‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says

OH - a PRIVATE company go to give it a looksie, did they???

so, let me recap again.
russia is attacking our government election system
they hack a DNC server
the government isn't allowed to look it over, this attack on our election process itself
the government must accept a 3rd partys word on what happened.

so in the middle of trump being taken to the coals for (2) years over said hacking he still can't be linked to, what hacking we say DID occur our government wasn't even allowed to verify it FROM OUR OWN GOVERNMENT.

i guess the "collusion" aspect isn't all that strong if the FBI doesn't demand to see the very proof you use to prosecute a sitting president.

could you BE more stupid?

well, i'm sure you can. that's the sad part.

You really shouldn't ask that question.

The FBI got an image of the hacked servers. Now, you don't understand what "hacking" is, and your handlers trust you not to know what an "image" is, and that's why they confidently lie to you. And, being a good know-it-all, you also never learn. Not a thing, ever.

That really isn't a way to go through life, you know?
An "image?" You actually believe that's acceptable? How do we know it's an image of the actual server? How do we know it wasn't doctored? Only an incompetent FBI agent would accept "an image" of the server rather than the actual server. This is the kind of absurd crap that Hillary drones expect us to accept.

and the kind of "proof" they would never allow in return.
but they never bothered to look at it NOR was it turned over to the FBI to validate "hacking".
Right wing faux news, and Russian propaganda!

The FBI had a copy of the server to work with....

tell us Iceberg, what is the difference between a cloned copy of a server and the server itself?



They had nothing, in other words. Only a brain dead moron would accept that kind of evidence. The FBI had the authority to subpoena the server. Why didn't it?
There is no verifiable evidence that even ONE of our Intelligence Agencies ever looked at THE DNC server.

That in itself is DAMNING.

I am sure you don't know this, but, you can FAKE a Cloned Hard Drive. You can edit a cloned drive.

The only correct way to examine The DNC Server was to Examine the actual DNC Server with it's drives etc. in tact.

You can also FAKE cookies, and log files, and our Intelligence Agencies actually hack in to other county's servers and leave "False Fingerprints" to point blame at someone other than themselves. Other countries do it to.

You can't fake Metadata, and that is why Podesta's emails were copied to a USB drive at The DNC.
And it is also why No one was allowed to directly examine The DNC Server.

Next topic:
Did Rod Rosenstein ask McCabe to shove a microphone up his ass, and did he use lube?
but they never bothered to look at it NOR was it turned over to the FBI to validate "hacking".
Right wing faux news, and Russian propaganda!

The FBI had a copy of the server to work with....

tell us Iceberg, what is the difference between a cloned copy of a server and the server itself?



They had nothing, in other words. Only a brain dead moron would accept that kind of evidence. The FBI had the authority to subpoena the server. Why didn't it?
Why didn't they just do a pre-dawn raid and go get it? Like fly an Apache over there, and some tanks....
There is no verifiable evidence that even ONE of our Intelligence Agencies ever looked at THE DNC server.

That in itself is DAMNING.

I am sure you don't know this, but, you can FAKE a Cloned Hard Drive. You can edit a cloned drive.

The only correct way to examine The DNC Server was to Examine the actual DNC Server with it's drives etc. in tact.

You can also FAKE cookies, and log files, and our Intelligence Agencies actually hack in to other county's servers and leave "False Fingerprints" to point blame at someone other than themselves. Other countries do it to.

You can't fake Metadata, and that is why Podesta's emails were copied to a USB drive at The DNC.
And it is also why No one was allowed to directly examine The DNC Server.

Next topic:
Did Rod Rosenstein ask McCabe to shove a microphone up his ass, and did he use lube?
all of this i know i am well aware of anyway. you too, it appears.

however, trying to explain this topic to a group of people who think owning a domain name on godaddy is the same as having a server in your basement - i just wasn't up for that challenge today.
Shiff has himself in big hot water

The media and educators and democrats have totally lost it all

Anger against them will keep rising brcause humans are pre wired to hate hypocrisy

Educators prove hypocrisy because they now go against science with their abortion issue

The media is suppose to report the news so people can learn .. Them doing a cover up with fake news makes their outrageous hypocrisy

The democrats. Their hypocrisy is front and center

This anger rising against these groups will never stop because as time goes on people talk and then CATCHES the clues that prove this 100%. Once they catch this issue they never fall back

The apology now is too late from the deep state fighting it too long makes the apology worthless

A nation then can never be trusted if they don't give the max punishment for high treason acts

So this is America's future
but they never bothered to look at it NOR was it turned over to the FBI to validate "hacking".
Right wing faux news, and Russian propaganda!

The FBI had a copy of the server to work with....

tell us Iceberg, what is the difference between a cloned copy of a server and the server itself?



They had nothing, in other words. Only a brain dead moron would accept that kind of evidence. The FBI had the authority to subpoena the server. Why didn't it?
they didn't need it, they worked with the copy of it... and as the indictment shows and goes in to, they have all the evidence a court of law needs, to PROVE the theft, by the Russians....

as long as you, and other Trumpers continue to cover your eyes and plug your ears, in fear of seeing and hearing the facts and truth, you will stay ignorant and uninformed.... and repeat the same ole same ole garbage and lies... ignorance is bliss. eh?
There is no verifiable evidence that even ONE of our Intelligence Agencies ever looked at THE DNC server.

That in itself is DAMNING.

I am sure you don't know this, but, you can FAKE a Cloned Hard Drive. You can edit a cloned drive.

The only correct way to examine The DNC Server was to Examine the actual DNC Server with it's drives etc. in tact.

You can also FAKE cookies, and log files, and our Intelligence Agencies actually hack in to other county's servers and leave "False Fingerprints" to point blame at someone other than themselves. Other countries do it to.

You can't fake Metadata, and that is why Podesta's emails were copied to a USB drive at The DNC.
And it is also why No one was allowed to directly examine The DNC Server.

Next topic:
Did Rod Rosenstein ask McCabe to shove a microphone up his ass, and did he use lube?
all of this i know i am well aware of anyway. you too, it appears.

however, trying to explain this topic to a group of people who think owning a domain name on godaddy is the same as having a server in your basement - i just wasn't up for that challenge today.

Especially since you have to be up to the challenge of debating morons every day who apparently cannot ever remember anything factual you post to counter their poor arguments except.

Orange Man Bad.

That they can remember.

It's not too complex for them.
‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says

‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says - POLITICO
By PATRICK TEMPLE-WEST ~~ House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said Sunday that there is ample evidence Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia. In an interview on CNN, Schiff rejected Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr’s statements from earlier this month, in which Burr said evidence shows no collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia.
“Chairman Burr must have a different word for it,” Schiff told host Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” pointing to communications between Russia and Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump aides George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn.
“You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence,” Schiff said, adding, “There is a difference between seeing evidence of collusion and being able to prove a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Who paid a foreign agent named Christopher Steele to collect information, distribute it to US Media and ultimately US Law Enforcement? Evidence of collusion in plain sight? Someone better have a straight jacket handy when this goofball finally pops. It's close. There’s lots of plain-sight evidence of Hillary, Comey, Mueller, etc. Russia collusion, but we don’t care because shut up.
I wonder if this man understands that he will be in the history books, his legacy will be the head of the snake in the Progressive Marxist Socialist Dem Party in Congress that tried and FAILED a coup d'état. His spawn will want to change their names from two F's to two T's to avoid being associated with him in the future.
I only wish he could be publicly hanged in the streets for sedition with Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Hillary.
The fact remains that this idiot is still out there spewing these lies means that our FAKE NEWS media have learned nothing. They are too complicit in this treason, too involved to let it go now that the truth is coming out and CNN will not last ONE year once Trump is no longer in office. They are an embarrassment.
The cowardly Captain Queeg of the Caine Mutiny made more sense that Schiff.

The evidence must be so plain nobody can see it.
but they never bothered to look at it NOR was it turned over to the FBI to validate "hacking".
Right wing faux news, and Russian propaganda!

The FBI had a copy of the server to work with....

tell us Iceberg, what is the difference between a cloned copy of a server and the server itself?



They had nothing, in other words. Only a brain dead moron would accept that kind of evidence. The FBI had the authority to subpoena the server. Why didn't it?
Why didn't they just do a pre-dawn raid and go get it? Like fly an Apache over there, and some tanks....
do you not know how to read?

but they never bothered to look at it NOR was it turned over to the FBI to validate "hacking".
Right wing faux news, and Russian propaganda!

The FBI had a copy of the server to work with....

tell us Iceberg, what is the difference between a cloned copy of a server and the server itself?



They had nothing, in other words. Only a brain dead moron would accept that kind of evidence. The FBI had the authority to subpoena the server. Why didn't it?
they didn't need it, they worked with the copy of it... and as the indictment shows and goes in to, they have all the evidence a court of law needs, to PROVE the theft, by the Russians....

as long as you, and other Trumpers continue to cover your eyes and plug your ears, in fear of seeing and hearing the facts and truth, you will stay ignorant and uninformed.... and repeat the same ole same ole garbage and lies... ignorance is bliss. eh?
as long as you and other "assholes" continue to hold yourselves to a different standard than you wish to live by, we will butt heads like this.

you seem so very happy when it comes to "bliss", btw.
but they never bothered to look at it NOR was it turned over to the FBI to validate "hacking".
Right wing faux news, and Russian propaganda!

The FBI had a copy of the server to work with....

tell us Iceberg, what is the difference between a cloned copy of a server and the server itself?



They had nothing, in other words. Only a brain dead moron would accept that kind of evidence. The FBI had the authority to subpoena the server. Why didn't it?
Why didn't they just do a pre-dawn raid and go get it? Like fly an Apache over there, and some tanks....
do you not know how to read?

He knows how to read. He's trolling
but they never bothered to look at it NOR was it turned over to the FBI to validate "hacking".
Right wing faux news, and Russian propaganda!

The FBI had a copy of the server to work with....

tell us Iceberg, what is the difference between a cloned copy of a server and the server itself?



They had nothing, in other words. Only a brain dead moron would accept that kind of evidence. The FBI had the authority to subpoena the server. Why didn't it?
Why didn't they just do a pre-dawn raid and go get it? Like fly an Apache over there, and some tanks....
do you not know how to read?

He knows how to read. He's trolling
simply provide the fbi report of them examining said hack.
Right wing faux news, and Russian propaganda!

The FBI had a copy of the server to work with....

tell us Iceberg, what is the difference between a cloned copy of a server and the server itself?



They had nothing, in other words. Only a brain dead moron would accept that kind of evidence. The FBI had the authority to subpoena the server. Why didn't it?
Why didn't they just do a pre-dawn raid and go get it? Like fly an Apache over there, and some tanks....
do you not know how to read?

He knows how to read. He's trolling
simply provide the fbi report of them examining said hack.

Not only that, let America see The Evidence. Why not? We could all look at the data on the server and confirm if it was hacked.

One thing that bothers me btw about Mueller's Investigation is that he accuses people of Lying To The FBI and we are never told what they lied about.

Why is that?

It can't be National Security Reasons. So why do we never see a shred of evidence regarding what Mueller's team's Narrative is?
I read through many of your posts that were beyond stupid. Unless you can tell me exactly what Muller knows then you are just talking out your ass. I might add that the sick minded republicans investigated Hillary more than any other person alive without finding anything she done broke the law. I understand that you have been taught to hate Hillary but your hatred for her does not make her guilty. Will orange man be found guilty??? We will see when Muller is finished. Till then all your stupid denials are without any facts. But it is a known fact that republicans have quit believing in facts.
I read through many of your posts that were beyond stupid. Unless you can tell me exactly what Muller knows then you are just talking out your ass. I might add that the sick minded republicans investigated Hillary more than any other person alive without finding anything she done broke the law. I understand that you have been taught to hate Hillary but your hatred for her does not make her guilty. Will orange man be found guilty??? We will see when Muller is finished. Till then all your stupid denials are without any facts. But it is a known fact that republicans have quit believing in facts.
Mueller Makes an announcement to address your very question

but they never bothered to look at it NOR was it turned over to the FBI to validate "hacking".
Right wing faux news, and Russian propaganda!

The FBI had a copy of the server to work with....

tell us Iceberg, what is the difference between a cloned copy of a server and the server itself?



They had nothing, in other words. Only a brain dead moron would accept that kind of evidence. The FBI had the authority to subpoena the server. Why didn't it?
they didn't need it, they worked with the copy of it... and as the indictment shows and goes in to, they have all the evidence a court of law needs, to PROVE the theft, by the Russians....

as long as you, and other Trumpers continue to cover your eyes and plug your ears, in fear of seeing and hearing the facts and truth, you will stay ignorant and uninformed.... and repeat the same ole same ole garbage and lies... ignorance is bliss. eh?
I just told you that only an idiot would accept a copy in place of the actual server. That's like the police saying they don't need the actual gun used to commit the crime because they have a copy of it.
Flynn discussed lifting sanctions
Manafort negotiated changing the GOP platform to terms favorable to Russia
Stone negotiated with Wikileaks

No collusion, no collusion

I agree. They are as guilty as sin.

View attachment 246532 View attachment 246533
You confuse official diplomacy with colluding to fix an election

Men has judged this by their support for trump

And the highest logic group white men has judged this in a landslide

This then goes further down in the logic levels

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