that hickey accent, you know he would have only given a verbal warning if he had bothered to stop them.

And I'll tell you something else. I have relatives in the deep south that I spent some vacations and a couple of summers with growing up. I speak perfect "Yawl (or as some USMB members insist, "ya'll"), and I have been stopped because my license is from out of state and I just start talking Yawl and they suddenly talk very nice and have never given me a ticket.

Clearly that officer provoked her and escalated the situation with "put out your cigarette" and "step out of the car" and arresting her. It wasn't that he wanted her respect. He wanted her to cower and shuffle and she wasn't having it. So in his tiny and racist little mind, he was teaching her a lesson and it was within his right to teach her that lesson no matter what the actual law said because of who he was, the uniform he was wearing and who she was. In that part of the country, it's the "natural order" of things.

Yo, yes, don`t mess with Texas! Also, you Socialist need to think (if you can?) before you come to the South, we obey Laws down here!!!

View attachment 45596

Just remember your own words cracker when the shoe is on the other foot, The white south will have to be taught another lesson, as it seems the first one didn't take
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She didnt get arrested for a traffic violation. But you knew that.

No, she got arrested for not respecting the White Man.

Than why did you say she got arrested for a traffic violation?
No need to answer...we know why.

Because try as you might to spin this, there's really no excuse for what this cop did.

None at all.

And the only reason why THIS bogus arrest is getting attention is because the girl killed herself or someone else killed her in jail.

What a dumbass..
No body killed her,and had she just acted civilized she wouldnt have been arrested in the first place.
Stop defending people who behave badly.
How many times you got pulled over for not using a turn signal?

I never did, but then again I always use them and when I drive and see a cop on my tail, I pull in to the nearest gas station or something and not let him tail me.

I always signal. And I just ignore em if they're behind me,although you always get that little flash of adrenaline when you first spot em.
Hell where I live now they lock you up for the night for the stupidest charges, The last time I got locked up for was "breach of peace " what ever that means

It's all a money game. Here they lock homeless people up for public intoxication, the fine is $75 or so many hours community service which they do cleaning public parks. You see lot's of homeless people cleaning up parks
yea I know, don't understand why someone don't clean up this out of control judicial system and go back to the constitution, hell they are using the civil court down here to lock away folks for 6 months for non payment of child support, no work release and no public defender because again they classify it a civil suit.

They get money from the feds for doing it, it's ridiculous.

I have mixed feelings on child support, but I've never understood locking them up for months, nobody is getting money doing that
Its getting even weirder, last time I heard at the local jail, they are even starting to charge inmates room and board. How does that work? By law they can only hold them for 6 months and have to release.

By the way lass I thought America got rid of debtors prisions in the 18th century

we charge room and board out here

jail time is meant to suck
all the times I been in Jail we had cable and stuff, it was a country club, how the hell can you lock up misdemeanors and let them wait around for a judge or magistrate and charge them room and board before being found guilty?
Hell where I live now they lock you up for the night for the stupidest charges, The last time I got locked up for was "breach of peace " what ever that means

It's all a money game. Here they lock homeless people up for public intoxication, the fine is $75 or so many hours community service which they do cleaning public parks. You see lot's of homeless people cleaning up parks
yea I know, don't understand why someone don't clean up this out of control judicial system and go back to the constitution, hell they are using the civil court down here to lock away folks for 6 months for non payment of child support, no work release and no public defender because again they classify it a civil suit.

They get money from the feds for doing it, it's ridiculous.

I have mixed feelings on child support, but I've never understood locking them up for months, nobody is getting money doing that
Its getting even weirder, last time I heard at the local jail, they are even starting to charge inmates room and board. How does that work? By law they can only hold them for 6 months and have to release.

By the way lass I thought America got rid of debtors prisions in the 18th century

we charge room and board out here

jail time is meant to suck
Iowa or florida?

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