‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says

fbi report of their analysis of hacked server please.

So let's recap.

First you claim that the GRU didn't hack anything because you provide the WRONG indictment

Then you claim that phishing isn't hacking

Then you are provided the correct indictment SHOWING that the GRU did indeed hack the DNC you simply ignore it and demand something else.

THEN you are provided with a link showing that the Russians did indeed hack into election servers...and you pretend you didn't see that either.

Could you BE more dishonest?
fbi report of their analysis of hacked server please.

So let's recap.

First you claim that the GRU didn't hack anything because you provide the WRONG indictment

Then you claim that phishing isn't hacking

Then you are provided the correct indictment SHOWING that the GRU did indeed hack the DNC you simply ignore it and demand something else.

THEN you are provided with a link showing that the Russians did indeed hack into election servers...and you pretend you didn't see that either.

Could you BE more dishonest?
Mueller's phony indictment doesn't prove jack shit.
Flynn discussed lifting sanctions
Manafort negotiated changing the GOP platform to terms favorable to Russia
Stone negotiated with Wikileaks

No collusion, no collusion
fbi report of their analysis of hacked server please.

So let's recap.

First you claim that the GRU didn't hack anything because you provide the WRONG indictment

Then you claim that phishing isn't hacking

Then you are provided the correct indictment SHOWING that the GRU did indeed hack the DNC you simply ignore it and demand something else.

THEN you are provided with a link showing that the Russians did indeed hack into election servers...and you pretend you didn't see that either.

Could you BE more dishonest?
let's recap -

we're mad at the russians for interfering with our election process.
we accuse trump of colluding with them to do it
we "believe" they "hacked" into the DNC - one of our election related servers
but they never bothered to look at it NOR was it turned over to the FBI to validate "hacking".

let me provide links to this for you since you're lost in some mythical victory dance.

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

so were they denied access or did they never ask? either way - the FBI never got to look at it.

now - in the middle of all this RUSSIA fury, why would such a "hack" not be allowed to be verified so we know who we are after? i mean we indicted 13 people. twice. (and what happened to these indictments again?) and said russia "hacked" them.

how do we know if the FBI never got a chance to look?

James Comey: DNC denied FBI direct access to servers during Russia hacking probe

OH - a PRIVATE company go to give it a looksie, did they???

so, let me recap again.
russia is attacking our government election system
they hack a DNC server
the government isn't allowed to look it over, this attack on our election process itself
the government must accept a 3rd partys word on what happened.

so in the middle of trump being taken to the coals for (2) years over said hacking he still can't be linked to, what hacking we say DID occur our government wasn't even allowed to verify it FROM OUR OWN GOVERNMENT.

i guess the "collusion" aspect isn't all that strong if the FBI doesn't demand to see the very proof you use to prosecute a sitting president.

could you BE more stupid?

well, i'm sure you can. that's the sad part.
Yes, she is a crook, how can someone knowingly lie to congress and destroy evidence?

If that were accurate...you'd think in two years that Trumps DOJ would have prosecuted...or the GOP Congress would have done something.

None of that happened though

Yep. But once you learn to do it right, you'll see: Look, you just have to define Hillary as a crook, and then work back towards the evidence. Any evidence, imaginary or otherwise, and it's all - ALL - connected. Lo and behold, all falls in place.

Adjust, and behave accordingly!
Yes, she is a crook, how can someone knowingly lie to congress and destroy evidence?

If that were accurate...you'd think in two years that Trumps DOJ would have prosecuted...or the GOP Congress would have done something.

None of that happened though

Yep. But once you learn to do it right, you'll see: Look, you just have to define Hillary as a crook, and then work back towards the evidence. Any evidence, imaginary or otherwise, and it's all - ALL - connected. Lo and behold, all falls in place.

Adjust, and behave accordingly!
hell, i mean it works when you do it to trump, huh?
Maybe Mueller should have conducted a Pre-Dawn Raid at The DNC guns blazing, sirens blaring, tanks breaking down the front door, rocket launchers at the ready and everyone in tactical gear and body armor, and just arrested THE DNC SERVER.

After all DATA is DANGEROUS.
Flynn discussed lifting sanctions
Manafort negotiated changing the GOP platform to terms favorable to Russia
Stone negotiated with Wikileaks

No collusion, no collusion

I agree. They are as guilty as sin.

OH - a PRIVATE company go to give it a looksie, did they???

so, let me recap again.
russia is attacking our government election system
they hack a DNC server
the government isn't allowed to look it over, this attack on our election process itself
the government must accept a 3rd partys word on what happened.

so in the middle of trump being taken to the coals for (2) years over said hacking he still can't be linked to, what hacking we say DID occur our government wasn't even allowed to verify it FROM OUR OWN GOVERNMENT.

i guess the "collusion" aspect isn't all that strong if the FBI doesn't demand to see the very proof you use to prosecute a sitting president.

could you BE more stupid?

well, i'm sure you can. that's the sad part.

You really shouldn't ask that question.

The FBI got an image of the hacked servers. Now, you don't understand what "hacking" is, and your handlers trust you not to know what an "image" is, and that's why they confidently lie to you. And, being a good know-it-all, you also never learn. Not a thing, ever.

That really isn't a way to go through life, you know?
OH - a PRIVATE company go to give it a looksie, did they???

so, let me recap again.
russia is attacking our government election system
they hack a DNC server
the government isn't allowed to look it over, this attack on our election process itself
the government must accept a 3rd partys word on what happened.

so in the middle of trump being taken to the coals for (2) years over said hacking he still can't be linked to, what hacking we say DID occur our government wasn't even allowed to verify it FROM OUR OWN GOVERNMENT.

i guess the "collusion" aspect isn't all that strong if the FBI doesn't demand to see the very proof you use to prosecute a sitting president.

could you BE more stupid?

well, i'm sure you can. that's the sad part.

You really shouldn't ask that question.

The FBI got an image of the hacked servers. Now, you don't understand what "hacking" is, and your handlers trust you not to know what an "image" is, and that's why they confidently lie to you. And, being a good know-it-all, you also never learn. Not a thing, ever.

That really isn't a way to go through life, you know?
show me their report.

and then say if someone gave you an "image" of trumps taxes you'd be cool you got what you need.
Flynn discussed lifting sanctions
Manafort negotiated changing the GOP platform to terms favorable to Russia
Stone negotiated with Wikileaks

No collusion, no collusion
You are an ignorant and stupid fuck aren't you.. As he was representing the president elect at the time it was his god damn job you lying fucking puke!
OH - a PRIVATE company go to give it a looksie, did they???

so, let me recap again.
russia is attacking our government election system
they hack a DNC server
the government isn't allowed to look it over, this attack on our election process itself
the government must accept a 3rd partys word on what happened.

so in the middle of trump being taken to the coals for (2) years over said hacking he still can't be linked to, what hacking we say DID occur our government wasn't even allowed to verify it FROM OUR OWN GOVERNMENT.

i guess the "collusion" aspect isn't all that strong if the FBI doesn't demand to see the very proof you use to prosecute a sitting president.

could you BE more stupid?

well, i'm sure you can. that's the sad part.

You really shouldn't ask that question.

The FBI got an image of the hacked servers. Now, you don't understand what "hacking" is, and your handlers trust you not to know what an "image" is, and that's why they confidently lie to you. And, being a good know-it-all, you also never learn. Not a thing, ever.

That really isn't a way to go through life, you know?
It's obvious from his previous posts that he's just saying anything he can think of to defend the Orange Retard.

Trolling behavior
fbi report of their analysis of hacked server please.

So let's recap.

First you claim that the GRU didn't hack anything because you provide the WRONG indictment

Then you claim that phishing isn't hacking

Then you are provided the correct indictment SHOWING that the GRU did indeed hack the DNC you simply ignore it and demand something else.

THEN you are provided with a link showing that the Russians did indeed hack into election servers...and you pretend you didn't see that either.

Could you BE more dishonest?
Just a brief recap of Iceberg trolling
There's your problem. Wrong indictment


Items 2,3,4
phishing is tricking someone to giving you their email account info.

not a hack.
Hacking and phishing are related in that they are both ways of obtaining information, but they differ in their choice of methods. A phish, which is ultimately a hack, occurs when a user is baited with an email, phone call, or, perhaps, a text message and tricked into “voluntarily” responding with information.


Hackers can also use phishing as one vector in an attack with the goal of obtaining personal information that will help facilitate their break-in.

What’s the Difference between Hacking and Phishing?

Both are illegal, both could be used to BREAK IN and STEAL information.

Why do you think phishing and stealing emails is any less of a CRIME than hacking and stealing emails?? Do you have some sort of point you are trying to make???
where did i say it was a lesser crime?
Phishing is a MEANS, a METHOD of hacking...

hacking is this:

Dictionary result for hacking
noun: hacking

    • the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.
so you cant show me where i said that.

hacking is an active attempt to break in. phishing is simply tricking people into doing your work for you and passive.

view it however you like but the dnc was phished, a passive attack where podesta screwed up.
No, not really....

PLEASE READ THE INDICTMENT to inform yourself....

oh, and the DNC theft was not the same as the Podesta theft... nor was the DNC or Podesta hack/theft, the same as the DCCC hack....

please, for the love of God, READ what actually HAPPENED in the link I gave you!
phishing is tricking someone to giving you their email account info.

not a hack.
Hacking and phishing are related in that they are both ways of obtaining information, but they differ in their choice of methods. A phish, which is ultimately a hack, occurs when a user is baited with an email, phone call, or, perhaps, a text message and tricked into “voluntarily” responding with information.


Hackers can also use phishing as one vector in an attack with the goal of obtaining personal information that will help facilitate their break-in.

What’s the Difference between Hacking and Phishing?

Both are illegal, both could be used to BREAK IN and STEAL information.

Why do you think phishing and stealing emails is any less of a CRIME than hacking and stealing emails?? Do you have some sort of point you are trying to make???
where did i say it was a lesser crime?
Phishing is a MEANS, a METHOD of hacking...

hacking is this:

Dictionary result for hacking
noun: hacking

    • the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.
so you cant show me where i said that.

hacking is an active attempt to break in. phishing is simply tricking people into doing your work for you and passive.

view it however you like but the dnc was phished, a passive attack where podesta screwed up.
No, not really....

PLEASE READ THE INDICTMENT to inform yourself....

oh, and the DNC theft was not the same as the Podesta theft... nor was the DNC or Podesta hack/theft, the same as the DCCC hack....

please, for the love of God, READ what actually HAPPENED in the link I gave you!
considering you've never done that for link i've given you - imma gonna pass on that one.
It's amazing Retards can defeat 17 primary challengers, an Alcoholic Corrupt Feminazi Obama Boot Licker, and Take on Corrupt FBI and DOJ Officials who launched a treasonous COUP & FAILED just because "They" were with Her.

So tell me again how Hillary Clinton aka Cankles McPutin is "Too Stupid to Know She Is a Criminal" and lost an election to a "Orange Retard"?
fbi report of their analysis of hacked server please.

So let's recap.

First you claim that the GRU didn't hack anything because you provide the WRONG indictment

Then you claim that phishing isn't hacking

Then you are provided the correct indictment SHOWING that the GRU did indeed hack the DNC you simply ignore it and demand something else.

THEN you are provided with a link showing that the Russians did indeed hack into election servers...and you pretend you didn't see that either.

Could you BE more dishonest?
Just a brief recap of Iceberg trolling
so there is no fbi report of the "hacking" then is there?

your "proof" is speculation then, isn't it? a buncha "feelz" to keep you warm, happy, and ignorant.

hacking is an active method of breaking into systems. phishing passive. you can call it what you like at this point and like i said - wheee. you win. but in that win you are saying you have proof there was even a hacking OF WHICH i'm still waiting on the FBI report of the hacking of an election based government server that would likely be key to proving all this RUSSIA hype against trump OF WHICH they're not even allowed to look at it but must take a report from a 3rd party.

phishing - what i did to you in order to get you to go this nuts.
hacking - what i did to the rest of your argument once you took this bait

game, set, match.

now go back to whining like a runway model told to lose 4 more ounces.
but they never bothered to look at it NOR was it turned over to the FBI to validate "hacking".
Right wink faux news, and Russian propaganda!

The FBI had a copy of the server to work with....

tell us Iceberg, what is the difference between a cloned copy of a server and the server itself?



tell me why they were not allowed access to the server itself and the DNC didn't keep the clone.

not playing your idiotic games.
OH - a PRIVATE company go to give it a looksie, did they???

so, let me recap again.
russia is attacking our government election system
they hack a DNC server
the government isn't allowed to look it over, this attack on our election process itself
the government must accept a 3rd partys word on what happened.

so in the middle of trump being taken to the coals for (2) years over said hacking he still can't be linked to, what hacking we say DID occur our government wasn't even allowed to verify it FROM OUR OWN GOVERNMENT.

i guess the "collusion" aspect isn't all that strong if the FBI doesn't demand to see the very proof you use to prosecute a sitting president.

could you BE more stupid?

well, i'm sure you can. that's the sad part.

You really shouldn't ask that question.

The FBI got an image of the hacked servers. Now, you don't understand what "hacking" is, and your handlers trust you not to know what an "image" is, and that's why they confidently lie to you. And, being a good know-it-all, you also never learn. Not a thing, ever.

That really isn't a way to go through life, you know?
An "image?" You actually believe that's acceptable? How do we know it's an image of the actual server? How do we know it wasn't doctored? Only an incompetent FBI agent would accept "an image" of the server rather than the actual server. This is the kind of absurd crap that Hillary drones expect us to accept.

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