Everything They Do Is Fake - Just Political Theater

What was the super spreader event?
You are looking at it. Barry held his own super Spreader event, telling everyone that the elitist leftists are immune because they are 'sophisticated'. Yeah, it turned into a super Spreader event.

These assholes welcomed the TX Dem FLEE-Baggers to DC....again,their shit don't stink & they don't have covid....bam - super Spreader Event.

I hope everyone of themin the photo come down with it...
But yes they should have left them on while in public. promotes mask wearing in public places. & yes know they were out side.
But the hypocrite, political theatric fake bastards can only hide their hypocrisy for so long....
Not just her, but the entire group of people immediately took those masks off when they thought no one was looking. They disgust me. Lying pieces of DemNazi 666 Globalist Trash.

Yet another pointless anti-masking thread. So what if these people take off their masks? They're all vaccinated, and you're NOT. I take my mask off when I'm with other people I know to be vaccinated too, and I put my mask on when I go anywhere there are people I know are unvaccinated.

Instead of posting propaganda bullshit and lies from the Gateway Pundit, pushing hate against Democrats, against every Christian principle you claim to hold dear, Tree, why don't you use common sense, decency, and good manners, and stop being a busy body, concerned with what others are doing.

What are YOU doing to prevent the spread of covid? Other than posting Russian propaganda, bullshit and lies on this message board?

I swear, conservatives have turned into total busy bodies who gossip daily about what the neighbours are doing, instead of living their own best lives in accordance with good health habits, science and just common sense.

When you refuse to do something simply because the other side suggests it, you look stupid and petty, which in your case is an accurate reflection.
You are looking at it. Barry held his own super Spreader event, telling everyone that the elitist leftists are immune because they are 'sophisticated'. Yeah, it turned into a super Spreader event.

These assholes welcomed the TX Dem FLEE-Baggers to DC....again,their shit don't stink & they don't have covid....bam - super Spreader Event.

I hope everyone of themin the photo come down with it...

Oh, OK. So a super spreader event when everybody wore masks most of the time and they are all vaccinated. Go it.
Yet another pointless anti-masking thread. So what if these people take off their masks? They're all vaccinated, and you're NOT. I take my mask off when I'm with other people I know to be vaccinated too, and I put my mask on when I go anywhere there are people I know are unvaccinated.

Instead of posting propaganda bullshit and lies from the Gateway Pundit, pushing hate against Democrats, against every Christian principle you claim to hold dear, Tree, why don't you use common sense, decency, and good manners, and stop being a busy body, concerned with what others are doing.

What are YOU doing to prevent the spread of covid? Other than posting Russian propaganda, bullshit and lies on this message board?

I swear, conservatives have turned into total busy bodies who gossip daily about what the neighbours are doing, instead of living their own best lives in accordance with good health habits, science and just common sense.

When you refuse to do something simply because the other side suggests it, you look stupid and petty, which in your case is an accurate reflection.

Put your two masks and face shield back on and shut the fuck up.
Yet another pointless anti-masking thread. So what if these people take off their masks? They're all vaccinated, and you're NOT. I take my mask off when I'm with other people I know to be vaccinated too, and I put my mask on when I go anywhere there are people I know are unvaccinated.

Instead of posting propaganda bullshit and lies from the Gateway Pundit, pushing hate against Democrats, against every Christian principle you claim to hold dear, Tree, why don't you use common sense, decency, and good manners, and stop being a busy body, concerned with what others are doing.

What are YOU doing to prevent the spread of covid? Other than posting Russian propaganda, bullshit and lies on this message board?

I swear, conservatives have turned into total busy bodies who gossip daily about what the neighbours are doing, instead of living their own best lives in accordance with good health habits, science and just common sense.

When you refuse to do something simply because the other side suggests it, you look stupid and petty, which in your case is an accurate reflection.
Foolish DemNazi......

How do you know if they are vaccinated unless they get the 666 Covid tracking chip injected to them like they do with dogs and cats at the Vets? That cannot be faked. Papers can be faked, a tracking app can be faked, but not the chip you are going to eventually sell your soul for.

Did you see their Papers?
How can any reasonably intelligent adult look at today's political landscape, and NOT conclude that professional politicians on both sides of the aisle are blatantly intellectually dishonest on a regular basis?

It doesn't matter if you (obediently) pretend the "other" side is even "worse". Hold your OWN side accountable. Otherwise all you're doing is playing the same fucking game and enabling their worst behaviors.

"Those other guys are dishonest". What a load of shit.
I don't want Pelosi to go to Hell, but she deserves Hell. I'd like her to become a Christian and spend the rest of her days working to reverse The Evil she has done, and repent of all the lies she has told.

But I would not hold my breath for it.

She is the kind of hard core Evil that is meant for destroying a Nation's moral fiber and then burning the ashes until there is nothing left.

I guess you missed Matthew 7: 1-3 which reads

"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."

You claim that Pelosi deserves hell, and that she is hard core evil. You've condemned yourself by your own words. I can't remember all of the people here you've condemned to hell, myself included.

You condemn Mrs. Pelosi as "evil" - a woman who has married once in her life, given birth and raised 5 strong, happy, healthy and successful children, and served her country for most of her adult life. Her work enabled millions of Americans to have health insurance, and much needed health care.

Mrs. Pelosi insisted that any further bailout money for covid include benefits for working families including enhanced unemployment benefits.

You voted for a man who openly lies, commits adultery, and bragged about walking in on naked teenagers. Who separated small children from their parents, and who stole money from the government and praise him as God's Chosen One.

You're either an idiot or a liar. Given your porn threads, I'm going with the latter.

Oh, Satan. Ok, so you're one of them uptight, oldtimey religious idiots who can't get laid so likes to say weird dirty shit about old ladies.
I don't have issues with dating beautiful women, but apparently this is a sore spot with you. Life isn't about getting laid, or getting more money or toys than the next guy. It's about proving yourself worthy of The Afterlife, and from what I see many of you Godless heathens are going to fall short, and so are a lot of people who claim to know God.

When judgment day comes, the Hypocrite will be cast in to Hell with The Atheist, The Idolater and Blasphemer.

I advise you to not be counted among any of those groups.
Foolish DemNazi......

How do you know if they are vaccinated unless they get the 666 Covid tracking chip injected to them like they do with dogs and cats at the Vets? That cannot be faked. Papers can be faked, a tracking app can be faked, but not the chip you are going to eventually sell your soul for.

Did you see their Papers?
View attachment 538819

Why would we need tracking chips, when we all carry them in our pockets and purses? Mine's an iPhone.
How can any reasonably intelligent adult look at today's political landscape, and NOT conclude that professional politicians on both sides of the aisle are blatantly intellectually dishonest on a regular basis?

It doesn't matter if you (obediently) pretend the "other" side is even "worse". Hold your OWN side accountable. Otherwise all you're doing is playing the same fucking game and enabling their worst behaviors.

"Those other guys are dishonest". What a load of shit.
So this Republican and Democrat end up in Hell.....and Satan is bartending......and asks what will it be boys? Thirsty? And before they answer Satan laughs his ass off as there is not only NO booze in Hell, but there's no water either.

Political Party means nothing to God. It's what you do in this life and if you have accepted the payment for sin, paid in full by The God Man, Jehovah, Yaweh, The Holy One of Israel, The Great I Am who spoke to Moses from The Burning Bush, Yeshua The Christ, God With Us for which all men owe.

That determines your eternal destination.

Hell is what we deserve. Heaven is a gift you must humble yourself to accept.
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