‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says

pretty much saying you're a fucking idiot

You say all kinds of stupid shit. You're a troll. That's what trolls do.

Just to be clear...tell the good people that meta data CAN'T point an investigator to where a hacker's computer was...
show me where i said that.

but first, show ANYONE you have a fucking clue as to what "meta-data" even is.
Hey troll...that's what "I" said...which was where you began your idiotic troll attack
you're still pissed i out-trolled you on the whole "hacking / phishing" thing aren't you?

ok - i've gotten my "conversations with stupid people" quota in. BYE-EEEEEEEE
There's no credible evidence that Guccifer hacked the DNC server to get Postesta's emails. That's what he claims, but there's no supporting evidence. Julian Assange denies that Guccifer is his source.

Oh well....fuck. If Julian fucking Assange says so...yea.

I always believe bank robbers when they claim they didn't rob THAT bank (with blue dye all over themselves)
Assange hasn't committed any crimes, moron. I would trust him before I would trust any lying Democrat or anyone in the Obama FBI/DOJ
Yeaaaa...well there is the problem
‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says

‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says - POLITICO
By PATRICK TEMPLE-WEST ~~ House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said Sunday that there is ample evidence Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia. In an interview on CNN, Schiff rejected Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr’s statements from earlier this month, in which Burr said evidence shows no collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia.
“Chairman Burr must have a different word for it,” Schiff told host Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” pointing to communications between Russia and Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump aides George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn.
“You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence,” Schiff said, adding, “There is a difference between seeing evidence of collusion and being able to prove a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Who paid a foreign agent named Christopher Steele to collect information, distribute it to US Media and ultimately US Law Enforcement? Evidence of collusion in plain sight? Someone better have a straight jacket handy when this goofball finally pops. It's close. There’s lots of plain-sight evidence of Hillary, Comey, Mueller, etc. Russia collusion, but we don’t care because shut up.
I wonder if this man understands that he will be in the history books, his legacy will be the head of the snake in the Progressive Marxist Socialist Dem Party in Congress that tried and FAILED a coup d'état. His spawn will want to change their names from two F's to two T's to avoid being associated with him in the future.
I only wish he could be publicly hanged in the streets for sedition with Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Hillary.
The fact remains that this idiot is still out there spewing these lies means that our FAKE NEWS media have learned nothing. They are too complicit in this treason, too involved to let it go now that the truth is coming out and CNN will not last ONE year once Trump is no longer in office. They are an embarrassment.
The cowardly Captain Queeg of the Caine Mutiny made more sense that Schiff.
/——/ Mueller must have missed that one. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
ok - i've gotten my "conversations with stupid people" quota in. BYE-EEEEEEEE

Every day when you look in the mirror. But thanks for admitting (i out-trolled you) that you ARE indeed a fucking POS troll
‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says

‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says - POLITICO
By PATRICK TEMPLE-WEST ~~ House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said Sunday that there is ample evidence Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia. In an interview on CNN, Schiff rejected Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr’s statements from earlier this month, in which Burr said evidence shows no collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia.
“Chairman Burr must have a different word for it,” Schiff told host Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” pointing to communications between Russia and Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump aides George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn.
“You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence,” Schiff said, adding, “There is a difference between seeing evidence of collusion and being able to prove a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Who paid a foreign agent named Christopher Steele to collect information, distribute it to US Media and ultimately US Law Enforcement? Evidence of collusion in plain sight? Someone better have a straight jacket handy when this goofball finally pops. It's close. There’s lots of plain-sight evidence of Hillary, Comey, Mueller, etc. Russia collusion, but we don’t care because shut up.
I wonder if this man understands that he will be in the history books, his legacy will be the head of the snake in the Progressive Marxist Socialist Dem Party in Congress that tried and FAILED a coup d'état. His spawn will want to change their names from two F's to two T's to avoid being associated with him in the future.
I only wish he could be publicly hanged in the streets for sedition with Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Hillary.
The fact remains that this idiot is still out there spewing these lies means that our FAKE NEWS media have learned nothing. They are too complicit in this treason, too involved to let it go now that the truth is coming out and CNN will not last ONE year once Trump is no longer in office. They are an embarrassment.
The cowardly Captain Queeg of the Caine Mutiny made more sense that Schiff.
/——/ Mueller must have missed that one. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Mueller missed it because there are too many crimes.
‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says

‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says - POLITICO
By PATRICK TEMPLE-WEST ~~ House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said Sunday that there is ample evidence Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia. In an interview on CNN, Schiff rejected Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr’s statements from earlier this month, in which Burr said evidence shows no collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia.
“Chairman Burr must have a different word for it,” Schiff told host Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” pointing to communications between Russia and Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump aides George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn.
“You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence,” Schiff said, adding, “There is a difference between seeing evidence of collusion and being able to prove a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Who paid a foreign agent named Christopher Steele to collect information, distribute it to US Media and ultimately US Law Enforcement? Evidence of collusion in plain sight? Someone better have a straight jacket handy when this goofball finally pops. It's close. There’s lots of plain-sight evidence of Hillary, Comey, Mueller, etc. Russia collusion, but we don’t care because shut up.
I wonder if this man understands that he will be in the history books, his legacy will be the head of the snake in the Progressive Marxist Socialist Dem Party in Congress that tried and FAILED a coup d'état. His spawn will want to change their names from two F's to two T's to avoid being associated with him in the future.
I only wish he could be publicly hanged in the streets for sedition with Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Hillary.
The fact remains that this idiot is still out there spewing these lies means that our FAKE NEWS media have learned nothing. They are too complicit in this treason, too involved to let it go now that the truth is coming out and CNN will not last ONE year once Trump is no longer in office. They are an embarrassment.
The cowardly Captain Queeg of the Caine Mutiny made more sense that Schiff.
/——/ Mueller must have missed that one. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Mueller missed it because there are too many crimes.
/---/ And yet you can't name any REAL crimes.
show me the evidence.jpg
‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says

‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says - POLITICO
By PATRICK TEMPLE-WEST ~~ House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said Sunday that there is ample evidence Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia. In an interview on CNN, Schiff rejected Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr’s statements from earlier this month, in which Burr said evidence shows no collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia.
“Chairman Burr must have a different word for it,” Schiff told host Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” pointing to communications between Russia and Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump aides George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn.
“You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence,” Schiff said, adding, “There is a difference between seeing evidence of collusion and being able to prove a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Who paid a foreign agent named Christopher Steele to collect information, distribute it to US Media and ultimately US Law Enforcement? Evidence of collusion in plain sight? Someone better have a straight jacket handy when this goofball finally pops. It's close. There’s lots of plain-sight evidence of Hillary, Comey, Mueller, etc. Russia collusion, but we don’t care because shut up.
I wonder if this man understands that he will be in the history books, his legacy will be the head of the snake in the Progressive Marxist Socialist Dem Party in Congress that tried and FAILED a coup d'état. His spawn will want to change their names from two F's to two T's to avoid being associated with him in the future.
I only wish he could be publicly hanged in the streets for sedition with Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Hillary.
The fact remains that this idiot is still out there spewing these lies means that our FAKE NEWS media have learned nothing. They are too complicit in this treason, too involved to let it go now that the truth is coming out and CNN will not last ONE year once Trump is no longer in office. They are an embarrassment.
The cowardly Captain Queeg of the Caine Mutiny made more sense that Schiff.
/——/ Mueller must have missed that one. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Mueller missed it because there are too many crimes.
/---/ And yet you can't name any REAL crimes.
View attachment 246693
Dont you believe Trump at face value when he says there are too many crimes?
There's no credible evidence that Guccifer hacked the DNC server to get Postesta's emails. That's what he claims, but there's no supporting evidence. Julian Assange denies that Guccifer is his source.

Oh well....fuck. If Julian fucking Assange says so...yea.

I always believe bank robbers when they claim they didn't rob THAT bank (with blue dye all over themselves)
Assange hasn't committed any crimes, moron. I would trust him before I would trust any lying Democrat or anyone in the Obama FBI/DOJ
Yeaaaa...well there is the problem
Yes, the fact that Assange has committed no crimes is a problem for snowflake conspiratorialists like you.
why can they not get the actual server?

It's in use, at the DNC...

And as the articles and links I GAVE YOU specifically states, the original server in this case, and ALL cases similar, is not needed.... the cloned copy is more useful for the forensics of what happened from that specific time, going backwards.... which is precisely what all of those investigating the breaches need.
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why can they not get the actual server?

It's in use, at the DNC...

And as the articles and links I GAVE YOU specifically states, the original server in this case, and ALL cases similar, is not needed.... the cloned copy is more useful for the forensics of what happened from that specific time, going backwards.... which is precisely what all of those investigating the breaches need.

the shit you try to sell i know youd never buy.
‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff say

‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says - POLITICO
By PATRICK TEMPLE-WEST ~~ House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said Sunday that there is ample evidence Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia. In an interview on CNN, Schiff rejected Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr’s statements from earlier this month, in which Burr said evidence shows no collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia.
“Chairman Burr must have a different word for it,” Schiff told host Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” pointing to communications between Russia and Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump aides George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn.
“You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence,” Schiff said, adding, “There is a difference between seeing evidence of collusion and being able to prove a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Who paid a foreign agent named Christopher Steele to collect information, distribute it to US Media and ultimately US Law Enforcement? Evidence of collusion in plain sight? Someone better have a straight jacket handy when this goofball finally pops. It's close. There’s lots of plain-sight evidence of Hillary, Comey, Mueller, etc. Russia collusion, but we don’t care because shut up.
I wonder if this man understands that he will be in the history books, his legacy will be the head of the snake in the Progressive Marxist Socialist Dem Party in Congress that tried and FAILED a coup d'état. His spawn will want to change their names from two F's to two T's to avoid being associated with him in the future.
I only wish he could be publicly hanged in the streets for sedition with Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Hillary.
The fact remains that this idiot is still out there spewing these lies means that our FAKE NEWS media have learned nothing. They are too complicit in this treason, too involved to let it go now that the truth is coming out and CNN will not last ONE year once Trump is no longer in office. They are an embarrassment.
The cowardly Captain Queeg of the Caine Mutiny made more sense that Schiff.
so it takes 2 years to prove shit in plain site?
collusion occurred, over and over and over again by the Trump Campaign and the Russians.... over 100 contacts between the Trump campaign and Russians... Stone working with the GRU and wikileaks to distribute the stolen emails, Manafort giving the Russians Trump campaign, secret, campaign polling data, Manafort request for ''getting whole'' with the Oligarch he owed money to by being campaign manager, Manafort changing the Republican platform in favor of Russia vs Ukraine, Trump tower meeting to get dirt on Hillary from the Russian gvt as their help and support of Trump, Trump asking in public, for Russia to find/steal, and distribute Hillary's 30,000 PRIVATE emails her staff deleted, the NRA connection, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc....


What would make it a Conspiracy, which is against the law, is if there was a quid pro quo between the Trump campaign and the Russians...

You help the Trump campaign/Trump win, and we will try to remove the US sanctions put on you by the USA when you invaded Crimea etc...

In the American justice system the accuser has the burden to prove that the accused is guilty of the charges made.

Please provide the legal definition of collusion of which you have the evidence to convict President Trump.
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I note in the article Schiff talks about different definitions.
Since he is aware that collusion has a legal definition why the need to move the goal posts instead of relying on the legal standard?

It's a rhetorical question.

Schiff might be the member of Congress with the greatest amount of his political reputation riding on this investigation. When it flops, so does his career in the ash heap of history.

Schiff is a highly capable and experience prosecutor who knows what evidenciary standards are. Schiff railed at Devon Nunez' sham of an investigation wherein Nunez refused to subpeona Manafort, Flynn, and other members of the President's campaign who were known to have met with Russians. Committee members knew that Junior and Cohen were lying, but Nunez refused to refer this matter to the FBI, and allowed other witnesses to refuse to answer questions and to claim "executive privelege", which only the President is legally allowed to claim.

Nunez may yet face prosecution for his role in the President's obstruction of justice in the Mueller probe.

Why would an experienced prosecutor, who knows the legal standard of collusion, attempt to argue for multiple definitions of that term?

If Schiff can prove a crime against Nunez why hasn't he done so?

Why would such an experienced prosecutor allow a criminal to remain a Congressman?

Feel free to believe what ever you want, but everyone here can see you just talking out of your nether regions.
I note in the article Schiff talks about different definitions.
Since he is aware that collusion has a legal definition why the need to move the goal posts instead of relying on the legal standard?

It's a rhetorical question.

Schiff might be the member of Congress with the greatest amount of his political reputation riding on this investigation. When it flops, so does his career in the ash heap of history.

Schiff is a highly capable and experience prosecutor who knows what evidenciary standards are. Schiff railed at Devon Nunez' sham of an investigation wherein Nunez refused to subpeona Manafort, Flynn, and other members of the President's campaign who were known to have met with Russians. Committee members knew that Junior and Cohen were lying, but Nunez refused to refer this matter to the FBI, and allowed other witnesses to refuse to answer questions and to claim "executive privelege", which only the President is legally allowed to claim.

Nunez may yet face prosecution for his role in the President's obstruction of justice in the Mueller probe.

Why would an experienced prosecutor, who knows the legal standard of collusion, attempt to argue for multiple definitions of that term?

If Schiff can prove a crime against Nunez why hasn't he done so?

Why would such an experienced prosecutor allow a criminal to remain a Congressman?

Feel free to believe what ever you want, but everyone here can see you just talking out of your nether regions.

Nunez was forced to recuse himself from the Russia Investigation, and yet he never stayed away from it at all. He even wrote that debunked Memo fillled with half truths, distortions and lies, based on evidence he wasn't allowed to see. As Chairman of the Committee, he blocked the Committee from issuing subpoenas, or refer testimony given to the Committee for allegations of perjury.

Schiff was in no position to make a referral to the Justice Department as a mere minority Committee Member. Now, as Chairman of the Committee, Schiff's first act was to send transcripts of all those who testified before the Committee to the FBI for possible perjury charges. Now that Michael Cohen has pled guilty to lying to Congress about the Trump Tower Moscow project, all those other people who appeared before the Committee and lied about it (Junior and Kuchner, being chief amoung them), are at serious risk of perjury charges.

Schiff was in no position to order investigations, issue subpoenas, or make referrals for perjury when Nunes was Chairman of the Committee. Welcome to the new world where Trump associates can't come into Congress, smirk, and lie with impunity.

Speaking of which, Matt Whittaker is now being asked to "immediatly clarify" portions of his testimony before Congress, in regards to attempts Trump made to end the Cohen investigation in New York. Congress has multiple witnesses from the Justice Department that what Whittaker told them, was a lie.
‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff say

‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says - POLITICO
By PATRICK TEMPLE-WEST ~~ House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said Sunday that there is ample evidence Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia. In an interview on CNN, Schiff rejected Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr’s statements from earlier this month, in which Burr said evidence shows no collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia.
“Chairman Burr must have a different word for it,” Schiff told host Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” pointing to communications between Russia and Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump aides George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn.
“You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence,” Schiff said, adding, “There is a difference between seeing evidence of collusion and being able to prove a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Who paid a foreign agent named Christopher Steele to collect information, distribute it to US Media and ultimately US Law Enforcement? Evidence of collusion in plain sight? Someone better have a straight jacket handy when this goofball finally pops. It's close. There’s lots of plain-sight evidence of Hillary, Comey, Mueller, etc. Russia collusion, but we don’t care because shut up.
I wonder if this man understands that he will be in the history books, his legacy will be the head of the snake in the Progressive Marxist Socialist Dem Party in Congress that tried and FAILED a coup d'état. His spawn will want to change their names from two F's to two T's to avoid being associated with him in the future.
I only wish he could be publicly hanged in the streets for sedition with Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Hillary.
The fact remains that this idiot is still out there spewing these lies means that our FAKE NEWS media have learned nothing. They are too complicit in this treason, too involved to let it go now that the truth is coming out and CNN will not last ONE year once Trump is no longer in office. They are an embarrassment.
The cowardly Captain Queeg of the Caine Mutiny made more sense that Schiff.
so it takes 2 years to prove shit in plain site?
collusion occurred, over and over and over again by the Trump Campaign and the Russians.... over 100 contacts between the Trump campaign and Russians... Stone working with the GRU and wikileaks to distribute the stolen emails, Manafort giving the Russians Trump campaign, secret, campaign polling data, Manafort request for ''getting whole'' with the Oligarch he owed money to by being campaign manager, Manafort changing the Republican platform in favor of Russia vs Ukraine, Trump tower meeting to get dirt on Hillary from the Russian gvt as their help and support of Trump, Trump asking in public, for Russia to find/steal, and distribute Hillary's 30,000 PRIVATE emails her staff deleted, the NRA connection, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc....


What would make it a Conspiracy, which is against the law, is if there was a quid pro quo between the Trump campaign and the Russians...

You help the Trump campaign/Trump win, and we will try to remove the US sanctions put on you by the USA when you invaded Crimea etc...

In the American justice system the accuser has the burden to prove that the accused is guilty of the charges made.

Please provide the legal definition of collusion of which you have the evidence to convict President Trump.
/—-/ The proof is Hillary lost and it was her turn.
I note in the article Schiff talks about different definitions.
Since he is aware that collusion has a legal definition why the need to move the goal posts instead of relying on the legal standard?

It's a rhetorical question.

Schiff might be the member of Congress with the greatest amount of his political reputation riding on this investigation. When it flops, so does his career in the ash heap of history.

Schiff is a highly capable and experience prosecutor who knows what evidenciary standards are. Schiff railed at Devon Nunez' sham of an investigation wherein Nunez refused to subpeona Manafort, Flynn, and other members of the President's campaign who were known to have met with Russians. Committee members knew that Junior and Cohen were lying, but Nunez refused to refer this matter to the FBI, and allowed other witnesses to refuse to answer questions and to claim "executive privelege", which only the President is legally allowed to claim.

Nunez may yet face prosecution for his role in the President's obstruction of justice in the Mueller probe.

Why would an experienced prosecutor, who knows the legal standard of collusion, attempt to argue for multiple definitions of that term?

If Schiff can prove a crime against Nunez why hasn't he done so?

Why would such an experienced prosecutor allow a criminal to remain a Congressman?

Feel free to believe what ever you want, but everyone here can see you just talking out of your nether regions.

Nunez was forced to recuse himself from the Russia Investigation, and yet he never stayed away from it at all. He even wrote that debunked Memo fillled with half truths, distortions and lies, based on evidence he wasn't allowed to see. As Chairman of the Committee, he blocked the Committee from issuing subpoenas, or refer testimony given to the Committee for allegations of perjury.

Schiff was in no position to make a referral to the Justice Department as a mere minority Committee Member. Now, as Chairman of the Committee, Schiff's first act was to send transcripts of all those who testified before the Committee to the FBI for possible perjury charges. Now that Michael Cohen has pled guilty to lying to Congress about the Trump Tower Moscow project, all those other people who appeared before the Committee and lied about it (Junior and Kuchner, being chief amoung them), are at serious risk of perjury charges.

Schiff was in no position to order investigations, issue subpoenas, or make referrals for perjury when Nunes was Chairman of the Committee. Welcome to the new world where Trump associates can't come into Congress, smirk, and lie with impunity.

Speaking of which, Matt Whittaker is now being asked to "immediatly clarify" portions of his testimony before Congress, in regards to attempts Trump made to end the Cohen investigation in New York. Congress has multiple witnesses from the Justice Department that what Whittaker told them, was a lie.

Your non answer is noted.
‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says

‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says - POLITICO
By PATRICK TEMPLE-WEST ~~ House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said Sunday that there is ample evidence Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia. In an interview on CNN, Schiff rejected Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr’s statements from earlier this month, in which Burr said evidence shows no collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia.
“Chairman Burr must have a different word for it,” Schiff told host Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” pointing to communications between Russia and Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump aides George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn.
“You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence,” Schiff said, adding, “There is a difference between seeing evidence of collusion and being able to prove a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Who paid a foreign agent named Christopher Steele to collect information, distribute it to US Media and ultimately US Law Enforcement? Evidence of collusion in plain sight? Someone better have a straight jacket handy when this goofball finally pops. It's close. There’s lots of plain-sight evidence of Hillary, Comey, Mueller, etc. Russia collusion, but we don’t care because shut up.
I wonder if this man understands that he will be in the history books, his legacy will be the head of the snake in the Progressive Marxist Socialist Dem Party in Congress that tried and FAILED a coup d'état. His spawn will want to change their names from two F's to two T's to avoid being associated with him in the future.
I only wish he could be publicly hanged in the streets for sedition with Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Hillary.
The fact remains that this idiot is still out there spewing these lies means that our FAKE NEWS media have learned nothing. They are too complicit in this treason, too involved to let it go now that the truth is coming out and CNN will not last ONE year once Trump is no longer in office. They are an embarrassment.
The cowardly Captain Queeg of the Caine Mutiny made more sense that Schiff.
That thread didn’t age well.

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