Everything They Do Is Fake - Just Political Theater

Yet another pointless anti-masking thread. So what if these people take off their masks? They're all vaccinated, and you're NOT. I take my mask off when I'm with other people I know to be vaccinated too, and I put my mask on when I go anywhere there are people I know are unvaccinated.

Instead of posting propaganda bullshit and lies from the Gateway Pundit, pushing hate against Democrats, against every Christian principle you claim to hold dear, Tree, why don't you use common sense, decency, and good manners, and stop being a busy body, concerned with what others are doing.

What are YOU doing to prevent the spread of covid? Other than posting Russian propaganda, bullshit and lies on this message board?

I swear, conservatives have turned into total busy bodies who gossip daily about what the neighbours are doing, instead of living their own best lives in accordance with good health habits, science and just common sense.

When you refuse to do something simply because the other side suggests it, you look stupid and petty, which in your case is an accurate reflection.
Oh shut the hell up. If the vaccine is so important why did Old Man Joe exempt the Postal Workers? Their union must have threatened to hold the donations. You libatards are hypocrites.
Everything they do
Everything they say
Is ALL a lie and is
evidence they are out to con you.
I agree completely about Pelosi, but I can't help wondering why you don't hold "Don the Con" to the same standards?

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"In June 2016, USA Today published an analysis of litigation involving Donald Trump, which found that over the previous three decades Trump and his businesses have been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal and state courts, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate."

How shocking. One innocent photo exposes the whole clandestine agenda. Why didn't you alert the electorate to your evidence before? It could have saved trump from the political sewer.
How shocking. One innocent photo exposes the whole clandestine agenda. Why didn't you alert the electorate to your evidence before? It could have saved trump from the political sewer.

Actually, you people have been caught doing this dozens of time since the pandemic began. That's how we know it's all bullshit.
I don't have issues with dating beautiful women, but apparently this is a sore spot with you. Life isn't about getting laid, or getting more money or toys than the next guy. It's about proving yourself worthy of The Afterlife, and from what I see many of you Godless heathens are going to fall short, and so are a lot of people who claim to know God.

When judgment day comes, the Hypocrite will be cast in to Hell with The Atheist, The Idolater and Blasphemer.

I advise you to not be counted among any of those groups.

Dating beautiful women isn't the problem, unless your wife objects. But it demonstrates in spades that you are willing to make promises that you're not prepared to keep to anyone, including the woman you claim to love. It shows you're selfish, and self-centred, and untrustworthy. If the vows you took before God have no meaning to you, of what value are the promises you made to voters.

It's really hypocritical of you to claim that God would not have allowed Trump to be president if he hadn't been chosen by God, but Biden, Pelosi, and all of the other elected Democrats you condemn as evil would not have been elected unless they were also chosen by God, and you revile them.

You keep trying to suck and blow at the same time, and this is why religion and politics simply do not mix and Jesus told us that. His kingdom is NOT of this world, and you applying your sick and twisted version of Christianity, which violates everything that Jesus taught us about how to treat others, is just another political cult.
Actually, you people have been caught doing this dozens of time since the pandemic began. That's how we know it's all bullshit.

And yet none of these people get sick, while the Trumplings immediately had an outbreak at Mar-a-lago the moment Trump moved in.

Could it be that being vaxxed and routinely practicing good public health measures actually works????

No couldn't be.
And yet none of these people get sick, while the Trumplings immediately had an outbreak at Mar-a-lago the moment Trump moved in.

Could it be that being vaxxed and routinely practicing good public health measures actually works????

No couldn't be.

What are you talking about, nutjob? Obama's super spreader party caused a 700% spike in Covid cases on Martha's Vineyard. The hospital there was overwhelmed. Did Rachel Maddow not tell you that? LOL
And yet none of these people get sick, while the Trumplings immediately had an outbreak at Mar-a-lago the moment Trump moved in.

Could it be that being vaxxed and routinely practicing good public health measures actually works????

No couldn't be.
Faux Xiden Regime
Dating beautiful women isn't the problem, unless your wife objects. But it demonstrates in spades that you are willing to make promises that you're not prepared to keep to anyone, including the woman you claim to love. It shows you're selfish, and self-centred, and untrustworthy. If the vows you took before God have no meaning to you, of what value are the promises you made to voters.

It's really hypocritical of you to claim that God would not have allowed Trump to be president if he hadn't been chosen by God, but Biden, Pelosi, and all of the other elected Democrats you condemn as evil would not have been elected unless they were also chosen by God, and you revile them.

You keep trying to suck and blow at the same time, and this is why religion and politics simply do not mix and Jesus told us that. His kingdom is NOT of this world, and you applying your sick and twisted version of Christianity, which violates everything that Jesus taught us about how to treat others, is just another political cult.
God allows Evil men to lead a nation as a judgment.
God allows Good men to lead a nation if they repent to delay judgment.

God made Pharoah as a Vessel of Wrath just as me made Moses a Redeemer.

You say you see but you are blind.
Oh shut the hell up. If the vaccine is so important why did Old Man Joe exempt the Postal Workers? Their union must have threatened to hold the donations. You libatards are hypocrites.

Why are you so opposed to stuff that works????? Like vaccines and masks??? Do you want this pandemic to continue forever? Sure does seem like you're trying to kill your own voters.
And yet none of these people get sick, while the Trumplings immediately had an outbreak at Mar-a-lago the moment Trump moved in.

Could it be that being vaxxed and routinely practicing good public health measures actually works????

No couldn't be.
More people are vaccinated now more than ever. People who are nurses and doctors who worked through COVID are now being fired because they refuse the vaccine.

This is the insane hypocrisy of The Left who's newest false Idol now is Science, a mask, a vaccine and a mandate and none of that will save any of them from the flames of Hell nor delay the prescribed day of their death.

You idolaters have made Science your Religion, and Humanism your doctrine.

Yee are a god unto yourselves yet you cannot even redeem a single one of yourselves from judgment.

Blind Fools Leading The Blind right in to The Pit of Hell.
How can any reasonably intelligent adult look at today's political landscape, and NOT conclude that professional politicians on both sides of the aisle are blatantly intellectually dishonest on a regular basis?

It doesn't matter if you (obediently) pretend the "other" side is even "worse". Hold your OWN side accountable. Otherwise all you're doing is playing the same fucking game and enabling their worst behaviors.

"Those other guys are dishonest". What a load of shit.

^^^This why Pelosi and company keep making a mockery of their supporters. They KNOW they will NEVER be called out on it.
^^^This why Pelosi and company keep making a mockery of their supporters. They KNOW they will NEVER be called out on it.
^^^ This is why Trump and company keep making a mockery of their supporters. They KNOW they will NEVER be called out on it.
^^^ This is why Trump and company keep making a mockery of their supporters. They KNOW they will NEVER be called out on it.

I'll just note you didn't disagree with me. And, bonus where you compare yourself to a Trump supporter. LOL
Actually, you people have been caught doing this dozens of time since the pandemic began. That's how we know it's all bullshit.

Dozens of times? Shocking but you dine nothing about it?
There's the evidence to launch a class action.
I notice everyone else who had a mask on were all republicans? You didn't notice?
Both of tunnel vision there son.

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