‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says

You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25+ years. You haven’t pinned anything on her yet.
So tell me, how is she a crook.

Meister: “I’ll take the deep-state value meal with a swamp reference on the side”

CSR: “Drink”

Meister: “Trump koolaid”
Destroying evidence and lying to congress? I guess with democrats it's business as usual.
Just what have you pinned on Trump? innuendos

Now go it crow, young lady.

“go it crow”? LOL

Again, if she was a crook…she’d be in jail by now. Instead she isn’t. Why do you think that is?

As for your blob…the investigation into the multiple Trump scandals continues. That and the multiple felons he hired and have plead/been found guilty to their multiple crimes.
Faulty syllogism. There are many crooks who aren't in prison. Most of them work for the government.

Most worked for the blob it seems.

What happened to his “hiring the best people”? LOL
Not worth a substantive response.

You’re not capable…we get it.
Rudy said there was collusion…just not done by Blob Sr.


Yep. Collusion isn't a solo activity. They should say, "collusion with a Russian Intelligence Agency isn't a crime."

“Collusion” was brought up by Trump. Conspiracy is the crime. Conspiring to hack a computer is a crime.
Wrong. The "collusion" magic Ju-Ju word was repeated by snowflakes like you and the fake news media ad nauseum for months. To be convicted of "conspiracy," you have to conspire to commit an actual crime. Conspiring to stage a surprise birthday party is not a crime.

Conspiracy to commit a crime is a crime. It seems more and more the blob is guilty.
You should be well versed in this.. Collusion to get a FISA warrant...Collusion to unlawfully remove a sitting president...

Oh well, collusion is not a crime. LOL Nah, seriously...
Schiff is correct.
Stone knew of Podesta being hacked 6 weeks before the hacked e-mails were made public.
There is only one explanation for that; he was in concert with the hackers.
He knew no such thing. If fact we still don't know any such thing. No one has demonstrated that the emails were hacked.

You are unaware of his tweet saying it would be “Podesta’s turn in the barrel"
Which proves exactly nothing. Assange had been hinting at more releases of incriminating emails for weeks before Stone tweeted that. I would love to see Mueller try to convict Stone based on that.

I’m sure Mueller has other evidence than Stone’s tweet. He’s batting 1000 in putting the collar on Trump-hired felons. I don’t think his perfect record is in any danger.
What a load of horseshit. Mueller is batting 1000 at drilling dry holes.
Don’t bring your sex life into this.

Most of his indictments are of people that can never go to trial and probably don't even exist.

Everyone he’s put before a judge has pled guilty or been found guilty. Batting 1000. I’m sure Stone will be no different.
Mueller indicted the 13 GRU agents FOR that hack stupid.

Ask HIM for the proof
Read Mueller's indictment of 13 Russian nationals for election meddling - CNNPolitics

show me the dnc hack part.
There's your problem. Wrong indictment


Items 2,3,4
phishing is tricking someone to giving you their email account info.

not a hack.
Hacking and phishing are related in that they are both ways of obtaining information, but they differ in their choice of methods. A phish, which is ultimately a hack, occurs when a user is baited with an email, phone call, or, perhaps, a text message and tricked into “voluntarily” responding with information.


Hackers can also use phishing as one vector in an attack with the goal of obtaining personal information that will help facilitate their break-in.

What’s the Difference between Hacking and Phishing?

Both are illegal, both could be used to BREAK IN and STEAL information.

Why do you think phishing and stealing emails is any less of a CRIME than hacking and stealing emails?? Do you have some sort of point you are trying to make???
where did i say it was a lesser crime?
Phishing is a MEANS, a METHOD of hacking...

hacking is this:

Dictionary result for hacking
noun: hacking
  1. the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.
Collusion is not a crime!

Conspiracy is.
Unauthorized use of a computer network (hacking) is. That is what happened to the DNC and Mr. Podesta.
More and more it looks like it was done at the behest of the Trump campaign.
prove it was hacked. fbi never got to look at it. theres proof of a lot more turmoil internally than there, is of hacking. someone also fell for a phishing campaign. their own stupidity.
Mueller indicted the 13 GRU agents FOR that hack stupid.

Ask HIM for the proof
Read Mueller's indictment of 13 Russian nationals for election meddling - CNNPolitics

show me the dnc hack part.
There's your problem. Wrong indictment


Items 2,3,4
In case Iceberg missed this
bill n loretta on a tarmac out from public view while hillary is on trial.


Trial? I think you're deflecting to a non-event.

Still betting on Russia!! ?


Nah. Unfitness covers it. I don't think Russia would actually let Trump in on anything. What would be the point? He'd fuck it up.

Just checking to see if you had any rendezvous with reality since you flounced from our thread.

I see you have not.

Speaking of unfitness, I imagine , as any American patriot, you are horrified by the revelations by dirty cop McCabe and the sedition he was involved with.

You oughta go back and review the postings from 2 years ago. if you had an intellectually honest bone in your body, you would concede we have been right all along about the deep state conspiracy to protect Hillary and destroy President Trump. ( Who is my new hero.)

Since day one we called the Deep State activities vs Trump an attempted coup and that his election had ZERO to do with Russia! Indeed, we know now that the collusion conspiracy was by the dirty cops at FBI and DOJ and CIA , and Hillary and her campaign ;and, the Mueller investigation was a cover-up all along.

The quality and substance of our respective news sources could not be more clear. You all have been proven wrong at each and every turn.

You nutbag cultists who believe in TDS, and who think opposition to Trump indicates hatred, aren't worth a second. Keep your idiotic conspiracies. You came posting to me. I'm fine without your stupidities.

And one day , looking back, you evil have to reconcile that fact that you sat idly by, ignored all facts and truth and leg-humped stupid media and totally incredible reporting , and thus missed the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.

Missed it.

The illegal effort to destroy the 2016 Trump campaign by Hillary Clinton campaign’s use of funds to create, disseminate among court media, and then salt among high Obama administration officials, a fabricated, opposition smear dossier failed.

So has the second special prosecutor phase of the coup to abort the Trump presidency failed. There are many elements to what in time likely will become recognized as the greatest scandal in American political history, marking the first occasion in which U.S. government bureaucrats sought to overturn an election and to remove a sitting U.S. president.
Autopsy of a Dead Coup

if you ever read ANYTHING , the above essay is what you should read. Then? Hit the gym, and gets lots of sleep. Ponder what a fucking idiot tool you have been.
Trial? I think you're deflecting to a non-event.

Still betting on Russia!! ?


Nah. Unfitness covers it. I don't think Russia would actually let Trump in on anything. What would be the point? He'd fuck it up.

Just checking to see if you had any rendezvous with reality since you flounced from our thread.

I see you have not.

Speaking of unfitness, I imagine , as any American patriot, you are horrified by the revelations by dirty cop McCabe and the sedition he was involved with.

You oughta go back and review the postings from 2 years ago. if you had an intellectually honest bone in your body, you would concede we have been right all along about the deep state conspiracy to protect Hillary and destroy President Trump. ( Who is my new hero.)

Since day one we called the Deep State activities vs Trump an attempted coup and that his election had ZERO to do with Russia! Indeed, we know now that the collusion conspiracy was by the dirty cops at FBI and DOJ and CIA , and Hillary and her campaign ;and, the Mueller investigation was a cover-up all along.

The quality and substance of our respective news sources could not be more clear. You all have been proven wrong at each and every turn.

You nutbag cultists who believe in TDS, and who think opposition to Trump indicates hatred, aren't worth a second. Keep your idiotic conspiracies. You came posting to me. I'm fine without your stupidities.

And one day , looking back, you evil have to reconcile that fact that you sat idly by, ignored all facts and truth and leg-humped stupid media and totally incredible reporting , and thus missed the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.

Missed it.

The illegal effort to destroy the 2016 Trump campaign by Hillary Clinton campaign’s use of funds to create, disseminate among court media, and then salt among high Obama administration officials, a fabricated, opposition smear dossier failed.

So has the second special prosecutor phase of the coup to abort the Trump presidency failed. There are many elements to what in time likely will become recognized as the greatest scandal in American political history, marking the first occasion in which U.S. government bureaucrats sought to overturn an election and to remove a sitting U.S. president.
Autopsy of a Dead Coup

if you ever read ANYTHING , the above essay is what you should read. Then? Hit the gym, and gets lots of sleep. Ponder what a fucking idiot tool you have been.

I am going to include your article in my thread about the 2020 election. Nice Read.
‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says

‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says - POLITICO
By PATRICK TEMPLE-WEST ~~ House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said Sunday that there is ample evidence Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia. In an interview on CNN, Schiff rejected Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr’s statements from earlier this month, in which Burr said evidence shows no collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia.
“Chairman Burr must have a different word for it,” Schiff told host Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” pointing to communications between Russia and Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump aides George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn.
“You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence,” Schiff said, adding, “There is a difference between seeing evidence of collusion and being able to prove a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Who paid a foreign agent named Christopher Steele to collect information, distribute it to US Media and ultimately US Law Enforcement? Evidence of collusion in plain sight? Someone better have a straight jacket handy when this goofball finally pops. It's close. There’s lots of plain-sight evidence of Hillary, Comey, Mueller, etc. Russia collusion, but we don’t care because shut up.
I wonder if this man understands that he will be in the history books, his legacy will be the head of the snake in the Progressive Marxist Socialist Dem Party in Congress that tried and FAILED a coup d'état. His spawn will want to change their names from two F's to two T's to avoid being associated with him in the future.
I only wish he could be publicly hanged in the streets for sedition with Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Hillary.
The fact remains that this idiot is still out there spewing these lies means that our FAKE NEWS media have learned nothing. They are too complicit in this treason, too involved to let it go now that the truth is coming out and CNN will not last ONE year once Trump is no longer in office. They are an embarrassment.
The cowardly Captain Queeg of the Caine Mutiny made more sense that Schiff.

Schiff is correct.
Stone knew of Podesta being hacked 6 weeks before the hacked e-mails were made public.
There is only one explanation for that; he was in concert with the hackers.
He knew no such thing. If fact we still don't know any such thing. No one has demonstrated that the emails were hacked.

You are unaware of his tweet saying it would be “Podesta’s turn in the barrel"
Which proves exactly nothing. Assange had been hinting at more releases of incriminating emails for weeks before Stone tweeted that. I would love to see Mueller try to convict Stone based on that.
From the New Yorker. Report: Trump Associate Roger Stone Colluded With Email Hackers

A court document apparently drafted by Robert Mueller and obtained by NBC and CNN cites emails that prove that Corsi was in contact with WikiLeaks and, more importantly, that he passed on what he knew to Roger Stone.

According to the document, Stone emailed Corsi on July 25, 2016: “Get to (Assange) [a]t Ecuadorian Embassy in London and get the pending (WikiLeaks) emails.”

Oh my fucking God! He sent an email! Put that criminal away for 1000 years! Everyone knows that sending an email is a heinous crime! Especially when you ask for someone to do something perfectly legal! Stone is a traitor! How dare he ask Corsi to get emails from Assange!

On August 2, Corsi, having evidently carried out this directive, emailed Stone:

Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I’m back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging. Time to let more than [the Clinton Campaign chairman] to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton]. That appears to be the game hackers are now about. Would not hurt to start suggesting HRC old, memory bad, has stroke – neither he nor she well. I expect that much of next dump focus, setting stage for Foundation debacle.

"Word is" you have no evidence. Nowhere does Corsi say that Assange told him any of this. Even if he did, it's all perfectly legal. There's no law saying Assange can't tell people what his plans are. It's not against the law to receive such information.

You're an hysterical little ninny who doesn't understand the legal significance of anything you talk about. Your handlers are obviously good at making it all sound so sinister, but it's a big nothing.

When the dust settles and everyone realizes what Trump did...what the Russians did...how will Trumpers live with that?

Will none of them admit to having been Trumpers the way they try to claim they never supported Bush or the Iraq War?
We have the Internet.
Trump farts and it’s headline news.
What non-tech society do you live in where you’re not up to date to the minute?

I caught Rudy's walkback. I'd be surprised if he can walk any other way these days. I'm surprised at the idiocy of re-bleating it, carrying - as it does - the unspoken admission of a partner in collusion.

Colluding 'with whom' would be the next logical question.
I have also caught Rudy repeatedly bitch slapping your Liberal media reporters.
Now thats funny.
Thanks for admitting you don’t watch the news.

I usually listen to NPR on the way to and from work and read AP on the web. Watching theater is something I only do when I visit New York.
I watch MSNBC and CNN, for laughs.
Rudy rips them to shreds.
phishing is tricking someone to giving you their email account info.

not a hack.
Hacking and phishing are related in that they are both ways of obtaining information, but they differ in their choice of methods. A phish, which is ultimately a hack, occurs when a user is baited with an email, phone call, or, perhaps, a text message and tricked into “voluntarily” responding with information.


Hackers can also use phishing as one vector in an attack with the goal of obtaining personal information that will help facilitate their break-in.

What’s the Difference between Hacking and Phishing?

Both are illegal, both could be used to BREAK IN and STEAL information.

Why do you think phishing and stealing emails is any less of a CRIME than hacking and stealing emails?? Do you have some sort of point you are trying to make???
where did i say it was a lesser crime?
Phishing is a MEANS, a METHOD of hacking...

hacking is this:

Dictionary result for hacking
noun: hacking

    • the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.
so you cant show me where i said that.

hacking is an active attempt to break in. phishing is simply tricking people into doing your work for you and passive.

view it however you like but the dnc was phished, a passive attack where podesta screwed up.
There's no evidence to support that claim.

Except the indictment of Stone for lying to House investigators looking into Russian Meddling.

Stone Indictment 012419
ROFL! Failing to remember sending a text is not "lying." That's all Mueller's got. The charges are beyond absurd.

Yet he’s been indicted.
How does that prove the charges are not absurd?

I guess we’ll see when he’s tried, convicted, and flips.

I’m sure you’ll toss him under the bus too when he flips.
There's nothing to flip, snowflake, and he won't be convicted. Mueller couldn't squeeze him into a plea. That's the only way Mueller can actually get a conviction.
Last edited:
Yep. Collusion isn't a solo activity. They should say, "collusion with a Russian Intelligence Agency isn't a crime."

“Collusion” was brought up by Trump. Conspiracy is the crime. Conspiring to hack a computer is a crime.
Wrong. The "collusion" magic Ju-Ju word was repeated by snowflakes like you and the fake news media ad nauseum for months. To be convicted of "conspiracy," you have to conspire to commit an actual crime. Conspiring to stage a surprise birthday party is not a crime.

Conspiracy to commit a crime is a crime. It seems more and more the blob is guilty.
You should be well versed in this.. Collusion to get a FISA warrant...Collusion to unlawfully remove a sitting president...

Oh well, collusion is not a crime. LOL Nah, seriously...
I see that you forgot that they committed FRAUD to get what they were after...
hacking is an active attempt to break in. phishing is simply tricking people into doing your work for you and passive.

view it however you like but the dnc was phished, a passive attack where podesta screwed up.

You've just been shown that phishing is one METHOD of hacking...and yet you continue.

It was pointed out to you numerous times that the Podesta HACK (which you minimize by calling it phishing) was but one of DOZENS of hacking attempts...and still you continue your stupidity

You provide an indictment and claim it says nothing about GRU agents hacking...but when the CORRECT indictment is provided pointing OUT the GRU hacks...you simply pretend not to see it.

You sir...have ZERO credibility
He knew no such thing. If fact we still don't know any such thing. No one has demonstrated that the emails were hacked.

You are unaware of his tweet saying it would be “Podesta’s turn in the barrel"
Which proves exactly nothing. Assange had been hinting at more releases of incriminating emails for weeks before Stone tweeted that. I would love to see Mueller try to convict Stone based on that.

I’m sure Mueller has other evidence than Stone’s tweet. He’s batting 1000 in putting the collar on Trump-hired felons. I don’t think his perfect record is in any danger.
What a load of horseshit. Mueller is batting 1000 at drilling dry holes.
Don’t bring your sex life into this.

Most of his indictments are of people that can never go to trial and probably don't even exist.

Everyone he’s put before a judge has pled guilty or been found guilty. Batting 1000. I’m sure Stone will be no different.
He won't ever be putting about 25 of them before a judge, cupcake. They probably don't even exist. Can you prove that any of the Russians Mueller indicted are real people? I guarantee you that not even Mueller can prove it. He probably picked the names randomly out of the Moscow phone directory.

Mueller knew this whole thing was a fraud within weeks of being put on the case.
hacking is an active attempt to break in. phishing is simply tricking people into doing your work for you and passive.

view it however you like but the dnc was phished, a passive attack where podesta screwed up.

You've just been shown that phishing is one METHOD of hacking...and yet you continue.

It was pointed out to you numerous times that the Podesta HACK (which you minimize by calling it phishing) was but one of DOZENS of hacking attempts...and still you continue your stupidity

You provide an indictment and claim it says nothing about GRU agents hacking...but when the CORRECT indictment is provided pointing OUT the GRU hacks...you simply pretend not to see it.

You sir...have ZERO credibility

show me the results of the fbi report on the "hacking" of an election related server.
When the dust settles and everyone realizes what Trump did...what the Russians did...how will Trumpers live with that?

Will none of them admit to having been Trumpers the way they try to claim they never supported Bush or the Iraq War?
I will easily live with the knowledge that Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Page and Yates are all in prison.
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies that we know of — the latest being longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone.

That group is composed of six former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including five of the six former Trump advisers) have pleaded guilty.

where there's smoke ................

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