‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says


Israeli meme blamed on Russia actually.

And here you are Vlad...pushing that meme
I have my own JSOC to take out fake news like you.
I have also caught Rudy repeatedly bitch slapping your Liberal media reporters.
Now thats funny.
Thanks for admitting you don’t watch the news.

I usually listen to NPR on the way to and from work and read AP on the web. Watching theater is something I only do when I visit New York.
I watch MSNBC and CNN, for laughs.
Rudy rips them to shreds.
He admitted collusion between the campaign and Russia one time while he was ripping....directly contradicting the orange blob
Yes, billionaire business people are always colluding with politicians to create more businesses and jobs.
We must put an end to this nonsense.

Then why would they lie about it for so long?
Why would Trump deny it?

That's the funny thing about the whole mendacity, no? There may have been collusion with the Russians, but that was just Manafort, Flynn, etc., underlings, and Trump hardly knew them.

But our good Trumpletons can't keep their mouths shut, and claim the underlings were "representing the president elect", that is, they were colluding on Trump's behalf, and at his direction. That's like Trumpletons tying the noose around the Trumpy's neck.

And then the good Trumpletons ask why everyone around is laughing.

In the end, Trump will have to pull a Reagan
Drool and Testify he can’t remember anything. Just like with the Saudis, it was a Rouge team doing the dirty work without any knowledge of the leader
Schiff needs to cover his ass...

DEVELPOING: Jeff Rosen selected to replace Rod Rosenstine. Rosenstine security clearances have been suspended... Is Rod going the way of McCabe?
Right wing faux news, and Russian propaganda!

The FBI had a copy of the server to work with....

tell us Iceberg, what is the difference between a cloned copy of a server and the server itself?



They had nothing, in other words. Only a brain dead moron would accept that kind of evidence. The FBI had the authority to subpoena the server. Why didn't it?
Why didn't they just do a pre-dawn raid and go get it? Like fly an Apache over there, and some tanks....
do you not know how to read?

He knows how to read. He's trolling
simply provide the fbi report of them examining said hack.
However, in March 2017, former FBI Director James Comey told Congress that the FBI got an “appropriate substitute” from CrowdStrike, and Mueller’s indictment makes clear that the FBI has lots of information about the hack from both within the DNC and from other sources.
CNN.com - Transcripts

The long answer is that there is no "server"—there are many different servers and pieces of internet infrastructure in question, and the United States intelligence community and independent security researchers have examined much of it and have all reached the same conclusion: Russia hacked the DNC.

...CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm hired by the DNC to respond to the hack, gave an identical image of some of the servers to the FBI, which experts I’ve spoken to say would be more useful than giving the FBI a physical server itself. I say “widely believed,” because we don’t know exactly what CrowdStrike gave to the FBI. However, in March 2017, former FBI Director James Comey told Congress that the FBI got an “appropriate substitute” from CrowdStrike, and Mueller’s indictment makes clear that the FBI has lots of information about the hack from both within the DNC and from other sources. CrowdStrike declined a request for comment from Motherboard.

I called up Thomas Rid, professor of strategic studies at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies to help explain the technical details behind this type of forensic investigation. Rid, who wrote a detailed explanation about why Russia was likely behind the DNC hack for Motherboard in July 2016, told me that “from a forensic point of view, the question of a server at this stage doesn’t make any sense.”

“To really investigate a high profile intrusion like the DNC hack, you have to look beyond the victim network,” Rid said. “You have to look at the infrastructure—the command and control sites that were used to get in that are not going to be on any server ... looking at one server is just one isolated piece of infrastructure.”

"For decades, it has been industry-standard forensic and digital evidence handling practice to conduct analysis on forensic images instead of original evidence"

Even so, what CrowdStrike gave the FBI is likely better than if it had seized and analyzed a physical box.

“To keep it simple, let’s say there’s only one server. CrowdStrike goes in, makes a complete image including a memory dump of everything that was in the memory of the server at the time, including traffic and connections at the time,” Rid said. “You have that image from the machine live in the network including its memory content, versus a server that someone physically carries into the FBI headquarters. It’s unplugged, so there’s no memory content because it’s powered down. That physical piece of hardware is less valuable for an investigation than the onsite image and data extraction from a machine that is up and running. The idea a physical server would add any value doesn’t make any sense.”

What Rid means is that after a hack, some of the evidence of who did it and how they did it may be fleeting. It could be in the server’s memory, the RAM, and not stored on its hard drive. (Hackers use “fileless” malware precisely for this reason.) To preserve evidence in cases like these, incident responders need to make an image—essentially a copy of the server in that exact same state at that exact same time—so they can look at it afterwards. Think about this like when investigators take pictures of the crime scene or victim.

Lesley Carhart, principal threat hunter at the cybersecurity firm Dragos, told Motherboard that physical servers are rarely seized in forensics investigations.

"For decades, it has been industry-standard forensic and digital evidence handling practice to conduct analysis on forensic images instead of original evidence," she said. "This decreases the risk of corruption or accidental modification of that evidence."


Trump's Stupid ‘Where Is the DNC Server?’ Conspiracy Theory, Explained
Schiff needs to cover his ass...

DEVELPOING: Jeff Rosen selected to replace Rod Rosenstine. Rosenstine security clearances have been suspended... Is Rod going the way of McCabe?
He's leaving in mid March.... Trump can always let him go before that and cut his retirement like he did to mcCabe... for leaking about an on going clinton foundation investigation to the press during the election...

trump took away half of his 20 to 30 year earned retirement, because McCabe helped Trump win.... go figure? :dunno:

Schiff needs to cover his ass...

DEVELPOING: Jeff Rosen selected to replace Rod Rosenstine. Rosenstine security clearances have been suspended... Is Rod going the way of McCabe?
He's leaving in mid March.... Trump can always let him go before that and cut his retirement like he did to mcCabe... for leaking about an on going clinton foundation investigation to the press during the election...

trump took away half of his 20 to 30 year earned retirement, because McCabe helped Trump win.... go figure? :dunno:

McCabe is a criminal. He got what he deserved.
Schiff needs to cover his ass...

DEVELPOING: Jeff Rosen selected to replace Rod Rosenstine. Rosenstine security clearances have been suspended... Is Rod going the way of McCabe?
He's leaving in mid March.... Trump can always let him go before that and cut his retirement like he did to mcCabe... for leaking about an on going clinton foundation investigation to the press during the election...

trump took away half of his 20 to 30 year earned retirement, because McCabe helped Trump win.... go figure? :dunno:

McCabe is a criminal. He got what he deserved.
How so?

He lacked candor when questioned by the IG,,, was fired by Sessions, for the President, for ''Lack of Candor''.

he leaked to the press, that the Clinton Foundation, was still under investigation.... which was not even against the rules for him to do....

THAT is what he was fired for, and stripped of half of his decades of earned retirement, minus one hour or two.

He was NOT fired for being a criminal
Schiff ... is accusing someone else of collusion and crime ... after he admittited to criminally leaking classified information ... and after being exposed as having 'pal'ed around with GPS Fusion's CEO?!


Schiff should have already been Perp-walked out of Congress for leaking Classified...

Dems just can't help themselves accusing others of doing what they do / have done and of being who they are.

They had nothing, in other words. Only a brain dead moron would accept that kind of evidence. The FBI had the authority to subpoena the server. Why didn't it?
Why didn't they just do a pre-dawn raid and go get it? Like fly an Apache over there, and some tanks....
do you not know how to read?

He knows how to read. He's trolling
simply provide the fbi report of them examining said hack.
However, in March 2017, former FBI Director James Comey told Congress that the FBI got an “appropriate substitute” from CrowdStrike, and Mueller’s indictment makes clear that the FBI has lots of information about the hack from both within the DNC and from other sources.
CNN.com - Transcripts

The long answer is that there is no "server"—there are many different servers and pieces of internet infrastructure in question, and the United States intelligence community and independent security researchers have examined much of it and have all reached the same conclusion: Russia hacked the DNC.

...CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm hired by the DNC to respond to the hack, gave an identical image of some of the servers to the FBI, which experts I’ve spoken to say would be more useful than giving the FBI a physical server itself. I say “widely believed,” because we don’t know exactly what CrowdStrike gave to the FBI. However, in March 2017, former FBI Director James Comey told Congress that the FBI got an “appropriate substitute” from CrowdStrike, and Mueller’s indictment makes clear that the FBI has lots of information about the hack from both within the DNC and from other sources. CrowdStrike declined a request for comment from Motherboard.

I called up Thomas Rid, professor of strategic studies at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies to help explain the technical details behind this type of forensic investigation. Rid, who wrote a detailed explanation about why Russia was likely behind the DNC hack for Motherboard in July 2016, told me that “from a forensic point of view, the question of a server at this stage doesn’t make any sense.”

“To really investigate a high profile intrusion like the DNC hack, you have to look beyond the victim network,” Rid said. “You have to look at the infrastructure—the command and control sites that were used to get in that are not going to be on any server ... looking at one server is just one isolated piece of infrastructure.”

"For decades, it has been industry-standard forensic and digital evidence handling practice to conduct analysis on forensic images instead of original evidence"

Even so, what CrowdStrike gave the FBI is likely better than if it had seized and analyzed a physical box.

“To keep it simple, let’s say there’s only one server. CrowdStrike goes in, makes a complete image including a memory dump of everything that was in the memory of the server at the time, including traffic and connections at the time,” Rid said. “You have that image from the machine live in the network including its memory content, versus a server that someone physically carries into the FBI headquarters. It’s unplugged, so there’s no memory content because it’s powered down. That physical piece of hardware is less valuable for an investigation than the onsite image and data extraction from a machine that is up and running. The idea a physical server would add any value doesn’t make any sense.”

What Rid means is that after a hack, some of the evidence of who did it and how they did it may be fleeting. It could be in the server’s memory, the RAM, and not stored on its hard drive. (Hackers use “fileless” malware precisely for this reason.) To preserve evidence in cases like these, incident responders need to make an image—essentially a copy of the server in that exact same state at that exact same time—so they can look at it afterwards. Think about this like when investigators take pictures of the crime scene or victim.

Lesley Carhart, principal threat hunter at the cybersecurity firm Dragos, told Motherboard that physical servers are rarely seized in forensics investigations.

"For decades, it has been industry-standard forensic and digital evidence handling practice to conduct analysis on forensic images instead of original evidence," she said. "This decreases the risk of corruption or accidental modification of that evidence."


Trump's Stupid ‘Where Is the DNC Server?’ Conspiracy Theory, Explained
why can they not get the actual server?

you'd be pissed if this, were trump getting away with it but you try n peddle this, horse shit when it fits, your views.
Last edited:
Brakkkkk Brakkkkk...the server! I'm supposed to squawk about the SERVER!
Schiff ... is accusing someone else of collusion and crime ... after he admittited to criminally leaking classified information ... and after being exposed as having 'pal'ed around with GPS Fusion's CEO?!


Schiff should have already been Perp-walked out of Congress for leaking Classified...

Dems just can't help themselves accusing others of doing what they do / have done and of being who they are.

Crock of shit

An aide to Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said Tuesday that neither he nor his staff leaked any "non-public information" about the testimony of Donald Trump Jr. last week, but his office defended his decision to tell reporters the president's son had refused to answer a key question from the panel.

Schiff had told reporters that Trump Jr., who testified for nearly eight hours, would not reveal the details of a discussion he had with his father earlier this year, when news of a secret Trump Tower meeting between the younger Trump and Kremlin-linked people began seeping out.

Trump Jr. invoked attorney-client privilege to sidestep discussing the matter, saying a lawyer had been in the room at the time. Schiff told the media later that he viewed the claim as an invalid reason to withhold information.

Trump Jr. reportedly has since issued a letter to the House Russia probe leader, Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas), demanding an investigation into what he said were leaked details of his interview — portions of which emerged while he was still inside the Capitol testifying.
Donnie Little refused to answer questions because "an attorney was in the room" at the time that a discussion was taking place.

The fact that Trump refused to testify is classified?


By the way...standing next to an attorney does NOT give you attorney/client privilege. Unfortunately Nunes (who HAS leaked actual classified intel) refused to note that
‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says

‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says - POLITICO
By PATRICK TEMPLE-WEST ~~ House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said Sunday that there is ample evidence Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia. In an interview on CNN, Schiff rejected Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr’s statements from earlier this month, in which Burr said evidence shows no collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia.
“Chairman Burr must have a different word for it,” Schiff told host Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” pointing to communications between Russia and Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump aides George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn.
“You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence,” Schiff said, adding, “There is a difference between seeing evidence of collusion and being able to prove a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Who paid a foreign agent named Christopher Steele to collect information, distribute it to US Media and ultimately US Law Enforcement? Evidence of collusion in plain sight? Someone better have a straight jacket handy when this goofball finally pops. It's close. There’s lots of plain-sight evidence of Hillary, Comey, Mueller, etc. Russia collusion, but we don’t care because shut up.
I wonder if this man understands that he will be in the history books, his legacy will be the head of the snake in the Progressive Marxist Socialist Dem Party in Congress that tried and FAILED a coup d'état. His spawn will want to change their names from two F's to two T's to avoid being associated with him in the future.
I only wish he could be publicly hanged in the streets for sedition with Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Hillary.
The fact remains that this idiot is still out there spewing these lies means that our FAKE NEWS media have learned nothing. They are too complicit in this treason, too involved to let it go now that the truth is coming out and CNN will not last ONE year once Trump is no longer in office. They are an embarrassment.
The cowardly Captain Queeg of the Caine Mutiny made more sense that Schiff.

Schiff is correct.
Stone knew of Podesta being hacked 6 weeks before the hacked e-mails were made public.
There is only one explanation for that; he was in concert with the hackers.
You need to expand your information sources. I think you are getting some biased information. This is being tried in the court of public opinion. He hasn't been found guilty.

It is just as likely he guessed.

A couple things are well known.

1) Hillary was hacked.

2) Assange has operated, for quite some time, a limited hang-out, and a whistle blower site.

3) There are very few people on the planet that loath Hillary more than Assange.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to put the pieces together. If anyone had those emails, and was going to release damaging information at the most opportune time, it would be good 'ol Julian.

Hell, I'd had guessed it back then, everyone that loathed Hillary was hoping, he just had a national platform to make the prediction. THAT DOESN'T MAKE HIM A RUSSIAN AGENT.

It just makes him wise. He could have said, hey, maybe Cryptome has them too, but that would have been dicey, as most folks would have picked Assange first.

Roger Stone, Trump confidant: I did not know John Podesta's email would be hacked
Roger Stone, Donald Trump confidant: I did not know John Podesta’s email would be hacked
Hell, I'd had guessed it back then, everyone that loathed Hillary was hoping, he just had a national platform to make the prediction. THAT DOESN'T MAKE HIM A RUSSIAN AGENT.

No it doesn't. But the fact that the hacks were done by Guccifer 2.0 which has been identified as Russian GRU...and the contacts between Stone, Assange, and GRU is damning

Assange's association with Snowden (now currently hiding in Moscow) doesn't help him either

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